Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and five Barrett was arrested

Even though Barrett lost the battle with Whitebeard, there were still a large number of supporters who did not think he lost.

Because Barrett did not use the awakened power in the battle with Whitebeard.

The power of Whitebeard's Shock Fruit cannot completely shatter the giant beast. Even if it shatters the giant beast's body, it can still recover quickly under Barrett's control.

In Barrett's state, the huge size of the beast brings terrifying power that no one can match.

Injuring Barrett is the most painful thing. As long as Barrett is not hurt, Barrett cannot be defeated. Even if he awakens, Barrett can persist for a long time with his terrifying physical strength.

Originally, Barrett was not interested in the ordinary navy, but the combat power sent by the world government and the navy completely angered him.

The most terrifying artillery pieces in the world, with huge caliber and terrifying power.

Barrett can control the deformation of inorganic objects at will, and he is a super arms factory. This method makes people realize that Barrett is not without means of long-range attacks in the awakened state.

The next moment, the entire island shook again, and the ground around the island began to rise and curve.

The entire island is like a blooming flower starting to close. The light dims visibly to the naked eye, and stops after reaching a certain level.

"No, we can't leave!"

The continuous terrorist artillery attacks caused considerable losses to the navy, but those who could be selected were all elites of the navy, who at least had mastered the domineering force.

Their domineering force is not strong enough, so they cannot withstand the explosion of artillery fire, but they can be weakened to a certain extent. Coupled with their superhuman physique, they can ensure that some people will not die from serious injuries.

They can't let their domineering energy cover their whole body.

Therefore, there were many victims, more than 3,000 people died at once.

Most of those left alive were disabled, and there were constant wailing sounds on the black scorched earth.

Ninety percent of the ten thousand sailors lost their combat effectiveness in this artillery attack.

In addition to being injured, he was treated like a prisoner.

How to leave the island from thousands of meters in the air.

The terrifying artillery fire covered several kilometers, no one could escape, and there were only a few navies with well-preserved combat capabilities.

It can be said that they have been trapped and died on this island. Barrett has merged with the entire island. They did not expect to have such power.

"Beat me, or you won't even be able to leave!" Barrett's voice sounded.

The eight vice-admirals rushed towards the giant beast's head on moon steps, from behind the giant beast.

Barrett's sense of sight is also very powerful, and he can naturally detect the incoming navy.

The giant beast is extremely fast. Under Barrett's control, its shape changes, and its front and back sides change in a short period of time.

A powerful palm fell, and the terrifying force swallowed them up in an instant. These naval vice-admirals were like ants shaking a tree, unable to resist at all, and flew out, losing their combat effectiveness.

The astonishing destructive power brought by its huge size, today's Barrett is like an ancient weapon. Just this long-range bombardment makes the world government even more afraid.

It is completely possible to conduct long-range artillery bombardment on the Holy Land outside the Red Earth Continent.

"All lieutenant generals have lost their combat effectiveness!"

Garp and Sengoku had not suffered much damage from Barrett's blow before, and they didn't feel much at that time.

But now, the eight vice-admirals, who were considered strong in the new world, were all wiped out. Just one blow caused them to lose their combat power. It can be seen that the power of the giant beast is terrifying.

The camera accurately captured the Vice Admirals flying backwards, and the Vice Admirals even lost consciousness.

This is absolute power, a power that no one can resist.

A huge giant made of mud and stone appeared, and a big hand caught the eight people. Otherwise, if they fell from the sky thousands of meters high, even their physical bodies would be severely damaged, and their lives might even be in danger.

Moreover, today's battlefield is too dangerous for them. If Barrett strikes again, they will die.

The one who took action was naturally Gaia, who transformed into a rock giant hundreds of meters tall, but in front of Barrett, it was still not enough to see, barely reaching the knees of the giant beast.

Putting the decommissioned Lieutenant General in a safe place, Gaia began to face Barrett.

"Come together and force Barrett out of the giant beast." Warring States shouted loudly.

This is the only way, otherwise it will not be consumed enough.

With an order, all the powerful men took action, and their target was Barrett's location.

Led by Garp and Sengoku, including Kuzan, Sakaski, and the other three CP0 members, they all followed the giant beast's body upwards on moon steps.

Encirclement and suppression against Barrett.

"Get out of here, Barrett!" Garp's agility reached its peak, and he struck Barrett's head with a terrifying punch.

The behemoth's head was shattered in an instant, and Barrett's domineering force could not be resisted.

But among them, there was no figure of Barrett. Barrett immediately moved inside the beast.

It was just a head, and it quickly recovered under the control of Barrett. Barrett was short of clones, and waved his arms, blasting towards Sengoku and Sakaski who were following.

Sakaski was elementalized and covered in red magma. His moon step speed was not very fast, but with the fruit ability and the explosive power of the volcanic eruption, he also showed amazing speed.

Facing the incoming fist, Sakaski's body spattered a large amount of magma, and he soon transformed into a lava beast tens of meters high.

"Canine-toothed Red Lotus!" The arm of the giant lava beast erupted with terrifying lava, which instantly hit the incoming fist.

After a collision, Sakaski was knocked out, but his goal was achieved, which was to restrain one of Barrett's arms and give other people a chance.

On the other side, Kuzan also took action, and the behemoth's arm was completely sealed by ice.

As a result, Barrett seemed to have lost the means of attack, "Big Buddha Impact!"

The figure of Warring States leaped high and transformed into a huge Buddha. A terrifying impact erupted, and the white impact visible to the naked eye went straight down towards the arm of the giant beast.

The behemoth is powerful but also fragile. Once the armed defense is broken, the destruction speed exceeds the speed that Barrett can recover with his abilities, and it is easily destroyed.

Moreover, Barrett is not able to flexibly use his awakening ability. His knowledge is not strong enough to pay attention to everything. In the face of so many attacks, he cannot control it at all.

The giant beast's body trembled, and he knelt on one leg, almost falling to the ground. It turned out that Gaia had taken action.

The rock giant held one of the behemoth's legs and shook the behemoth's body with its own power.

Both arms of the giant beast were broken.

The impact of Warring States and Garp's iron fist respectively hit the giant beast's arm, which was frozen and unable to move, and the other attacked Sakaski's arm.

The broken arm fell from the sky, and it was too late for Barrett to recover. Now he had lost the means to attack.

The ability to synthesize the fruit takes time even to recover. After the broken arm was separated from the body of the giant beast, it lost Barrett's control.

Barrett did not use his ability in time to reconnect the broken areas or suck him into the body of the giant beast.

Barrett's attention is limited. He can manage one person or two people, but he cannot pay attention to everyone's actions.

If Barrett can maintain this state and deal with everyone's attacks at the same time, then he can really be said to be invincible.

But it's a pity that Barrett can't do it, and no one in this world can do it.

If it were Tikki, with Tikki's insightful color and ability to multi-task, he might not have been dismembered so quickly.

And Teach does not have such terrifying domineering power.

So this is unsolvable.

"Barrett is going to die. There are too many powerful enemies." Teach looked at the video and sighed with some pity.

If there were only Garp and Sengoku, Barrett alone would be able to deal with it.

It's a pity that there is no if. How similar is this defeat to the one in Teach's memory? The huge body was dismembered, and the means of attack were lost.

No, Barrett hasn't given up yet. The two arms have regrouped, but the size of the giant beast has obviously become smaller.

The smaller size also means that the behemoth's attack power decreases.

Karp and the others seized the opportunity to attack.

Facing the attacks of many strong men, Barrett simply couldn't spare the energy to reabsorb the earth's soil to restore the giant beast to its original size.

Main attack, auxiliary, containment, even the members of cp0 have terrifying strength.

Barrett realized his shortcomings. In this state, the effect displayed was not as powerful as imagined, and there were too many enemies.

The most important thing is that he cannot deal with so many strong people at the same time.

Seeing this situation, Barrett knew that he could not continue like this. The awakened power was extremely draining of his physical strength, so he decisively came into contact with this state.

The huge behemoth fell apart, and at the core where Barrett was located, the power of the synthetic fruit was used.

Gu Su's aircraft flew directly out from among the scattered boulders and flew towards the sky at such a speed that no one else could react and could not catch up.

Unexpectedly, Barrett actually has such a method to fly the aircraft into the hole left in the sky. As long as he flies out, the sky will be high and the bird will fly away. Neither the navy nor CP0 can catch up.

"No, he's going to run away!" Warring States said with some reluctance. Is it possible that all their efforts will be in vain?

Garp clenched his fists tightly and quickly rose into the air on moon steps, chasing after Barrett. Garp used all his strength, but the distance between the two sides was only a little closer, and Barrett would soon be Get out.

Suddenly, a green barrier appeared in the hole above the island, blocking the aircraft that was about to fly out.

Barrett, who was driving the aircraft, had a look of astonishment in his eyes. The armed-colored aircraft slammed into the green barrier, causing ripples on it, but it did not break at all.

Barrett reacted quickly and controlled the aircraft to circle over the island, because Garp was about to catch up behind him, and he also wanted to figure out who was responsible.

It was impossible to get out. The green barrier not only blocked the exit, but also blocked the entire island.

And below, the CP0 who was watching the battle trembled when the aircraft hit the barrier, and blood flowed from under the mask, as if he had suffered a backlash.

He stood firm, held up his hat, and lowered the brim.

"When I came, I was already prepared to sacrifice and move quickly. My ability can only last ten minutes at most." The CP0 said calmly, seemingly not affected in any way.

He is the sealer of the Sealing Fruit, and his purpose here is to prevent Barrett from escaping from the island.

However, maintaining such a large blockade space will greatly consume his physical strength, and the force that attacks the blockade barrier is too strong, and he himself will suffer backlash.

The reason why he didn't join the battle was to conserve his energy.

Everyone else also heard what he said. If he hadn't been there, Barrett might have escaped.

Barrett wanted to try to escape through the rock walls around the island. The powerful force shattered the rock walls, but a green barrier still appeared behind the rock walls.

He couldn't escape, and Garp also chased after him, smashing Barrett's aircraft with a punch, revealing Barrett's figure.

Barrett was in danger. He transformed into a "devil form", with a dark blue body and red eyes, like a devil. He lifted his feet into the air and quickly killed Garp.

The two were fighting fiercely, two physical warriors fighting in the air. Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared in the sky, and the rock giant fell from the sky and slapped Barrett to the ground with one palm.

It turned out that Gaia used her own ability to move along the rock wall to the top of Barrett and Garp. Barrett could not detect the hidden aura.

Just one palm cannot defeat Barrett. The ultimate goal is to get Barrett to the ground, so that he can combine the power of others to surround Barrett and eliminate Barrett in the shortest time.

Barrett fell from the sky and controlled his body to quickly approach the CP0 who was blocking his escape.

Now, neither Garp nor Sengoku and the others will give Barrett the chance to use the combined fruit ability in order to defeat Barrett.

"Meteor volcano!" Hot magma balls continued to spray out, covering the entire sky and aiming at Barrett.

Sakaski wants to block Barrett. Now the CP0 plays a very important role. Once he is injured, the duration of this barrier will be shortened, and the time given to them will also be shortened.

Barrett's figure shuttled among the meteors, and even punched away the oncoming lava.

"Big Buddha Impact!"

The terrifying impact struck directly, engulfing Barrett's figure like a wave, and his body flew quickly into the distance.

The three CP0s seized the opportunity and used huge crescent-like slashes, sharp finger guns, and devil fruit abilities to cover Barrett's figure.

Barrett slapped the slash to the side with one palm, and punched away the finger gun with the same punch, directly knocking the CP0 away with overwhelming force.

The ability to evade Devil Fruits sensitively, the light waves released, and the weirdness of the ability made Barrett afraid to touch it.

The figure flashed and appeared on the side of the CP0. She was absolutely inferior in strength. She grabbed his neck with one hand in an instant, and punched his head with force with the other hand.

A CP0 fell like this. Barrett knew that in order to eliminate the combat power of the World Government and Navy as soon as possible, these CP0s became his goals.

Barrett quickly and easily dealt with one CP0. Barrett immediately rushed towards the other CP0. At this moment, Garp caught up with him again. Barrett fought and retreated, relying on his strong body to withstand Garp's punch. Another cp0 was killed.

Next, Barrett is fighting Garp.

"No! Barrett is stalling for time." Sengoku's expression changed. Except for Garp, the two people in the sky were not good at air combat. Now, Barrett planned to wait until the green barrier disappeared.

It wouldn't be a problem for Barrett to fight this kind of battle for a few more days and nights.

Warring States continued to rise into the sky, surpassing the heights of Barrett and Garp, and transformed into a golden giant Buddha. Terrifying impact blasts erupted up and down, and Garp was also within the scope of his ability.

The terrifying impact caused the two people to fall to the ground unable to resist.

"Come together, don't give him a chance to use his abilities!"

When Barrett was using his abilities, Garp rushed up to interrupt and smashed the creation of Barrett's Fusion Fruit with one punch.

The two exchanged blows for a few rounds before Kuzan rushed up and released the terrifying cold energy, instantly freezing Barrett. The freeze lasted only a moment, which also gave others the opportunity to continue attacking.

Sakaski, another CP0, joins the fight.

The ground is sinking, forming a huge basin. This is Gaia using her own ability to prevent Barrett from escaping. Similar to what Barrett did before, the rocks are flowing and the exits above are constantly opening. Zoom out.

Gaia is hidden in the rock wall. In order to prevent Barrett from escaping, he can take action at any time. Sengoku is standing above, always ready for impact.

The double insurance between two of the world's top players was to prevent Barrett from escaping. This was the only case in the world.

Barrett took the opportunity to use his ability, fused his body with the ground, and dived underground. However, he did not expect that there was also a green barrier underground, and the entire island was completely sealed.

The one who truly controls the earth is Gaia. When Barrett's body dives underground, Gaia controls the soil to make Barrett's figure appear, and Garp, Sakaski and the others rush up.

It was truly a dragnet from which Barrett could not escape.

Now Barrett can no longer escape through the sky, and the ground is Gaia's home field. Even if the barrier is lost, Barrett cannot escape through the ground. Combined with Kuzan's ice, it is even more difficult for him to escape. .

Every time Barrett wants to use his ability, he will be interrupted by Garp, and then face the joint attack of Garp, Sakaski, Kuzan, and another CP0.

The CP0 who created the barrier soon died, exhausted, and faced the impact of fierce battles, constantly suffering backlash. However, his goal was successfully completed, and he successfully prevented Barrett from escaping.

After Barrett realized that he could no longer escape, he became crazy and no longer wanted to escape, but only wanted to fight.

The camera could only see the battle below through the hole. The light was a little dark and figures kept flashing by.

Huge noises kept coming, and Marshal Sengoku looked calm. They knew that Barrett could not escape. The cage had been cast, and the current struggle was like a fight between trapped animals.

Barrett's crazy battle, facing the siege of four strong men, in devil form, except for Garp, the pressure on everyone else is huge.

The tyrannical aura and strength, the almost invincible body defense.

In the end, Barrett's strength was exhausted and he fell down unwillingly. His hands and feet were handcuffed by sea-floor stone handcuffs.

As for Sakaski and the others, they were almost reaching their limit. They didn't expect Barrett to be so terrifying. Instead, they became Barrett's main targets. Barrett wanted to kill CP0 or the admiral before losing their combat power.

But it obviously failed in the end.

With Barrett's defeat, the rising rock wall began to tremble violently, and it would not take long before it collapsed. Once it collapsed, the entire island would be covered by huge rocks.

Fortunately, Gaia used the awakened power of the Fruit of the Earth to stabilize these rock walls in a short time, and at the same time opened a channel in the rock wall for the navy to evacuate.

The captured figure of Barrett came into view, letting everyone know that the battle was over.

"Descendant of the Devil" Douglas Barrett was defeated by the huge lineup of the Navy World Government.

This is a pity, but people will only care about the result. Barrett will be imprisoned in Impel Down City, unless someone enters Impel Down City to rescue Barrett, but this is basically impossible.

The future of the sea basically has no chance with Barrett.

Even so, the World Government and the Navy also paid a huge price, with the deaths of three CP0s and the sacrifice of nearly half of the sailors. During the war, sailors continued to be unable to hold on and lost too much blood. Most of the remaining sailors were disabled. It can be said that I will not be able to go to the battlefield in the future.

However, these domineering elite navy will not give up. After treatment, they will definitely purchase a batch of mechanical creations from the Night Pirates, which will cost at least tens of billions of beli.

The mechanical creations needed by these naval elites are naturally not comparable to those provided by ordinary manipulators.

Barrett's arrest relieved the World Government and the Navy Headquarters. Such losses were worth it.

Marshal of the Navy, Vice Admiral Garp, two generals, cp0 deputy chief Gaia, a cp0, and eight vice admirals.

A huge lineup escorted Barrett back to the Navy Headquarters, bringing with them a large number of wounded and dead bodies of the Navy.

Even though they had gone through great exhaustion, no pirate dared to stop them, and Marshal Sengoku's combat power remained intact.

The news of Barrett's arrest was immediately known to the world, and soon, specific and streamlined battle images appeared on the official website of the World Economic News Agency.

"It's such a pity that he was caught like this." Redyard couldn't help but sigh a little. This was so similar to his father, so he also had some feelings.

"Haha! A man like Barrett will not give up and sink like this. One day he will appear in this sea with a stronger attitude." Teach smiled, having great confidence in Barrett.

"What? Are you going to save him?" Redyard was a little confused.

"No, how could it be?" Teach shook his head, "Let him be imprisoned for a few years. The environment there should make him think seriously, and I plan to give him some help."

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