Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and thirty-nine The lively battle pyramid

A few months passed by, and the entire battle pyramid, the dark night sea, and even the entire world were boiling.

Because, the time for ranking of the Night Pirates has arrived.

As time went by, the internal ranking information of the Night Pirates became increasingly difficult to conceal, and it soon became known to everyone with the spread of the information by thoughtful people.

Moreover, the place of ranking is still the battle pyramid with a large number of people.

This made it clear to the world that the Night Pirates would no longer hide anything and fully demonstrate their power with a domineering and new attitude.

The Seven Demon Kings, Thirteen Demon Generals, Seventy-two Demon Pillars, and the Night Pirates will determine the main lineup facing the sea in the future through internal battles.

Even listening to and thinking about it makes my heart a little turbulent.

There are only a few disasters in the Beast Pirates now, including the Lingkong Six Sons. They may not be the Six Sons in the future, but now they don’t even have a shadow.

The generals of the Big Mom Pirates have not yet been born, and there are only a few who can stand alone.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates have sixteen division captains, they are already defeated by the Night Pirates. They are crushed just in terms of numbers.

In this way, we can also see the background of the Night Pirates and how terrifying the number of strong men is.

This serial battle will not be broadcast live to the outside world. It is also very important to protect the intelligence of the members under the shelter to avoid being deliberately targeted in future battles.

Of course, I don’t mean not to let other people watch.

If outsiders want to watch the battle, they can only watch it inside the battle pyramid. The day before the serial battle, the battle pyramid has been blocked.

The content of the sequence battles will be played in each battle arena and in the internal corridors. However, if you want to watch the sequence battles of the Night Pirates, you need to pay a huge ticket fee, otherwise you will be temporarily expelled from the battle. pyramid.

The price of a ticket is as high as one million beli. Even at such a high price, the battle pyramid is almost full with a large number of people.

Excluding the members of the Night Pirates themselves and the internal staff.

The number of outsiders inside the Battle Pyramid has reached 1.8 million.

A large number of pirates, wealthy businessmen, and even nobles from all over the world came from outside, and competitors inside the fighting pyramid.

The internal ranking battle of the Night Pirates is undoubtedly a big event. All forces will send members to observe the power of the Night Pirates. Even the Whitebeard Pirates will not miss it.

Of course, Whitebeard will not come in person, but will send some of his sons.

Based on this calculation, the Night Pirates collected a terrifying amount of nearly two trillion beli just for the tickets, which is simply despairing.

In this way, the loss caused by the temporary suspension of the Battle Pyramid is completely negligible, and the Night Pirates have already made back all their profits.

Moreover, one million beli is not expensive. Although it is a wealth that ordinary people can earn after working for three to four months, or even half a year, but for pirates who often eat a steak of five thousand beli, this is just Small money.

Some pirates spend more than one million in a few days, drinking, eating, gambling and having too much entertainment.

And this is the cost of watching the sequence battle to the end. The Night Pirates' sequence battle will not end in just a few days.

In addition to the huge ticket fees, gambling, food, enjoyment, and various entertainment activities during the battle will continue to run, and a large amount of wealth will flow into the hands of the Night Pirates.

The outage of the Battle Pyramid is for internal registered members. The overall operation is still continuing, but the targets have completely become members of the Night Pirates.

Such a hot scene was beyond Teach's expectations. As a result, the so-called hidden information was completely meaningless. But in this era, where battle images are basically recorded, this kind of thing has no meaning at all.

However, if there are no battle images, it will not be studied repeatedly. As long as you have absolute strength and become stronger, the previous battle images will naturally have little effect.

Teach, the Night Pirates have absolute confidence in this. In the Night Pirates, no one will stand still, unless you want to be eliminated and caught up by latecomers.

Seven Demon Kings, Thirteen Demon Generals, and Seventy-two Demon Pillars. In Teach's original expectation, the status of each level was the same, regardless of high or low.

However, under Mostema's suggestion, although the status is the same, the strength needs to be differentiated.

The first devil and the seventh devil, everyone hopes that they are the former. This can also ensure sufficient internal competitiveness and have a sense of oppression to push them forward.

This kind of plan is also completely consistent with the principle of respecting strength that Teach has always established.

This can also give the latecomers hope for improvement. They will not only compete, but also involve.

Everyone hopes that their ranking will be higher. The higher the ranking, the stronger the strength will naturally be.

Moreover, the Night Pirates have also officially implemented a challenge and elimination system. As long as they have confidence in their own strength, they can challenge themselves until the challenge fails.

Everyone has such an opportunity, and it happens once a year, and those who rank high cannot refuse when faced with the challenge from the lower ranks.

This can completely make the entire Night Pirates group maintain a good upward trend and be more energetic.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. As for the contradictions that may arise from fierce competition, you don't need to care at all. As long as this kind of atmosphere is formed, the most is that the skills are inferior to others.

Regarding Mostema's suggestion, Teach and the others agreed that people who are confident in their own strength are not afraid of these challenges at all, but hope that someone will challenge them.

The internal ordering of the Night Pirates is divided into three parts, from top to bottom, the seven demon kings, the thirteen demon generals, and the seventy-two demon pillars.

The ticket revenue, which is close to two trillion beli, and the follow-up revenue not included therein, simply makes the world government silent and makes the navy the envy.

It makes the sea silent, shocked, and even makes people cry with envy, which is enough to show how terrifying the power and reputation of the Night Pirates are now.

As for the Navy Headquarters, even though they had held a meeting before and learned about the Night Pirates' earning power, their hearts were still trembling. This was a figure they could not even imagine. If they had so much military spending, they could do it unscrupulously. expansion.

But it's impossible. Even though they have found ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, they are still short of money, huge pensions, support for disabled sailors, or custom-made robots from the Night Pirates.

In order to preserve combat power, a large part of the money was spent on this and given to the Night Pirates, and this kind of thing had to be done.

They all realized that compared to the methods of the Night Pirates, they were far behind. Sengoku was considering whether to face the sea for the graduation ceremony of the Navy Elite Training Camp, and let a group of people come to the Navy Headquarters to watch, showing the new life of the Navy. strength.

At the same time, you can also earn a fee from it. If you think about it carefully, it seems to be very interesting.

But it is also very tasteless and may cause embarrassment.

After all, the gap in strength is too big. The internal order battles in the Night Pirates are all battles between the strong. They are afraid of comparison in everything. Besides, there are so many images of battles on the sea. Although many people are not strong enough, they have improved their horizons.

At least there should be a fighting situation comparable to the melee between young pirates of various pirate groups during the Kendo Competition, but unfortunately, the members in the Navy Elite Training Camp seem to be worse.

In order to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, the Navy has always been a military institution. Even if it has established multiple food bases, it still cannot escape this restriction, let alone do whatever it wants like the Night Pirates.

Although the navy's power is spread all over the great shipping routes, the great shipping lanes are not the navy's territory. They only have the right to station themselves on some islands as guardians.

The naval territory is Marinevando, some unnamed islands, and islands where large naval branches are stationed.

In such a battle, the Navy Headquarters does not have many resources at its disposal, and the size of its territory is comparable to that of a hegemon-level force in the New World.

When establishing high-tech companies, like the Night Pirates, they also thought that the profits brought by robots would reach tens of billions every year, especially during wars, when the chaos of the sea would cause more people to be disabled.

The Night Pirates have also earned a lot of reputation from this. The civilian version of the manipulator is cheap and easy to use. Even if it breaks down, it can be repaired for a little money. There are not many people around the world who hate the Night Pirates.

Even if the navy can research airship technology, it will still take several years. However, the Night Pirates have already occupied most of the world's markets, occupying the New World and the four seas. Airships are also available in various franchise countries of the Great Line. As a franchise An exclusive car for the country's nobles.

The market for airships is originally aimed at wealthy people, or in other words, powerful people.

They couldn't compete at all, and with the large number of pirates in the Grand Line, they would run the risk of losing money.

And it was a loss of billions of Baileys in one fell swoop, a loss they simply could not afford.

The arms trade is occupied by the World Government, and they can gain a lot of profits from it, but the bulk of it is still taken by the World Government.

I didn't feel much about it before, but now the navy has clearly felt the restrictions of the world government, and it is inconvenient to do anything.

But there is no way. The world government is not as wealthy as it used to be. It has to rely on the heavenly gold of the participating countries. The Holy Land was destroyed twice and suffered heavy losses. I don’t know how many Baileys were spent on reconstruction. Now it also takes time to recover, and even more huge amounts of money are needed. money.

Now they are wrangling with the franchise countries to get more heavenly gold. For the reconstruction of the Holy Land, they have advanced a part of the heavenly gold in advance, which makes people feel a little ridiculous.

"Baboon, baboon, it's like I'm in another world." Doflamingo walked through the special passage and walked to the 18th floor of the battle pyramid with steps that he didn't recognize. Naturally, he would not miss such a grand occasion, and he could clearly understand it. to the power of the Night Pirates.

Doflamingo has been to the Battle Pyramid many times, but every time he comes, he always marvels at how lively the Battle Pyramid is. There is no shortage of anything inside, and it is extremely huge.

Although Dressrosa has a battle field with a long history, it is far inferior in comparison.

Is this the beauty of money? The total construction cost exceeds 100 billion Baileys, coupled with the perfect design of top construction experts.

Compared to a few months ago, Doflamingo undoubtedly had a deeper feeling that the Battle Pyramid was more lively, with a total of more than two million people including members of the Night Pirates.

Until now, there are still outsiders who want to enter the battle pyramid, which means the Night Pirates' ticket revenue is still rising.

The differences inside the battle pyramid are far from comparable outside.

This special passage is specially prepared for those forces that have good relations with the Night Pirates. Along the way, Doflamingo can also see some other acquaintances.

They entered at the same time with tacit understanding, Stephanie, Umit, Morgans, Stussy, etc., and the network of relationships can be said to be throughout the entire new world.

From here we can see the huge power of the Night Pirates, and there are also some new faces among them. Doflamingo secretly has to remember the forces represented by these new faces. Since he is related to the Night Pirates, he will be a little bit more involved in the future. to avoid conflicts of interest.

With the Night Pirates as a line, they can also cooperate with each other. The common camp and interest groups with the Dark Pirates as the core promote each other and contribute to the development of the force.

Sisters Stephanie and Stussy are very eye-catching when they stand together. One has long blue hair and the other has short blond hair. Their dressing styles are very similar, but no one dares to underestimate them.

A Queen of Happy Street, she has been in the new world for almost twenty years, and her appearance has never changed. Her age is completely unknown and she is very mysterious.

It has a huge intelligence network and maintains good relations with bigmom.

Stephanie is a rookie in the underground world of the New World, but now she is one of the Dark Kings. It is said that she has maintained contact with the Dark Night Pirates in the West Sea. She can gain a foothold in the New World not only with the help of Stussy, but also with the Dark Night Sea. The support of the thieves.

In the eyes of many people, Stephanie is also the spokesperson of the Night Pirates in the underground world. With such a relationship, Stephanie has to be taken seriously.

Because of Stephanie's existence, the Night Pirates and Happy Street have some cooperation, which is considered close.

Being able to come can be regarded as giving face to the Night Pirates. Of course, these dark kings are usually very idle. After all, the fluctuations in the underground world will not last long. There are only so many benefits. If something goes wrong, a replacement will appear soon. Keep it. He owns one-third of an acre of land and rarely interferes with other interests.

It was a pity for Morgans not to be able to live broadcast the video, but he also returned to his old profession, bringing a camera, which was not prohibited by the Night Pirates.

Doflamingo was walking in the middle of the road. Faced with the powerful aura emanating from Mingge, some of the leaders of the forces moved to both sides to avoid him, with deep fear flashing in their eyes.

Brother Ming had a signature smile on his face, swaying his body in a feather coat. If he wanted to destroy these forces, he could destroy a group of them.

The one who really catches his eye is Morgans. This is also the confidence brought by strength.

Of course, this does not mean that Morgans is very powerful. The energy he controls is too huge and can easily affect the world.

Moreover, Morgans' strength is not bad, he has a strong sense of sight, and has a strong ability to escape, similar to the ability of premonition. Even he cannot keep Morgans.

At the end of the passage, there was a bright light, and there were faint cheers.

These guests couldn't help but quicken their pace, and soon, their eyes lit up.

On the eighteenth floor of the battle pyramid, there was a huge battle venue. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered together. It was very crowded. Most of them were members of the Dark Night Pirates. Fierce cheers filled the sky. This was a feast that belonged to the dark night.

"Hoo ho! It's so spectacular!" Morgans couldn't help but pick up the camera and started taking pictures.

"Baboon, baboon! This is the atmosphere that truly belongs to the new era!" Brother Ming said excitedly, opening his arms wide.

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