Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and sixty-seven status

The meeting ended here, but the surprise in my heart still did not dissipate, whether it was the captain having such a big child, or the difficult goal for Saga.

But they all know that if Saga really completes this task, he will naturally be recognized by the entire Night Pirates.

At Tiqi's request, this news will be concealed for five years to give Saga more time to grow. In fact, Saga's identity may be revealed in three or four years.

There are many people in the battle pyramid, and the exposure time may be much faster than expected.

When Saga emerges, it will inevitably attract the attention of many people.

Soon, Saga was sent to the Battle Pyramid, where he would stay for the next few years.

After registering in the Battle Pyramid, Saga started his own training. Strength is the foundation. His current strength is difficult to stand out at the bottom of the Battle Pyramid.

At this time, the underground world of the New World also began to be violently turbulent.

After the wedding, the Night Pirates did not take action against the forces that sent killers, in order to lower their vigilance.

Sending killers to make trouble on the site of the Night Pirates is definitely a provocation, and the time after the wedding is when they are most vigilant.

Maybe they have already made plans to run away and move their positions.

In order to wipe it out in one fell swoop, the underground forces participating in the wedding did not act immediately, but only those targeted forces engaged in small conflicts, small frictions, and there was no loss.

Two months later, as the vigilance of those forces dropped, the underground forces who participated in the wedding acted tacitly together.

The underground forces all over the new world are like a dense network with powerful strength. Under the leadership of the Dark Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, they launched a devastating impact on those forces in an instant.

Let these forces be engulfed directly like a wave, except for a small number of people who fled due to hidden means and strength, all the forces that were targeted were destroyed and annexed.

This time, let everyone see the terrifying energy displayed by the alliance between the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates. They haven't really made a move to interfere in the underground world of the new world.

The powerful influence in the underground world has directly destroyed nearly 10% of the underground forces in the new world. I don't know how many people died.

Other forces not involved in this attack trembled in this wave, realizing that a raptor had been born in the underground world of the New World.

So many forces have been destroyed in a short period of time, and various industries have been annexed and divided.

At the same time, they also breathed a sigh of relief. Many of them were also invited to join the assassination, but they did not agree.

The Night Pirates didn't make a move, but no one can ignore the influence of the Night Pirates.

If it wasn't for the Night Pirates, how could those forces that have not been targeted take action? If it wasn't for the Night Pirates, how could so many forces unite together?

There are many forces that have been wiped out, and the forces that dared to act during the wedding are not weak, and there are many forces attached to them below, with a chain of relationships.

These forces are either eliminated together or surrendered.

In addition, there are some who did not participate in the assassination,

Factions not on the list given to them by the Night Pirates also perished in the attack.

People in the underground world have their own minds. This is a good opportunity to eliminate their competitors, so they will naturally not let it go.

The forces involved in the assassination were already very hidden. Even the participants did not know how many forces participated in the assassination, let alone outsiders.

Under the banner of the Night Pirates, as long as they are labeled as participating in the assassination, they will all be wiped out.

This is also the subconscious meaning of the list given to them by the Night Pirates. They all have hostile forces, and this list can be added.

If the Night Pirates want to become the master of the new world, ruling the underground world is a must. The elimination of forces that do not belong to the Night Pirates is also a signal.

Surrender or die!

Attach to the Night Pirates, or cooperate with the Night Pirates.

Through this brief battle, the underground world of the New World underwent a major reshuffle. Although the overall strength of the underground world suffered a considerable loss, the influence of the Night Pirates in the underground world has further spread.

Besides, it only takes a few years for the power of the underground world to recover.

Next, when other forces make decisions, it is the general trend for the Night Pirates to rule the underground world, and they can only survive if they follow the way of the Night Pirates.

Otherwise, next time, it will be their turn to be wiped out.

Some rabbits and foxes are sad in my heart. As for the choice, as time goes by, the power of the night pirates will become stronger and stronger.

When the incident was over, they realized that the Dark Night Pirates had already mastered 70% of the power in the underground world of the New World by taking advantage of the Big Mom Pirates. It was only a matter of time before they reached 80%. .

The Night Pirates are hiding behind the scenes. In the eyes of many people, this is also the first major action of the Night Pirates after they dominate the new world.

The incident happened too briefly, and there was no room for the world government and the navy to intervene.

"Let's speed up the training of a new generation of navy. The navy needs more powerful combat power." Looking at the information in his hand, Zhan Guo sighed, feeling a little headache.

Compared with the increasingly powerful Dark Night Pirates, and the Beast Pirates who are constantly pursuing strength, the Big Mom Pirates made him feel a lot of pressure.

It is believed that the strength of the navy is still somewhat insufficient, and it needs to be stronger and more top-level combat power.

Only with more top combat power can this chaotic sea be suppressed.

However, Sengoku is also aware of the status of the naval elite training camp. Although there are many good seedlings, there are not many real monsters who make people feel amazing.

Especially in the past ten years, although Zefa has cultivated many talents, there are only a few who can truly look like the high-level navy.

Gion and Kaji, two navy descendants with strong roots, have the potential to become top-level combat power. They have grown up now, but it will take some time for them to truly become top-level combat power.

But they could see that compared with the three of Sakaski, Gion and the others lacked a bit of dominance in terms of strength, and it was difficult for them to reach the level of the three generals today.

In addition, the performance of the foreign Novoa, Virgo, and Novoa is even more amazing, especially the development of steam fruit, which is not weaker than the top natural devil fruit.

Although Virgo is inferior, he has the potential to become a top combat force with the blessing of the ancient species.

There have been only these four in these years, which is simply too few compared to the four monsters that appeared in the first two sessions of the elite training camp.

Sakalski in the first session, Polusalino, Monkey D. Long, Kuzan in the second session.

Although the navy as a whole is showing an upward trend, with many talents appearing, what the navy's top management really wants to see is the emergence of real monsters.

Only real monsters, that is, top-level combat power, are the weapons used by the navy to deter the sea.

Currently, the best performer is Smoker, the natural-type smoky fruit user, but as a thorn, personality is a big problem, and it takes time to hone it.

In comparison, Novoa is much more worry-free than Smoker, but Smoker is more trustworthy than Novoa.

In the Warring States Period, if you want to increase the strength of your navy, you need to recruit troops, but now the navy cannot recruit troops on a large scale, because global conscription needs to consume a lot of money.

At the same time, the navy lost the four seas. Even if the navy established a large naval base in the four seas to recruit soldiers from the four seas, it was only a small part after all.

The Four Seas now belong to the Four Seas Alliance, the Four Seas Triton Guard, and joining the navy means leaving one's hometown and giving one's life for the justice of nothingness.

Very few people are willing to do this step.

With the passage of time, the Four Seas Alliance has now been established, but some sea areas are stable, and some sea areas are chaotic, but the strength of the sea guards of the four seas is increasing.

Compared with the navy, the residents of the four seas want to join Triton to protect their hometown.

Another thing may not have been noticed at the beginning, but over the past few years, the Warring States gradually discovered that the orthodoxy of the world government to the world has begun to dissipate, which is a frightening fact for them.

The alliance of kingdoms all over the world is eliminating the influence of the world government, allowing the alliance of kingdoms to replace the world government, and now it has officially succeeded.

The fact that there is no pressure from the gold in the sky and the tax reduction has already won the hearts of the residents of these kingdoms.

Even if they spend a lot of money to recruit soldiers from all over the world, they can't recruit many people from all over the world.

What is more obvious is that the number of recruits recruited by the Navy's large naval bases located in the four seas is gradually decreasing each year. The loss of soldiers also means that the Navy will lose a number of talents and backbones.

The Four Seas Triton is expanding, and after a few years of development, it has quickly formed a well-structured organization based on the navy. They are also recruiting people and have more advantages than the navy.

What's even more disgusting is that many navies in the navy left and went to the four seas, and were poached by the four seas Triton with high salaries.

And they can't stop it, and they can insist on their own justice when they return to their hometown.

If things go on like this, the development speed of the navy will decline. Due to the actions of Four Seas, the strength of the navy has already lost some.

The navy of the vice admiral has not left. They are all determined navies and will not be easily shaken, but the navies below are hard to say.

Family, hometown, can shake their hearts.

Such a negative impact must be borne by the navy, and all we can do is to minimize this impact and at the same time train a large number of talents to increase the strength of the navy.

Every three months, the Navy Branch of Four Seas will send a batch of navy to the Navy Headquarters for training.

As for the Navy Headquarters, the number of naval students trained in the Naval Academy has increased to 30,000, which is a very large number for the previous navy.

In various important naval branches, young navies are also being cultivated while expanding. Due to the pressure brought by the sea and the dark night pirates, these naval branches have also established naval schools, which are much smaller in scale.

Therefore, the naval branch is becoming more and more important. It is no longer a fortress, but more like a small naval headquarters.

Correspondingly, the weight of the base chief of the naval branch will also increase, surpassing the lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, comparable to or even better than the elite lieutenant general, that is, the lieutenant general of the Tumoling. This is predictable.

"How about those strong folks? Is there anyone willing to join the navy?" Warring States looked at the intelligence personnel on the side.

In order to enhance the deterrence of the navy and supplement the naval combat power, the Warring States period sent people to contact some strong civilians, hoping that they could join the navy. For this reason, as long as the strength reaches the standard, they can be directly awarded the rank of lieutenant general or even general.

However, there has been little gain since then, and the strong folks are not bound, not to mention that the current world government has lost its legitimacy and cannot represent the entire world.

And fight with those powerful pirates in the new world, they may not be so boring.

Instead, some strong folks accepted the recruitment of Four Seas Triton. Regardless of their position or name, they can get wealth and status, which is several times better than that of the navy.

"I'm very sorry. We specially invited three of them, but they were all rejected." The intelligence officer next to him noticed the helpless expression on Zhan Guo's face, and lowered his head and continued.

"Crusado Cizell, the son of the general of the Kleinte Kingdom of the great country of the West Sea, the famous prodigal son of the West Sea. Possessing a terrifying strength comparable to that of a general, he is recognized as a monster."

"He clearly refused. Even if he would agree, the Xihai Alliance behind him would not agree. It is said that the Xihai Alliance has already planned to make him the Marshal of Xihai Triton."

This is not competitive at all. If Kleinte is still a member of the world government, it is still possible, but behind him are the West Sea Alliance and the Kingdom, and the West Sea Alliance can give him what the Navy can give him.

"Christopher Cabot, the most famous lone ranger in the North Sea, adventurer, swordsman, strong physique, has an amazing record of cutting off the ten tentacles of the legendary monster in the North Sea, and calmed down with great strength a few years ago The war in many countries in the North Sea led to the official establishment of the North Sea Alliance, which has a huge reputation among the people in the North Sea, and is now called the North Sea Triton General."

"What about the blind swordsman's smile?" Zhan Guo frowned, looking at the intelligence officer and asked.

Compared with the first two, this is what he is most concerned about. Although he already knows the news of Yixiao’s refusal, he has some doubts. He has great expectations for Yixiao, because Yixiao is a person with justice in his heart. From what he did can be seen.

He wondered why Yixiao refused.

The kendo competition made Yixiao famous all over the world, especially his gambling hobby. There are pictures of Xiaoxiao posted in every casino around the world.

Once he appeared, he would immediately find out, and then invite him in respectfully, let Yixiao have a good time without any tricks, and then send him out respectfully.

"Uh." The intelligence officer hesitated, "We met Mr. Yixiao. He doesn't object to joining the navy, but."

"But what?" Zhan Guo's eyes lit up, eager to know why? Once resolved, it may allow the navy to have one more top combat power.

"After the kendo competition, the world government sent someone to assassinate him."

"What?" Zhan Guo widened his eyes and couldn't believe his ears.

"Those bastards, what are they doing?" Zhan Guo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Warring States was very angry, and did not expect to directly exclude a strong civilian who was close to the navy because of such a stupid approach.

How does this let him solve it? Even if the navy is really invited, can the world government trust it?

The situation of the navy is actually quite bad. He didn't expect that the world government would still add chaos to the navy in such a matter, and he never knew about this matter.

Isolation, so to speak, the World Government and the Navy have been isolated by the Four Seas and the New World. Being able to establish a naval branch in the Four Seas is already giving them face, but returning to the New World requires proof of strength.

Unable to recruit the strong, the navy can only cultivate by itself.

"Are there any outstanding geniuses in the sea?" Sengoku asked. This is what the Navy headquarters has been collecting for a long time. Many of those geniuses and monsters showed their uniqueness when they were young, and the purpose of the Navy , is to find them out.

The young Kuzan was found by Lieutenant General He, and he had been trained by He for several years before joining the elite training camp.

Since it is impossible to wait for those geniuses to join the navy, it can only be found by the navy itself.

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