Pirate of Darkness

Three hundred and seventy six manipulators

As a larger booth came up, many people got a lift, knowing that something really good was coming.

A devil fruit is on the booth, surrounded by transparent glass protection, it seems to be to prevent it from being stolen, "Dark Emperor" Tiqi is present, who dares to do it?

However, it can also be seen that the Night Pirates attach great importance to this devil fruit.

"This is an ancient species, Dragon Fruit, Dicrosaurus form. The starting price is one Bailey." Baccarat said with a smile, looking down.

Compared with ordinary auctions, the ordinary devil fruits in front have achieved great success, while the ancient ones know that the price will be higher without even thinking about it.

After all, the ancient species is inherently stronger than the general animal system by several grades. Many well-known strong people in the sea today are all ancient devil fruit capable people, just like the cadres of the Beasts Pirates.

"500 million!"

Directly omitting the number below five, the first bid alone has already exceeded the final auction price of those ordinary Devil Fruits before.

Moreover, the bidders this time were not ordinary pirates, and some people turned their attention to the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Gates' figure, which is bigger than a giant, is very conspicuous. Compared with him, other members of the Beasts Pirates are like ants.

"The Hundred Beasts Pirates have made their move."

"I heard that Beast Kaido wants to create an animal army."

Some pirates are hesitant, while some poor ones are not even qualified for the auction, so they can't give out so many Baileys.

"Five hundred and fifty million!"

"Six hundred million!"

Some pirate groups have already started bidding, and they are not afraid of the Beast Pirates, and now Kaido is not on the scene.

The Night Pirates are all here, bidding fairly, they are not just the Beast Pirates.

Moreover, such a powerful ancient species has a great effect on some physical experts who have not yet become capable users, and can completely improve their strength by a level or two.

They all have great desires for this ancient species.

And the four sailors,

Watching the lively auction quietly, they also want this devil fruit, but they have no money.

Although it has no effect on them, if you bring it back to the Navy headquarters and feed it to people with good qualifications, it will definitely make the navy have an extra powerful vice admiral.

A future vice admiral, Dalmesia is just an ordinary fauna, canine fruit.

Vice admirals are basically physical experts, powerful swordsmen, proficient in the six styles of the navy, and master the existence of two-color domineering.

For them, the most suitable ability for them is undoubtedly the powerful animal-type devil fruit. However, although there are many devil fruit reserves in the navy, there are not many good abilities, and they look down on them.

For them, the increase is not large, but it will increase a huge weakness for nothing.

Powerful capabilities are basically in the hands of the world government, and even if they are provided, cp0 is given priority.

Warring States felt a little regretful, he knew that he would bring more Baileys when he came over, so that he could buy some excellent abilities.

However, this is just a thought, this is the celebration of the pirates, not to mention the dark underground forces, they are also on the side of chaos.

The navy came here without saying anything, which is already giving them face, if they want to participate, it is impossible.

Underneath, the corner of Doflamingo's mouth twitched a little. This devil fruit was also given to the Night Pirates by him, but it cost a lot of money to get it, but the Night Pirates also provided him with a lot of fruit. funds.

He was a little reluctant to bear such a powerful ability, and there was no suitable candidate under his command.

I didn't expect the Night Pirates to put it up for auction, but think about it, there are so many capable people in the Night Pirates, Slardar has a mysterious origin, and there is still information about Murloc Radon, his ability must be I got it after joining the Night Pirates, and the same goes for Lafitte.

Being able to take out the top ancient species such as the mosasaurus form, as well as Lafitte's night blood bat form, it can be seen that the night pirates do not lack powerful abilities.

Soon, the auction price reached 1.3 billion. Even so, the price increase trend has not slowed down. It is precisely because of this that a large number of forces have been wiped out. Although 1.3 billion Bailey can be used, But it's also very painful.

Those who can continue to compete are some large and powerful pirate groups, and some of them are from dark underground forces.

"One and a half billion Baileys!" Lamer of the Beast Pirates said in a deep voice without blinking his eyes.

"1.5 billion!" Compared with Laimer, this person hesitated to bid. This is already a very high price, but the ancient devil fruit is hard to come by.

"1.7 billion Baileys!" Laimer suddenly increased by 150 million, really not taking money as money.

"The Hundred Beasts Pirates are really rich." There were whispers around, because the price increase of the Hundred Beasts Pirates was indeed a bit ruthless.

The normal operation of the Barbarossa Kingdom, coupled with the expansion of the territory, the Beast Pirates have a lot of wealth. In terms of wealth, the Big Mom Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are not as good as the Beast Pirates.

The annual tax revenue of a country is astonishing, especially for a big country like the Barbarossa Kingdom.

Kaido knew that he was not good at management, so he entrusted this task to someone with this ability, and did not interfere too much with the operation of the kingdom.

Moreover, under the protection of the Beast Pirates, the Kingdom of Barbarossa is safe, and all the nobles of the kingdom have been killed. The Kingdom of Barbarossa has become the center of the entire sea area, and the development of the kingdom is showing a thriving trend.

Compared with the previous high-handed rule of the Kate Kingdom, the atmosphere in the kingdom is now much more relaxed, but the object of service has become a pirate.

"One billion and seven billion times."


"Three times, congratulations to the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

With the high price of 1.7 billion, no one is continuing to bid with the Beasts Pirates. There is no doubt that with the level of arrogance of the Beasts Pirates, if you increase the price, he will suppress it with a higher price.

Instead of this, it's better not to bid. If you bid maliciously, you might offend the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

"It's not in vain, I just don't treat money as money."

Some soy sauce pirates, looking at 1.7 billion devil fruits, really make them unimaginable.

Is this the difference between the little guy and the big guy?

He didn't even bat an eye when he took out seventeen or more Baileys. He clearly knew that the value was much higher, but he still took it.

Are you showing off to them?

Some little people sighed, after all, they didn't even have the qualifications to show off.

The gap between them and the big pirate is not only in strength, but also in background.

The booth rose again, and to the disappointment of the Beast Pirates, there was no ancient devil fruit.

After all, a rare ancient species is enough to be the finale of the World Expo. Moreover, as Tiqi expected, this devil fruit was taken by the Beast Pirates.

Taking it out, it's just an enemy.

And the thing that will be auctioned next is the real finale, and it is also the product that the Night Pirates want to promote.

To everyone's surprise, this is a mechanical arm, a precise mechanism, and there are some mysterious things in it that they can't understand.

Even if they don't understand it, they can tell that it is a high-tech product.

Some people couldn't help but sit up straight. Some members of the Dark Night Pirates have robotic hands. Because they are relatively few, and in normal battles, the surface is covered with simulated skin on the surface of the robotic hands. This looks like real the same.

However, during the war with the Whitebeard Pirates, a small number of people have noticed the mechanical hands of members of the Night Pirates.

Moreover, in the Battle of Erso Island in the first half of the great route, Otto's mechanical arm was very eye-catching. It was not only flexible and powerful, but also capable of loading artillery shells.

Through this point, some people have paid attention to it, but not many people have paid attention to it.

They were all a little curious, what effect did the Night Pirates have with this robot hand? As for the effect, you can see it by looking at it.

"This is a mechanical arm, which was developed by our Night Pirates. As long as it is connected to a broken arm, it can be manipulated freely like a naturally growing arm. The only thing missing is the sense of touch." Bacala laughed. He introduced to the mechanical arm on the side.

As soon as these words came out, the entire scene, in front of the video phone bug, everyone fell into shock, there was such a signal.

The Navy Headquarters, Sengoku and the others even stared at the manipulator in the video with their eyes wide open.

There is no doubt about the manipulator, but how is it possible to control it freely? The idea that pops into their head is impossible.

Some people who react slowly may still lament the fun of this invention, but smart people have already foreseen the prospect of this robotic arm, which is definitely an invention that shocked the world.

However, this is just talk, there is no clear evidence of the effect of this mechanical arm.

Seemingly seeing their thoughts, Bacala smiled slightly, "Next, let a member of the Night Pirates come up to test the effect of the robotic arm."

Immediately afterwards, a pirate came up, this was a member of the Night Pirates, the most conspicuous thing was a smooth wound on his entire left hand, and the entire forearm was severed.

This is a severed arm, it looks like it was severed by a sharp blade, and the wound lasted at least a month or two.

And looking at the size of the manipulator, it just matches the missing part of the pirate.

This member was a little excited, because his hand finally came back. The days of losing his hand were actually very tormenting, but for the sake of the plan of the Night Pirates, he endured during these days.

At the same time, he was still a little nervous, because facing so many big pirates, even though he had already prepared for it.

Next, it’s time to show the effect of the robotic arm. Many members have already installed robotic arms and mechanical legs. Although he has no experience, he also knows how to do it.

I saw him pick up the mechanical hand, put it on his broken arm, and cling to the broken surface of his arm.

It seemed to feel something, and I saw the inside of the robot hand shining brightly, and a faint light could be seen outside.

The next moment, the mechanical hand moved by itself, where no one else could see, at the connection between his arm and the mechanical hand, thin tubes like needles stretched out, pierced into his arm, and connected with his nerves. Together.

The punctured wound, bursts of pain, this member frowned, the blood left from the connection, although I don't know what happened? But it can be seen that this process is not easy.

However, for many pirates, they have endured even greater pain. If they can regain their arms, this little pain is nothing.

All over the world, many pirates who have sunk, fallen into a trough, or retired, or other strong people are a little excited.

It is inevitable for people to get hurt in the sea, and how many people have retired because they lost their arms.

It's not over yet, the mechanism on the rear edge of the manipulator unfolds to wrap around the joint.

This is actually not safe. Such a connection is not as strong as a real arm. If the force is mature and powerful, the mechanical arm is likely to be knocked off.

It is precisely because of this that while Otto is researching the central system, he is also researching flesh and blood machinery, and the connection between flesh and machinery is closer and more flexible.

Just like the machine will rust after a long time, the flesh and blood machine will not have such a problem. Ordinary manipulators will do this, but the cycle can last for several years.

The Night Pirates have also prepared after-sales service for maintenance, which will also be a big income in the future.

However, the products that combine life machinery and flesh and blood must be kept for internal use, and it is impossible to sell them.

The member stood there blankly, the arm connected to the robot remained motionless, as if he was feeling something.

Suddenly, surprise flashed in his eyes. After all, this was the first time he felt the sense of the part of his arm that he had lost had returned.

Under the shocked gazes of countless people, the fingers of that robotic hand moved slightly, and then, the entire robotic hand moved quickly and casually.

The up and down movement of the knuckles and the twisting of the wrist are all done with ease.

Seeing this, many people stood up in shock, their eyes widening.

Now, the facts are revealed, this robotic hand is really the same as a normal hand.

The only disadvantage is that there is no sense of touch, so what is this for a person who has lost his hand?

Then, a small booth rose up on the side, and a skin-colored glove-like thing appeared on it.

"Put it on." Bacala smiled.

The member nodded, picked it up, and put it on with his own robotic arm. This simulated skin was also specially customized. It was the same size as his mechanical arm. It fit perfectly and matched the skin color of this member's arm.

This time it looked like a completely different feeling. With the artificial skin on, his hands were still moving, but they didn't violate harmony at all, just like real arms.

Next, Baccarat asked him to try holding a knife, hitting a steel plate, and various actions, all of which were very normal.

Moreover, due to the material problem, the manipulator is very hard, like steel.

"Okay, the demonstration of the manipulator has been completed." Let the member go down, Bacala smiled and looked at the restless crowd below.

"Quickly tell me, how do you sell this robot arm?" A pirate couldn't help shouting loudly, with longing eyes shining in his eyes.

The eyes of others fell on him. He also had a conspicuous severed arm, which was cut off by the enemy in battle.

At the same time, someone recognized him, "It's the big pirate Mexico with a bounty of 600 million Baileys. His right arm was cut off by an enemy five years ago, and he rose again after getting the devil fruit. If he has an extra right hand, His strength will definitely rise a lot."

In this regard, I also understand and know why Mexico is so eager.

Baccarat is not in a hurry, "Because everyone's situation is different, the manipulators are all customized. The size and the amount of materials used also affect the price."

"If you want to know the approximate price, you can refer to the manipulator just now. Its price is around 1 billion beli." Bacala knows that the cost of this manipulator is only 5 million beli.

This profit has doubled by a full twenty times.

"In addition, we can customize not only robotic hands, but also feet, or even a finger or toe. However, although fingers and toes are small, the price is much higher due to their precision."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of many members of the Whitebeard Pirates turned to Captain Xi of the Second Division. He had a broken leg, which had some impact on his combat power.

And for this, many people have already guessed.

"At the same time, our Night Pirates also prepared a low-end version. Both the quality of the material and the flexibility will be much lower. It is a bit stiff, but the price is only around five million Baileys."

This so-called low-end version is the civilian version. As soon as these words came out, the eyes of many ordinary people and ordinary pirates who had no hope for this high-priced robot hand lit up.

In this way, even they can regain their lost hands and feet.

As for five million Baileys, how much? Not much at all.

In this world, Bailey is actually not very valuable. Even a small village like Cocosia, under the rule of the dragon, can survive with a monthly contribution of 100,000, which means that their income must exceed 100,000. If there is no oppression of the dragon, the income will be a little more.

Not to mention other affluent areas, as long as you want to buy it, you can save it for one or two years, and then three or four years, it is completely enough.

Losing a hand or a foot, for most people, completely ruined the rest of their lives, but the appearance of the Dark Night Pirates' robotic arm completely gave them hope.

At the same time, there are many strong men in the sea, pirates, most of whom are physically disabled due to serious injuries and have no choice but to retire.

Don't they want to continue galloping on the sea? Of course they would, and the Night Pirates also gave them hope, the hope of their resurgence.

Some people have even set off, preparing to go to the expanded Dark Sea Area where the Night Pirates are located.

Navy Headquarters, Sengoku and their expressions are dignified and at the same time a little excited. They have already foreseen the huge impact of this technology, but they cannot stop it, and it is completely beneficial to the world.

At the same time, many of their navy have retired due to various injuries. The accumulation over the years is really too much.

But they are the navy, and they are hostile to the Night Pirates. Will the Night Pirates buy them robots?

It is conceivable that with this technology, many forces and many people will turn to the Night Pirates, even their navy.

Baccarat didn't care about the commotion below, "The auction of our Night Pirates has ended. Next, we will give up the dominance of the auction, and your other forces will come up with the auction items to be auctioned."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the people below who were still not at peace, they rose up to the high platform.

This is also a regular event at the auction venue, and many forces have already prepared auction items.

Naturally, the limelight can't be completely occupied by the Night Pirates. In this case, they will fall behind the Night Pirates. Even if they can't produce good things like robots, the things they prepared are not bad.

Soon, someone went up with the auction items and took over Bacara's seat, and the auction continued.

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