Pirate of Darkness

five hundred ended

"This, this!" Morgans was speechless, staring at this scene blankly, not knowing what to say.

It was precisely because he was on the battlefield that Morgans felt it more closely. The terrifying power made his body muscles a little stiff and he didn't dare to breathe.

In the face of such a huge body, any power is useless, and Barrett also has such a huge armament and domineering power.

No one can resist such a terrifying power, and the same goes for Whitebeard, even if he has the power of the Shock Fruit.

The whole world fell silent, and Holt, who was on Boxing Island, was completely stunned. He didn't expect Barrett to have such terrifying power, and he still underestimated Barrett.

Now it seems that there is great hope for Barrett to defeat Whitebeard. Although Whitebeard is powerful, Barrett is not bad at all in terms of overall strength.

In the image, there is still the shocking giant beast, like the God of Destruction who is about to destroy the world. In front of it, even Kaido, who is fully transformed into a beast, is incomparably small.

A terrifying punch, but also an invincible punch. The terrifying power affects the entire island.

The navies on the edge of the island were all severely damaged by this punch. Many sailors were swept directly into the sea, and the sea was even more rough. The violent currents engulfed these navies in an instant and sank into the sea. Many of them could never come up again.

The warships that have arrived are also uncomfortable, upside down.

The foundation of the entire island was directly destroyed. The island fell into pieces and began to gradually shift. The sea water poured in, and the giant beast had raised its arms, leaving a sinkhole with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

The sea water kept pouring out from below, faster than the water flowing in around the island. In other words, Barrett's punch directly penetrated the island.

As for the figures of Garp and Frieda, although they could not be seen, they were undoubtedly submerged by the sea water.

With one punch, Barrett released the power of awakening, and at the same time released the combined state of the "large bullet" form. The entire form has a skeleton. If it is not released, the giant beast will remain like this and stay in this place. on the island.

Of course, without his armed domination, the overall structure is actually relatively fragile, but it is also harder than ordinary steel.

Of course it can be destroyed in strong hands, but Barrett has no intention of leaving his works for study.

Without the maintenance of Barrett's ability,

The entire behemoth collapsed, and Barrett also came out of it and came outside the scope of the collapse of the "behemoth".

Porusalino, on the other hand, appeared in the area where the punch landed, looking down with some worry. Frieda and Garp were both down there!

However, this place has turned into a lake, and as an ability user, he cannot get into it.

Not long after, there was a little ripple in the lake, and a dark shadow appeared under the lake, which made Porusalino's eyes light up.


Two figures emerged from the lake, and Capra appeared from under the lake with Frieda, who had lost his fighting power.

He looked very embarrassed, gasping for air. Frieda was severely injured by this punch, and he looked like he was alive. If Garp hadn't rescued him, he might have died in the sea. .

This terrifying punch represents absolute power. Even Garp can't resist it and it's not very comfortable.

Seeing them come out, the Navy Headquarters, the World Government, and some residents around the world were relieved.

Compared to the devilish Barrett, the admiral and the hero Garp want them to get closer.

Barrett in the distance was already preparing to leave. After seven days of fighting and the punch just now, his physical strength was running low. Although he could hold on for a few more days, it was meaningless.

When he came to the shore, Barrett used his ability to use the materials of those warships to directly synthesize a submarine, and jumped onto the submarine.

"Barrett is leaving, huh? What is he going to do?" Following Morgans' words, the scene suddenly shifted from Garp's side to Barrett's side.

I saw Barrett standing in the submarine, taking out a switch-like button from somewhere, looking in the direction of the island, with a slightly ferocious and weird smile on his face.

Press your finger lightly on it.

Most people didn't react.


The entire island suddenly exploded, with soaring fire and violent explosions, covering the entire island, and everything was covered.

At the moment of the explosion, Porusalino turned into light to avoid it, and Garp covered his body with color to resist.

Frieda reacted a little slowly and was directly hit by the terrifying explosion, but for a monster like him, the damage was not great, so he used his domineering power and abilities quickly.

In contrast, the navies on the shore suffered. The navies still in the water were fine, but the ones on the shore were completely engulfed by the explosion.

Most of them were in poor condition, suffered heavy losses for a while, and were caught in endless explosions. Except for a few navy, the rest could not survive at all.

The body was even dismembered in the powerful explosion.

The explosion did not last long, but the damage it caused was huge.

No one thought that Barrett had buried so many bombs under the island, covering the entire island. So many bombs could destroy a kingdom.

The already dilapidated island was completely destroyed by the explosion. It was filled with smoke, the land was scorched, and the area where the navy was located was full of corpses.

There are not many left alive.

On the sea, there are the broken limbs and broken legs of fellow sailors floating.

"That bastard!" Garp was extremely angry.

Also angry are the navy in the navy headquarters. If they lose, they will admit it. But now, more than 10,000 navy have been affected by the previous punch. With the explosion, less than half of the navy are still alive.

They may also be grateful for that terrible punch. If it hadn't been for that punch that sent many navy into the sea, their losses would have been even more severe, and even the entire army would have been annihilated.

However, with the sacrifice of seven to eight thousand sailors, plus the two thousand sailors who died at the No. 3 Navy Food Base, their losses have reached as high as 10,000, plus the destruction of the No. 3 Food Base.

This kind of loss is very huge. It is the first time since the Navy rested and recuperated, and it was caused by Barrett alone.

Even after leaving, Barrett gave them such a "surprise".

By this time, Barrett was gone, sinking into the sea via submarine when it exploded.

Barrett won this battle. Although he did not really defeat the Navy, in the eyes of outsiders, it was Barrett's victory, and the Navy suffered huge losses.

Few people understand the Navy's grief. They are all immersed in Barrett's terrifying strength. Barrett's strength is really terrifying and possesses overwhelming power.

Everyone knows that the new world is about to change, if Barrett plans to do something next.

Barrett's footsteps will not stop, and there will definitely be more moves. Barrett wants to surpass Roger and become the strongest in the world. Just defeating Garp is not enough. He did not kill Garp.

Although that punch was terrifying, it could be avoided as long as you were fast.

Garp is just the beginning. The Golden Lion, Whitebeard, and even the Dark Emperor may all be Barrett's targets.

Barrett really had the power to defeat the Sea Emperor. He fought with Vice Admiral Garp for three days and three nights, and lasted four days under the combined attack of Garp and the two generals.

Even so, Barrett still retains a lot of physical strength to use such terrifying moves.

Today's Barrett is just a "descendant of the devil" which is far from enough to show his power, terrifying strength and disregard for life. Barrett is the real devil.

"Damn it! That guy Barrett!" Warring States said angrily, "For the sake of the reputation of the navy, we must catch him!"

Barrett's behavior completely angered Sengoku and the others. The most important thing was that Barrett was too strong, and the strength he showed was not weaker than Whitebeard.

"Bulu Bulu..."

At this time, a phone rang, and the angry Navy meeting room suddenly fell silent.

This phone bug is from the World Government.

"Initiate the demon-slaying order! Capture the devil's heirs at all costs. We can no longer let such dangerous factors in the sea." The serious voice of Wulaoxing came out.

At all costs, it is enough to show the determination of the World Government and Barrett's power, especially Barrett's final awakening power. Who knows if Barrett will come to trouble the World Government one day?

Whitebeard had just shown his hidden power and established himself as the strongest in the world. Barrett had also shown a terrifying strength that was not weaker than Whitebeard, and even had the potential to surpass Whitebeard.

People are never idle. An unscrupulous monster like Barrett might come to the Holy Land to cause trouble after causing trouble with Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

When the time comes, Gu Zao will definitely cause heavy damage to the World Government, and may even destroy the Holy Land.

Therefore, Barrett must be arrested before this happens. The threat shown by Barrett is too great and needs to be eradicated early.

"The world government will also provide you with support, four cp0s plus one cp0 deputy general manager!"

Not only do they feel threatened, but also the Celestial Dragons who stand at the top of the world's power. Now that the imaging era has begun, it is normal for the Celestial Dragons to watch videos without any problems.

Barrett really made the Tianlong people feel fear and fear. For this reason, they let go of their power and were willing to send four CP0s who only existed to protect them.

To be precise, CP0 exists to protect the Celestial Dragons, but there are also distinctions between those who specifically protect the Celestial Dragons and those who need to perform tasks outside.

Gradually, cp0 was divided into two parts. On the surface, it was a whole, but in reality it was in the hands of Wulaoxing and Tianlong.

cp0's strength is now greatly reduced, and several people have been deployed in Wano Country. They cannot be withdrawn. If they want to take action, they naturally need the Tianlong people to release some strength.

In contrast, the four CP0s only play a supporting and diversionary role, and really require the participation of top combat forces.

"Yes, we are having a meeting for this!" Warring States said seriously. The World Government is willing to send combat forces, which is very beneficial to them. After all, CP0 is a terrifying force.

"Then it's up to you, don't let us down."

The caller hung up and the meeting continued.

Warring States stood up and looked at the entire conference room, "Everyone heard it."

The demon-slaying order was last executed eight years ago, destroying O'Hara.

They all knew that their opponent this time was Barrett, the "Descendant of the Devil". Facing such an opponent, the ordinary configuration of the Demon Slaying Order was far from being able to defeat him.

It can be seen just from the fact that the World Government has sent such powerful combat support.

Everyone else is waiting for Sengoku to speak. Sengoku should already have an idea, which is the configuration of the Demon Slaying Order this time.

"Select out 10,000 elite naval warriors."

"With Garp and I as the leaders, plus Kuzan and Sakaski, plus eight lieutenants, when the time comes Porusalino and Frieda will guard the Navy Headquarters, and Barrett must not be let go, absolutely! "

The last two words were extremely resolute. After all, the Warring States Period planned to take action personally. Although it was customary for the marshal to guard the headquarters and he could not leave the headquarters under normal circumstances, this was a special situation.

In order to eradicate the huge threat, Barrett must be defeated with absolute power and not give Barrett the slightest chance.

Everyone knows the purpose of those 10,000 marines, which are to slow down Barrett and consume Barrett's physical strength. Barrett's monster-like physical strength is more terrifying than Kaido. It is unfathomable and must be consumed. Lose.

This is not defeat, but capture, and capturing is much more difficult than defeating.

With such a huge lineup, even the naval generals present could not help but take a deep breath.

Marshal Sengoku wants to defeat Barrett with absolute strength, in order to strengthen the power of the navy and the world government.

Even Barrett would never be able to stand up in front of such a terrifying lineup.

Logically speaking, only Sengoku and Garp are enough, there is no need for two more generals, and there is also CP0 support sent by the World Government.

Although Barrett's strength is terrifying, he is completely unworthy of the Navy World Government sending such a lineup.

It can even be said that it is a bit of a fuss.

If you publicize it, you will be looked down upon.

They were a little confused. After all, a strong man still wanted to save face. It was really unreasonable for so many strong men to join forces to deal with one person.

Crane saw what Sengoku was thinking, stood up and explained, "It's very difficult to catch Barrett. His ability cannot be limited by the sea. As a lone ranger, we only have one chance, and we are not allowed to have another chance." Any mistakes.”

"Otherwise, there may not be another chance, and we will also face Barrett's revenge."

"At the same time, we must avoid unexpected strong men joining the battle." This kind of thing has happened many times. Although Barrett is a lone ranger, the only connection is the Brotherhood. Although the Brotherhood is a bit troublesome, it is not enough evidence.

But this does not mean that Barrett has not secretly contacted other forces. If a strong person joins during the battle, it may bankrupt the navy's operation.

Therefore, there must be enough power. Some of the power not only shortens the time to defeat Barrett, but also prevents possible external forces. Sengoku has to prepare for the worst.

After all, this kind of thing has happened many times in the past few years, causing heavy damage to the navy.

There is only one chance, which is why Sengoku did this. Moreover, the World Government has issued a death order. This is also the Navy's first big move in the past two years. If it fails, its reputation will definitely be reduced.

Things like reputation will continue to be consumed. If the navy does not have outstanding achievements, it will only make civilians more and more disappointed with the navy. Even the participating countries will not feel safe, and even the world government will be affected. The navy will inevitably Be held accountable.

For the Warring States Period, this was also an action that absolutely did not allow failure.

In recent years, the navy's internal reforms have been very successful and are getting better and better.

However, since the Warring States Period when he took office as marshal, he has not achieved much externally. Instead, he has declined, and even hit rock bottom, suffering heavy losses, although he has been implicated by the World Government.

However, as the marshal of the navy, he also has unshirkable responsibilities. The stability of the new world situation, the birth of the fifth emperor, the terrifying power of Barrett, and the power of the pirates are becoming more and more terrifying. The overall strength is so terrifying that even if The navy would also be easily swallowed up.

Pirates distrust each other. If a Pirate King emerges who can unify the power of pirates, even the World Government will find it difficult to survive under the power of these pirates.

It is precisely because of this that the World Government, even at the huge cost of losing a large number of agents and even CP0, wants to steal a signpost stone from Wano Country, in order to prevent the emergence of the Pirate King from the source.

The Navy needs a big victory to boost morale.

After saying this, the other navies present also understood it and could even see the meaning behind it.

This meeting is a core meeting of the Navy, that is, except for a few record officers and intelligence officers below the level of lieutenant general, the rest are the core of the navy with lieutenant general and above.

People like Novoa were unable to attend this meeting.

After all, the current decision-making cannot be exposed, and there are people who can be trusted.

"In that case, when do we start? How to activate the demon-slaying order? Barrett won't stand there waiting for us, right?"

This is a rather troublesome matter. If Barrett escapes early, the Demon-Slaying Order will be meaningless.

"Don't worry, he is an extremely arrogant person. He will not escape. Instead, he will think about defeating the strongest demon-slaying order in our history!" Warring States has some understanding of Barrett's mentality.

"Just like Barrett, we declare war directly. On an island in the New World, Barrett will definitely come over and make the noise louder. Kuzan and Sakaski must hide first."

"The time for action is just one month away. We need a little time to prepare."

The sharp-edged Barrett has become the object of world attention. His terrifying strength has attracted the admiration of many pirates. The most important thing is that he suppressed the naval hero Garp in the battle.

If the battle really continues, without the intervention of the two generals, Garp may really lose.

This is definitely exciting news for pirates, because Garp not only has huge prestige in the navy, but also has a great reputation among pirates, but it is just a "notoriety".

Garp can be said to be the backbone of the Navy. Once he truly falls, the impact on the Navy will be huge.

"It seems that you have another strong opponent, Teach." Redyard smiled at Teach.

"Haha! The stronger the opponent, the better, isn't it? But Barrett's flaws are too obvious. The World Government and the Navy will definitely make big moves." Teach shook his head slightly.

Redyard naturally knew what Teach was talking about. In this sea, with terrifying strength and huge threats, the fate of being alone would not be good.

Unless he is very low-key, it is impossible for Barrett. In the face of powerful forces, human physical strength has its limits. No matter how monster Barrett is, he is still a human being.

"I wonder how the Navy and the World Government are going to act? Do you want someone to check it out?" Redyard asked.

"No need. It's not easy to get him in, but it will alert the enemy. Besides, if the Navy wants to take action against Barrett, it must come to the new world. This cannot be hidden at all. You will naturally know it when the time comes." Teach chuckled.

"That guy Morgans has a sharper nose than a dog. He will definitely get the news out as soon as possible."

"Then just wait and watch quietly, this sea is getting more and more interesting."

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