Pirate of Darkness

Four Hundred and Fifty-Three: The Terror of the Destruction Star, Life and Death in a Moment

Below is a dense crowd. Looking at the blue energy ball containing terrifying energy, the violent bear has a determined expression.

Everyone's eyes were on him, wanting to see if the violent bear could withstand this move.

Others are deeply suspicious of this. Anyone who has seen the image of Teach using the Death Star will be frightened by the terrifying and destructive power of the Death Star after it explodes.

Although it has not exploded yet, it can be said that the power of the Death Star is at its strongest now, because the power is concentrated in a small ball.

The steel-like muscles bulged one after another, and the upper body of the violent bear was basically naked. They were all damaged during the battle with Katakuri, and only a few cloth strips were still hanging on it.

A large mass of black hair was clearly visible on his chest, and the hair was luxuriant, but no one paid attention to this at this time.

I saw the violent bear transformed into a huge giant bear dozens of meters tall, like a beast from the wild.

His own body reached its strongest state when he was completely transformed into a beast. He stepped on the last icicle and exploded with terrifying power.

The entire huge figure leaped high into the sky, and the icicles under its feet shattered in an instant due to the powerful force.

Kuzan on the other side maintained a squatting position and took a breath. Such long-distance control also consumed a lot of his physical strength.

The rest depends on Bao Xiong. He is the only hope. I don't know whether he can succeed.

The violent bear has already approached the Star of Destruction, only a few meters away. It is not until this step that the violent bear can personally experience the energy leaking from the Star of Destruction and the terrifying force field around it.

At this time, there was no room for regret. It flashed through my mind, and my whole body curled up to form a ball of flesh, wrapping the Star of Destruction in my abdomen.

Unexpectedly, the violent bear's method turned out to be like this. It looked a little happy and cute.

The next moment, the entire space shook, and the Star of Destruction erupted.

The power of the Death Star's explosion was beyond imagination, and the terrifying gravitational force spread to all directions in an instant, forming a gravitational field hundreds of meters in diameter and shining with blue light.

There are no rocks to obscure the view, allowing one to see the state of the violent bear.

In just an instant, the violent bear was blasted away. He was unable to stop the explosion of the Star of Destruction.

The seven orifices were bleeding, and under the terrifying gravitational distortion, the violent bear's huge body had blood leaching out from his body, dyeing his whole body blood red.

The huge body fluttered and rotated around the core of the Death Star uncontrollably. The violent bear was unable to resist at all. There was only a trace of consciousness left, but it was not completely unconscious.

The violent bear's body has changed, becoming increasingly thin, and its blood is being lost under the terrifying gravitational pressure.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling gravitational field continued to expand, like a blue star that was constantly rotating and expanding.

"no, do not want!"

Below, the ice surface shattered in an instant, and was attracted by gravity, rising, and sucked into the Star of Destruction.

Accompanying the ice were more than 100,000 coalition members. Many of them were pulled by gravity without any resistance and flew directly into the sky.

There are those who hold on to the ice tightly, but are unable to move. The end result is that they can only rise to the sky with the attracted ice.

A large number of coalition members are escaping, but how can their escaping speed compare to the expansion speed of the Death Star, which is hundreds of meters per second.

This is visible. As the Death Star expands, the invisible force field will expand faster. This range is proportional to the size of the Death Star.

You can see from a distance that densely packed figures are constantly rising into the sky and being sucked into the Star of Destruction. People can't help but feel a chill in their hearts when they see it.

They could clearly feel their despair at this time, and the screams were continuous, and they could be heard even from such a long distance.

However, what was even more terrifying was the large amount of seawater that was sucked up behind the hard ice. Some people who thought they could save their lives by jumping into the sea were sucked up with the seawater.

One thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters.

The Star of Destruction has expanded to a behemoth of five thousand meters in diameter, with nearly half of it submerged under the sea surface. The entire interior of the Star of Destruction was also filled with a large amount of seawater in a short period of time.

It is like a super-large water balloon with ice mixed in it. Many sea fish can be seen in it, and even many heads of Neptune species can be seen.

It only took half a minute to go from a diameter of several hundred meters at the beginning to such a terrifying level now. As for the members of the coalition, you don't have to guess what the outcome will be.

This terrifying move, perfectly presented from small to large, appeared in front of everyone.

From the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help but feel fear. Leaders of various forces from all over the world, kings of kingdoms, and captains of pirate groups.

They couldn't imagine what would happen if they faced this move head-on. Can you run away by yourself? At this moment, their hearts were covered with a layer of haze, and they felt as if there was a bomb above their heads that was about to explode at any time.

At the same time, it also implies a deep fear of the Night Pirates and Teach.

The imaging generation at that time was not as developed as it is now. Compared with more than three years ago, the effect of the pictures taken today is more obvious, clearer and the feeling is more intense.

No one wants to face this trick.

Everyone present looked at this terrifying move in shock. It seemed to be the center of the world, with strong gravity attracting everything. The airflow was attracted, forming a storm that hung outside the Star of Destruction like a coat.

The battle between the dragons and Gaia on the edge of the battlefield continued. They were not affected, but they were also unconsciously distracted by the outbreak of the Star of Destruction.

Like Shiki and Sora, although the battle did not stop, they were forced to move the battlefield to a farther place due to the image of the Star of Destruction.

Kong's heart was bleeding. Seeing a large number of members being devoured, he couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in his heart.

The other pirates watching from a distance also felt fear in their hearts, unable to resist.

This move has completely different feelings when used on land than at sea, but it is more terrifying at sea and has a wider range of influence.

Although the tragic situation of the violent bear lasted only a short time, they also saw it. They couldn't even escape. How could the ending of the others be any better?

It is really shocking that a general-level monster died like this. Of course, it is very likely that it is not dead yet and still has some breath left.

More than 90% of the coalition forces have disappeared and been sucked in. Only a few who are lucky, strong, fast, and on the edge of the battlefield barely survive.

Even so, they are still running desperately because they can feel the attraction behind them. If they stop, they will be swallowed up by the closer and stronger gravity.

Along the way, they did not dare to look back. The calls for help and screams continued, but the number of people became fewer and fewer. In the end, only a few hundred of them were left, not even a thousand.

Run away, run away, abandon all distracting thoughts, there is only this thought in my mind.

Fear and despair seeped into my heart.

It seemed that even God was reluctant to annihilate their entire army, and the expansion of the Star of Destruction came to a halt.

Time seems to be standing still. At this moment, the entire star of destruction and the huge water ball are constantly shrinking and compressing.

In less than a second, this super giant water ball mixed with ice disappeared.

Those with sharp eyes can clearly see that at that moment, the blue sea water was stained with some blood. It is not difficult to guess why this is the case.

Clouds, mist, and water vapor filled the air. After the Death Star disappeared, they continued to flow toward the center, forming a natural wonder.

As for the sea, the vacancies in the hemisphere are constantly being filled and restored after the disappearance of the Star of Destruction. Even so, it still takes time.

The impact of this is very terrible. You can clearly feel that the sea is falling, and the sea water is rushing and flowing towards the center of the vacancy.

Human power is very small in the sea. The ice breaks and drifts with the current. The sea area with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters is clearly affected. The power it brings is more terrifying than the tsunami.

The shadow spread and covered in an instant, catching all the pirates into the shadow space. If Redeat hadn't reacted quickly, they would have been in disaster at any time.

But this was a huge drain on Redeat's physical strength. In such a large area and in large numbers, Redeat felt that his body was drained all of a sudden.

"You bastard!" Redyard felt his body was very uncomfortable, gasping for air, and couldn't help shouting.

He had already used it once before, taking away a large number of abandoned arms and artillery and storing them in the space. He did not expect to use it again.

Even Teach had not thought of such an impact before using this move, let alone Redyard.

The subconscious substitution is equal to the effect brought by the previous use of the Death Star.

With his body standing in the air, Tiqi looked very calm on the surface, but in fact he was a little stunned inside. He did not expect this to happen.

If Ledyard hadn't been there to save most of the pirates, things would have definitely gone wrong this time. After all, there would have been huge losses with so many pirates around.

If such an impact could be predicted, Teach would have to carefully consider whether to use the Death Star.

After almost hurting others and hurting himself, killing a thousand enemies and damaging himself eight hundred, Tiqi also felt relieved.

With such a wide-ranging impact, the ice covering the entire battlefield suddenly shattered. The surviving coalition forces were caught off guard by the sudden changes before they could react. The world spun and the earth sank into the deep valley along with the rioting seawater.

A few coalition forces reacted quickly, knowing what they were going to face next, and took off on the moon steps. The rest were in trouble. They couldn't even use the moon steps and were swallowed by the sea water.

In this way, these survivors were hit hard again, and nothing existed on the original basis.

The sea is roaring and devouring everything. At this time, even the dragons and the others cannot ignore it because they are also within the influence of the sea.

But in contrast, Long and Shiji did not give up. They took action and flew into the air. At the same time, large-scale destructive moves continued to blast Gaia and Kong.

With the advantage of flying, the changes in the sea cannot affect them at all. On the contrary, they still have the advantage of home field, and Gaia and Kong will still be affected by the sea.

The changes in the sea completely transferred the initiative and advantage to Long and Shiji.

Sora originally wanted to use the Moon Step, but Shiji's approach was completely to force him to sink into the sea.

The sea was turbulent, and Sora landed on a piece of broken ice. Shiji was close above, watching his every move. While attacking, the seawater under Sora changed and suddenly rolled up, and was affected by Shiji's fluttering. Control of fruit abilities.

Swallowed Kong whole into the sea.

"Jie hahaha! Sora, don't even think about it." Shi Ji laughed. The sea seemed to be under Shi Ji's control, and his domineering power locked Sora in the sea water.

Kong only felt powerless. He was an esper. If he couldn't get out, he would definitely die on this sea.

Kong held his breath, but the sea water was flowing, as if it wanted to enter his body through his mouth and nose.

The terrifying power of a large amount of sea water flowing is not just hundreds or thousands of tons. Even the sky feels very heavy. He knows that he must get out of the sea water, otherwise it will be even more disadvantageous for him in the future. The solid ice that he could originally rest on has disappeared. Either being swallowed by the sea or drifting with the current.

He seemed to have reached the end of his life. The sea exerted extreme restraint on those with abilities. In the sea water, he had no strength to even move.

Sora doesn't have the means to avoid seawater like Teach and the others.

Such a sudden change is shocking. Is Kong, the commander-in-chief of the entire army, going to die?

Kong sank with the waves, seeming to have lost hope.

At this moment, Kuzan appeared at the critical moment and jumped onto the sea. The cold air under his feet froze the sea.

Immediately afterwards, the ice continued to extend from Kuzan's side to the sea surface and to the empty position.

Kuzan's entire body became elemental, turning into ice and blending into the frozen sea, as if he was going to rescue Sora from the sea.

Although he didn't know where Kuzan was, Shi Ji could feel Kuzan's moving aura. Even if it was elementalized, his own aura would not dissipate.

"Want to save him? Let's die in the sea with Sora." How could Shi Ji allow it? He waved his hand and struck out several terrifying slashes.

The extending ice was cut diagonally into several pieces in an instant, and at the same time, it cracked under the powerful force.

But it wasn't over yet. After Shiji found out that it was difficult to hurt Kuzan, who could transform into elements, he directly set his target on Sora.

The sword moves used also changed in an instant. There was no chopping, only the ultimate sharpness, so that it would not cut the sea open and give Sora a chance to recover.

For a strong person like Sora, he can seize the opportunity to escape in just a moment after his strength is restored.

In the blink of an eye, Shi Ji swung hundreds of swords, and thin golden threads appeared in the air, and when connected together, they fell like dense spider webs.

Without being able to use his domineering defense and abilities, Shiji can easily cut Kong in half as long as he hits. Can Kuzan protect Kong?

A dense spider web with no space for an empty person.

Kuzan is moving in the ice, and Sora is on one side. Sora's figure is in the sea. He is holding it with one hand and partially touching the sea water will not cause the ability to disappear. Sora cannot move in the ice like Kuzan. The elements change.

So this is the only way to do it.

Kuzan's movement speed cannot be said to be fast. If it were Porusalino, he could get out of here through the ice in an instant.

I'm very sorry. I tried my best, Marshal Kong.

Kuzan felt a little bitter in his heart, and he kept dodging Shi Ji's slashes with Kong, but facing Shi Ji's dragnet, it was impossible to escape completely.

Therefore, we could only discard part of Sora, which was dripping with blood. Sora's left arm was dripping with blood, and was lost together with his left shoulder, which was cut off abruptly.

As for that arm, he couldn't save it, it was swept away by the fierce current in an instant, and he had to distract himself from Shi Ji's slashing attack by turning into elements.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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