Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and five battles

After the first battle, there is an hour of preparation time before the second battle.

After all, you can't just sit. After sitting for such a long time, you still need to eat something, drink some water, and meet your physiological needs.

At the same time, the severely damaged arena also needs to be repaired. It looks a bit serious, but it only needs to be added with some sand and rocks and the ground will be leveled. It won't take long.

The second game is the battle between "Eagle Eye" Mihawk and Shigetsu Usumaru.

One is a young great swordsman who has gained fame on the sea. The other is a daimyo of Wano. He was also a talented swordsman of Wano when he was young. Now he is also a strong man in Wano, a respected and powerful samurai.

The battle between the two is also very attractive.

As soon as the battle began, Mihawk took the lead, pulling out the black knife Night and making a terrifying green slash.

Shigetsuki Gyumaru also fought back, and without saying a word, the two began a fierce confrontation, with swords and swords crisscrossing each other.

Compared to the previous battle between the gentleman and the blind swordsman Yixiao, the shock brought by Yixiao's ability, the battle between the two pure swordsmen is more pleasing to the eye, and also contains hidden murderous intent.

Although one strength can defeat ten guilds, the gap between them is not big, in terms of sword moves, skills, fighting awareness, and competition in all aspects.

Mihawk was dressed like a noble.

Shigetsuki Gyumaru's body exudes a sense of heroism. He is holding a pair of swords. He took off his kimono and tied it around his waist. He was naked to the waist, revealing his strong body. On his back, two crossed black swords were clearly visible. imprint.

Holding a bamboo stick in his mouth, he looked at Mihawk with admiration. There were not many talented swordsmen like Mihawk in Wano. It was precisely because of this that he had to go all out to give Mihawk enough respect.

At the same time, behind him is the country of Wano. This is a moment to win glory for the country. No matter what, he will not show mercy easily.

The extremely fast speed and sharp slashes are dizzying, and the advantages of the double-sword style are fully demonstrated by Shigezuki Usumaru.

In a short period of time, Mihawk could only passively defend and was suppressed.

Mihawk was fully focused. Before this, he had also fought with the samurai of Wano Country, but the pressure brought to him was far less than the pressure brought to him by Shigezuki Gyumaru.

Whether it's speed or strength,

Even Shigetsu Ushimaru is stronger than him. Now in his forties, Shigetsu Ushimaru is at his peak.

After a while, Mihawk was panting, holding the black sword Night to block, trying to find an opportunity to counterattack. Shigetsuki Gyumaru slashed at him sharply, leaving him passive.

"Mihawk, come on, don't fall so easily." In the audience, Shanks shouted with a bottle of wine. Unfortunately, he could not enter the final round, but Mihawk, as him, was fighting The friends and rare confidants made in the pyramid naturally support Mihawk.

He had also heard of Shigetsu Gyumaru. He was quite familiar with Oden, but he had never met Shigetsu Gyumaru. It was obvious which one was more familiar to him.

Similarly, Shanks also maintains his rationality and does not support blindly. The gap between the two is still quite obvious. Except for the swordsman, Mihawk is more obvious in terms of physique and two-color domineering compared to Shigetsuki Gyumaru. difference.

This gap is an important factor affecting combat effectiveness.

"Come on, Ushimaru-sama!"

On the other side, in the area where the Wano warriors are, each warrior is shouting and cheering for Shigetsu Ushimaru. Although they also respect Mihawk, Lord Shigetsu Ushimaru represents them and the country of Wano.

Mihawk would obviously not be defeated so easily. Even if he was suppressed, the look in his eyes was still as sharp and firm, as if he firmly believed that he would not lose.

He was not at a loss because of this, but was looking for opportunities.

One counterattack, two counterattacks, and he faced the difficulties. What was surprising was that Mihawk had a tendency to become more courageous as he fought against Shigezuki Gyumaru.

His strength is improving, his aura is getting stronger, and he becomes stronger in battle, showing Mihawk's outstanding talent.

Fighting is always the best way to improve your strength, and this sword competition is also a testing ground for Mihawk's strength transformation.

But in the end, Mihawk was still defeated, and the battle lasted for more than half a day. If he continued to fight, it would affect the next battle. Mihawk had to face the next battle with a perfect posture.

Mihawk, who owns the black sword Night, does not care about the outcome of the sword competition. All he wants is to enjoy the battles with other swordsmen.

This also brought a visual feast and exciting battle to the audience.

Next is the battle between Kiyomi Kunichi and Tenzuki Takeji. The battle between the two is also very exciting. Kiyomi Kunichi’s fighting style has traces of Wano’s swordsmanship. Coupled with his dressing style, Kiyomi Kunichi’s fighting style is also very exciting. One's ancestors probably came from the country of Wano.

Kimono is also a popular clothing in the sea, and it originated from the country of Wano.

Jiyeon Kunichi, who is at his peak, is already over fifty years old, and Takeji Amazuki, who is also at his peak, this samurai from Wano Country, was also a legend when he was young, and was also a genius samurai before Oden's rise.

The sword intent to destroy everything, the terrifying slash, contains terrifying lethality.

Kaido and Big Mom were both very afraid, and Jiyuan Kunichi's slashing attack undoubtedly had the ability to hurt them.

Golden Lion Shiji looked at the current Jiyuan Kunichi and couldn't help but recall the original battle. At that time, he was already a mighty Golden Lion with the name of "Pirate Admiral", and the flying fleet was initially formed.

And Jiyuan Kunichi is also a famous and powerful swordsman.

When two great swordsmen met, it was a fight without saying a word.

Thinking of that, Golden Lion couldn't help but feel a dull pain in his abdomen.

The two great swordsmen at their peak fought closely without revealing any flaws. The situation of the battle also affected the minds of the spectators.

Faced with Jiyuan Guoyi's sword intention to destroy everything, while resisting the sword attack, he also had to resist a sense of mental oppression.

As time passed, in the end, Tianyue Wuci regretted defeat and took the initiative to admit defeat.

Immediately afterwards, there was a battle between "Shadow Dragon" Redyard and "Black Swordsman" Kiritani Suguha.

The name "Black Swordsman" comes from Kiritani Suguha's black trench coat and leather jacket.

Kiritani Suguha's weapon is a pair of swords, one black and one white. According to the news, this was specially made by a swordsmith when Kiritani Suguha was young. He is the interpreter of the "black sword" and the dark chaser of the "white sword". In terms of quality, it is not inferior to ordinary famous swords.

Kiritani Suguha's goal is obviously not the two precious swords. His sword has been with him for more than ten years, so naturally he will not throw it away easily, and he also has deep emotions.

In addition to fighting other swordsmen, the most important thing is to get the precious ore from the Night Pirates to recast his swords and improve their quality.

Compared to the time when he fought against Teach, Redyard's swordsmanship has improved enough, and he perfectly combines the power of shadow with his sword.

At the same time, he also absorbed Redfield's kendo experience, further sublimating his kendo, like an enlightenment without any side effects.

"Shadow Dragon" has a very famous name. As the second-in-command of the Night Pirates, his status is equal to that of "Dark Emperor" Teach, and he is also known as "Shadow Master".

However, Shadow Dragon rarely takes action and mostly relies on his own abilities. However, no one doubts his strength. Not only does he have the top-notch Demon Beast Devil Fruit ability, but he is also the son of "Aloof Red". Inheriting the bloodline of "Aloof Red", he is a born monster with terrifying qualifications.

As the world's top swordsman, Gu Ledfield, how could Ledyard's swordsmanship be any worse?

Deep shadows, dark slashes, and sharp sword intent come with corrosive power.

Kiritani Suguha did not show any weakness, holding two swords. Compared with Shigezuki Gyumaru, who was also a double sword style, he was superior in speed and skill.

The simple moves show extraordinary power and have a sense of returning to nature.

Diagonal chop, horizontal chop, vertical chop, thrust.

There is no distinction between swords in this world. This kind of single-edged sword with a clear arc is the mainstream on the sea.

There are many people who like to use this kind of sword with one tip and two edges, but it is relatively rare. The most famous one is the dead sea overlord Wang Zhi.

A slight change, but the fighting method is very different, which makes people very surprised and even a little novel.

Kiritani Suguha's skills have reached an astonishing level. The connection and combo of moves are dizzying. If it weren't for Redyard, ordinary swordsmen might have been defeated by Kiritani Suguha long ago. The combo that doesn't come is hit.

Kiritani Suguha's reaction speed is even more astonishing. It feels like one word, fast.

Horizontal arc slash, vertical arc slash, snake bite series of two combos, each move has murderous intention hidden behind it.

Three consecutive attacks of sharp claws.

Four consecutive attacks slashed in all directions, making it impossible for anyone to dodge.

This fighting style is simply dazzling.

This was the first time for Redyard to face such an opponent. Such a fighting style was difficult to imitate.

Moreover, his most powerful "mind-reading" ability has also lost its effect on Kiritani Suguha. With his super reaction speed, Kiritani Suguha seems not to be thinking at all, and his body is moving instinctively. Yes, it is instinct.

Kiritani Suguha is undoubtedly a fighting genius with terrifying fighting instincts.

With this style of swordsmanship, ordinary swordsmen would probably fall into Kiritani Suguha's fighting rhythm before they could react, and then be beaten to a pulp.

Ledyard was on the defensive, and there were already injuries on his body, but for his strong recovery power, it was not worth mentioning at all. His domineering power also weakened Kiritani Suguha's attack.

Ledyard was speeding up, making himself faster, and at the same time getting used to Kiritani Suguha's fighting rhythm.

It is obviously impossible to do this in a short period of time, and Kiritani Suguha will not give Ledyard time.

Increased the intensity of his attack.

In the end, Redyard was defeated, to the surprise of many people, and surrendered after a full half-day battle.

However, this is not Redyat's true strength. Due to the restrictions of the rules, Redyat did not exert his own advantages, and the power he displayed was less than half of his total strength at most.

And Kiritani Suguha, the dual-sword swordsman's performance, through this battle, completely amazed many people, making people look at this lone ranger of the sea, who is also a genius swordsman.

He has formed his own swordsmanship and can be the founder and establish a new school.

At the same time, if you want to be like Suguha Kiritani, you really need talent, which is very difficult.

Even Mihawk said that he couldn't do it. It was really awkward and not his style at all.

Next, there is the battle between "King of Heaven" Rhine and "Ken Sword Style" Himura Kenshin.

As a great swordsman, Rhine can only rank in the middle or upper level among great swordsmen in the way of swordsmanship, but the power of his sword moves is terrifyingly strong.

The ability of the Airflow Fruit allows Rhine to control the airflow. This superhuman devil fruit has long been developed by him to the point of awakening, and the power it brings is not weaker than natural disasters.

The perfect combination of swordsmanship and Devil Fruit, you can slash with terrifying air currents in the air. If you are not careful, you may be blown away by the air currents, squeezed or even torn apart.

"Wind and residual clouds!"

Rhine did not dare to underestimate the young swordsman in front of him, the famous name of Feitian Yujian style. He had heard about it for a long time and had also looked for information before the battle.

A slash with blue and white light covered the entire arena in the blink of an eye. The terrifying air flow, mixed with the sword intention, was constantly stirring. At the same time, thinking about the attack of Himura Kenshin, it seemed to be squeezing his space.

In this regard, Himura Kenshin's eyes narrowed. He had long brown-red hair in a ponytail, and there was an obvious cross-shaped scar on his left cheek.

Wearing a kimono, with a red upper body and a white lower body, she wears a reverse-blade samurai sword similar to the Wano country standard on her waist. In fact, it is also a famous sword, and the "Inverse Wheel" ranks among the twenty-one great swordsmen. .

Isshin Himura, who is in a fighting state, has a very strong aura. As the fourteenth generation descendant of the Hiden Sword Style, Isshin Himura is very famous in the sea near his hometown, which is a kingdom in the New World. I don’t know. How many vicious pirates died in his hands, their lives taken away by his "Flying Sword Style".

"Dragon Nest Flash!"

This was a slash faster than the naked eye, and the terrifying airflow was split into two halves.

Himura Isshin's figure flashed and he quickly attacked Rhine.

The "Hiten Mitsurugi Style" is terrifying, possessing superb skills and terrifying lethality. Although it is named "Hiten", it is basically a close combat move that uses every move to steal the enemy's name.

And in the hands of Feicun Yishin, it showed such terrifying power.

"Double Dragon Flash!"

"Dragon Flying Flash!"

"Dragon Cone Flash!"

Unable to use his Devil Fruit abilities wantonly, Rhine's combat power was greatly weakened, and he was ultimately defeated in the face of Heimura Isshin's attack.

After all, this is a kendo competition.

And our Mr. Porusalino was lucky enough to get a bye.

In the final round of the Kendo Competition, there are a total of fifty-five battles, divided into eleven rounds of five. Each time, one swordsman will have a bye, and all eleven promotions will have a turn.

During this period, there is a day of rest. After all, the battle continues, and every five battles will last for two or three days. The average person's body will be exhausted no matter how long it lasts.

There is just one day of buffering time.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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