Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and fifty five red devil virus

During the battle, Quinn's huge body was extremely flexible, suppressing the cp0 who was fighting with him.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but sneered, and the fist he swung changed suddenly, turning into a three-fingered mechanical claw.

Unprepared, this cp0's body was directly grabbed by Quinn's domineering claws.

Struggling to resist.

His pupils shrank and his body froze. In a place where others couldn't see, a steel needle protruded from the middle of Quinn's mechanical claws, and pierced directly into the body of this cp0 with domineering aura.

An unknown red liquid was injected directly into his body through the needle.

"Hohohoho! This is a super strong dose of the Red Devil virus, it will take effect immediately, and it can spread to the whole body within ten seconds. This is the first time I have a powerful experimental subject like you, let me see the effect What will happen!"

Quinn laughed excitedly, madness flashed in his eyes under the sunglasses, looking forward to seeing the cp0 in his hand, with such a powerful force, this cp0 couldn't break free at all.

To be on the safe side, there was a mechanical port on Quinn's arm, through which the highly effective anesthetic was injected directly into this cp0's body.

The powerful anesthetic greatly reduced his resistance.

The situation here has attracted the attention of many people. Some people have already planned to rescue this cp0. Once they lose a high-end combat power, the situation will be very unfavorable to them. Judging by Quinn's appearance, it didn't consume much.

After Quinn finished speaking, this cp0's body changed, and a scorching breath spread throughout his body, and soon spread to his whole body.

This made him very painful, his body felt like a flame was burning, and his whole body was hot.

And this cp0's body has also changed, his body skin has become red, although he is still wearing a mask, his overall appearance has become like a red devil.

"This is the Red Devil virus I have researched, the highest masterpiece so far, the ultimate upgraded version of the mummy virus, if you can't control your body and want to fight, your physical stamina will be consumed at a speed of ten times or tens of times."

"Your body will continue to bleed, and with the intensity of the fight,

The bleeding rate will continue to increase, and eventually, you will bleed out and die of exhaustion, becoming as dry as a mummy. "

"But it's a pity that the ice ghost is still in the experimental stage, otherwise you can try both." Quinn's description is frightening. The red devil virus has perfectly inherited the effect of the mummy virus, and the effect is even stronger.

Among them, the blood factor technology is used. The virus has life, which can make the host unable to control its own body and continue to fight and kill.

Another ice ghost virus is also a masterpiece that satisfies him, but it is not finished yet.

"Let me go." Quinn flicked hard, and the cp0's body was thrown far away.

The Red Devil virus can be transmitted through physical contact, and no one knows the danger better than his creator. Fortunately, Quinn used mechanical claws, but Quinn was still the first to disinfect.

"It's all right!" The two marines caught this cp0.

However, suddenly, this cp0 directly pierced through their bodies with two finger guns, and was severely injured without any precaution.

If it wasn't for this cp0 to temporarily change the attacking position, the two marines would have been killed directly with his powerful strength.

"What are you doing?" A navy shouted in the distance, looking at cp0 with unfriendly eyes.

"Sorry, I can't control my body, you guys get away from me." cp0 said while enduring great pain, his body moved a little stiffly, it can be seen that he is trying hard to control his body.

Hearing cp0's words, the two navies left directly from cp0's side, they didn't doubt what cp0 said.

"No, what's going on?"

The expressions of the two became painful, and the wound on the body turned red, spreading to the whole body continuously, and the virus had already begun to spread through the wound.

Wherever they passed, the bodies of both of them became like red devils.

They don't have the strong will and the ability to control their bodies like cp0, and soon they can't control their bodies.

The two marines who turned into red devils began to fight together as they approached their closest companions with weapons.

"Help me, I can't control my body."

"I'm dying!"

The battle ended quickly, a navy was killed and died at the hands of his companions, a flash of relief flashed in his eyes.

With his death, his body gradually changed back to its original form. This virus can only survive in a living body. As long as the host dies, they will die with it.

"Kill me." Tears welled up in the navy's eyes.

While enduring enormous physical pain, he had to watch his companion die by his own hands. The physical pain plus the psychological pain made him wish he could die immediately.

"It's so wonderful." Quinn laughed, without the restriction of cp0, the red devil virus potion protruded from the mechanical claws, quickly approached and grabbed a navy, and quickly threw them to the camp of the navy in the distance after injecting the virus Let them kill each other.

"Don't touch them, as long as you touch them, you will be infected." After several incidents, the navy figured out the triggering mechanism of the red magic potion.

But they have no solution, the only way is to give them relief, this is Sakaski's soldiers, very decisively killed these compatriots who turned into red devils, to prevent the occurrence of cannibalism.

This process is very painful, I have to kill my companions, and it also makes people who watch the video broadcast feel terrified. This is a virus, it is contagious, and the effect is really terrible. Even the powerful cp0 can't resist it. Find ways to take control of your body.

If you don't kill it, you will have to suffer even more.

This cp0 has turned into a blood man, his body is continuously bleeding out, and with the loss of blood, his body is gradually collapsing.

He was holding back his uncontrollable body.

Thought this was the end?

Soon, a large number of spherical weapons were projected from the steel fortress like cannonballs.

Falling far behind the navy, a navy cut open a ball with a knife, and then the red smoke drifted from the sphere that was divided into two and touched his body, making it impossible to avoid it at all.

"No!" In a short period of time, the navy felt the abnormality of his body, and a frightened look flashed in his eyes. He already realized what was going to happen to him.

"Run, stay away from these shells." A navy yelled, but it was too late.

A large number of spherical weapons fell from the sky and exploded when they fell on the ground. Red smoke filled the air, and a large number of marines came into contact with the red smoke.

Soon the whole body was hot and painful, and as the virus spread, the body quickly turned into a red devil.

This is the Red Devils smoke bomb, which is essentially an application of the Red Devils virus.

The spreading red smoke is filled with the red devil virus. Due to the characteristics of the red devil virus, if it is not in the human body, it will die very quickly, in about five seconds.

The red smoke that can be seen with the naked eye is constantly disappearing into the air, but it is also enough in a densely populated battlefield.

Using blood factor technology, the Red Devil virus is alive, or has the instinct to survive, and instinctively desires the breath of life, so the smoke will move in a short period of time, and the speed of the smoke spread is very fast, and many navies cannot avoid it. .

These marines did not have the strong physique and will of cp0, and were soon controlled by the red devil virus, unable to control their bodies and fight with their companions around them.

And the virus can be spread through contact, and the number of navies who have become red devils is increasing.

It was chaotic, the war was still going on, and the navy's rear was already in chaos. It became crazy due to the red devil virus created by Quinn, and it was attacked by the enemy all at once, and many sailors died in a short period of time.

At the same time, in the area near the steel fortress, a sniper from the Beasts Pirates kept shooting, and bullets filled with the Red Devil virus liquid kept shooting, hitting the navy that was still fighting.

There is no difference between bullets and smoke in essence, but they are used in different ways. The range of smoke is large, and the bullets are highly targeted.

The only difference is the concentration. The stronger the person is, the slower the effect of the Red Devil Virus will be. However, a high-concentration liquid can speed up the spread and effect of the virus in the body, that is, it can be used against powerful enemies.

Just like that cp0, what Quinn injected into him was the liquid containing the Red Devil Virus, which took effect in a short period of time. It can be seen from this that there are not many people in the sea who can resist Quinn's Red Devil Potion.

This is an extremely dangerous biochemical weapon. I didn't expect Quinn to research such a terrible thing.

"Hohohohoho! This is the perfect masterpiece of my uncle." Looking at the chaotic navy, Quinn laughed, took out a machine gun, fired a large number of bullets containing the red devil virus, and swept towards the navy in the distance.

In order not to be affected, members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates had retreated in advance.

After all, the Red Devil virus does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If one person is infected, if it is not resolved quickly, many people will suffer.

The members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates on the Iron Fortress, in addition to using virus weapons, picked up various weapons and weapons again, and kept sweeping towards the distance.

Affected by the red devil virus, the body is suffering tremendous pain, and the reaction force is greatly slowed down. They can't even use the knowledge color and armed color. They can't control their bodies at all.

Without armed colors, many navies couldn't even stop ordinary bullets, and many navies ended their lives like this.

As soon as the Beast Pirates' Red Devil Virus weapon came out, the original balance of power changed rapidly.

The navy is under attack from both sides, and the red devil virus is still contagious, so some navy can't kill their companions. Another reason is that there are a lot of members who have turned into red devils, and the Beast Pirates have not stopped projecting the red devil's smoke bombs. Down.

Before they died in the hands of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, they were about to die in the hands of their own people.

What's more, the navy that has become a red devil can basically be declared dead. The navy is currently unable to solve it, and the number is still expanding rapidly.

Panic was pervasive in the naval camp.

At this time, the colorful rays of light spread to the surroundings, as if the mysterious power that wanted to wash away everything swept over the bodies of every navy.

The flustered emotions were instantly washed away.

At the same time, Hai Hai, who couldn't control his own body, stopped. In the eyes of countless people, their appearance of turning into red devils slowly recovered, and the pain in their bodies dissipated all of a sudden.

Tears of excitement flowed from his eyes, as if he had been born again.

What followed was a burst of weakness, a stagger and being unable to stand still, the destruction of the body by the red devil virus, the consumption of physical strength is very huge, especially the loss of blood, it takes a long time to recover.

"Don't panic!" Staff Officer He stepped forward like a savior and said calmly.

The one who just made a move is the crane. The power of the washing fruit can cleanse even the soul, and it is also effective against viruses. After obtaining the washing fruit for decades, the crane's development of the washing fruit has reached a very terrifying level.

The terrifying red devil virus was directly cleaned by the crane's ability.

Quinn's face was a bit ugly, and his work was cleared like this, "Go on! Don't stop!"

Although the Red Devil Virus has been eliminated, the effects will not disappear. Many navies have already died because of it, and the strength of those navies infected with the Red Devil Virus has been greatly reduced, and many have lost their combat effectiveness.

Moreover, the use of such a wide range of abilities consumes a lot of energy, how many times can the crane use it? Besides, Crane is now sixty-four years old.

He himself does not have a strong physique like Garp, and can maintain his peak state for a long time. Today's Crane, both in terms of physique and physical strength, has dropped a lot.

At this time, Crane had also given the order to retreat. Just as Quinn thought, Crane knew that it was impossible to use such a large-scale Devil Fruit ability several times with his own physical strength.

The war cannot continue until the Beast Pirates' biological weapons are resolved.

Now that cp0 is lucky enough to survive, but at least half of his combat power is lost, the loss of blood, and the destruction of his body cannot be recovered in a short period of time by eating some food.

Continuing to fight will only increase their losses.

As a staff officer, she represents reason, and she also has the task of supervising the battle. She needs to consider the overall casualties of the navy and the results of the battle, so she decisively issued an order to retreat.

The duration of this battle will not be very long, but it will not be short. Today is only the first battle, and there is nothing wrong with retreating.

Seeing this, Sakaski, the commander in chief, glared at Jin, turned and left. As the chief naval officer, Crane's orders were one level higher than his on the battlefield. Naturally, he also noticed the effect of the biochemical virus of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Other admirals left the battle one after another to cover the evacuation of other navies. The hot magma torrent formed a river and blocked the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, preventing them from continuing to pursue.

Soon, the navy has basically evacuated, except Kaido and Garp who are still fighting, or warming up.

In this first battle, it was obvious that the Beasts Pirates had the upper hand, and it was the Red Devil Virus created by Quinn, an absolutely dangerous biochemical weapon, that became famous all over the world.

If it weren't for the presence of the staff crane, the navy would not have retreated so easily, and would have experienced a disastrous defeat.

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