Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and eighty six attacks

Polusalino and Arrest were on their way to the Bondi Pirates territory, and both the Navy Headquarters and the World Government had received the news.

In the huge meeting room of the Navy Headquarters, a meeting was held. Whether it was arriving in person or live broadcasting through video, all those who could participate in the meeting were the navy with the rank of lieutenant general and above.

Of course, although there are several members of the general staff who do not have the rank of lieutenant general, they are equal in status to vice admirals.

Now that Novoya is also a real high-level navy officer, he can certainly participate in this kind of meeting.

"What happened again?" Novoa was a little puzzled. Something big must have happened in such a large meeting. Could it be that the war is about to start again?

On the surface, he didn't show it. He looked calm and leaned on the backrest.

In any case, the next thing basically has nothing to do with him. His current goal is to run his own G8 branch.

He completely built the G8 branch into his own territory. For this reason, he brought under his protection the navy dark men sent by the night pirates. These are people who can be used with confidence, and at the same time look for opportunities to promote them.

It didn't take long for the war with the Beasts Pirates to end. Novoa has successfully taken over the G8 branch. With its strong strength and great prestige brought about by the war, Novoa has no obstacles at all.

The G8 branch itself is run by him, but he left for a while.

Now that he has become a vassal, he is naturally as free as he wants, and he doesn't care about the surveillance of the headquarters or the members of the surveillance department who are hidden in secret.

It's good to keep your original appearance, and it's right to be controversial. If there is a sudden change in behavior, the headquarters will be more suspicious.

Even if there is another war, it will basically not be his turn. There are still more talents in the headquarters, unless his combat power is really needed.

"Dong Dong!" Zhan Guo knocked twice on the table with his hand, and his eyes fell on him.

"Ahem! There is an important matter in this meeting."

"Bundy Wald!"

A picture of Bundy Wald appeared on the screen.

"He stole a batch of powerful weapons that the headquarters is secretly researching,

And the entire base was destroyed, and even the entire island was destroyed by the release of weapons. "

As he said that, the Warring States projected the image of J Island again, which made people feel a little shocked. The whole island seemed to have been baptized by shells.

They did not expect that the headquarters was secretly researching such a powerful secret weapon.

Although a little shocking, the appearance of the Heavenly King, the powerful technology of the Night Pirates, the dangerous weapons of the Beast Pirates, and the secret technology that the headquarters has been researching.

This has greatly improved their ability to accept.

At the same time, such rhetoric is more acceptable. After all, Vegapunk, who surpasses the wisdom of the world by five hundred years, is in the Naval Science Department.

The expressions of Kuzan, Sakaski, He and others remained unchanged. They knew the existence of Dynamite Rock and what happened.

It is more reasonable to use this method to induce the existence of explosive rocks, rather than the fact that the navy has always possessed such terrifying weapons.

The faces of many people changed, Bundy Wald, some of the older generation of navy still remember his terror, one of the overlords of that era, possessing the power to threaten the world.

Let Bundy Wald get such a terrifying weapon, the consequences are unimaginable.

The cannon shot by the king of heaven has always been a nightmare in the hearts of many navies.

"This weapon is called Dynamite Rock, and it will explode once it comes into contact with the air. The power of the explosion can destroy an island, comparable to ancient weapons."

"Due to the difficulty of manufacturing, the special geographical location, and the need for materials from the deep sea, it is difficult to manufacture now, and most of them have been destroyed in the explosion. What you see now is the appearance of the explosive rock after it exploded."

"The headquarters only rescued two, but in the hands of Bondi Wald, there are ten such dangerous weapons. We must snatch it back, or detonate it directly, before Bondy Wald decides to use it. .”

Warring States tells about the horror of Dynamite Rock and the danger of the current situation, because no one knows when Bundy Wald will make a move.

Unlike the huge and difficult-to-hide ancient weapon Tianwang, Dynamite Rock can be carried with you, and it is difficult to react when it explodes.

"Now all navies are on emergency alert. Polusalino has gone after Bundy Wald, and the world government has also sent support."

After finishing speaking, Sengoku turned his gaze to Admiral Akainu, "Sakaski, this time you take action together."

"Well! No problem." Sakaski nodded, and then looked at the information in his hand.

"There are also Novoa, Virgo, Gion, and Kake." Sengoku named four more names in a row, all of whom are currently the best among the vice admirals and have the potential to become top-level combat power.

"You set out with Sakaski, the goal is to directly destroy the Bondi Pirates." Sengoku's will is very firm, and he wants to directly activate high-end combat power to destroy the Bondi Pirates and break Bondi Wald's power. an arm.

Why does Bundy Wald want to become an emperor, and why don't the navy and the world government understand? Given the precedent set by the Air Pirates, they will not tolerate another terrorist attack.

The previous operation against the flying pirates failed, but this time, they will not allow failure and will not fail.

Because Bundy Wald is not the Golden Lion Shiki, and the Bundy Pirates are not the Air Pirates.

They have to strike first.

The entire conference room was shaken, and they didn't expect such a big action to destroy the Bondi Pirates. Of course, they also knew the necessity of this approach.

There is no discussion, not only the Marshal of the Warring States Period, but also the World Government must have made the same decision.

This time it was a surprise attack, not a large-scale war, and only high-end combat power and top-level combat power were used. After all, they didn't want their huge fleet to be sent to the new world, and it would be destroyed in the explosion of Dynamite Rock before it played any role.

In addition, the world government will fully cooperate.

Novoa just thought that this action might have nothing to do with him, but he didn't think that he really needed to do it himself.

Not much of an impact though, just a collective action that will come back soon.

Following the decision of the headquarters, in just one day, Novoa and Virgo rushed to the headquarters from the G8 branch and the G5 branch respectively.

There were only five people who shot, and this was a secret operation, and the pursuit was speed.

Bundy Wald is alone, and it is impossible to return to his own territory in less than two weeks. Even with extremely fast speed, it is difficult to use it to travel.

The time they shot was during this period.

The tool for their actions is an aircraft similar to that owned by the Flying Pirates. In fact, it is it. During the war, the navy and the world government also captured some. With the technology of the navy, it can be easily imitated and improved.

In other words, the navy now has a highly mobile raid capability, but it is very difficult to form an air force. The most important thing is that there is no money.

There is a shortage of warships in the headquarters now, so where is the money to make aircraft?

But it's not a problem to build a few as spares for temporary operations.

This time, they will act as Raiders from the Sky to destroy the Bundy Pirates.

Not to mention the Night Pirates, Doflamingo also got the news, just after the Navy Headquarters meeting ended.

A little surprised that the navy still has such a terrible weapon in his hands, but he has no intention of informing the Bondi Pirates.

The Bundy Pirates have no interest in him, and Bundy Wald is not in his own territory now. With the powerful combat force sent by the navy this time, coupled with the support of the world government, the navy has no possibility of failure. Suffering is inevitable.

The size of the loss has nothing to do with Doflamingo.

In his eyes, the Bondi Pirates are just a force that will be eliminated sooner or later. The force looks huge, but it is only supported by Bondi Wald.

In case the Navy learns of the news he revealed through the mouth of the Bondi Pirates, it will get angry instead. Although it will not affect the status of Qiwuhai, it may also expose its spies in the Navy. , which he did not want to see.

After all, if you really want to investigate, relying on the powerful intelligence capabilities of the navy, you can always find some clues to speed up Virgo's exposure.

Therefore, he doesn't need to worry about this matter, it's best to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

The actions of the navy and the world government will infuriate Bundy Wald even more, triggering a war between the two parties.

In Doflamingo's eyes, this is actually not the best approach. He should wait until Bundy Wald returns to his own territory before launching an attack and detonating the explosive rock directly.

In this way, not only the Bundy Pirates will suffer heavy losses, but Bundy Wald will also be hit hard, unable to withstand the siege of the navy and the world government.

However, they also have their own considerations in the Warring States Period. The explosion of Dynamite Rock is very threatening to everyone except Polusalino. The loss was unbearable for the navy.

This is a safer approach. First destroy the Bundy Pirates, and then Bundy Wald.

On the other side, Polusalino and Arrest have arrived at the site of the Bondi Pirates.

"Let's start to act." Aleister's eyes flashed a cold light, looking at the island below, which is the base camp of the Bondi Pirates.

"Well, act separately." Polusalino nodded and flew to the distance.

The navy's attack was divided into two, one was Polusalino and Arrest, and after that was Sakaski and the others.

How many people can be killed by just two people? Many pirates will run away the first time.

The two attacks were enough to cause huge casualties to the Bondi Pirates.


"Comet collision!"

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

The shining purple comet fell like a meteorite, directly destroying the iconic castle of the Bondi Pirates.

Countless light bullets descended from the sky, covering all directions, drowning a large number of pirates.

Huge explosions and screams continued.

The attack came so suddenly that the Bondi Pirates didn't even react.

Constant destruction, constant killing.

The Bundy Pirates collapsed, no one organized the manpower, and the elder brother of Bundy Wald, who was the soul, died immediately.

Died under the impact of Aleister's comet, his weak body couldn't resist at all, and was crushed to pieces.

Even with good wisdom, it is nothing under absolute power.

Bundy Wald is gone, and Binjack, who was in charge of the Bundy Pirates, is also dead.

Has anyone identified who the attacker was? Admiral Huang Yuan and cp0 powerhouse, how could such top powerhouses be rivals?

There are still people who are looking forward to the appearance of Bundy Wald. As long as the "World Breaker" appears, it will definitely stop all this, but after waiting for a long time, they still haven't seen the arrival of that man, only greater casualties.

It made them realize that Bundy Wald was not in their turf.

During this time, the Bondi Pirates expanded rapidly, and many pirates succumbed to the power of Bondi Wald.

At this time, how could they easily make a move? Running far away at the first time, fighting to the death is the behavior of a fool.

With the departure of Polusalino and Arrest, only a mess remained.

And this shocking news spread throughout the world in a short period of time.

The two top fighters attacked the Bondi Pirates, causing huge damage that no one could ignore.

At the same time, they also have some doubts in their hearts, the navy will not attack for no reason.


Where did Bundy Wald go?

Or, what did Bundy Wald do to offend the navy and the world government?

Such an attack reminds people of the last time, when they were dealing with the flying pirates. If the flying pirates hadn't abandoned their territory at a critical moment, the loss would have been more than half.

"What did that old guy do?" Alex the "Hunter" was the happiest when something like this happened. After all, the Bondi Pirates wanted to rule this sea area, and he was the one to deal with next.

Now that the Bondi Pirates are facing the World Government and the Navy in advance, he can be said to be safe.

Although the strength of the Bondi Pirates is huge, most of them are plundered. Now that something like this has happened, some pirates have already planned to leave the Bondi Pirates.

This attack made many pirates wake up from the expansion of their vanity. They realized that there is no future for them to follow Bondi Wald. How can they compare with the world government and navy if they are only a top fighter.

What's more, there are still four emperors in the new world. Even if something is really done, it is very likely that other forces will pick peaches in the end.

Most pirates have normal heads, and more importantly, it is difficult for them to see benefits.

It's just an idea, isn't Bundy Wald dead yet? How dare they leave blatantly, otherwise, when Bondy Wald returns, they will be the first to deal with them.

Most of them are still on the sidelines, and when Captain Bondy returns, they will know exactly what he has done.

This attack by the navy and the world government made even the war between the red-haired pirates and the demon pirates a little stagnant, and they did not dare to act rashly.

"Damn the navy, the world government!" Bundy Wald was still on the way, and had already received the news. What made him even more angry was that his brother died.

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