Pirate of Darkness

Four Hundred and Seventy-Two The Will of the Dark Night

Early the next morning, the sun had just emerged, and like a horn, the Night Pirates were in full force.

Seven armies press towards the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

There is no strategy, just absolute power, pure comprehensive strength crushing.

Many members of the Whitebeard Pirates are still asleep.

The murloc army has begun to take action. The Whitebeard Pirates sent out lookouts and scouts near the Night Pirates' territory. Every murloc that did not fall suddenly appeared and was pulled into the water and killed.

This resulted in the Whitebeard Pirates not even noticing that the Night Pirates had approached the Whitebeard Pirates' territory.

The first one to discover it was Morgans, the ubiquitous reporter bird, who had been paying attention to the war between the Night Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, in order not to affect the war, Morgans did not live broadcast directly, but waited for the formal battle between the two sides.

"The real collision is about to begin! Hoho!" Morgans' eyes were shining as he listened to the information he received, and he waved his hand, "Let the army of reporter birds be prepared to observe everything about this war."

Then he turned his head and shouted to the members of the World Economic News behind him, "Hurry up and complete the column prepared for this war. The war is about to start. Let more people know as soon as possible and join in. .”

"Yes! President!" The members behind him shouted excitedly. They were going to be busy again. Several of them were pressing keys continuously, typing the keyboard connected to the phone bug, and there was a huge electronic screen in front of them.

"It'll be time to change your shift soon!"

On an island guarded by the Whitebeard Pirates, standing on a high observation deck, a member of the Whitebeard Pirates took a nap. With a feeling of sleepiness, he picked up his telescope. Every once in a while, Just take a look at the conditions on the sea.

In a daze, he saw pirate ships one after another, and his consciousness suddenly came to his senses.

The main color of the ship is black and purple, the ferocious dragon-headed prow, the pirate flag flying high, three skulls, crossbones at the back, and a strange dark vortex.

There is no doubt that this is the flag of the Night Pirates, and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who fought against the Night Pirates are very familiar with it.

But when did the Night Pirates arrive? At this rate, they would be able to invade the island in just a few minutes.

"Dark, the Dark Night Pirates are coming!" The lookout turned around and shouted crazily, turned on a switch, and a violent alarm sounded, resounding throughout the island.

Many members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were sleeping were awakened and directly picked up their weapons and rushed to the shore, preparing for the battle.

The same scene appeared on various islands where the Whitebeard Pirates resisted the Night Pirates, but some were fast and some were slow. No matter what, their reactions were slow, and the Night Pirates had already taken the lead.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

There was continuous artillery fire, powerful artillery, terrifying impact, and cannonballs falling from the sky.

It fell with a "swish" sound, followed by fire and a terrifying explosion that instantly engulfed the approaching members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The screams continued, and the Whitebeard Pirates were not fully prepared. The Night Pirates had already taken the lead and launched an attack. Accurate cannons were aimed at the shore of the Dark Night Pirates' island, aiming at the Whitebeards. The crew of the pirate group caused the Whitebeard Pirates to suffer huge casualties from the beginning.

"Fight back and sink the Night Pirates' ship!" Jozi jumped up high and punched the cannonballs fired by the Night Pirates, shouting.

The personnel of the Whitebeard Pirates were not weak either. They reacted quickly, filled the cannonballs, aimed at the Dark Night Pirates' pirate ship, took aim, and began to counterattack.

"Bring them all to me. Let me deal with the leader, Jozi." Slada looked at Jozi, who was blocking the Night Pirates' artillery on the shore, from a distance of several hundred meters.

The artillery landed on the shore where the Whitebeard Pirates gathered. If one was not blocked, it would cause huge casualties.

In such a firepower competition, the Whitebeard Pirates were undoubtedly inferior to the Night Pirates, suffering huge casualties. Many members were affected, and many people were sacrificed and injured.

Jozi couldn't stand it anymore. He knew that they had to make a choice. If this continued, their sacrifices would increase and they would be consumed by artillery.

It is impossible to guard the shore to resist the Night Pirates. In terms of firepower, the Night Pirates are very famous in the new world and are many times stronger than the Whitebeard Pirates.

Since it cannot be stopped, let the Night Pirates come over, give up the shore of this island, and turn this island into a battlefield for both sides.

This can also avoid the disadvantage of the Whitebeard Pirates facing the firepower of the Night Pirates.

Moreover, from a distance, he also saw the tall figure on the battleship of the Night Pirates. They can also be said to be old rivals. They faced each other in the last war.

Joz knew that their defenses were useless against Slada and would be easily destroyed.

"Retreat, everyone retreat, let the Night Pirates come over, and we will fight head-on on the island."

Following Jozi's order, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates gradually retreated, abandoning all the defense lines originally formed on the shore.

"Retreat? Then kill them and defeat them." The Whitebeard Pirates have retreated, and the Night Pirates' warship has docked.

Slada said, leaping high from the battleship, making a big hole in the ground, but holding a huge anchor in his hand, he strode forward.

His eyes were fixed on the Whitebeard Pirates headed by Jozi in the distance, and the most important thing was on Jozi.

The members of the Night Pirates following Slada had an overall exhilarating and chilling aura. Although their powerful aura was invisible, it could be clearly felt, and it invisibly put tremendous pressure on people.

In addition to Slada and Jozi, there are other strong men on both sides, all of whom are famous in the new world.

The captain of the affiliated pirate group and a crew member close to the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In the Night Pirates, in addition to the strong ones they have, there are also new ones who have joined and been trained over the years.

The Night Pirates also have affiliated pirate groups, the number of which is smaller than that of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But there are also twenty-nine affiliated pirate groups. Each pirate group has a good reputation in the new world. The captain is not weak. Basically, the bounty is more than 300 million. Even if it is not, it is still weak in terms of strength. Obtained the approval of the leaders of the Night Pirates.

There are many pirate groups in such a large sea area. If they do not leave and face the Night Pirates, they will have only one option other than death and surrender.

Either join the Night Pirates or retain the structure of the pirate group and become a subsidiary pirate group of the Night Pirates.

They are also an important part of the Night Pirates' overall combat power, but they are not as free as the affiliated pirate groups of the Whitebeard Pirates. Affiliates must have the consciousness of being affiliated. While accepting the protection of the Night Pirates, they also Certain obligations need to be assumed.

Like this war, if they accept the call of the Night Pirates and start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates, they have no right to refuse.

If you refuse, there will be only a dead end. Let's deal with them before the war.

Just like basically no one dares to refuse Big Mom's tea party, if they refuse and slap Big Mom in the face, they will usher in the revenge of the Big Mom Pirates.

The battlefields of the two pirate groups were deliberately deviated from the towns on the island. After all, towns are important assets of an island. If they are destroyed, they will need to spend money to rebuild.

Of course, this is war, and parts of the town are destined to be destroyed.

With the advent of the war, some residents of the island have evacuated to the islands behind. Most of them still stay in the town, with their doors and windows closed, and the streets and alleys deserted.

They had already stored enough food to support their lives for a period of time, waiting for the end of the war.

"Jozi, prepare for a big defeat!" Slada said unceremoniously, holding the anchor tightly with both hands, accumulating power, and terrifying power gathered on the anchor.

"Elbaf's Spear·Hegemony!"

"Boom!" Slarda stepped forward with one foot, causing the earth to crack. At the same time, he vigorously waved the anchor towards the Whitebeard Pirates ahead.

Gu's attack caused Jozi's expression to change. He felt the terrifying power. Moreover, he was no stranger to this move. The fighting skills of the giants were most suitable for tall and powerful people.

In an instant, Jozi reacted and his whole body turned into a hard and shining diamond.

"Shining Crash!"

Horror broke out, and Jozi rushed forward in an instant, trying to resist Slada's move.

And Slada also instantly slashed out a terrifying large-scale shock wave with extremely strong penetrating power.

Slardar had already entered the human hand form before using this move, so he went all out with this move.

In a war, morale is very important. Faced with the sudden attack of the Night Pirates and the sacrifice of many companions, the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates was somewhat weak.

Slarda wanted to use this move to once again undermine the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates and expand his own advantage.

A big victory is the result of combining all the advantages.

The earth was trembling, and the air was rippled by invisible ripples due to the terrifying impact.

Jozi's figure endured the impact and kept rushing towards Slada, but his speed in the air became slower and slower, and finally stagnated in the air.

There is no doubt that Jozi did not block Slada's move, and the huge impact range was not something Jozi could withstand alone.

The impact passed through Jozi and directly hit the Whitebeard Pirates members behind Jozi. Due to the terrifying impact, the ground rolled, and a large number of Whitebeard Pirates members were directly swallowed by the impact, and their figures were blown away with the impact.

Behind Jozi, a passage hundreds of meters long and eight meters wide opened up.

And Qiaozi also lost power under this move and was passively blasted away with the impact.

This move caused huge casualties to the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Kill!" Slarda shouted, taking advantage of this opportunity to rush directly to the camp of the Whitebeard Pirates and start a massacre. In just ten seconds, dozens of people died on his side. in hand.

Facing Sraddha, they had no ability to resist.

The fighting started, and people kept falling, including those from the Night Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Jozi also quickly rushed into the battlefield and stood in front of Slada, and the two fought together.

Although Slada's move was extremely powerful and had extremely strong penetrating power, it only caused a small injury to Jozi when faced with Jozi's King Kong body.

In the collision of forces, if the two were evenly matched last time, then Slada is already suppressing Jozi now.

Jozi couldn't believe that the power he was so proud of was lost to Slada.

More importantly, after three years of fighting, the two of them were equally strong. Jozi's strength improved more slowly than Slada's.

Slada's natural physique is powerful, especially in terms of strength. He is not inferior to Jozi at all. After three years of growth and training in Elbaf, Slada's strength has greatly increased.

Moreover, Slarda also has the powerful ability of the ancient species King Crocodile Fruit. As time goes by and the further development of the Devil Fruit, the increase in Slarda's abilities becomes even more terrifying.

Coupled with Slada's intense training, he even broke through his limits again and again.

Using the power of data, many people can know where their limits are, and then use this as a standard to exceed this standard again and again.

This is a commonly used method in the Night Pirates. Even Teach will use this method and can clearly see his progress. The further you go, the stronger you are and the more difficult it is to make progress.

If you can surpass this standard, you can see your own progress, which can also give you the motivation to become stronger.

This method is very good, especially when you can fight fiercely for days and nights to this extent, most of which are carried with you with the sea tower stone. In addition to your own physical strength, it also tests your willpower.

"You are no longer my opponent, Jozi." Slada laughed and waved the anchor in his hand vigorously, suppressing Jozi with terrifying power.

Jozi raised his diamond-turned arm to resist. Even so, his arm still shook and he took half a step back slightly.

Golden pupils, with a sense of oppression, covered in scales, and the tail waving behind him.

The gap has been highlighted, and everyone can see that Jozi is being suppressed by Slada. Under Slada's fierce offensive, despite counterattacks, he is constantly retreating.

It's still a crazy style of fighting, constant attacks on each other, Jozi's King Kong body, Slardar's powerful physique, defense and the resilience of the ancient species.

It seemed like I was back to the battle three years ago, the same fighting style, but the process had changed.

"I have tried my best to become stronger. How can you keep up with me if you are so lax? They are just the Whitebeard Pirates. Without Whitebeard, you are nothing!" Slada shouted excitedly, seemingly While venting, his golden vertical pupils flashed with fiery gaze.

Maybe it's because Teach was once a member of the Night Pirates, and his goal was to defeat and surpass Whitebeard.

The Night Pirates have always regarded the Whitebeard Pirates as their main imaginary enemy, the one they want to defeat.

This is why the internal members of the Night Pirates have complex emotions, and can even be said to be hostile, towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

It was this hostility that drove them forward, and even Teach did not let up at all, let alone them.

Coupled with a better understanding of the Whitebeard Pirates, for a few people, the family ties of the Whitebeard Pirates may be very touching.

But for most pirates, as well as the members of the Night Pirates, this kind of maintenance of the Whitebeard Pirates is very ridiculous and very fragile.

As long as Whitebeard is around, the Whitebeard Pirates are the Whitebeard Pirates. Once something goes wrong with Whitebeard, the entire pirate group will easily collapse due to internal and external problems.

The link that connects the members of the Whitebeard Pirates is Whitebeard. Even if the members have deep feelings for each other, they will eventually fall apart and form groups due to various relationships.

Like Teach and others, they can already see this scene, but Whitebeard's invincible power and reputation make most people forget all this.

Just a war is not enough for them. They need a complete victory to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates and overwhelm the Whitebeard Pirates with real power.

If we talk about the last war, Teach and the Whitebeard Pirates still have some affection, which will give the Whitebeard Pirates a chance to redeem those members.

Now, the friendship has completely dissipated, and they are truly hostile. This can be seen from the fact that Teach does not restrict whether his subordinates should keep their hands, and the Night Pirates have truly shown their fangs.

In this war, in addition to the members and cadres guarding other islands, the Night Pirates sent out a group of their most powerful cadres.

In addition, it is also the confidence brought by the improvement of Tiqi's strength. From the huge gap with Whitebeard to the level that he can cope with it, the tempering of the hegemonic body has begun to bear fruit. Although the effect is not great, Tiqi can already feel the strength of his body. improvement.

Like the hegemonic body, it does not improve the surface much, or even has no effect, because Tiqi can use his hegemony to defend himself, and in the process of exercising his hegemony, his physique will also be improved.

More importantly, the internal resistance of the body is enhanced. After all, the human body is very fragile, even to monsters like Big Mom and Kaido.

The most terrifying thing about Whitebeard is his Shock Fruit ability, the strongest attack power, but this ability can be easily absorbed by the Dark Fruit.

Coupled with the power of Ledyard and Ares, Teach bluntly said that he was no longer afraid of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Through this battle, the Whitebeard Pirates will be completely turned into a stepping stone. This is the will of the Night Pirates.

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