Pirate of Darkness

Four hundred and thirty-eight Dorag

The great airway intersection, the upside-down mountain that connects the four seas.

More than five thousand meters in the air, the summit of Upside Down Mountain.

The Red Continent is the largest continent in the world, with an average altitude of several thousand meters, and the holy land of Mary Joa is located at the highest point of the Red Continent.

There are people living on the Red Earth Continent, but they are all in the large area surrounding the Holy Land and close to the Holy Land.

After all, the soil of the Red Earth Continent is hard and not suitable for planting at all. It is difficult to even lay a foundation. Transforming the Red Earth Continent into a habitable one is a huge project. Resources are constantly transported from the sea to the Red Earth Continent and slowly transformed.

Otherwise, within eight hundred years, the Red Earth Continent would have been full of people.

On the Upside Down Mountain, which has never been visited by people, now an uninvited guest has arrived.

Teach's body was floating in the air, looking down at the Upside Down Mountain below. No matter how you looked at it, it was still so shocking.

However, there are many wonderful sights in this world, and Tiqi has seen many, but he was slightly shocked and would not show it easily.

Under the night, the cold wind was fierce, especially among the towering cliffs, and the robes on his body were fluttering greatly in the wind.

Tiqi stood quietly in the air, closed his eyes and rested, waiting.

I don't know how long it took, but Tiqi seemed to feel it and opened his eyes, "Now that you're here, come out."

Tikki had already felt the peeping that had been hidden in the dark since just now. Although it was very subtle, he was still noticed by Tikki's sight.

However, Teach did not notice the specific direction, because in his perception, the sense of peeping was everywhere, as if it was hidden in the air.

As soon as he finished speaking, a hurricane suddenly rolled up in the air, forming a tornado. Tiqi was not affected by the strong wind, and his eyes fell in front of him.

In the tornado ahead, a figure gradually appeared, wearing a dark green coat, short black hair combed back, and a ferocious face.

What surprised him was that the red square tattoo on Long Zuo's face had no idea what it meant.

But this has nothing to do with Tiqi. Tiqi looked at Dolag with interest, felt the aura on Dolag's body, and inferred Dolag's strength.

The pressure is everywhere,

The entire sky seemed to be his domain.

This is the ability of Dolag, the top natural devil fruit, the hurricane fruit, the effect of the hurricane fruit on the sea, in a sense, it is more terrifying than the thunder fruit.

The sea and the ubiquitous sea breeze are the home of those with hurricane fruit abilities. Strong hurricanes can easily set off huge waves, even tsunamis, and create tornadoes.

"Excuse me, why did the famous Dark Emperor come to me?" Dorag said solemnly, looking at Tiqi cautiously. He did not dare to underestimate Tiqi. Most of the major events on the sea in recent years have dark nights. Direct or indirect participation of the pirate group.

As the leader of the Night Pirates, Teach was planning all of this secretly, and many people could detect it.

This is even more true for Dorag. Moreover, they were well hidden and their stronghold was actually known to the Night Pirates far away in the New World.

That stronghold is an important stronghold of the revolutionary army. It is hidden in a country and is committed to overthrowing that kingdom. It is plotting secretly without even the world government noticing.

The revolutionary army is still developing secretly, but it has already come forward and has become a thorn in the side of the world government. So far, it has overthrown seven kingdoms.

Especially in this chaotic era, many poorly governed kingdoms are in internal chaos, the revolutionary army is developing rapidly, and ideas are constantly spreading.

It attracted the attention of the world government early, but it has not yet become a phenomenon and has not attracted the attention of other franchise countries.

The revolutionary army has always been hiding in secret, and its thoughts have not been made known to everyone and attracted the attention of those joining the country.

The main reason is that the Revolutionary Army has not become popular. Even though its ideas are dangerous, it is still a small organization in the eyes of many people.

Those kingdoms that were overthrown were only small countries, and they were not even members of the World Government.

They have not yet felt any immediate threat, and the development of the revolutionary army's power is mainly in the East China Sea and the North Sea. It is more difficult to develop in the West China Sea and the South China Sea.

"Haha, I have also admired your name for a long time, Monkey D. Dorag." Teach smiled and called out his name. He is also very famous in the sea. After all, he is a person wanted by the world government.

The world government knows his details very clearly. It is precisely because of this that after learning Dorag's identity, the Revolutionary Army jumped from a small underground organization to a major problem for the world government.

After all, an organization with the world's top combat power is completely different from an organization without strong people.

And Dorag, who inherited Garp's bloodline, has the potential to reach the top of the sea, and it has been fully demonstrated in the navy.

"Excuse me, what do you want from me?" Dorag got straight to the point and asked directly. They had never even met, let alone had any interaction.

Tiqi came to him because there was definitely something going on, and what the specific matter was, Dorag didn't know.

He could already think that Teach might be threatening him with information about the revolutionary army.

Dolag does not speculate on others with the greatest malice, but the relationship between them can also be said to be hostile.

Pirates are the dregs of the sea. This saying has never gone out of style.

Dorag is also steadfast in justice, but it is not the justice of the World Government, let alone the justice of the Navy. In his opinion, the reason why the world has become what it is today is because of the World Government, a corrupt system.

It is precisely because of this that he left the navy and found a group of like-minded partners to form a revolutionary army to overthrow the rule of the world government and build a new world of harmony, freedom, equality, and dreams.

Connect countries and people around the world who are oppressed by the world government to launch resistance to tyranny.

It's just that Dorag's main enemy is the World Government. If he doesn't overthrow the World Government, how can he deal with the pirates?

"To be honest, I just want to buy insurance." Teach chuckled softly, with a confident look on his face. He never thought whether Dorag would refuse.

He had already faintly noticed the hostility in Dolag, and seemed to be ready to take action at any time. He roughly guessed what Dolag was thinking, but he had no intention of fighting Dolag.

Of course, he wouldn't be afraid if Dolag really wanted to fight. He also wanted to test Dolag's strength, but it wasn't particularly necessary.

"What do you mean?" Dorag frowned. He didn't know what Teach meant. Even though he knew about the Golden Sea Battle, he didn't know Teach's plan or the hidden power of the World Government. How could he guess it? What did Teach want him to do.

However, he didn't feel Teach's hostility. He was a stable person and would not take action easily. As the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army, he had many things to consider, especially since they had not yet developed.

Gu would not easily offend such a powerful enemy.

"Literally, we have a common enemy, and this is also related to your interests, so you may be needed to take action at a critical moment."

Dolag's expression condensed, "World Government."

At this moment, Dolag understood that since it was a common enemy, it was naturally the World Government, and the current war related to the World Government was obviously the Golden Sea War.

Teach wanted him to be a back-up in the Golden Sea Battle. The World Government would have a trump card, and Dorag would naturally know it. What's more, the Revolutionary Army was directly dealing with CP0 and the Army.

There are many overt and covert fights, and they also understand the terrifying power of the world government.

Now it seems that Teach and the others also have a trump card, which is not what it seems.

Moreover, Teach unexpectedly came to the Grand Line without anyone noticing, and he must have come for the Golden Sea Battle. No one else got the news about this, and this was something he suddenly realized.

This golden naval battle is not as simple as it seems.

And what Teach said was right, Dorag did not want the World Government to win this war.

Even if their power has not developed into the Great Line, they have no interest in Gaya Island.

The current situation is favorable for the development of the revolutionary army. At the same time, with the World Government as its main opponent, it is naturally developing in secret. It had some plans before being targeted by the World Government, and it also has some understanding of the situation within the World Government.

He really wanted this situation to last as long as possible.

He was undoubtedly moved by Teach's proposal. If it was just this kind of thing that came to him, he had no room to refuse. This was also for the development of the revolutionary army.

However, he still has considerations. His appearance means the participation of the revolutionary army, which is likely to attract revenge from the World Government, even if they are absolute enemies in the first place.

The World Government even dispatched an army to suppress the kingdoms that were overthrown by the revolutionary army. There was also a powerful CP0 deputy general specifically to deal with them, causing them huge losses and most of the time they had to hide underground.

If the World Government loses this time, it may not be able to deal with these pirates in the New World and will turn its finger on the Revolutionary Army.

But if you really win, it is very worthwhile. The negative impact of defeat will last for a long time, which is enough to give the world government a headache. It is very difficult to persuade the participating countries to give up the gold from the sky.

This is enough to buy a lot of time for the development of the revolutionary army and attack the power and influence of the world government.

Dorag was already convincing himself in his heart, but he would not agree so easily. At the same time, he was still a little confused.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Because you are the most suitable candidate."

Faced with Dorag's doubts, Teach chuckled softly.

"Do you really think I will agree?" Tiqi's look made Dorag a little unhappy, and he said solemnly with his eyes fixed.

He didn't know the right person, but he didn't really want to get involved.

If possible, he would prefer to develop quietly and secretly, as if watching a show, especially since Teach came to him without doing anything.

But if Teach had not come to him and the final battle came, he might have been watching the battle in secret and took action when an accident occurred.

Looking back now, he actually had only one choice.

He is also a planning person and does not want accidents to happen. This is the same as Teach.

I don’t know what kind of power the World Government hides. It is very likely that the World Government will send unexpected combat forces. This requires a person who can control the situation. In addition, he has an absolutely hostile relationship with the World Government. This is why Teach came to find him. His reasons.

Even so, Dorag still didn't want to agree so easily.

Dorag was silent and seemed to be hesitating. This muddy water was not easy to flow. However, seeing Tiqi's look, he was still very confident. Now, he also understood what Tiqi meant by insurance at the beginning.

Seeing Dolag like this, Tiqi didn't want to get entangled like this. He still had a trump card that he had already prepared. He couldn't know more about the situation of the Revolutionary Army. He was also in the Revolutionary Army during the idle chess game earlier. There is a hidden secret. After all, the revolutionary army has developed rapidly in recent years, and it is not a problem to mix some people into it.

Although it did not touch the core, Teach did not particularly want to target the revolutionary army, as long as he could obtain some intelligence, it was enough.

"Ten billion beli, plus food worth five billion beli." Teach looked at Dorag and smiled.

These words were a fatal blow, directly hitting Dorag's heart, like hitting a snake seven inches.

"I agreed." Dorag blurted out and agreed directly, fearing that Tiqi would take back what he just said.

The development of the Revolutionary Army requires a lot of money. Although the Revolutionary Army overthrew several kingdoms and gained a lot of wealth, it spent it quickly, and the World Government reacted quickly and sent people to suppress it.

The revolutionary army had just developed and was still a little unfamiliar with the follow-up to overthrowing the kingdom. Facing the power of the World Government, they initially chose to resist tenaciously. However, how could they be the opponents of the World Government, so they suffered a lot of losses.

This is especially true for food. Many comrades in the revolutionary army are hungry. Food shortage has always been a problem for the revolutionary army. They need to constantly spend money to secretly purchase food.

Both of these are important factors restricting the development of the revolutionary army. After all, they need to feed more people. Only in this way can the revolutionary army grow stronger.

Coupled with the overt and covert restrictions of the World Government, the revolutionary army has difficulty in collecting food.

The food worth 5 billion beli is unimaginable even to the revolutionary army. Adding in 10 billion beli, this makes Dorag somewhat unimaginable.

The revolutionary army was really too poor. Even after overthrowing several kingdoms, they only received a few billion beli. A large amount of beri was spent on disaster relief and poverty relief, and to win the hearts and minds of the oppressed civilians.

With five billion beli, you can buy a kingdom and become the king yourself.

Of course, this is just a small kingdom.

And food is what the revolutionary army lacks most, it is fundamental. Even he can't imagine how much food is worth five billion Baileys.

The temptation offered by Teach to Dolag was so great that he had no reason to refuse.

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