Pirate of Darkness

Five Hundred and Thirty The King's Bombardment

The war passed quickly for an hour.

In this hour, all the beasts were basically eliminated, and the best player in the game was naturally Porusalino.

Several top combat forces were freed up, and the balance of the war began to tilt toward the World Government.

It seems that the time is almost up, and the World Government plans to add another fire to it.

Gaia fused the fragments of those islands and transformed into a terrifying rock giant.

Upon seeing this, many people in the Allied Forces of the Flying Pirates' eyes flashed strangely, and now they have received the news.

They attacked the surrounding "companions" one after another, making sneak attacks in secret, making it difficult for people to guard against them.

"What?" A pirate who was fighting turned his head in disbelief and glanced behind him and at his pierced chest.

It was obviously a wound caused by a gun, and he realized his identity in his heart, and then he fell down unwillingly.

The agents of the World Government continue to kill the pirates around them and sneak attack the powerful pirates.

In a short period of time, a large number of pirates sacrificed their lives and were killed by sneak attacks, including many high-end combat capabilities, causing huge losses to the Sky Pirates.

Three fleet captains were killed by three powerful CP0s in a sneak attack.

The changes in the battlefield situation, the balance of victory has greatly tilted towards the side of the World Government, especially the blow to the morale of the Sky Pirates, which has made people panic and do not trust their companions. Who knows that they are not hidden agents of the World Government? ?

With superior strength and the assistance of these World Government agents who had hidden themselves early, the World Government's victory can be said to be certain.

The beasts caused huge casualties, but now that they have been dealt with, the current Flying Pirates are facing enemies from both sides.

"Damn it!" Seeing the situation on the battlefield, Shiji couldn't help but grit his teeth. He didn't expect that the World Government had hidden so many agents here.

Looking at the number, there were at least thousands of them, piercing the abdomen of the Allied Forces of the Flying Pirates like sharp knives.

The difference in numbers meant that they had the advantage. The Beast Legion wiped out at least more than 150,000 middle and lower-level combatants in the Holy Land, as well as many wounded.

If nothing is done to reverse the situation, the numerical gap between the two sides will soon be smoothed out.

Moreover, there is already a gap in morale between the two sides, and the Flying Pirates are at a loss when it comes to fighting.

I believe that these pirates will run away before long.

After all, they are pirates, and most of the pirate alliance is for their own benefit, so why would they sacrifice their lives for Shi Ji?

Once the chain effect is triggered, it can be said that their defeat is certain.

Now, it was time to use that. During the war, he was still paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, just to decide when to take out the King of Heaven.

"Wolde!" Having made up his mind, Shi Ji jumped up, escaped from the sword light of the bald Five Old Stars, and quickly flew high into the sky.

Facing Shiji's call, Bundy Wald knew what he was going to do next. He couldn't help but smile on his face, stepped on the moon steps, and quickly left the battlefield.

Seeing the actions of Shiji and Walder, Wu Laoxing and the others had already guessed what they would face next.

"Hurry up and catch up!"

But Shi Ji had already expected this, so how could he be unprepared? Huge lions condensed from the power of Piao Piao Fruit covered the sky, preventing them from continuing to pursue.

A terrifying airflow barrier appeared, forming a secondary protection.

Despite this, Porusalino broke through immediately before the two used their moves.

Forrest also left the battlefield and followed closely. His speed was so fast that even Cronus could not stop him.

However, Forrest was blocked, but the double layer of protection could not stop him for long. The comet turned into a terrifying comet and continuously impacted the lion and the air flow barrier.

Although the response was quick, it was already too late.

The wind and clouds changed color, hurricanes rolled up in the air, all the clouds were blown away, and a dazzling light appeared, as dazzling as the sun.

"Oh my God, what is that?" Morgans widened his eyes and exclaimed. The reporter bird quickly approached. There was an island hidden in the clouds five kilometers away from the Red Earth Continent.

Now the clouds have been dispersed by powerful force, and the terrifying energy continues to compress and gather.

As the reporter bird approached, the whole thing came into view, and everyone was shocked.

"What on earth is this?"

There is a high-tech "artillery" installed on an island, but it is too big, a thousand meters long and two hundred meters in diameter. I don't know how to describe it.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying "it" is.

It can be clearly seen that the "muzzle" continues to compress, and the energy gathered becomes more and more terrifying.

"Jie hahahaha! Try the terrifying power of the King." Shiji laughed crazily. In contrast, the World Government and the Navy all looked serious.

They also saw the King of Heaven once, but they didn't need to think about it to know how terrifying this thing was.

At the same time, Shi Ji's words also caused shock all over the world. The names of the three ancient weapons, King of Heaven, King of the Sea, and King of Hades, are basically known to everyone. This is a legend that has been passed down to this day.

But this was the first time they saw a real ancient weapon. Although the King of Heaven had not exploded yet, the terrifying energy could be felt even through the image, and there was only one thought in their mind, it was terrifying.

Unexpectedly, the Sky Pirates' last trump card turned out to be this ancient weapon with the power to destroy the world.

This can understand why the World Government was so crazy before and wanted to directly eliminate the Sky Pirates.

Can the World Government deal with the Sky Pirates who have mastered ancient weapons?

As soon as the King of Ancient Weapons appeared, the situation in which the World Government was originally confident of victory became a bit confusing.

"I'm going to destroy it!" Charlotte Lingling, Tolant of All Nations, couldn't sit still when she saw this scene. Ancient weapons were completely beyond their control and were not allowed to exist at all.

No matter what, the Sky King must be destroyed. Big Mom's eyes flashed with madness. The Flying Pirates possess the ancient weapon King. This makes Big Mom, whose territory is close to the Sky Pirates, feel at ease.

"Then prepare for war, Katakuri, you find your own opportunity." Big Mom has not forgotten his original purpose, and ordered Katakuri, standing on Zeus and flying directly into the sky, towards the Red Earth Continent. Fly quickly in the direction.

After Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, another sea emperor sets out.

The members of the Sky Pirates began to prepare to evacuate. They were fighting and retreating. At least they couldn't get too close to the middle of Mariejoia. Isn't the Holy Land the King was aiming at? They don't want to be affected.

Bundy Wald's figure appeared above the King of Heaven, leaning down with his hands close to the King of Heaven. Compared to the huge King of Heaven, he was so small.

But thinking of Wald's Momo Fruit ability, they had already guessed what Wald was going to do, but no one could stop him at all. Even Porusalino was frightened away by the terrifying power that the King of Heaven burst out at all times.

"Momo triple!"

Wald did not expect that the huge amount of energy he expended could only triple the power of the King's cannon, but it also showed how terrifying the power of the cannon was.

The next moment, the King of Heaven finally erupted, shooting out a terrifying purple beam of light, covering the sky with dazzling purple light, instantly spanning a distance of several thousand meters and arriving at the Holy Land of Marie Joa.

Unexpectedly, Shiji could think of using Walder's ability to enhance the power of the King.

The area of ​​influence of the King of Heaven has become larger, covering several kilometers.

The destructive energy pillar makes people feel almost desperate. It is impossible to avoid it, and the body is unable to move under the terrifying pressure.

Six top combat powers are directly covered in it, General Frieda, General Qing Pheasant, Earth Gaia, CP0 Commander, one CP0, and one Five Old Stars.

There are also tens of thousands of navy and army troops.

At this time, they can only resist with all their strength and use various methods.

"Eliminate!" Chief CP0 jumped high and used the power of the elimination fruit to eliminate everything. He wanted to rely on his own ability to withstand the fierce attack from the King of Heaven.

The rock giant melts directly into the ground.


Super strong repulsive force condensed on Frieda's body and exploded in an instant. The repulsive force shield formed collided with the purple energy wave of the King of Heaven.

Kuzan's body condensed into ice.

cp0 quickly appeared above the Five Old Stars, trying to withstand the destructive energy of the King of Heaven for the Five Old Stars. At this critical moment, his first thought was the safety of the Five Old Stars, which made people sigh. loyalty.

Except for CP0, who else has the intention to pay attention to other people at this time? The fate of those navy, army or agents is already doomed.

They had long expected the bombardment from Heavenly King and were mentally prepared.

Whether you can survive or not depends on your ability.

The King's bombardment covered an area several kilometers in diameter, including some pirates who did not leave in time.

The dazzling light covered the sky, making it difficult to open one's eyes. The terrifying energy column rushed down, and the entire picture became gray, making it impossible to see the picture clearly.

With the terrifying roar and impact, the sky and the earth were eclipsed. The boundless air waves spread all around. A large number of pirates, navy, and army were blown away, and their bodies lay on the ground, unable to move at all.

Even the video call bug couldn't help but shed tears.

"how's it going?"

"Are they all dead?"

Countless people asked impatiently, somewhat urgently, wanting to know the outcome quickly.

"Please wait! The phone bug needs ten seconds to recover." Morgans' voice sounded, and his urging voice could still be heard faintly.

Even Morgans couldn't see the result of this blow.

After a while, the picture gradually began to gain color, and soon, a terrifying picture appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The hard red earth continent was forcibly sunk by a hundred meters, forming a huge basin.

The area with a radius of several kilometers is basically lifeless, and it is difficult to see it. In other words, they have all been destroyed by the bombardment of the King of Heaven, and not even their ashes were left.

The land below is bright red, and combined with the blood color, it becomes even weirder.

Although it doesn't look as scary as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, it still makes people feel frightened.

Hundreds of thousands of people were wiped out in this way.

Is anyone still alive?

As the scene approaches, several reporter birds enter the pit to search, and many navy and World Government agents rush into the pit to rescue.

Soon, a figure appeared on the screen. Is there anyone alive?

The chief of CP0 was kneeling on the ground.

Kuzan was frozen. Kuzan closed his eyes and was sealed in an ice coffin. With just one shot, his energy was exhausted and he was forced to resort to life-saving measures.

The mask of Earth Gaia has been shattered, revealing half of his face. He was lying on the ground gasping for air. Even though he was hiding underground, he still did not hide.

But he resisted and survived.

Next to Wulaoxing, who had a mustache and a spotted birthmark on his forehead, the CP0 was dead, and Wulaoxing had also lost his fighting power.

On the other side of the bloody figure, half of the body has disappeared, but his identity can still be vaguely seen, Navy Admiral "Black Dove" Frieda.

Horrible casualties, only three people out of more than 100,000 were alive, two of the six top combatants died under the attack of the King of Heaven, two lost their combat effectiveness, and two others suffered a huge loss.

The terror of the King of Heaven is clearly demonstrated, and nothing is more convincing than such a record.

The world fell silent, looking at this horrific scene.

But the war continues, "Don't give it a second chance!"

A loud noise shifted the scene to the King of Heaven.

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" Porusalino's voice sounded, and the figure appeared next to Bundy Wald in an instant, turning into light and kicking him quickly.

"Momo, one hundred times faster!" Wald also showed terrifying speed, and was not weaker than Porusalino at all. He quickly counterattacked while avoiding Porusalino's kick.

Porusalino suddenly turned into light and avoided it.

This seems to be a competition between the fastest speeds in the world.

But Porusalino's mission was accomplished.

Forrest has broken through the barrier created by Shiji and Rhine. With terrifying energy gathering, his whole body turned into a huge comet and rushed towards the King of Heaven.

He made the best decision now, which was to destroy the King directly. As long as the King was destroyed, the Flying Pirates' trump card would be gone.

Besides, they couldn't grab such a huge king even if they wanted to. In order to prevent the second cannon from being fired, they had to destroy the king.

"Why are you allowed to do this?" Shiji's voice sounded, blocking Forrest in front of him at an extremely fast speed, and striking towards Forrest with a series of terrifying golden slashes.

The power of the Piao Piao Fruit was activated, directly controlling the atmosphere and attacking Forrest with majestic power.

The power of the King of Heaven has been demonstrated, destroying nearly a third of the World Government's troops in one sentence. With just one more shot, the Sky Pirates can basically seal the victory. Victory is right in front of them. How could Shiji allow his plan to be destroyed? destroy.

With a large amount of energy input, the second shot began to condense.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Countless light bombs fell from the sky, and Wald was unable to resist them. They hit the King of Heaven, causing some damage to the surface, but it did not stop the King of Heaven's bombardment.

The King's material is special and very hard, so resisting Porusalino's light bullets is not a problem at all.

"Change its aiming trajectory."

Since you can't stop the King of Heaven from launching, then change the trajectory.

That's what he said, but it's very difficult. How can we shake such a huge body of the King of Heaven?

Time waits for no one, it only takes half a minute for the King of Heaven to condense, which is not enough time at all.

The effect brought by the King's cannon gave the Flying Pirates sufficient confidence and greatly increased their morale, as well as their allies.

Struggling to resist the World Government's fighting power, it doesn't take long to resist anyway, half a minute is enough.

However, the World Government still has the advantage in terms of the number of top combat forces. At this critical moment, Army General Vulture was free and transformed into a giant vulture, bypassing the pirates who wanted to resist him.

He did not take action against the King of Heaven. He spread his wings and quickly rushed from bottom to top towards the island carrying the King of Heaven.

The domineering energy surrounded his entire body. The extremely fast speed caused great heat due to friction with the air, and the domineering energy covering his body turned red.

With a terrifying impact, the huge body directly hit the back of the island.


Under the terrifying impact, the entire island tilted visibly to the naked eye, with the rear rising and the front falling.

After that, the King of Heaven erupted again, aiming the muzzle at the rock wall of the Red Earth Continent, releasing a terrifying column of destructive energy, leaving a deep and huge mark on the rock wall of the Red Earth Continent.

This shot happened to miss the top of the Red Earth Continent. The Vulture's shot successfully changed the King's aiming trajectory, causing the shot to fail.

This made the World Government breathe a sigh of relief, but it was not over yet. Their losses were already huge, nearly half of them, including those who were destroyed by the Beast Legion, the Sky King, and the Sky Pirates.

The war continues, with the ancient weapon king as the focus.

The Sky Pirates need the King to eliminate the World Government's combat power and secure victory in this war.

The same is true for the World Government. Now they have the advantage in combat power. As long as the King of Heaven is unable to exert its effect, victory will belong to them.

The war has completely entered a white-hot stage.

On the other side, the Night Pirates began to take action.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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