Pirate of Darkness

Three hundred and eighty-five The arrival of the samurai

The important hall of the Battle Pyramid is located on the seventeenth floor at a height of 3,400 meters. Such a wide hall is found on every floor of the Zhadu Pyramid to connect various important places, arenas, and various areas.

The hall on the seventeenth floor cannot be entered without ordinary strength and status, and the configuration inside is not much better than below. Even the royal family of the kingdom does not have such enjoyment.

This is also one of the important bases for the Night Pirates to guard Pagira Island. To be precise, it guards the Battle Pyramid.

At this time, in addition to Teach, Ledyard, and Ares, as well as the guards and maids trained by the Night Pirates, two important guests had already arrived.

Other members are guarding Pajira Island and the surrounding islands, because news of the dispatch of various forces has spread.

"The Solitary Red" Baloric Redfield, in this familiar and iconic dress, a bloody aristocratic robe, a blooming blue rose on his chest, leaning against him Bat Umbrella.

He elegantly enjoyed a sip of blood-like red wine. What was shocking was his young face. He looked like a young man who was only twenty-five years old. Standing next to Redyard, he looked more like It's brothers.

"When the time comes, they will be very shocked to see you." Teach looked at Redfield and couldn't help but smile.

Today, he has not only fully restored his peak condition, but has also become more powerful through the ability of Devil Fruit. However, for today's Teach, Redfield is not unfathomable.

In this regard, Redfield just smiled slightly. He enjoyed his current state, young and full of vitality and vitality.

And he also saw the expressions of those old friends when they saw him.

Redfield turned his head and looked to one side. He saw an old man sitting quietly on a chair, gently drinking the clear fruit wine that Teach had prepared for him. The air was filled with a strong aroma of wine.

Redfield could feel the terrifying power contained in this old man's body, like an active volcano ready to erupt at any time. The brief collision between the two made him see a boundless sea of ​​fire, burning away all flames and heat.

"I didn't expect that there is a strong man like you hidden in the sea, Yuanliu Zhongguo." Redfield said in surprise, "I have heard of you before, but you retired long ago."

Redfield has been on the sea for so many years, but Yuanliu Zhongguo retired relatively early. He also gained a lot of fame when he was young. It is not surprising to hear Yuanliu Zhongguo's name.

But what Redfield didn't expect was that Yuan Liu Zhongguo was so powerful. It was really surprising that such a top powerhouse was unknown now.

"Haha, I'm just a retired old guy." Yuanliu Zhongguo replied with a smile, "I didn't expect that I could still participate in such a grand event. It's really a great honor."

Redfield nodded, even he was curious about this kendo competition. It is not that there are no kendo competitions, many people have held them, but they are not famous enough and most of them are limited to an island or a sea area.

This is the first time that the sword competition held by the Night Pirates is completely open to the whole world and attracts worldwide attention.

There are many participants, and there are many strong ones. According to predictions, there are dozens of rare great swordsmen among them. The participation of many samurai from Wano Country has also made the competition in the Kendo Competition even more intense.

Regarding Yuanliu Chongguo's invitation, Tiqi was full of sincerity because he was worried that Yuanliu Chongguo would not agree. After all, Yuanliu Chongguo had already lived in seclusion.

But what surprised Tiqi was that Yuan Liu Zhongguo did not hesitate and easily agreed to his invitation.

It was also Tiqi who took it for granted. With Yuanliu Zhongguo's strength, even if there were any enemies, most of them would die in his hands. Tiqi also found some information about Yuanliu Zhongguo when he was young. He was also a very domineering, not good People to mess with.

Moreover, no one wants to offend such a world-class powerhouse. Even the World Government and the Navy will not find trouble.

Being able to serve as the only three witnesses to witness the battle between swordsmen from all over the world is also a huge honor for him. No one can escape fame and wealth in life, and Yuanliu Zhongguo also wants the world to know He, however, did not have a good stage.

Teach's invitation undoubtedly opened the stage in front of him.

In addition, Tiqi paid a lot of Monkey King Wine.

The vitality contained in Monkey King Wine can delay aging and enhance body functions. It has huge benefits for Yuanliu Zhongguo, who is getting older. Drinking Monkey King Wine for a long time has the effect of extending life. This time is not a year or two. , but ten or twenty years.

After all, Monkey King Wine has the effect of nourishing the body and can repair even dark wounds bit by bit.

Coupled with the delicious taste of Monkey King Wine, Yuan Liu Zhongguo has long been greedy.

"What a delicious wine!" Yuan Liu Zhongguo praised.

Redfield nodded secretly and agreed. Monkey King Wine is definitely a good wine and a treasure in the world.

After becoming an esper, Redfield was very sensitive to vitality. He could detect vitality from dead things like Monkey King Wine, which nourished the body. This was such a shocking thing.

He didn't know where Teach got it from, but he didn't investigate.

After possessing the ability of vampire form, he will stay young forever. Monkey King Wine was undoubtedly a valuable treasure to him in the past, but it has little effect on him now.

Besides, Redfield likes to drink red wine, so just try Monkey King Wine once in a while.

At this time, Tiqi raised his head with a happy face, as if he knew something that made people happy.

Teach's performance was noticed by Redfield and Yuanliu Zhongguo.

"The third witness is coming soon," Teach explained with a smile.

After hearing what Teach said, Genryu Shigekuni and Redfield's minds filled with the name of a person, Kozuki Oden, the general of Wano Country.

"Oden, I still remember that when I first went to Wano Country, he was still a child who was famous in Wano Country and liked to get into trouble. I didn't expect that he would grow up to this point so quickly." Yuanliu Zhongguo's eyes flashed. Through the eyes of reminiscence.

Many years ago, he came to Wano Country alone to forge swords. Oden had not yet grown up, but he stayed in Wano Country and heard about Oden's deeds.

As for Redfield, he had no contact with Kozuki Oden. His main impression of Kozuki Oden was that he served as the captain of the second division on the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates and was famous as a "legendary samurai" Known as the sea, he later joined the Roger Pirates for some unknown reason and helped Roger become the Pirate King.

Naturally, he didn't know the details, and besides, during the years when Kozuki Oden became the general of Wano and truly became famous in the New World, he was still imprisoned in Impel Castle.

However, being invited by Tikki as a witness is enough to prove Kozuki Oden's strength. Tikki clearly stated that he has an emperor-level combat power. Genryu Shigekuni has already seen it, and Kozuki Oden's strength is naturally not the same. It will be bad.

However, after reacting, what surprised Redfield was Teach's perception. His perception was already very powerful, even the range was very large. However, he didn't feel anything. Teach had already realized that he was aware of the person. The aura of Kozuki Oden.

Although there has been some news for a long time, the range of Tiqi's domineering power clearly exceeds his, and it is astonishingly large. Moreover, Tiqi's current age has already reached such a level at such a young age, and there is still great potential.

"However, it will take at least two hours to arrive, so let's wait for a while." Tiqi smiled, and unintentionally revealed the scope of his domineering power, the pirate ship sailing on the sea Although the speed varies, it will not be less than fifty kilometers per hour. In other words, the diameter of the coverage area of ​​​​Tiqi Shiwense exceeds two hundred kilometers.

Now, with the development of Tiqi, the expansion speed of the scope of Tiqi's knowledge has not slowed down. On the contrary, with the explosive growth of strength, the expansion of the range of Tiqi's Haki has also accelerated.

Compared to a few years ago, Teach's range of sights and sounds has almost doubled.

The extremely large range of sight and color domineering that can cover an entire sea area is not just talk.

It is precisely because of knowing that people feel afraid, and being able to grasp everything within the scope of the sight color, which means that Teach's sight color is not just as simple as having a large range.

What happened at the World Expo is remembered by many people.

Time passed quickly, and the Wano ship had approached Pagira Island. On the way, it also passed other islands of the Night Pirates, and now it finally reached its destination.

From a distance, you can see the huge towering building, the Battle Pyramid.

It was so spectacular that some of the warriors from Wano couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw it.

The ships have obvious characteristics of the sea. Wano has been closed to the country for so many years, and its shipbuilding technology is somewhat backward. It is undoubtedly very difficult to sail in the new world.

Therefore, these ships were purchased by Wano from the Whitebeard Pirates through transactions, and then underwent some modifications to make the ships have the characteristics of Wano.

The flag with the crest of the Kozuki family flying high.

At the port of Pajira Island, many people are already waiting. They have received news that the general of Wano Country, Kozuki Oden, and the samurai of Wano Kingdom are about to arrive at Pajira Island.

Some swordsmen have also received news and are waiting. As a witness invited by "Dark Emperor" Teach, Kozuki Oden undoubtedly represents the top combat power of swordsmen on the sea.

Although the Kingdom of Wano was founded, there are still only a few swordsmen who go to the Kingdom of Wano, so many people are still curious about the Kingdom of Wano.

"The Wano fleet is coming!" A person shouted excitedly.

On the other side, "Pagera Island has arrived!" Kozuki Oden was also very excited, completely ignoring the etiquette of being a general. However, the samurai around him were used to it, or in other words, even after becoming a general, Kozuki Oden has always been This is true, but as a general, Oden is undoubtedly qualified, and his strong strength has also won the respect of many samurai.

Pajira Island has a very large port, with thousands of ships parked there. The few ships of the Wano fleet will undoubtedly not make any waves. Compared with the port, it is also very small, but it attracts many people. look.

The large vacant space in the center of the port is a special place reserved for the ships of these powerful forces. Ordinary pirate ships can only park on the side.

Even so, the port of Pajira Island is still a bit crowded. You must know that as a large island, Pajira Island's port is built according to the highest standards.

However, with so many ships coming to Pajira Island, the Night Pirates still underestimated the appeal of this "Kendo Competition + Four Emperors".

Moreover, there are many pirate ships staying on other islands in the dark night sea, such as the thirty-six islands with arenas. When the sword competition begins, a large number of them will definitely come to Pajira Island.

To this end, the Night Pirates built two additional ports on Pajira Island, but they were smaller, in order to relieve the pressure of congestion on the main ports.

Although the construction has not yet been completed, it is expected to be completed three days before the start of the kendo competition.

A ship docked at the port, and the Wano warriors headed by Kozuki Oden stepped off the ship.

The samurai kimono and decoration are different from the sea. Kozuki Oden is wearing black patterned clothes and exudes a powerful aura.

Each warrior is very strong. When they gather together, their powerful sword intent condenses together, which contains a very powerful aura.

Especially for swordsmen and even swordsmen, the feeling is even more intense. Oden himself will not say it. Behind him, there are nearly ten great swordsmen, and most of the rest are swordsmen. Among them, there are only a few young swordsmen, probably I came here to practice.

However, this also showed the terrifying power of Wano, and also made some swordsmen yearn for Wano.

Facing the samurai of Wano, scattered throughout the port, each swordsman, strong or weak, burst out with a terrifying sword intent that was almost soaring to the sky.

There are so many swordsmen on Pajira Island now, and only a few of them are at the port.

The powerful sword intention mixed with the fighting spirit confronts the warriors.

If the swordsmen of the sea today were to be divided into two schools, they would be the samurai of Wano and the swordsmen of the sea.

Even with the same swordsmanship, there is a clear difference between the hands of the warriors of Wano and the swordsmen of the sea.

Of course, this gap is not based on strength, but on habits.

However, this confrontation only lasted for a while and then stopped, because the real big shot came.

"Oden, long time no see." Teach strode towards Kozuki Oden, followed by the officers and crew of the Night Pirates. The crowd in front moved aside to make way for them.

Feeling the aura of Kozuki Oden, he was much stronger than when he left the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Tikki, haha, you too." Oden was a little excited to see Tikki. He and Tikki hadn't seen each other for many years.

Teach undoubtedly had a great debt of gratitude to him and the country of Wano.

The war between the Dark Night Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates did not affect the relationship between them. Oden has also grown a lot. Moreover, he also knows about the turf war among the pirates. Now, he also needs to fight for the country of Wano. Considering interests and development, the Night Pirates are undoubtedly a good partner, and there is no conflict of interest between them.

"Come with me, the other two are also waiting for you." Tiqi smiled and patted Oden on the back and said, "They will have someone to arrange it. If you are interested, you can let them wander around the island first."

Oden heard the meaning of Tiqi's words and turned his head to look at the warriors behind him.

"Oden, you go ahead. We want to spar with the swordsmen on the sea before the official competition." Shigetsuki Ushimaru said with a smile, his sharp eyes already looking around, seeming to be looking for an opponent.

Beside him, the fox named Onimaru barked twice confidently.

There are also Oden's retainers who have put their hands on their waists.

The same goes for other samurai, many of whom are fighting the swordsman of the sea for the first time.

From the previous collision, they had sensed the large number of swordsmen on the island, and they couldn't help but be eager to give it a try.

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