Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and nineteen Huge potion

"Except for the energy potions and recovery potions, we can promise you everything else. Of course, if you are injured and need to recover, you can come to us for treatment through the mirror."

Lafitte had a smile on his face.

"Is there any more?" Seeing Lafitte like this, the Night Pirates should still have chips in their hands. The Night Pirates should not give up on the Homitz made by their mother.

Moreover, they felt a little dissatisfied with this alone. Although they could gain great benefits, they also sacrificed five family members, all of whom had good combat capabilities. Like Armand, her strength among many brothers and sisters also depended on before.

"We can serve as a link between you and the giants, and ease the bad relationship between the Big Mom Pirates and Elbaf." Lafitte turned his cane and lowered the brim of his hat.

"Really?" Bigmom stood up excitedly after hearing this.

The relationship between bigmom and Elbaf is very bad, because she once broke out with narcosis and accidentally killed the giant hero.

Until now, easing the relationship with the giants has been Bigmom's obsession. After all, she grew up in a giant village.

Big Mom's children naturally know their mother's thoughts. With the current relationship between the Night Pirates and Elbaf, if they have the connection, it is likely to help them achieve this goal.

"Of course, no problem." Lafitte affirmed.

This happened fifty years ago. Moreover, Big Mom was young at the time and had an outbreak of cerexia. It was an unintentional act and it was excusable.

After all, it can be said that bigmom’s siphoria is well known to everyone.

Time will pass everything. Now that Big Mom is the emperor of the sea and has great power, Elbaf is also willing to ease the relationship with Big Mom.

Moreover, BigMom's proactive request for reconciliation is also very beneficial to Elbaf.

Nowadays, the Giant Soldier Pirates have been rebuilt, and the return of the two former captains of the Giant Soldier Pirates, Ao Oni and Aki Oni, has made the Giant Soldier Pirates one of the top pirate groups in the new world.

But today's sea is not the same as the era when the Giant Soldiers Pirates roamed the sea. There are so many powerful people. Even if the Giant Soldiers Pirates are rebuilt, it will be difficult to achieve the power they once had.

They also need allies, and the Night Pirates are one of them. If the relationship with the Big Mom Pirates can be eased, it will be very beneficial to both Elbaf and the Giant Pirates.

This is also the general trend.

"Of course, if nothing else happens." Lafitte nodded and smiled.

The two forces took the initiative to demand reconciliation, and with the Night Pirates pulling strings in the middle, how could it possibly fail?

"Accident?" Big Mom's eyes froze after hearing this. There seemed to be something in Lafitte's words, and she, who was extremely sensitive to this matter, noticed it.

She would never allow any accidents in this matter.

"Although there are many ways, marriage is the most beneficial way. As far as I know, your children's life cards all have the power of your soul. Through this power, Homiz cannot take action against them. If they escape from marriage, It’s hard to stop them.”

Lafitte reminded.

As he said, with Big Mom's style, marriage will definitely be adopted.

If someone escapes from marriage, it will inevitably lead to a breakdown in the relationship, which will not be good for the Big Mom Pirates, and may even affect the Night Pirates.

So this kind of thing must be nipped in the bud.

The marriage with the Big Mom Pirates is of great benefit to the Night Pirates. Even if the Big Mom Pirates become stronger through this, Teach and the others don't care.

Because the Big Mom Pirates will not pose a threat to the Night Pirates, not even comparable to the Beasts Pirates.

Because of this, the Dark Night Pirates will also consider the interests of the Big Mom Pirates. If the three parties form an alliance and maintain good relations, no one can stop them.

In Tiqi's memory, something like this happened before, which caused the Big Mom Pirates to have a fight with Elbaf. Although he didn't know if it would happen again, he was safe, so he mentioned it.

Bigmom's eyes became terrifying, exuding a heavy aura, and she turned her head slightly to fall on her children, causing them to lower their heads in fear, not daring to look at their mother.

Escape from marriage? They dare not even think about it, but what Lafitte said makes sense. Once it happens, it will cause huge losses.

There is basically only one chance to reconcile with the giants. If you cannot seize it, there will be no second chance.

They knew how deep their mother's obsession was, and they could imagine how angry their mother would be if something like this happened.

"Katakuri, take back all the life cards. I want to take back my power." Bigmom's eyes fell on his second son, with unquestionable will.

"Yes, Mom." Katakuri nodded. They had never thought about this kind of thing, but it would indeed happen.

The life card, which contains the power of mother, has absolute suppression on Homiz.

"The other thing is this potion." Lafitte smiled mysteriously and took out a test tube from somewhere, which contained a crystal green liquid.

"Oh? What does it do?" Big Mom asked with some interest, staring at the green potion in Lafitte's hand and guessing.

"Is it something similar to that energy potion?"

"No, no, no, it has a name, and that is Ju, Da, Hua, Potion." Lafitte said the name of the potion verbatim, emphasizing his tone.


Bigmom's eyes widened, and he burst out with astonishing speed, appearing in front of Lafitte in an instant.

The terrifying aura made Lafitte's body unable to move, and he snatched the green potion from Lafitte's hand.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?" Big Mom lowered her head and stared at Lafitte with longing in her eyes.

Her dream is to be able to sit with family members who are as tall as herself, as she did when she was a child, instead of looking down at them.

Therefore, she also pursues the giantization experiment and wants to turn her family into giants, but this is difficult to achieve, even if the world government has given up.

Unexpectedly, her dream has now come true, right in her hands.

"Of course, since I brought it out, how could I lie to you? After all, this is related to our future friendship." Lafitte said calmly, but in his heart he lamented the terrifying strength of Big Mom. At that moment, he almost thought he was going to die. .

He was sure that if Big Mom had tried to kill him just now, it would have been very difficult for him to run away.

"Can it turn people into giants?" BigMom also realized that he was a little out of control. He turned around and returned to his seat, holding the potion in his hand and suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"I'm sorry, but you need to make one thing clear first. This is a titanization potion, not a titanization potion." Lafitte refuted Big Mom's question.

"Well, let's talk about the effect of the enlargement potion." Bigmom is not stupid, on the contrary, she is very smart. She naturally knows that hugeness and giantness are completely different concepts.

It's just that I was too excited just now, and I have already reacted after Lafitte's reminder.

Facing Big Mom’s expectant eyes and other Big Mom’s children’s curious looks.

Lafitte tidied up his appearance a little, "The enlargement potion, as the name suggests, makes people become huge, increase their body size, and increase their height. Although they cannot reach the height of a giant, it is not a problem at all for people like you."

"that's enough."

Bigmom is very satisfied with the efficacy of this potion, and she also knows that it is simply unrealistic for people to become giants.

On the contrary, compared to the non-existent giant potion, the potion of the Night Pirates is more suitable for her. After all, what she needs is to be on an equal footing, which is perfect.

"Are there any flaws in this potion?" Compared to Big Mom, who was already addicted to the effects of the potion, Katakuri remained calm. The person who used this potion was probably his younger brother and sister. He must know what the flaws are. .

Although bigmom may not care about this.

"Haha, a bigger body and stronger strength. The only drawback is probably the decrease in flexibility due to the increase in size. However, this varies from person to person. Some people can achieve all-round improvements."

Lafitte smiled and said, "We come here with sincerity, so naturally we won't produce defective products."

"Look at this, it's our experimental data."

In order to be more convincing, Lafitte took out a phone bug and projected two photos of the same person.

They are all standing in the same position. Comparing them with each other, you can clearly see the changes in his height.

It went directly from two and a half meters to almost seven meters tall.

The essence of the enlargement potion is to stimulate the rapid secretion of the body's increased tissue. This was discovered by studying the physical changes in the experimental subjects who increased their height after taking the original super gene potion.

And to expand this point, at the same time, combined with the Night Pirates' secret research on giant genes, they used bloodline factor technology to extract a little bit of giant genes and blended them into the potion.

This formed the final enlargement potion.

In other words, after taking the giantizing potion, you will gain a trace of giant blood. In theory, this trace of giant bloodline is not detectable, but it also strengthens the effect of the giantizing potion.

The emergence of the life plan makes giantization completely possible. It is simply because the world government has not picked up this long-abandoned research plan, or Vegapunk is unwilling to do such a thing.

After all, the Beast Pirates are able to bring ancient humans back to the world. This is the role of the blood factor.

"This is the change between the same person before taking the medicine and six months later." It seems to explain why it took half a year.

"The body enlarged through medicine is very empty. It needs time to master, exercise, and a lot of food supplements. This requires a process, and it will only take a few months if it is quick."

Hearing this, Katakuri and the others nodded, this is more reasonable, otherwise it would be too dreamy.

"But there is one thing you need to pay attention to." Lafitte squinted his eyes, looking like an old fox.

"After taking the potion, it is best to prepare a lot of food nearby. The process of body changes requires a lot of energy. Without energy replenishment, the body will dry up, exhaust its vitality and die. Even if it survives, its lifespan will be shortened. , can’t live for more than a few years.”

Lafitte reminded with a smile that after all, increasing the size requires sufficient energy support, otherwise the enlarged body will be just an empty shell and will consume its own vitality.

"The production of a huge potion requires constant time. For ordinary people, it can completely change their own destiny, and the potential seems to have increased. The cost alone requires 150 million beli. If it is sold, it will cost less than 50 million. We won’t take action on Billiberry, and besides, it’s not for sale.”

Lafitte placed a heavy emphasis on the words "not for sale."

Lafitte looked at Big Mom and smiled. This exaggerated price made people take a deep breath.

As for the cost price mentioned by Lafitte, they had no doubts. After all, how could a potion that could be said to be a miracle be cheap? Although 150 million was expensive, they only sighed slightly.

Even if Lafitte was exaggerating, it was not an exaggeration.

What they didn't know was that the cost price Lafitte told them was fifty times the original price.

This is the real black thing, and who lets them control the core technology?

Not for sale, potential improvement, they heard these words very clearly, which is also the value of this potion.

The gigantizing potion was born out of the super gene potion, and naturally has such an effect, but the effect is not great, and it is more due to the improvement brought by the trace of giant blood.

"I need more, the better." Bigmom's eyes flashed with passion. Bigmom couldn't wait for a potion with increased potential that could satisfy her wish.

At this time, it was time to exchange interests and negotiate. Lafitte smiled slightly and said, "We need you to make Homitz for the five crew members and the captain we are married to. We can provide you with twenty enlargement potions. "

Six Homitz is considered a very powerful combat force, which is a big improvement for the Night Pirates.

And the request is very reasonable. It is reasonable for the five marriage partners to consider their families to make Homitz. And Teach is the captain of the Night Pirates, so having a Homitz is no exception.

The Big Mom Pirates have considered this in advance. Compared with the improvement of the Night Pirates, the improvement of their own power is the most important.

Moreover, the enlargement potion is really attractive, and it is no worse than Big Mom's Homitz.

"No, twenty is not enough. I want a hundred." Big Mom Lion said loudly, the more of these things, the better.

"I'm sorry, a hundred is too difficult for us. We can't do it in a short time." In response to bigmom's words, Lafitte shook his head slightly and decisively refused.

Although he can make as many enlargement potions as he wants, Lafitte cannot show it, so that Big Mom can know the preciousness of the enlargement potion.

Besides, negotiation is like this, it needs to be done step by step.

Bigmom did not refuse the request of the Night Pirates, and could not refuse.

In her eyes, the enlargement potion was undoubtedly more precious than Homitz.

After all, Homitz can be easily created by just giving a soul by bigmom.

What she needs now is to get more chips and get more enlargement potions from the Night Pirates.

Twenty enlargement potions are a very attractive amount, worth 1.5 billion beli, but BigMom is not satisfied with this.

After some debating, the two parties finally reached an agreement. Bigmom made six Homitz for the Night Pirates, and the carriers that turned into Homitz would be provided by the Night Pirates.

After all, the strength of Homiz is largely related to the carrier. Flame and grass are completely different concepts.

The Night Pirates provided thirty enlargement potions to the Big Mom Pirates, and will provide five enlargement potions to the Big Mom Pirates every year thereafter.

The Big Mom Pirates need to purchase the enlargement potion that will be provided every year for 100 million beli.

"In this way, the marriage is confirmed. The transaction will be carried out within a month. We will provide you with twenty enlargement potions first, and the other ten will be provided to you six months later together with the five next year."

"The specific time for the wedding will be after the operations of the Flying Pirates are over. Before that, these five people can come to the Dark Night Sea to cultivate their relationship." Lafitte said, glancing at the people who were about to talk to the Dark Night Sea. The five Armands who were married to the thieves smiled.

"Okay, no problem." Big Mom said seriously, the smile on her face could not be concealed. She was very satisfied with this transaction.

Regarding the idea of ​​the Night Pirates, bigmom agreed. Nowadays, Dahai's eyes are focused on the World Government and the Sky Pirates, and the smell of gunpowder is very strong.

At this time, other forces cannot be stimulated to affect the situation in the sea.

Watching the conflict and war between the World Government and the Sky Pirates and profiting from it is what they want.

The wedding between their two forces may completely lead to changes in the current situation, so time is needed.

This is just a matter of time. After all, the transaction between the two parties has already begun. Before that, cooperation can be warmed up.

"This time I brought three giant potions and gave them to you as a meeting gift. They are not included in the thirty potions. You can have someone try the effect. I will stay here in the next few days. ." Lafitte took out two more enlargement potions, threw them lightly, and was firmly caught by Zeus flying in the air, and sent them to Big Mom.

"Mama, I will treat you well, Lafitte." Big Mom stood up excitedly.

Even though Lafitte provided photos, he still had to see it with his own eyes before he would be reassured.

"Opela, call Conte, Kadanz and Cavalette over. I want them to drink these three enlargement potions." Bigmom said to Opela who was covered in white cream.

"Yes, Mom!" Opela nodded and left quickly.

The reason why he was allowed to go was because he was the elder brother of the three sons named by Big Mom, and he was a quintuplet with the other Gala.

He couldn't refuse his mother's order unless he wanted to die. Besides, it would not harm his three brothers. He also wanted to try the enlargement potion. After all, he was not good at speed and relied more on his own strength and follow-up. Devil fruit abilities.

Anyway, drinking the enlargement potion is a matter of time, and this is the case for most of Big Mom's children, unless someone like Katakuri drinks it, which may affect his combat effectiveness. After all, his combat system is already fully formed.

The lack of sensitivity is a big flaw. Although the enlargement medicine is good, it varies from person to person.

Big Mom's three sons drank the enlargement potion in front of everyone.

It didn't take long for the effect to take effect. The body temperature of the three people was rising rapidly, their bodies were steaming, and their skin turned red.

"So hot, so hot!"

Conte only felt that his mouth was dry, his stomach became very hungry, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, as if he had lost his mind.

A lot of food and water have been prepared around.

The three of them suddenly turned into gluttons, eating high-energy food in large gulps without any change in their stomachs. Under the influence of the medicine and their body instincts, the food was quickly digested.

It can be seen that the skin of the three people is about to crack and appear bloodshot streaks.

"How could this happen?" Seeing his brother like this, Katakuri wanted Lafitte to give him an explanation.

It's really scary to lose your mind like this.

"It's just their physical instinct that drives him like this. The effect of the drug has begun to take effect, and this process will last for almost half a day." Lafitte shook his head with a smile, "This is a normal phenomenon, but in our experiment, it will "Putting volunteers in a coma and allowing the body to absorb nutrients through the process is like taking a nap."

"But there is no such machine now. This state is okay. After a while, they will start to change." Lafitte smiled, his expression unchanged. Seeing his calm look, Katakuri felt relieved. .

"Hey! Are the bodies of Conte and the others getting bigger?" After a while, someone discovered that the bodies of Conte and the others were getting bigger at a slow speed.

But such a change was happening right in front of their eyes, and people couldn't help but feel that it was a miracle.

"Mom Mama, go prepare food quickly. Don't let my precious son get hungry." Big Mom looked excited as she looked at the changes in her son's body. Although this change was slow, it could still be noticed by a strong person like her. Arrived.

Lafitte said that the effect of the medicine would last for half a day. You can imagine how tall the three people's bodies will become.

Finally, the three of them, whose bodies had become very large, stopped eating, closed their eyes and fell asleep.

All three of them have grown to over eight meters tall, only a little shorter than Big Mom.

"This is really a perfect masterpiece. Take them down and have a good sleep. Then Katakuri will urge them to exercise after they wake up and take control of their bodies as soon as possible." Bigmom undoubtedly took Lafitte's words to heart. superior.

Katakuri nodded and said, "Leave it to me." Needless to say, he would do the same thing. It takes a process to get a bigger body, and the extra muscles are all weak.

The marriage between the two major forces was secretly decided.

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