Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and thirty-five impact

"Tichi, confirm the time of the marriage." On the other side of the phone bug, bigmom smiled expectantly.

The turf battle had already begun, and Bigmon was already prepared. Coupled with the geographical advantage, the army split up and set off in multiple routes at the first time, and there were no major obstacles along the way.

So bigmom's territory increased by more than sixty at once, which put her in a good mood.

"Is there no problem with you?" Tiqi asked back. First, divide the islands, then conquer each other and compete for the territory, and finally establish the ownership of the territory. Not a short time.

The Flying Pirates were destroyed, and the first step is not over yet.

Titch is also thinking about bigmom, if it really doesn't work, the postponement of the wedding is not a problem.

Now the huge power of the Dark Night Pirates, the marriage with the Big Mom Pirates can only serve as an embellishment, so he doesn't care so much.

"Mom Mama! Of course it's okay, I can't wait to eat the wedding cake." bigmom smiled excitedly.

Tiki can ignore it, but the Big Mom Pirates can't. Marriage with the Night Pirates is of great benefit to them, and they can gain greater benefits and more territory by virtue of the power of the Night Pirates , Let other forces fear me.

After all, no one can ignore the strong alliance.

Can use the shortest time and the smallest cost to get more benefits, why does bigmom refuse?

Of course, the most important thing is that the wedding cake will be made by many of the world's top pastry masters invited by the Night Pirates, just thinking about bigmom will make your mouth water.

"Then half a year later." Since bigmom has no problem, Tiqi will naturally not refuse, half a year is not a long time, bigmom can win more territory, and the night pirates also need time to digest the gains.

The rule of more than 600 islands is also a big project.

How to combine Sky Kingdom with the original Dark Night Sea? This all requires planning.

"Half a year?" bigmom was a little puzzled,

He didn't react quickly, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face, "Exactly twelve years!"

In half a year, twelve years will have passed since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, which is indeed not a short period of time.

At the same time, according to the news from her five daughters, she knows that the Night Pirates will also use their combat power to divide the sequence within this time, and face the sea with a new attitude.

This is very necessary for a huge pirate group, and it can be better planned, orderly governed, ruled, and led.

Bigmom is very envious of the power of the Dark Night Pirates. Now, the number of affiliated pirates has exceeded 50, and they are of high quality.

This is a huge force, becoming a subsidiary pirate group of the Night Pirates is not so easy for ordinary pirates.

Even among the affiliated pirates of the Flying Pirates, there are not many that can be recognized by the Night Pirates in terms of combat power.

Otherwise, relying on the power of the Night Pirates, the number of affiliated pirates would have exceeded one hundred.

For the vast majority of pirates, it is a great honor to become a subsidiary pirate group of the Dark Night Pirates. Although they need to undertake certain obligations, the income is also very rich and enviable, and they can also enjoy it in the Dark Night Sea. Certain rights.

As the Night Pirates reach the top, the strength of the Night Pirates will continue to increase, and more and more pirates will want to join the Night Pirates.

There are also more pirate groups that survive in the cracks of the new world will choose to attach to the top pirate groups.

The number of pirates is increasing, the territory is limited, and the pressure of competition is increasing. The Dark Night Pirates are undoubtedly their best choice.

The number of affiliated pirates will inevitably increase in the coming days, and the Night Pirates will not stop growing stronger.

Now that the Night Pirates have reached the top, they should take advantage of this opportunity to widen the gap with other forces. Only an absolute strength gap can truly establish the status of the Night Pirates.

"That's it, you are also ready."

"Well, nothing can go wrong."

bigmom's eyes narrowed, and his expression became serious.

The centuries-old marriage of the two parties, the strong alliance, is naturally not a trivial matter, and it will definitely attract attention. With their identities, they will not do anything to hide it.

However, there are always people who don't want the two forces to truly unite, the navy, the world government, and even other forces.

Although no one dares to make any moves on the bright side, in the dark, there will be many small moves.

Once something happens to the wedding, although it will not affect the union of the two forces, it will definitely damage their face a lot.

This is something they don't allow. Whether it's bigmom or Tiqi, they value their appearance very much, so they won't allow any problems in the wedding.

At the same time, this is also a good opportunity for them to expand their prestige, it depends on how they respond.

This is not marriage. The wedding venue is not in Torrant of the World, but in the Dark Night Sea, an island close to Paguila Island.

With the powerful suppression of the Dark Night Pirates, combined with the Big Mom Pirates, there is a high probability that there will be no problems in the wedding, but we are not afraid of 10,000, just in case, the preparations need to be done well to prevent accidents, and we must do it in the first time solve.

"We can start warming up, and cooperation can also start to strengthen."

The news of the wedding can be disseminated in advance, and some invitations also need to be distributed one by one.

Participating in the wedding of the Dark Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, naturally not everyone has the qualifications. In order to avoid trouble, most of them are partners of the two Pirates and are closer to the forces.

As for other forces, they won't invite randomly, just like the Big Mom Pirates, will they invite other sea emperors to attend the wedding? of course not.

Basically, they are the dark kings of the underground world who already have a cooperative relationship with the affiliated forces.

The lineup invited for this marriage must also be very large.

The bustling new world, and even the whole world, the dark night sea area is also very lively.

Although the Night Pirates did not make any external moves, the internal situation is still very eye-catching.

From the hands of the Flying Pirates, the Night Pirates obtained a detailed map of the Kingdom of the Heavenly King, the situation on each island, and information.

These are sorted out by King Rhine, and now the Dark Night Pirates are cheaper, making it easier for them to plan for the future.

Various islands, depending on the size and layout, some islands fell on the sea and turned back into islands, and there was an extra transfer station between some islands that were far apart.

Some still stay in the air, and are constantly planning to move according to needs.

In the dark sea area, a huge shadow can be seen in the sky from time to time, and the island is constantly moving under the control of the dark night pirates, maintaining an altitude of 3,000 meters above the sea surface.

This is also a unique sight in the Dark Night Sea Region, which also attracts more people to the Dark Night Sea Region and promotes the economic development of the Dark Night Sea Region.

Almost two hundred islands are located in the Dark Night Sea, and there are more than a dozen kingdoms among them, all surrendered to the Dark Night Pirates.

Their fate was a bit miserable. They left the sea area where they lived for generations, and then came to the sky due to the flying pirates and became empty islands.

After finally getting used to it, I moved from the northern part of the New World to the southern part, and came to this relatively unfamiliar sea area.

But fortunately, the Dark Night Pirates treated them well, and they were also very knowledgeable. In the territory of the Flying Pirates, they had long been suppressed and lose their temper.

The remaining 400 floating islands are located above the dark night sea and will not move easily.

Next, the Dark Night Pirates will create floating clouds to connect the air roads of the various sky islands, and create air roads to connect the floating islands to the islands in the sea below like the Flying Pirates.

The Dark Night Pirates have already figured out these techniques.

And the Night Pirates will not let the floating islands move freely like the Flying Pirates.

Connecting to the sea will be conducive to development.

The mobile island battleship has been received by the Night Pirates for use by the Night Pirates.

It is not a small project to finish all this, and it will take at least a few months, but once it is completed, it is time to harvest.

The island where the wedding was held was a beautiful island that originally belonged to the Flying Pirates.

Of course, these things are carried out in an orderly manner under planning, but the most important thing is the next internal sequence ranking of the Night Pirates.

There are still five months before the twelfth year of the Great Pirate Era.

The specific time is three months later, and the sequence ranking will start in the battle pyramid after three months. For the seven devil kings, the thirteen devil generals, and the seventy-two magic pillars, there are only 92 places to compete for.

At that time, it must be a fierce battle between dragons and tigers, and the time for the members of the Night Pirates is only three months.

This matter is more important to Tiqi, and it is also an important event for the Night Pirates.

It took about a month to complete this matter, and carefully integrated the internal structure of the Night Pirates.

In the last month, the Dark Night Pirates will cooperate with the Big Mom Pirates to invite the guests who are married to each other.

One month is enough time. I believe that no one who has received the invitation will dare to give face to the two forces, and even if they have something to do, they still have to spare time.

On the fifth day of the thirteenth year of the Great Pirate Era, the wedding will be officially held.

Therefore, the members of the Dark Night Pirates will be very busy in the next period of time. They will build up the Dark Night Sea Area and strengthen their strength to prepare for the next battle.

There is also the construction of the wedding venue, and invitations are issued to all close forces.

The chaotic war in the new world will start again, with almost 400 islands, one of which will affect the whole body.

In terms of the number of territories they compete for, the Whitebeard Pirates are second only to the Bigmom Pirates. Their territories are close to each other. Although Whitebeard has no interest in this, he will naturally be driven by the enthusiasm of his sons.

Except for these two top forces, the rest are the remnants of the flying pirates.

Alex, the other two former Flying Pirates fleet captains have established their own pirates to compete with other forces for territory.

For the time being, it seems that they have cooperated in order to resist the attacks of other forces, but it is hard to say how long this cooperative relationship can be maintained.

After all, Alex's strength is stronger, and he is the strongest among many fleet captains. Now he has obtained the ancient species and ancient centipede fruit for several years. As a top combat force, he is rare in the new world. By.

Not to be outdone, the Hundred Beasts Pirates launched an attack on the Whitebeard Pirates, eroding the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates plundered the territory of the Flying Pirates, and he plundered the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates. In this way, the territories of both parties will eventually increase.

What is divided up is the territory of the flying pirates, so that in the end the territory of all forces will increase, so as to change the territory of the new world forces.

As for the Beast Pirates, there is also an important thing, that is, to conduct research on the werewolf corpses that the werewolf Mutu did not know how to make.

If it can be copied and optimized, the strength of the Beasts Pirates will be greatly improved. Manufacturing powerful fighters in batches is like eating animal devil fruits.

Of course, the effect isn't as strong as the animal fruit, but it's still quite enough, and they don't have the defect that ability users are afraid of sea water.

This is the direction of the Beasts Pirates' efforts in the future.

"Tichi, the man has been found, and he is already on his way." On the other side of the phone bug, Mostima said.

"Oh? It's really deep." Tiqi was a little surprised, he didn't expect that it would take so long with the intelligence capabilities of the Night Pirates.

"Well, the ability to disguise fruit is still very good. Our intelligence personnel found her traces on Golden Island."

"Hehe! Also pay attention to the information on Nicole Robin, be a good person, and reunite their mother and daughter." Tiqi chuckled softly, and around him, the air and space continued to twist strangely. Develop capabilities.

The person who was caught was Nicole Olvia. After all, the Night Pirates had already been eyeing her, but it took a little longer than expected.

Researching history has never been Redyard's business. He can interpret the text of history through the ability to read memories. The real research depends on these real archaeologists.

Although I don't have much interest, it's my own in my hands, and I don't want to escape if I fall into the hands of the night pirates, anyway, it's just an extra mouth.

At the same time, it can also be used to draw out Nicole Robin who doesn't know where she is hiding.

This can be regarded as a little fun for him, after all, the Dark Night Pirates are full of talents, and there is no shortage of such two people.

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, the next batch of people can be arranged."

"Well, the preparations started very early."

Regarding the placement of spies in the navy, the Night Pirates have never relaxed. Every year, a group of people will be sent to the great route, and a small number will be sent to the four seas.

It would be more reasonable to send them to live there for a period of time, and then join the navy while the navy is recruiting.

Now that the navy has suffered huge losses, it urgently needs to expand its recruitment to restore its combat power. This is a good opportunity.

They can also take the opportunity to recruit some people with good strength to join the navy. Nowadays, everyone knows the six-style cultivation method of the navy. can be faster.

The layout of the navy is a slow project, and it takes time to eat it step by step. Although the number is not large, each one has the potential to become the backbone of the navy and reach the rank of general of the headquarters.

Accumulated in this way, it will converge into a terrifying force.

Novoa was not the first batch of Night Pirates to join the navy, but he was the first carefully selected elite.

Today, the members of the Night Pirates headed by Novoa have basically climbed into the middle and high levels of the Navy, and in the past few years.

The huge loss of the navy and the vacancies in the positions naturally require them to fill in, and the promotion speed should be much faster.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of this battle, there is a high probability that Novoya will be promoted to vice admiral in a short period of time. This period will take two or three years. After all, Novoya is still too young.

In contrast, the one who climbed the highest was Lawrence in Advance City. Today, the Deputy Warden of Advance City has a status comparable to that of a vice admiral and holds all the powers of the Warden.

Guarding the fifth floor of the promotion city can play a great role at critical moments.

Now, what the Night Pirates lack most is time, enough time to wait and wait for fermentation. The penetration of the navy can completely determine the outcome of an important war.

Although the Night Pirates are busy, Tiki doesn't have much to do. Concentrating on improving one's own strength is the most important thing.

Whether it's eating the twisted fruit or drinking the super genetic potion, Tiqi's potential has been further improved.

On the other side, the Navy Headquarters opened another important meeting, aimed at the Night Pirates.

I don’t know how many meetings the Navy Headquarters has held specifically for the Night Pirates, but every time there are very naval matters and important information.

Especially now that the Night Pirates have reached the top, they have officially replaced the Flying Pirates as the navy, the world government's biggest enemy, and the existence that most needs to be eliminated.

On the big screen, the reward order of the Dark Emperor Marshall D. Teach is directly projected.

And Tiqi's bounty is not the original 4 billion 32 million, but 4.868 billion.

Tiqi's bounty has been fully increased by 800 million Baileys.

"It's only been a year and a half since the last bounty was formulated. Isn't it too much to raise so many Baileys in such a short period of time?" The bounty, such a terrible number, made General Sakaski somewhat dissatisfied.

It is normal to have objections. The increase of the bounty needs a reason, and the further it goes, the more difficult it is to increase. The face of Lieutenant Admiral Crane, who represents the staff, did not change because of Sakaski's words.

Because there are many people who are also puzzled, the high-level navy, including Marshal Warring States, he did not participate in the formulation of the bounty, and they all need an exact explanation.

"This time the bounty is very strict, and has been considered in all aspects, including strength, influence, and influence."

"To be honest, based on the strength of the Dark Emperor in the battle with Whitebeard and the overall strength of the Night Pirates, we actually lowered the bounty last time."

He said calmly, "Right now, the Dark Emperor is still in the growth period of strength, and his combat power will continue to increase."

"The Night Pirates have officially replaced the Flying Pirates, and have reached the level of the Flying Pirates in terms of prestige and influence, and in the next few years, the prestige of the Night Pirates will continue to expand. An important reason for the bounty increase."

Crane's words made people nod their heads, "At the same time, after taking over most of the territory of the Flying Pirates and some remaining forces, the overall number of the Night Pirates has reached 500,000, completely surpassing the Flying Pirates at their peak. , this does not include the power of affiliated pirate groups, affiliated forces."

"How is it possible? How did the Night Pirates develop so fast?" The number of half a million was horrifying, and a navy couldn't keep calm and exclaimed.

They have just faced the flying pirates with an army of 500,000!

As he said, it is also something that everyone's doubts are eager to know.

How long has the Flying Pirates been established? How long has the Night Pirates been around?

"Although I can't believe it, this is the fact. In the previous battle, the Dark Night Pirates dispatched 300,000 troops to occupy the sky kingdom of the Flying Pirates. The number must be higher than this. , has surpassed the number of the flying pirates themselves by a lot."

"Our staff department has done research. Except for those pirates who have just joined the Night Pirates from the Flying Pirates, there are many main sources of members of the Night Pirates. Recruiting members, recruiting from the sea, in the arena, in the battle pyramid Recruit and absorb many pirates on the way to expand."

"With a strong reputation, the number of pirates who voluntarily join the Night Pirates is much larger than other pirates."

Speaking of this, Crane's expression became serious, "And the most important point is that the Night Pirates are cultivating pirates."

"What do you mean?" Warring States asked.

This meeting was proposed by Crane, so Warring States didn't get any news in advance.

"According to intelligence, the Dark Night Pirates have established many pirate camps in the Dark Night Sea, recruiting, adopting orphans, and buying slaves to recruit members."

"Through training and improving strength in a way similar to military academy training, we can train members of the Night Pirates."

"How big is the scale?" Warring States asked seriously.

When Crane said this, other people also realized the horror of this point. The reason why the navy can be strong is because of the naval academy, which has cultivated a large number of naval backbones. Similar institutions were established.

"I don't know, but it must be more than 100,000. The number of slaves purchased by the Night Pirates has reached hundreds of thousands."

"Personnel are still being replenished. The Night Pirates have received a large number of orphans, purchased a large number of slaves, and given them freedom. These are important sources of future members of the Night Pirates. It is conceivable that the number of the Night Pirates will still be large in the future. It will continue to expand, and faster and faster.”

"Based on this alone, the Night Pirates have drawn a boundary with other pirates in general. To be precise, the Night Pirates cultivate an army."

Such intelligence silences.

"Are they pirates? It takes a lot of money to train so many people, right? How could the Night Pirates take it out so easily? Do they have so many Baileys?" It is really unbelievable.

Crane sighed, "This is also the main point I want to say, the Dark Emperor can no longer be viewed by ordinary pirates, he is a real emperor, and the Dark Night Pirates are his army, and the Dark Night Sea Region is his territory .”

"This is a sad thing. In the Dark Night Sea, the kingdoms alone pay more than 50 billion Baileys to the Night Pirates every year, and the Battle Pyramid earns more than 100 billion Baileys every year."

"The dark night sea area is open to the outside world, and those pirates who enter the dark night pirate group's territory need to pay a certain fee, and they also have tens of billions of Baileys."

"The Dark Night Pirates also control many important industries in the Dark Night Sea Region. They can all be said to be world-class groups with unimaginable profits. The total orders of the Airship Group alone have now exceeded 100 billion Baileys."

"Based on the Dark Night Pirates' ability to control the Dark Night Sea Region, as well as their good management, internal prosperity, and vast territory, the various taxes they have obtained are hundreds of billions of Baileys. This is still a conservative estimate."

"The Night Pirates have sufficient funds to squander, and I have to say that their operating capabilities are terrible."

"It can be said that our enemy is not just a pirate group, but a super huge empire, an ever-expanding monster."

"It has already surpassed the Flying Pirates, and is ten times more dangerous than the Flying Pirates."

"Hiss!" Many people couldn't help but took a breath, they didn't expect the Dark Night Pirates to be so terrifying. Before, they only paid attention to the power and influence of the Dark Night Pirates.

And people didn't expect that when everything was exposed, the horror of the Night Pirates made people feel desperate, but the annual profit would exceed the world government's sky gold, and it would be many times more than the navy's military expenditure.

Now, they knew what the Night Pirates' confidence was for such profligacy.

But why are there such terrifying pirates? Someone feels very powerless.

The Night Pirates also hid too deeply. No one knows how many intelligence personnel's lives were paid for the information obtained by the staff.

The more I think about it, the more frightened I feel.

"Crane, the Dark Emperor's bounty has been increased by another 200 million." Zhan Guo said in a deep voice, and with another 200 million increase, Natic's bounty has truly passed the 5 billion Bailey mark.

The size of the bounty represents a threat to the world, and now Tikki has demonstrated such a dire threat.

But the navy is helpless, it can only watch the dark night pirates grow, and cannot eliminate the dark night pirates before the dark night pirates continue to expand.

They still haven't been able to return to the new world in the past few years. The lost power needs time to recover, and the pirates on the great route need to be suppressed, not to mention the pirates that will surge in the future.

The only thing that can be done is to send more intelligence personnel to investigate the information of the Night Pirates. Most of them will die, and a small number of them will die after passing the information back.

This is enough to show how terrifying the Dark Night Sea Region is today.

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