Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and eighty eighth direct to the Navy headquarters

After the incident, the World Economic News Agency sent people to the Holy Land as soon as possible.

A photo of the holy site after the explosion was simultaneously circulated throughout the world.

The world shook, and the newspapers that were published overnight spread all over the world the next morning.

"The Sanctuary of Mary Gioia is attacked for the third time!"

"The murderer is suspected of destroying the world."

"The World Destroyer holds powerful weapons comparable to ancient weapons?"

Such huge destruction makes people have to associate it with ancient weapons.

The world is shocked, the world government is angry, the navy is terrified, the big pirate in the new world, and the careerists all over the world are laughing excitedly.

Since the Bundy Pirates were attacked by the world government and the navy and led to their destruction, in a short time, Bundy Wald's counterattack has come.

They know this is just the beginning.

Although I don't know what happened that night, Bundy Wald must have escaped from the Holy Land and was not captured by the World Government and the Navy.

Otherwise, the news would not be so one-sided.

"Expand the placement of sensors." This is not only an order from the World Government, but also from the Navy Headquarters.

They have seen the role of the sensors, which have detected the presence of the intruders in advance. Without the sensors, the World Government may not have even discovered the full invasion of Bundy Wald.

If they could have discovered the intruder earlier and had more time, they would not have prepared so hastily.

And the Navy headquarters also has a sense of urgency, because they don't know who is Bondi Wald's next target?

Or a world government? Or the main navy that destroyed the Bondi Pirates.

Regardless, they need to be prepared.

The Navy Headquarters and each branch of the Navy have already made preparations to deal with it.

"Is it here?"

Several men in suits and masks stood on an unnamed island.

His expression exuded a cold and murderous air.

These are the agents sent by the world government to find Bundy Wald, among them are those with special abilities.

"The trail is broken here. Bundy Wald should have spent a day on this island." An agent shook his head and closed his eyes. He is a trace fruit capable person and can detect any traces.

"It should be left by submarine, but it doesn't take long, only two days, Bundy Wald will not leave the Red Earth Continent too far."

"Without coating, even a submarine cannot go through the deep sea of ​​thousands of meters to reach the great route, unless he wants to abandon his submarine."

"Every island that can be coated is monitored by us, and even many people who can coating skills are included."

"It is unlikely that the submarine will be abandoned."

This is what he thinks, once there is no shelter from the sea, where can Bondi Wald hide?

They had been chasing Bundy for so many days, and the World Government might have caught Bundy Wald long ago if it wasn't for the interruption of news that Bundy Wald was always escaping in submarines.

"So, he is still hiding in an island around the Red Earth Continent, and he continues to search. Even a submarine can't keep sailing, and he needs to replenish energy. When the time comes, he will be wiped out in one fell swoop." The agent on the side said coldly.

"He can't hide for long."

What the world government guessed, because they have been searching for the unnamed islands near the red earth continent these days, Bondi Wald is constantly changing locations in this sea area.

If Bundy Wald wants to go on the great voyage, he must give up his submarine.

Without a car, it is difficult for one person to sail on the sea.

Bundy Wald is an ability user, and he doesn't have the ability of Hawkeye Mihawk and the former Redfield alone in a small boat on the sea.

This is the situation where Bundy Wald blindly wants to avoid.

But is he really such a person?

No one wants to accept revenge from a world-class powerhouse, especially when he still holds a terrifying weapon.

Even if Bundy Wald is a relatively arrogant and reckless man, years of frozen days have made his heart a little more delicate.

It's a sad thing, because there really is nothing left for him right now.

When my elder brother brought back several former companions and came to him at the first time.

Even though Bundy Wald was a little distrustful, he was still a little happy in his heart.

Since Teach released Bundy Wald almost eighteen years in advance, Bundy Wold was frozen for only a little over ten years, which is not so paranoid compared with thirty years.

It was fortunate that Bundy Wald had not become so cold and completely distrustful of his companions.

But now it has also turned into a kind of despair, he has nothing left.

Yep, Bundy Wald doesn't keep running away.

Anyone who has dealt with Bundy Wald understands that he will not stay hidden forever.

He is not afraid of death, even if it ends, it is a glorious ending.

The Whitebeard Pirates have not held a banquet recently. Compared with the battle for the emperor in the New World today, he is not interested. Even if the emperor is born, he is just a junior in front of him.

As for Bundy Wald, he unexpectedly paid attention.

What happened to Bundy Wald made him feel sad, and the Pirates were destroyed. This was something he didn't want to see anyway, and he didn't want to experience this kind of thing on himself.

"The old man of the same era will leave another one." White Beard drank the wine, feeling a little melancholy in his heart.

This is a doomed thing, Roger left, Shi Ke left, John, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi also left.

Even though they were once hostile to each other, after that, Whitebeard misses a little bit. Time is the most terrifying thing.

But now, he only needs to protect his family.

On the other side, Raleigh, the King of Pluto, was also emotional. Bondi Wald also had many battles with the Roger Pirates, and now it has become this situation.

As a bystander, Raleigh can feel the changes of the times. Their era is passing, and the older generation is getting old or even disappearing.

New rising pirates are taking their place.

In this era, the same glory.

Dark Emperor Tiki, Red Hair Shanks, Clown Bucky, Moonlight Moriah, Eric Sulfate, Evil Wendigo, and other rising overlords.

There are also big moms who belong to the last era and reached their peak in this era, Kaido of beasts, and Caesar the devil.

"Want to see what kind of brilliance Bundy Wald will bloom in the end?"

"Redyard, you go and see for me." Tiqi stood on a platform made of special steel, with his upper body bare, his legs stretched out and his legs in a horse stance, and he kept punching forward, doing the last thing. Simple exercise moves.

Redyatt stood outside the platform, and Tiqi was exercising under the strong gravity. If other people stood on it, their bodies would be crushed by the terrifying gravity in an instant.

Even at the peak, Tiqi still did not give up the pursuit of strength, this is a habit, and he has not reached his limit.

The end of Bundy Wald was doomed, and so was the end of Golden Lion Shiki, but Titch made them ahead of schedule.

"Aren't you going to see it yourself?" Redyard asked with a chuckle, "I've been walking around recently, and besides, don't you plan to recycle the Momo fruit? Tiki."

Redyard had some small complaints, but they were actually just lip service, without any anger.

As the captain, you only need to improve your strength, and leave the other things to your subordinates.

In addition, he also wanted to see the end of an old overlord.

It is a pity for him that he was not present at the end of the Golden Lion Shiji.

"Momo fruit, let's go." Faced with Redyard's question, Tiqi shook his head slightly, and if he saw the recovery of the devil fruit, he would take it back.

Tiki doesn't have such a big desire for this kind of thing, there are enough devil fruits in the treasury.

If he had to personally visit every precious devil fruit, it would be too ridiculous, even he would look down on himself, as long as this kind of thing is enough.

With its huge power, many devil fruits enter the pockets of the Night Pirates every year.

In the final analysis, even if it is a top-level Superman-type Devil Fruit, it is not worth Tikki's trip in person, and Tikki has no interest in watching the ending of Bondi Wald.

He didn't have the white beard and Raleigh's thoughts. He didn't belong to that era. When Bundy Wald was imprisoned in the city, he was still fighting and exercising in the forest of Arkas Island.

Only people like Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion Shiji deserve his attention now.

Roger's execution he personally witnessed.

The golden lion Shiji ended his life by himself.

Now, only the white beard who has lost his will to fight for hegemony, his physical strength has begun to decline, and his body has become weak, only wants to live a peaceful life with his children.

For him, Bondi Wald is just a pawn, no matter how much he does, he can't compare with the flying pirates.

After all, the Flying Pirates are his serious targets, and Bondi Wald is just doing it casually, and there are too many people who can replace him.

If he or Redyard took action himself, the island could be destroyed without the navy and the world government finding any evidence.

So what if the world government knows? What about the Night Pirates?

This is Tiki's confidence, the confidence of the Night Pirates.

The Night Pirates are expanding in an orderly manner, and he doesn't need to work hard to strengthen the Pirates himself.

There are so many devil fruits, is the night pirates lacking? What is lacking are those who have enough potential to be suitable for those devil fruits.

Although there are many strong people rising in the battle pyramid, only a small part of them will really join the night pirates, although this small part is not a small number.

People are ambitious, they will go out to other sea areas, or stay in the dark night sea area, and more people are used to the battle pyramid and the enjoyment of the dark night sea area.

After going outside to plunder the money, return to the Dark Night Sea to enjoy.

The current dark night sea area also has a large number of pirates supporting them. Such a situation is not uncommon. Generally speaking, places like casinos and Happy Street are important places for pirates to circulate money.

But the scale is unprecedentedly large.

"Understood." Redyard nodded and left the Dark Night Palace.

Unbeknownst to others, Bundy Wald drove the submarine through the quiet zone and came to the area near the quiet zone in the West Sea.

He also knew that the submarine could not last too long. It was built for him by Guy Ram, an old member of the Bondi Pirates and an engineer and combatant.

Now he is dead.

The submarine was docked at the edge of the Red Earth Continent. Bundy took all his weapons, wrapped the rope around his body, and kept going upwards on monthly steps.

He was going to cross the red land alone to the great seaway.

Two days later, at the same place, several agents found here, and the submarine had sunk into the deep sea.

"Bundy Wald has already gone to the great route." The person with the ability to trace the fruit judged, "It may also be a holy place." These are the only places Wald is going to go through the Red Earth Continent.

"Notify the government first, and we will continue to chase. Now, Bundy Wald can't escape." An agent's tone was a little excited, and they had been chasing him for a long time.

Now that Bundy Wald has given up the submarine, he can't go through the sea to avoid the search for the trace fruit. Now he only needs to follow the trail left by Bundy Wald to find him.

The ability to trace fruit looks for the trajectory of the action, not just the traces left behind. The ability user can feel it when he closes his eyes. Therefore, it is difficult to conceal his inquiries such as eliminating corpses and traces.

"This is the trace two days ago, we must hurry, or the world destroyer will start to act."

Several people quickly followed the tracker and chased after him.

Both the Navy Headquarters and the World Government have received information that Bundy Wald has come to the great route.

Passing ships will be strictly scrutinized by the navy and the world government.

And the most important thing is those islands that are sparsely populated. Basically, the navy headquarters of these islands will send a team of navies there.

Once the trace of Bondy Wald is found, it will be reported immediately, or if the headquarters notices that any navy is missing, there is no news.

Both the navy and the world government can immediately determine the approximate scope of Bundy Wald and send people to encircle and suppress it.

Such a vast network minimized the possibility of Bundy Wald's sneak attack. With the experience of the World Government's attack, they should be more fully prepared this time.

Stop Bundy Wald in the first place to avoid huge casualties.

On the sea, several huge logs are connected together in a special way, plus a simple leaky boat fixed by ropes, and Bondi Wald is sitting on the boat.

On the side, there are explosive rocks, plague bombs, and destruction bombs that contain terrifying power.

He looked a bit embarrassed. These days, he had never set foot on land. He knew that the world government and the navy were looking for him, and there was follow-up.

Therefore, every time he sees the island, he avoids it from a distance. This way, he is prevented from being discovered by the navy, and he has successfully become a fish that slipped through the net.

The corner of his mouth was stained with blood, and he ate fish when he was hungry. Under the crude conditions, he could only eat raw to replenish energy, but Bondy Wald didn't care.

"Wait to meet my wrath, Hai Hai!" The pupils full of anger were burning like flames.

And his target is the Navy Headquarters.

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