Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and forty-one battle

There is no need to test at all, they basically know each other, and the war is about to break out.

In the second arena, two behemoths appeared at once, the earth dragon wearing scales and spitting fire, and the king crocodile with dark golden pupils.

The huge body is over 100 meters long, close to 150 meters.

The two giant beasts roared at each other, then quickly rushed towards each other, opened their big mouths, and started the most savage and primitive fight.

The huge bodies collided together, causing the earth to tremble, and this was also the main reason why Sarika chose Slada.

Otherwise, with his human body and the height of the savage being as high as thirteen meters, he might as well choose to fight Mog Raton.

Sarika is a powerful beast found by Ares on a beast island in the Windless Zone. It was a monster born after eating the Human Fruit and Savage Form.

His own strength is very terrifying. After so many years of fighting and training, he has mastered domineering, and even his body has undergone secondary development due to the increase in potential.

To put it bluntly, Sarika has top-notch combat power.

And Slada is not bad at all. He is born with terrifying strange strength and a powerful body. After hard training, he combines the powerful ability of the top ancient species, the King Crocodile.

It has the potential to be a king, but now combined with the devil fruit ability, it has evolved into a special power similar to ghost energy, the power of the wild.

Compared to the time of the war with the Whitebeard Pirates, Slarda has now fully mastered this power.

The invisible power wraps Slada's huge body, giving him a powerful increase in attack and defense. Not only can it be combined with Haki, but it is not as expensive as Haki.

If you get close to Slada, your body will be suppressed by this invisible force.

The powerful visual impact not only shows Slardar's terrifying strength, but also makes people realize that the Night Pirates also hide the terrifying monster Sarika.

In his early years, Sarika followed Ares and continued to challenge various forces. In recent years, Sarika has become less popular. With so many things going on in the sea, if there is no news for a long time, he will be forgotten, causing many people to forget about him. The presence.

He even somewhat ignored the tall man who had been standing silently behind Ares.

Not much to say,

The roars of the two giant beasts were like horns, kicking off the battle.

Clemons used his Devil Fruit ability and entered a complete fighting posture. The terrifying-looking muscles all over his body contained terrifying power and explosive power.

The whole person shot out like a cannonball, killing Mog Raton with terrifying power.

Although he is huge, Mograton has strong combat intuition, as sharp as a beast. Moreover, he is also used to fighting these speedy people, and he has his own way of dealing with them early on.

The serrated sword in his hand was swung with unparalleled strength.

Lafitte knew how powerful Xi Liu was, spread out his bat wings and took the initiative to attack, turning into a line of blood and constantly changing positions to approach Xi Liu.

When Shiliu saw this, a smile appeared on his face, and he went straight towards him with a knife in both hands.

The battle between Wallace and Kaguya started out as a pure battle of physical skills. The powerful physical skills and the back and forth between offense and defense were pleasing to the eye.

But soon, the intensity of the battle completely escalated to a new level. Wallace used his ability, which was beyond the hardness of steel. His body was steaming and glowing red, and his body contained a terrifying high temperature.

The ground beneath your feet began to melt and turned into magma.

And Kaguya, holding a bone knife, has sharp bone spurs on his body, like armor, and can change according to Kaguya's mind.

It is precisely because I know Wallace that I adopt this way of coping.

The most terrifying thing about Wallace, besides his hard body, was the furnace-like heat.

Whether it's a bone knife or a bone spur on his body, it's all to avoid close contact with Wallace.

The battle between Enelu and Hirsch has also begun, the battle between thunder and ice, but the situation of the battle is obviously that Hirsch is overwhelmed.

Enel's astonishing speed makes people fearful. The red lightning it releases brings the high-temperature characteristics of electric heat to the extreme. It is completely the nemesis of Hirsch's Snow Fruit.

Therefore, the ability to cool down has no effect on Enelu, and the astonishing speed makes Enelu innately invincible.

There is a big gap in destructive power between lightning and ice and snow. There is no need to doubt the outcome of this battle.

However, the two did not rely too much on their Devil Fruit abilities. The long knife and the dragon-coiling stick collided in the air, and Hirsch nimbly avoided the thunder and lightning of Enel. Their battle was also very fierce.

During the battle between Mastima and Mobius, Mastima stood in the air, and silver feathers as sharp as swords fell like a rainstorm.

The tip of each feather carries a hint of sword intent, and even steel can easily penetrate it.

The saber in his hand made sharp slashes one after another, accompanied by the sharpness of the wind, and deep ravines were cut into the ground.

Mobius also turned into a complete beast form, the terrifying Yamata no Orochi, with eight heads and eight tails, a dark green body, and hard snake scales to resist the feathers falling from the sky.

Most of the feathers were bounced away, and only a few of them left a few wounds on his body, but they were quickly healed due to the powerful recovery power of the Yamata no Orochi.

Facing Mostima's slashing attack, Mobius's eight heads directly hit it, or swept his tail across to resist Mostima's attack.

Mostima has the ability to fly and is very fast. Mobius knows that he cannot deal with Mostima just by relying on his current situation. Flying is a powerful advantage.

Using strange power, a pair of terrifying eyes stared at Mastema.

Mostima knew that Mobius had the ability and strange spiritual power that was impossible to guard against. If the opportunity was seized, the battle would probably end in an instant. In fact, most of Mobius's enemies had lost all resistance in an instant. force.

The power of destroying the five senses, once attacked, cannot be used even by those who are weak in seeing, hearing, color, and domineering power.

Mostema's knowledge color is not weak in domineering power, and is much stronger than the armed color.

Now, his eyes are dark, he can't see anything, can't hear anything, and can't even feel anything. After Mobius used his ability, he was already hit.

Mobius does not rely on this ability. He has used it at critical moments in previous battles, but this time he will fully demonstrate his power.

So from the beginning, I began to use the superb spiritual power I had developed.

To eliminate the five senses, it may not be accurate to say that it is eliminated, but it can also be said to be shielding.

In the darkness, Mostima was like an isolated island in the sea. This feeling would make most people feel desperate, but he still remained calm.

Strengthen your heart and release the Haki of Knowledge to the extreme. To use Haki of Knowledge, you need to stay calm and very focused. Once your heart is shaken, Haki of Knowledge cannot be used.

Although he has lost his five senses, Mostima can still feel the conditions of the outside world and appear in his mind.

Mostima didn't make any movement in the air, and one of Mobius's heads struck hard.

However, when they were only more than ten meters away, Mostima moved, his figure erratic, and he suddenly avoided Mobius' attack.

Without his five senses, Mostima's range of sight, hearing and color was suppressed to a very high degree. If it weren't for his speed, most people would not be able to avoid it.

By virtue of his ability alone, Mobius was able to reverse his somewhat weak situation. This also has to be said about the terrifying power of the Yamata no Orochi fruit.

On the other side, the battle between Peter and Gal was very surprising.

Facing the powerful Gal, Peter took the initiative to attack. He had cat ears and a tail on his body. His speed and reaction were very sensitive. His pair of cat claws had terrible lethality and he kept attacking Gal.

In terms of speed, Piedo is even faster than Gal. The ability of the Cat Fruit gives Piedo a super reaction speed. Combined with her own powerful talent, her combat power is comparable to that of the Night Pirates. Number in line.

In terms of attack power, Peter was not bad at all. He inherited Teach's claw skills and left wounds on Gal's body.

Although Peter's performance is amazing, Gal is stronger, with a strong body, strength, and even devil fruit abilities and blood transformation.

Just relying on his own basic combat power, he was able to fight with Peter.

Biduo's figure kept flashing across the ring. His petite body contained terrifying explosive power. Even he had to deal with it seriously without using his abilities.

Soon, Biduo became completely serious. She was no longer the girl she once was, and she had grown a lot. Now that she was here, she would naturally not hold back.

The strange sight and color spread quickly like a force field and controlled the entire arena.

Even so, outsiders can still feel the terrifying power contained in it. The eyes seem to be filled with an evil aura, making people feel upset, fearful from the bottom of their hearts, and a look of fear on their faces.

Those who were less powerful and mentally weak were already covered in sweat with shock. Facing Peter, they seemed to be witnessing a nightmare. It was so terrifying that it almost made people feel despair.

The oppression and fear in the heart make people want to end their lives.

This deep malice made countless people look at the calm-looking Catwoman with fear. They did not expect that Catwoman had such power, but only a few people knew that this was the special effect of Peter's domineering aura.

Peter leaned slightly to the ground, with his paws on the ground. The cat's tail behind him moved slightly. Peter disappeared in an instant. With a powerful explosive force, he attacked Gal at a faster speed, and his figure appeared on Gal's side.

Gal resisted calmly.

But his heart is not peaceful. The difference in strength makes it impossible for him to feel fear, but the malice will make people upset, especially now that Peter is mainly targeting him.

Under Biduo's weird seeing, hearing, and coloring, Gal's seeing, hearing, and coloring were all suppressed, and his effect was greatly reduced, which naturally also led to the weakening of his strength.

An uncontrollable anger arose from his heart, but Gal couldn't control himself.

Although I know that you are interested in such an ability, I have only experienced it slightly in the past. This is the first time that Bai Biduo has targeted him like this. Under the influence of malicious intent and uncontrollable anger, Gal's fruit ability exploded, and his whole body was steaming. Soon his whole body was filled with red fire of anger.

The battle is still going on, but Catwoman's burst of combat power is surprising. Being able to fight Gal to such an extent, one can't help but sigh that Catwoman is powerful and should not be underestimated.

The main reason is that Piedo's record is a bit low, and the ability of the Cat Fruit is not considered a powerful Devil Fruit in the eyes of others, which brings about such prejudice.

Sure enough, anyone who has the confidence to challenge the position of the Seven Demon Kings will not be inferior in strength.

Even though she is not well-known, it does not mean that she is a marginalized figure in the Night Pirates.

Similarly, Liszt and Xiaoyapufu have very few achievements and rarely even leave the Dark Night Sea, but they are still the core figures of the Dark Night Pirates.

Both of them possess considerable combat power. Who can relax in the Night Pirates?

However, they are very famous, especially around the world. Yapov is a world-famous singer, dancer, and performing artist, with opera houses built in many places in the Dark Sea.

He often performs tours in the Dark Night Sea, especially the nobles of the kingdom in the Dark Night Sea, and they are all loyal fans of Xiao Yapufu.

Liszt is now also a top musician and performer in the world. He has great reputation all over the world, especially in those kingdoms. He has even paid a lot of money to invite him to perform in their kingdoms more than once. Also becoming famous is the Dark Night Symphony Orchestra. .

It's just that now that the Dark Night Pirates are full of talents, they have fewer opportunities to take action. Moreover, it has always been their responsibility to guard the Dark Night Sea and maintain the stability of the internal core area.

Lafitte has been suppressed by Xiliu, and the two of them know the basics. Lafitte is very fast, but Xiliu is not bad either, especially in short-distance movement.

As a great swordsman, he crushed Lafitte in swordsmanship, and now he has a powerful superhuman system, the Blood Fruit, which can greatly increase Shiliu's combat power.

As a special superhuman type, Shiliu can turn his body into blood to avoid attacks like the natural type.

Create and control blood for attack and defense, and even control other people's blood to affect other people's combat performance.

The battle between the two behemoths continued, but Slardar was beginning to gain the upper hand.

The battle between Mobius and Mastima was a bit dangerous. The suppressed Mastima was still powerful, especially his powerful swordsmanship.

But as a user with phantom beast ability, Mobius's defense and recovery power are very strong.

The five senses disappeared, and the sight and color were suppressed, which made Mostima a little helpless. However, he could instinctively feel Mobius's position and presence, and he continued to release powerful moves.

Most people will be suppressed and restrained when faced with people with mental abilities. Even Mostima is the same. His true strength cannot be fully displayed, and Mobius has not yet used mental attack moves.

To be honest, it's because the ability of the phantom beast Yamata no Orochi fruit is so powerful.

The battle between Wallace and Kaguya was very fierce, especially the strength shown by Kaguya, which had improved many times compared to six years ago.

Kaguya can freely control bones throughout the body, mainly those related to bone such as hematopoietic cells, osteoclasts, and calcium concentration. These can be controlled without restriction, allowing bone to be formed and decomposed.

While strengthening your body, it can also speed up your recovery from injuries.

After years of development, Kaguya's bones are now very hard and can easily pierce steel. They are both offensive and defensive. They are the sharpest spears when attacking and the hardest shield when defending.

Even Ming Ge's thin wires can be developed to the point where they can easily cut through steel, let alone the bones controlled by Kaguya.

As for Kaguya, he exists as the sharpest spear, clearing all obstacles for Teach. Through arduous training and high-intensity continuous training, he has developed his potential to the extreme.

Terrible combat power, with a defense as strong as Wallace's, and even more crazy offense.

The collision between the bone knife and the fist is also a battle between dominators.

Clemons on the other side also burst out with terrifying combat power. Combined with the ability of the muscle fruit, he formed a powerful fighting posture. Although it consumed a lot of physical strength, his combat power completely increased.

The perfect combination of strength, speed, and explosion put a lot of pressure on Mog Ratton.

Facing Clemons' powerful fist, he became even more excited. The bloodthirsty and violent nature in his body was activated, the powerful bloodline of the ancient fishman.

The power of the mosasaurus fruit also exploded. Mograton, who entered the human-animal form, was extremely ferocious, and now he has become a monster.

Clemons's terrifying strange power is not false at all. He already possesses more terrifying power than the giant, and the mosasaurus fruit gives him a powerful increase.

The hard ring was constantly being destroyed, and it couldn't even withstand their explosive power. Every time Clemons exploded, his feet would crack the ground with such powerful force.

Hirsch was very strong, and although he looked outmatched, he was far from defeated.

Being able to rely on his own strength to rise from the bottom of the combat pyramid in just a few years, his basic combat power is not bad, and his potential is beyond doubt.

Combining the power of Xuexue Fruit and the development over the past few days, his strength has improved a lot.

But Enelu is stronger, and coupled with its speed and the suppression of high-temperature lightning, it can easily melt the ice and snow he creates.

"What a desperate force."

The battle between fourteen monsters makes people feel awe for the Night Pirates.

Doflamingo is more aware of the terror of the Night Pirates. He has not relaxed his strength training over the years. Even though the Thread Fruit has awakened, he still continues to develop it.

They even spent a lot of money to ask the Night Pirates for advice, suggestions, or ideas on the development direction of the Thread Fruit.

Brother Ming has made great gains, and his training in armed domineering has reached the level of Liu Ying, although he has not yet reached the top level.

But it is also a rare level in the new world. If you continue to train and reach the top, it is not a problem at all.

Over the years, Brother Ming has taken action many times. After all, the expansion of strength will inevitably violate the interests of others, and some may even spy on the interests in his hands.

In addition to cooperating with the Night Pirates, his current status relies more on his own strength. After all, in the new world, it is impossible to gain a foothold without strength.

Similarly, the huge pressure placed on him by the Night Pirates also made him dare not stop at the pace of progress. He knew that he was not irreplaceable.

He is now considered the overlord of one party. Although he is not as powerful as those who are stronger, he is not weak when it comes to fighting. He can deal with others and can escape even if he is defeated.

But he could clearly feel that many of the members of the Night Pirates in the ring were not weaker than him at all, including Slada, Sarika, Mobius, Mostima, Gar, and Wallace. , Shiliu, even the young Kaguya makes him dare not underestimate him.

Some are even a little stronger than him. In terms of overall strength, the rest of Lafitte and others are not much different.

The huge number of strong men is also the most terrifying thing about the Night Pirates. It is simply not comparable to other forces.

Moreover, these members are not too old, and the speed of their strength improvement is incomparable to other forces.

As a pirate, banquets, enjoyment, wine, food, and sailing are the main theme of life. Who would practice as hard as the Night Pirates? Moreover, there are methods such as gravity exercise to enhance the effect of exercise.

And Brother Ming is more determined to embrace the Night Pirates. Other forces, seeing the terror of the Night Pirates, are also determined to cooperate with the Night Pirates, or stand on the side of the Night Pirates.

And those pirate forces all had solemn expressions, feeling huge pressure, from the Dark Night Pirates.

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