Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and twenty-three hibernating

In the year 1510 of the Nautical Calendar, eleven years have passed since the beginning of the Great Pirate Age. In the twelfth year, the friction between the World Government and the Sky Pirates is still in full swing.

Golden Lion Shiji's rogue guerrilla warfare caused the World Government to evacuate most of the agents stationed in the Sky Kingdom.

I know that I can't do anything to the Flying Pirates, or that I can't do anything to the Golden Lion Shiji.

The Sky Pirates soon returned to the Sky Kingdom, and with their powerful power, the Sky Kingdom returned to the rule of the Sky Pirates.

The battle between the two sides has moved from the open to the dark, but the strong smell of gunpowder can be felt by all the forces in the new world.

Originally, the unique environment of the Sky Kingdom attracted many pirates and residents, but now that the Sky Kingdom is no longer safe, some people are gradually leaving here.

The World Government's spies are still hidden in the Sky Kingdom, and the Sky Pirates also know it, and they will conduct investigations from time to time, or restrict others from entering.

Every few days, a war breaks out in the Sky Kingdom, and many residents are affected.

This is a troubled time, especially as time goes by, the conflict between the Sky Pirates and the World Government becomes more and more intense.

The Flying Pirates are also accumulating strength, issuing a strong appeal to continuously recruit pirates on the sea, absorbing many pirates to enhance their own strength and expand their influence.

Everyone knows about the ambition of Golden Lion Shiji, and now he is in direct conflict with the World Government.

Although I don't know what the "Pirate Admiral"'s trump card is and what his confidence is, many pirates who have confidence in Golden Lion Shiji have joined Shiji's protection, believing that Shiji can do great things.

In terms of reputation, Teach cannot compare with Golden Lion Shiji.

In the eyes of many people, Teach has always been a rising star without the decades of hard work of Golden Lion Shiji.

You know, Golden Lion Shiji is a man who can become the king of the world! Whether it is huge ambition or terrifying strength, he is the benchmark among pirates.

With his unique personal charm, he attracted the followers of a large number of pirates, who firmly believed that Shiji could accomplish their goals.

If it hadn't been for that huge storm that was rare in a century, the Sky Pirates would have wiped out the Roger Pirates in one fell swoop during the Battle of Edvor.

Or defeat the Roger Pirates and conquer them.

In the eyes of many people in the Sky Pirates, the Roger Pirates were just lucky and escaped a little. Otherwise, Shiki the Golden Lion would have become the king of the world long ago, and there would be no such thing as Roger "One Piece" , not to mention the beginning of the great pirate era.

The so-called Pirate King is only qualified by the "Pirate Admiral" Golden Lion Shiki.

The Sky Pirates were accumulating strength for the upcoming war, relying on their reputation and power to expand rapidly. In a short period of time, they recovered the losses caused by the World Government's raid and became even stronger.

In addition, the Sky Pirates are also actively calling on allies to obtain more powerful forces that can fight the World Government.

After all, in addition to its terrifying strength, I don’t know what kind of power the World Government also hides.

But there is also a navy! There are many top warriors in the navy, including four admirals, veterans of the previous era, Marshal Sengoku, Iron Fist Garp and Black-armed Zefa.

There are many powerful navies below, as well as a large number of elite general-level navies who master two-color domineering.

The overall terrifying strength is that no force in the New World can compare with the navy, and the number of top powerhouses is the highest in the world except for the World Government.

Nowadays, the navy is targeting the revolutionary army and the pirates on the Great Line.

But they know that once that time comes, the Navy will definitely take action and target the Sky Pirates just like the World Government.

The Sky Pirates want to unite the power of other pirate groups to form an alliance headed by the Sky Pirates to fight against the World Government.

After all, the world government is so ambitious that destroying the Sky Pirates is another force.

Some pirate groups were persuaded by the Flying Pirates. Although they did not join the Flying Pirates, they agreed to join the Flying Pirates.

Of course, it is more for the benefits promised by the Sky Pirates. After destroying the World Government, they will divide the World Government's wealth together.

After all, only profit can attract these pirates.

Although these pirates are famous in the new world, they are not the top forces. The top forces were not persuaded by the words of the Flying Pirates.

Even Kaido, who likes war, did not agree and did not want to get involved. The Sky Pirates had no trump card. Who knows if they would kill him after solving the World Government to shock the pirates in the new world.

Of course, he didn't think the Flying Pirates could succeed.

However, the Flying Pirates' trump card is a bit mysterious, maybe it's really strong.

The World Government had taken such drastic action before, perhaps because it had received some information and felt a huge threat.

This shows that the Sky Pirates may really have a trump card that scares the world government. Although they have not been able to see it, they can infer it.

Therefore, they are still very afraid of the Flying Pirates.

They will not participate until they know the real trump card of the Sky Pirates.

After all, what you don't know is called the trump card, and what you bring out is not called the trump card. Only when they know what the trump card is can they make a decision with peace of mind.

Moreover, no matter whether the Sky Pirates win or the World Government wins in the end, the outcome they want to see will not change, that is, both sides will suffer losses.

This is what they want to see.

Although they did not agree to help the Flying Pirates, Teach and the others did not stop the expansion of the Flying Pirates, and even secretly promoted it.

Since the Sky Pirates want to cause trouble, let them make trouble. The bigger the trouble, the better.

Secretly, they are already interested. They are just waiting for the Flying Pirates' trump card to be exposed. When the battle situation is about the same, they will add insult to injury at any time, or take away the Flying Pirates' trump card.

This is a pirate!

Today's Sky Pirates have truly established their reputation as the strongest pirate group. A large number of pirates have gathered in the entire Sky Kingdom, especially the number of ordinary pirates affiliated with the Sky Pirates, which has doubled.

Under various influences, the momentum of the Flying Pirates has expanded to the extreme. In contrast, the other sea emperors have become very low-key.

Kaido is missing, Big Mom has not left Toland of All Nations, Andi Tikki is missing and has fallen into silence. Whitebeard doesn't care about such things and holds a birthday party for his children.

In addition, other maritime overlords have no influence on this matter.

The new world is still the same as usual. After all, the pirates at the bottom have not reached that level and cannot touch it. At most, they can only watch the show through images.

Today's Sky Pirates have reached the extreme in all aspects, and the new world seems to be the only voice of the Sky Pirates. Today's Shiji seems to have become the Pirate King.

The strongest power, the strongest reputation, the strongest influence, just waiting for the final action to eliminate the world government, you can become the king of the world.

Although this is only a superficial illusion, many people only believe what they see. They cannot see through it and gradually believe it.

Among them, there is also the "big news" that Morgans spares no effort to promote. As a big man in the world second only to the Sea Emperor, he has escaped from the control of the World Government.

In addition to holding the key to the imaging era, Morgans is also one of the trendsetters of this era alongside Teach, but it is also the influence of World Economic News that is beyond imagination.

Although it is a little bit worse, after all, what the World Economic News Agency lacks is strength.

But as long as he remained neutral, no force would dare to offend him.

It is precisely because of Morgans that the world government and the Sky Pirates are in absolute opposition, as everyone knows today. It is known that both of these two forces are at war.

The Sky Pirates want to defeat the World Government and defend the Golden Lion Shiji to become the King of the World.

The World Government will fight against the pirate power by destroying the Sky Pirates.

Some people even speculated that the Golden Lion Shiji would be publicly executed. After all, the execution of Roger did not achieve the intended effect. Instead, it ushered in the era of great pirates and caused riots in the sea.

This time, in wiping out the Sky Pirates and executing fellow "Legendary Pirate" Golden Lion Shiki, the World Government will never allow any more accidents.

Others say that the World Government spies pure gold that represents eternal life.

The world today is a little quiet. The World Government and the Sky Pirates have not taken any action on the surface, and they are constantly fighting secretly.

The world government is gathering strength.

The same is true for the Sky Pirates. The research progress of "SIQ" continues to advance, and it is almost there. More importantly, the Sky King, this broken ancient weapon, although they have not been able to research anything, they have already thought of a way to use the King.

The operation of the Heavenly King requires a large amount of energy, so the Sky Pirates are researching energy devices to provide the Heavenly King with enough energy to display terrifying power.

Now it has begun to bear fruit, and it was also tested. With just one shot, it easily penetrated more than ten mountains.

The range is not large enough, and it is not as good as the rumored Pluto who destroyed an island with one shot.

But this power is enough to satisfy Shi Ji. This cannon can completely threaten the top experts, and its diameter is more than a kilometer, making it difficult to evade.

They need to develop better energy supply devices. The more energy they provide, the more powerful the King will be, and these energy supply devices will be damaged after each test.

The effect of just one shot cannot satisfy Shiji. As a weapon, what's the point if it can only be used once? How to be a deterrent?

After dealing with the world government and navy, how to deter other forces?

Why didn't Shi Ji understand the thoughts of other forces? He also knew that if the King of Heaven couldn't use it, he would be the one targeted.

In this way, his previous actions were completely in vain.

Moreover, if it can only be used once or twice, it will not be able to deal with the World Government. The World Government and the navy have too many top powerhouses. Moreover, the World Government knows the existence of the King and will definitely be prepared to deal with it in advance.

Therefore, after the research on "SIQ" is completely successful, the scientists under his protection will devote all their energy to research on the use of the King of Heaven.

As long as Shiji's requirements are met, Shiji will take action.

There is not enough energy supply device technology, but the Sky Pirates adopt a quantitative approach and use a large number of energy supply devices to provide energy, and the energy contained is not bad.

Although the power of the King of Heaven is only one percent or one thousandth of its original size.

After all, the King of Heaven can shoot down from an altitude of hundreds of kilometers, causing a maximum destruction area of ​​more than ten kilometers in diameter. This is absolute destruction, and can even penetrate the earth.

If it can really exert 10% or 20% of the power of the original Heavenly King, even Teach will not be relieved.

As Teach expected, the Flying Pirates did not have the ability to research the King. In a short period of time, they could only use it simply.

If he were to deal with Tiqi, he would be able to swallow up the energy emitted by the King of Heaven with the power of the Dark Dark Fruit.

What Shiji didn't know was that his Vilmeio had been infiltrated, and several mechanical eyes were hidden on Vilmeio Island, observing some things on Vilmeio.

In order to avoid being discovered, the number of mechanical eyes was small, and more than twenty were scattered on Wilmeio Island, far away from the Sky Pirates' position on the island.

Their role is to locate and collect the IQ plants on the island and transport them back to the dark night sea in a special way.

Although this island has been targeted by the Night Pirates and is regarded by Teach as a possession, along with the scientists on it who have been brought by the Sky Pirates in various ways.

But the research on IQ plants can start in advance. After all, the Night Pirates maintain a large number of scientists and cannot let them idle.

During this period, various forces were also developing. After all, the World Government showed terrifying power, and the Sky Pirates continued to expand, bringing huge pressure to people.

Many children in bigmom have drank the enlargement potion and are familiar with their new bodies.

During this period, BigMom's overall strength was relatively weak, so even if she wanted to, she was unable to do so, so she kept a low profile and developed secretly.

During this period, the Big Mom Pirates and the Night Pirates have gradually begun to cooperate. Although they attracted attention, they did not cause any trouble.

The scope of cooperation between the two parties is not large, and although it is a bit surprising to have established a cooperative relationship, it is not difficult to understand.

They don't have any conflicts. Their territories are far apart and they each have their own needs.

As for the marriage partners, Armand and the others are members of the Big Mom Pirates who cooperate with the Dark Night Pirates to receive goods and guard the Dark Night Sea.

In fact, they had already settled on Pagira Island, met Mobius and the others, and began to communicate emotionally.

When both parties are not exclusive, the relationship progresses very quickly, and their conditions are not bad, whether it is appearance or strength.

In particular, the Night Pirates are all powerful members. In the new world where the jungle is strong, it is a joy to be able to rely on someone stronger than yourself.

Everyone is developing secretly, waiting for the storm to really sweep through.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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