Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and seven Tiger

Fishman Island, Fishman Street, red-skinned fishmen are walking on the streets, looking at the familiar environment that seems to have become better.

"It seems that Fish-Man Island has undergone many changes during my absence." Fisher Tiger couldn't help but sigh. He could clearly feel that the overall atmosphere of Fish-Man Street was much better.

Of course, nothing has changed at all, there are still a lot of orphans.

"Well, many members have joined the Night Pirates. The Night Pirates have given us an island where we can live and provide shelter. We don't have to worry about human traffickers." Jinbei, who is the captain of the guard of Ryugu Castle, said seriously, feeling a little happy. He also thinks it's a good thing.

Speaking of human traffickers, a glimmer of gloom flashed in Tiger's eyes, as if he had returned to that hellish time.

But he didn't show it, instead he was a little curious about the Night Pirates.

After all, as an adventurer, he had left Fish-Man Island for many years, and was captured as a slave of the Celestial Dragons. Although he had heard of the Night Pirates, he knew very little about the Night Pirates.

After some understanding, Tiger realized that the Night Pirates are now the emperor of the sea in the new world, one of the most powerful forces. It is precisely because of this that they have the power to protect the fishmen.

Tiger couldn't believe it when he heard that his race was getting preferential treatment in the Dark Night Sea, and he felt a little relieved.

Although the Night Pirates need the power of the fishmen, this is normal. How can there be any reward without giving?

"I really want to see the Dark Night Sea." Tiger couldn't help but say.

"Boss Tiger, I can accompany you if you want to go. In just a few days, the Night Pirates' ship will come to Fishman Island, inviting compatriots who want to join the Night Pirates or want to go to land to board the ship and go to the Dark Night Sea. ." Jinbei has also been to the Dark Night Sea, and I have to say, it's a good place.

"Okay, let's go and see together then. Before that, I'm going to meet Princess Otohime and the king." Tiger said seriously, "Also, let's go meet our former partners and find a private place to get together. .”

It's okay if your compatriots know about it, but if outsiders know about it, there may be big trouble.

He is a fugitive slave of the Celestial Dragons and a wanted existence. He does not want Fish-Man Island to be affected because of his existence.

Even when he returned to Fish-Man Island, Tiger only came back secretly and happened to meet Jinbe on patrol. After being disguised, no one else discovered his identity except Jinbe.

"Okay, I will inform them right away. They will be very happy to know that Brother Tiger is back." Jinbei was very happy, "But some of my friends have already joined the Dark Night Pirates, and I can meet them when I go to the Dark Night Sea. .”

After saying that, Jinbei started to take action to inform his former fish-man companions.

When leaving, Jinbei glanced at Tiger covertly, a little worried. He was keenly aware that, unlike before, Tiger seemed not to want to talk about what he had experienced and take risks.

And Tiger, thinking back to that hellish life, clenched his fists.

Immediately afterwards, Tiger walked towards their former secret base.

I met with familiar friends and asked them not to publicize the news of my return.

Then, under the leadership of Jinbei, Tiger entered Ryugu Castle. Princess Otohime and the king had received news of Tiger's return.

Tiger has an important position on Fish-Man Island, especially in the hearts of many fish-men, and is widely respected. He is an outstanding adventurer and traveler, deeply trusted and respected by the Dragon Palace, and is the king of Fish-Man Island, Nip. Guests of Ton and Princess Otohime.

The open chest showed red marks like hooves.

Neptune and Princess Otohime listened to Fisher Tiger's story. Only then did they understand what Tiger had gone through in the past four years.

Just listening to it makes people feel chilled and frightened. There are rumors about the Celestial Dragons, but I didn't expect them to be so bad.

Not long after his last trip, Fisher Tiger became a slave of the Draco, and it was not until a few days ago that he found a chance to escape.

"I have had enough of the slaves who have made life a living hell."

Fisher Tiger couldn't help but shed tears as he spoke. His whole body was covered in scars, and his clenched fists were hammered on his thighs.

"Tiger, what do you want to do?"

"I want to sneak into the Holy Land and liberate all the slaves there." Tiger was very determined, "Don't worry, it won't involve Fish-Man Island. No matter whether I succeed or not, I will not come back again."

He also knew how much disaster he would bring to his hometown if he returned to Fish-Man Island, even if Fish-Man Island was protected by the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Since you want to do it, we will support you. No matter what, you are a member of our Fish-Man Island." Princess Otohime's expression could clearly be heard, and the huge cry from Tiger's heart could be clearly heard.

"Before that, I want to visit the Dark Night Sea. That land belongs to the fishmen and has become the life of my compatriots."

"Go and have a look, you won't be disappointed." After hearing this, Otohime had a smile on her face. This was her lifelong pursuit.

"Finally, please keep it a secret and don't tell anyone else that I became a slave to the Celestial Dragons." Tiger said solemnly. He only told Otohime and King Neptune about this matter, and did not want other fishmen to know it. My compatriots know.


Pajira Island, the center of the Dark Night Sea, is a super prosperous island like a pearl. It relies on a large number of industries based on the Battle Pyramid, and items from all over the world are available here.

The entire island has a permanent population of more than four million, and the number is still increasing, with foreign populations constantly migrating here.

Only when you are on this island can you feel the prosperity of this island and the amazing benefits it contains.

Tiger walked alone on the street, feeling the prosperity and vitality he had never felt before. Pirates and civilians coexisted, and no one dared to cause trouble, because this was the territory of the Night Pirates.

Tiger came to a gate in the Battle Pyramid. The gate was hundreds of meters high. Even Oz could easily enter it.

Armed giants on both sides.

Tiger took a deep breath and walked in.

Battle Pyramid, since the end of the war, a large number of members of the Night Pirates have stayed here to maintain order, or hone themselves in the battle pyramid to improve their strength.

Tiger is the second murloc to enter the seventeenth floor hall of the Battle Pyramid, the first being Mog Raton.

The eyes of the Night Pirates cadres fell on him one after another, putting a lot of pressure on him.

In front of him, there was a telephone bug, representing the Dark Emperor's telephone bug.

Seeking help from the Night Pirates was an impromptu idea by Tiger. His actions were very dangerous. He didn't even know if he could succeed. After all, the Holy Land was too dangerous.

If someone helps, his actions will undoubtedly be smoother, the pressure will be reduced, and more slaves will be rescued.

In front of the Night Pirates, there is nothing to hide, and his natural opposition to the World Government will not expose him.

Even if he doesn't plan to help him, he has nothing to lose. He will still do what he has to do. This is what Tiger thinks.

But Tiger didn't expect that he would really alarm Dark Emperor Tiqi.

"Fisher Tiger, right? Go to Mary Joa to liberate the slaves, that's a good idea." Teach's voice rang from the phone bug, perfectly simulating Teach's demeanor and expression.

If Tiger hadn't appeared, Teach would have almost forgotten what was supposed to happen.

There is no doubt that this big event should have happened a year ago, but due to the changes in the situation in the sea, Tiger was a slave in the hands of the Celestial Dragons for four full years.

Gu Di However, some things that should happen will still happen, but there will be some deviations.

Tiger planned to seek help from them, which Teach did not expect. This idea probably came about because of the good relationship between the Night Pirates and the fishmen.

"The Night Pirates will give you some help. Preparing evacuation tools in advance can also help you cause greater chaos in Mariejoia. As for how to get to Mariejoia, you can only rely on yourself.

Tiqi's words made the light in Tiger's eyes continue to brighten.

He nodded quickly, "That's enough. I will go up to the Red Earth Continent myself."

"Give us a copy of the regional distribution map you know about Mariejoia. In addition, we will only act in secret and cannot expose our information. You should know this."

"No problem." Tiger said seriously, it would be great if the Night Pirates could help him. If he offended the Night Pirates, the consequences would not be something he could bear.

He has long had the consciousness that he is wanted by the world.

As for the possible purpose of the Night Pirates, that has nothing to do with him and is not something he can access.

"If you want reinforcements, I can still connect you with them. Whether you can convince them or not depends on you."

"Yes?" The surprise came too suddenly, and Tiger was still a little confused and curious.

"Revolutionary Army."

In order to make things bigger, it is natural to need the participation of the Revolutionary Army. Now that the Revolutionary Army's power on the Red Earth Continent continues to expand, and it even faces the World Government, it can provide Tiger with greater help.

At the same time, it can also allow the Revolutionary Army and Tiger to bear the pressure of the World Government, while the Night Pirates hide behind the scenes and gain profits from it.

"Then how do I contact the revolutionary army?" For Tiger, the more friends the better, and the greater his chance of success. He alone does not have much confidence that he can succeed.

Teach also didn't believe that it would be very difficult for Tiger alone to climb up the Red Earth Continent with bare hands, let alone sneak into the holy land and set fire to cause chaos.

He didn't believe in luck or coincidence. He only believed in his own plan. Since he decided to participate, he naturally wanted to ensure the success rate and make the fuss as big as possible.

This is how the influence of the world government is gradually exhausted.

The revolutionary army will definitely not refuse this kind of thing, and will even be willing to participate.

Tiger's own strength is not bad. As an adventurer, venturing alone in the sea naturally requires sufficient strength. An ordinary naval vice admiral is definitely not Tiger's opponent, and his combat power is extraordinary.

Although Tiger didn't know the inside story of the Revolutionary Army, he also knew that the power of the Revolutionary Army should not be underestimated.

"I'll have someone give you the phone number, and you can contact me yourself." After saying that, the phone number hung up directly.

Teach did not want to waste time on Tiger. Although the Night Pirates would hold a meeting specifically on this matter later, this was not something Tiger could listen to.

Soon, another phone bug was sent to Tiger. With the previous cooperation, Tiqi naturally kept Long's phone bug and waited for the next contact.

Long also hopes to cooperate with Teach. After all, the Night Pirates are too rich. The food worth five billion Baileys has given the revolutionary army the main force.

He thought it was Tiqi who had something to do with him, but he didn't expect it was a fish-man. After hearing what happened to the fish-man Tiger, his thoughts, and what he was going to do next, Long became serious and decided to help Tiger.

This matter is definitely beneficial to the Revolutionary Army. It is worth doing to attack the reputation of the World Government. The large number of slaves released can also absorb some of the slaves into the Revolutionary Army, strengthening the foundation of the Revolutionary Army.

He also knew the purpose of the Night Pirates, which was to let the Revolutionary Army jump out to attract the firepower of the World Government. This had been done once before.

Moreover, the Revolutionary Army is now directly facing the World Government and does not mind a little more firepower.

The Dark Night Pirates will definitely make some moves. Long Dare can guarantee it, but they are hiding in the dark. The Dark Night Pirates are too cautious.

How many slaves are there in the Red Earth Continent? Long knew that it was an unimaginable number. On average, one Celestial Dragon kept hundreds of slaves in captivity.

Especially in the slave wave some time ago, a large number of residents of the Red Earth Continent became slaves of the Celestial Dragons. In addition, the Celestial Dragons continued to come to the Chambord Islands to purchase a large number of slaves.

The largest number of Tianlong people directly purchased more than 1,300 slaves.

As Teach knew from his memory, the number of slaves released by Tiger in the Holy Land was only a few thousand. This number was still too small compared to the total number of slaves in the hands of the Draco, only a small part.

Tiger was forced to leave without having time to free all the slaves, before the World Government could react.

The reason for the huge impact is that Fisher Tiger was the leader of the slave liberation movement and directly violated the interests of the Draco people.

At the same time, he was the first person in history to cause trouble in Mary Joa, and the first person to dare to challenge the World Government.

With the help of the Revolutionary Army and the Night Pirates, it is possible to cause even greater chaos, and more slaves will be released. Even the world government will be unable to suppress the resistance of tens of thousands or more slaves.

After all, high-end combat forces such as CP0 will protect the Tianlong people at the first opportunity.

Even for the navy, it would take a lot of time to support the Holy Land.

The day of action is on the night of the "Holy Day" a month later. This is a special festival for the Celestial Dragons. On this day, many Celestial Dragons will gather together.

At this time, most of the Holy Land's defense forces will be concentrated in one place, and this is their opportunity to act.

After staying in the Holy Land for four years, Tiger also knew a lot about some things in the Holy Land and did not hide it. He gave a lot of help to the Revolutionary Army and the Night Pirates.

The retreat route is divided into two routes. One is the ship arranged by the Night Pirates under the Red Earth Continent, and the other is arranged by the revolutionary army and taken away by the revolutionary army. After all, the number of slaves who may be rescued will be very large. Tiger alone can't take it away.

These slaves can also choose to run away on their own and not choose these two paths.

As for the Night Pirates, they are not interested in these slaves, but they will make them angry. Although they are not afraid of the World Government, they are still a troublesome matter.

Once you have a plan, just spend some time preparing and wait for the action when the time comes.

No matter what, the one who contributes the most will be the Revolutionary Army. The Revolutionary Army will launch an attack on the World Government and attract the World Government's strength and attention.

Secretly, the revolutionary army was secretly deployed in the World Government, and personnel were secretly sneaked into the Holy Land to cooperate with Tiger's actions.

The Night Pirates hide behind the scenes.

And Tiger will be at the forefront, becoming the target of the world government's anger and being the main actor.

Tiger's fate is destined to be bad. He cannot return to Fish-Man Island and can only wander in the sea, relying on the fish-man's aquatic nature to avoid the pursuit of the World Government.

Unless he will join the revolutionary army and get protection from the revolutionary army.

After all, except for the Revolutionary Army, no other force dares to take the risk of confronting the World Government and the Navy to accept Tiger. The gains and losses are completely unequal.

Tiger left soon. Under the arrangement of the Night Pirates, very few people knew that Tiger had come to the Dark Night Sea, and no outsiders knew that Tiger asked the Dark Night Pirates for help.

Tiger will have to hand over to the Revolutionary Army next, and there are some things that cannot be explained by phone bugs.

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