Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and forty-three 7 The birth of the devil

The battle lasted for a day, and Wallace and Gall finally broke out completely and no longer hid.

At one end of the broken ring, Wallace was panting, and his awakened power was revealed. It could be clearly seen that the ring under his feet changed and was assimilated into hard steel. At the same time, it was flowing like a liquid, and was affected by his influence. Take control.

And just like him, the entire area of ​​the arena turned into steel turned red, emitting astonishing high temperatures, and a large amount of hot steel rushed towards Gal like waves.

The entire arena has become Wallace's domain, with hardness, fluidity, and high temperatures. The entire arena is like hell, making people feel frightened. There are not many people who can resist the high temperature like Gal.

Once they are engulfed by such hot steel, they will lose their ability to react in an instant.

Due to the limitations of the arena, Garr could not escape at all, and besides, he was surrounded by waves of steel controlled by Wallace, which were constantly approaching.

But he was not afraid at all. The fire of anger burning all over his body burned even more intensely, his pupils turned into blood, his flawless and snow-white hair, a more ferocious aura exuded, and powerful static electricity surrounded his body.

The sharp edge on Gal's body makes people feel frightened. With the powerful flames and static electricity, Gal's combat power skyrockets and he kills Wallace at an astonishing speed.

The hunting knife in his hand has been covered with domineering energy, entwined with the fire of anger and static electricity. The knife was swung with all his strength, sparks were shooting out, and the torrent of steel was cut directly by Gal, but it quickly recovered and continued to exert pressure on Gal.

Gal jumped up, stepping on the moon steps to jump over this wave of steel, and under the control of Wallace, another and even larger wave soon pounced on Gal.

Wallace also made moves, and his body was hidden in the torrent of steel after awakening. Under the scorching heat, the so-called breath could not be detected at all. Even Teach could not "see" the existence of Wallace and could only Said to roughly determine his location.

For Garr, his knowledge had lost its effectiveness.

The Devil Fruit has awakened, and now the molten steel field is not only Wallace's hardest spear, but also his strongest shield, and it is also perfectly integrated into his combat system.

With terrifying power, the hunting knife swung again, splitting the steel billow into two, without Wallace among them.

After this blow, Wallace seized the opportunity,

The figure emerged from the steel wave, and the red steel fist directly hit Gal's abdomen, sending Gal flying away.

Gal is going to lose.

This is Teach's idea. Although Gal's sense of knowledge has not disappeared, he cannot detect the presence of Wallace. In the face of Wallace's surprise attack, even if he notices it, he will not be open to you.

Gar is a sharp spear, but no matter how sharp it is, it has no effect until it hits others.

The main reason is that Wallace's body is hidden in the molten steel, making Gal unable to detect his existence.

However, has Wallace secured victory in this battle?

After being attacked by Wallace many times in a row, Gal calmed down and no longer relied on his knowledge, but instead used his Devil Fruit abilities.

Things like breath can be hidden, but emotions cannot.

The Fruit of Anger is the fruit of emotions, giving Garr the ability to perceive emotions. However, in previous battles, Garr has rarely used it.

Now that sex has hit a wall with Wallace, in order to reject this problem, Gal began to use this ability.

"found it!"

Gal's eyes lit up and he stared at a place in the steel wave, where he felt the emotional fluctuations. For him, as long as he could determine the location of Wallace, it was enough. Otherwise, he would have to remain so passive. Until defeated.

It was the same as before, but when Gal was attacking, he suddenly changed direction and headed towards Wallace.

Gal's feint struck Wallace directly.

His figure emerged from the steel wave, and he did not expect Gal to discover his location so quickly.

But it was not unexpected. He just lost a small means. Under his control, steel spikes quickly appeared from the ground and attacked Gal, who hurriedly avoided it.

If you are not careful, you may be pierced by these steel thorns.

Now that the Devil Fruit has awakened, Wallace's offensive methods have been greatly enriched and are no longer as monotonous as before. He can drive these molten steel Wallaces away like an arm, showing very terrifying power.

In fact, Wallace still suppresses Gal to a certain extent. The temperature of molten steel can reach thousands of degrees Celsius. Although Gal's angry fire is not weaker than ordinary flames, it is not comparable to Wallace in terms of temperature. Compared with scholars.

He was not afraid of Wallace's high-temperature air waves, but if he came into contact with it in person, even his body would be unable to bear it.

With his feet on molten steel, even though he was covered with armed domineering energy, he still felt the heat. If he stood for a long time, he would be injured.

On the other side, Mobius and Slarda's battle has reached the final stage. Slarda's terrifying power and domineering power make him more and more courageous as they fight.

Mobius gradually fell into a disadvantage. With his strong combat intuition, although Mobius was fast, he couldn't do anything to Slada.

Every attack would be resisted, and the attacks from the tail and the other heads had little effect against Slardar's powerful defense.

The powerful mental ability cannot play its due role and has little effect on Slada's people. Even if Slada falls into a situation where all five senses are wiped out many times, Slada can break free quickly.

This made Mobius feel as if he had broken an arm, and his terrible venom that could swallow life could not be used in this battle.

You know, Mobius's venom can dissolve even domineering energy. As long as you seize the opportunity and take a bite, you can easily inject the venom into other people's bodies. Those who are infected can only be slaughtered.

Although Mobius is very capable in combat, he still has a lot of shortcomings compared to a man like Slardar.

In general, his combat effectiveness was not fully realized, and some of it was limited.

Seeing that he was in a weak position and had no hope of victory, Mobius decisively admitted defeat. This was just a ranking battle, not a so-called death battle.

In this way, Slardar came to occupy the first arena, and Mobius retreated to the second arena.

In the third arena, Gal and Wallace quickly determined the winner. In the end, Gal was the better, and Wallace took the initiative to admit defeat.

There is a rule that the winner can continue to challenge. The loser has no right to continue to challenge and can only meet the challenges of others. This is also to avoid repeated challenges and waste of time. Before challenging, you need to choose the object of your challenge.

This rule is not strict, I just don’t want to waste time. Anyway, there will be opportunities next year. In fact, one or two reputations are not valued, and a little competition will not affect the overall interests of the Night Pirates.

After giving half a day's rest, the victorious Gal did not continue the challenge and waited for Shiliu's choice.

Within the Night Pirates, Shiliu's strength has always been at the forefront. He has powerful swordsmanship, physical skills, and domineering. Although he is not an ability user, he has never fallen behind in combat power. Now that he has obtained the ability of the Blood Fruit, he also has In more than a year, there will definitely be a huge improvement.

They knew a little bit about Xiliu's information.

Under the gaze of countless people, Xi Liu pulled out the knife in his hand and went straight to the No. 3 arena.

There was no reason for him. He just felt that fighting Gar would give him more pleasure. Whether it was Slada's terrifying power and defense, or Mobius's spiritual power, they all made him feel a little troubled.

As for ranking, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Gar understands what Shiliu means, and it is very stupid to think that he is weak and easy to bully. To this extent, it is difficult for anyone who can stand here to deal with it.

The battle between the two began soon. Garr held a hunting knife and fought with Xi Liu. Surrounded by thunder and fire, he took Xi Liu's head with terrifying explosive power.

In response, Shiliu raised his sword to resist, and the bloody light containing rich killing covered the thunderstorm and killed Gal.

In the fierce battle, both of them were attacking crazily. The alternation between offense and defense was dizzying. Most people could not even see their figures clearly. The sharp light was filled with murderous intent.

Even watching them fight, you can feel the cold light on your body, which is a fatal threat.

A blood-colored mist gradually filled the air, covering the entire arena, making it difficult for people to see clearly what was going on in the arena, even through sight and smell.

Except for a few people with powerful knowledge and color.

This blood-colored mist is naturally Shiliu's ability. A powerful swordsman always only uses one sword to seek to kill with one blow, especially a murderous swordsman like him.

The blood-colored mist fills the air, making this a perfect hunting ground for him. The bloody air makes him feel excited, and at the same time, it can also suppress the vision and domineering power of the enemies inside.

But he himself was completely unaffected.

After all, Shiliu himself is also an assassin, but his frontal combat ability is equally powerful.

At the same time, Shiliu can also create and control blood donations to fight, but he has no use for it. In comparison, he still prefers to use the knife in his hand.

Gal's own cognition color has been released to the extreme. Although the cognition color is suppressed, a certain area is still under his control.

The rich smell of blood made his sensitive sense of smell completely useless.

Suddenly, Shiliu's figure flashed past, and the rich blood light quickly approached, and the terrifying slash was killed by Gal who reacted.

Facing the great swordsman's attack, even he couldn't easily deal with it, and the time to deal with it was too hasty.

Before it was over, slashes came from all directions, and Garr continued to resist while dodging them.

He knew that he couldn't do this. Now this place had become Shiliu's hunting ground. If he continued, he would be exhausted and lead to defeat.

Besides, as a hunter, how could he watch himself become the prey?

He needs to take the initiative and turn this place into his own forest.

Gal did not sit still and quickly started running quickly, constantly moving in the blood mist, trying to switch from defense to offense.

Once Shiliu enters his perception range, he will discover it.

At the same time, Garr transformed into the Moon Lion form again and used all his strength to maximize the effect of the Wrath Fruit.

Equipped with terrifying power, while his strength skyrocketed, Gal's range of perception expanded again.

Although Shiliu's body is strong, it cannot be compared with monsters like Slarda, and at the same time, it is worse than him.

Under absolute power, compared with his current strength, Xiliu's body is fragile. As long as he is given a chance, he can cause serious damage to Xiliu.

"Found it!" The expansion of the perception range allowed Gal to quickly discover Shiliu's traces.

And Xiliu did not continue to dodge. Secret attacks were always a secret. Before, he just wanted to test the effect of his move in combat. What he really wanted was to fight to the fullest.

But Gal's explosive power is recognized as terrifying. The explosion here is an improvement in combat power. An all-out explosion can completely bring his combat power to a higher level.

At this time, Gal had the strongest combat power among the Night Pirates besides Teach.

"Then come!" Xiliu smiled excitedly, and his figure melted into the blood mist, disappearing without a trace.

But the strong killing intent can still be felt.

Gal couldn't feel Shiliu's presence, but he could sense that the fatal murderous intention was approaching.

Shiliu, who melted into the blood mist, really became the most terrifying killer. This effect was also the main reason why Shiliu fell in love with the blood fruit. As for the rest, it was basically incidental.

With a slash, Xiliu's figure emerged from the blood mist. Gal hurriedly avoided it before that, and narrowly avoided Xiliu's sword.

Gal's back couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, but he quickly reacted. The hunting knife in his hand was wrapped with powerful domineering energy and the power of thunder, lightning and fire, and he quickly slashed towards Shiliu.

But it was useless. Shiliu smiled slightly and said to resist. The figure melted into the blood mist in an instant and disappeared.

The next moment, Shiliu appeared at Gal's side again and slashed at Gal.

It's really terrifying. Such an ability is even more perverted than the natural system. In this state, Shiliu can be said to be invincible, and can kill the enemy just by using it.

Of course, in Tiqi's eyes, this move also has flaws. Shiliu's elemental transformation is blood, which is further decomposed into blood mist. Such transformation takes time. Obviously, there is one second.

When the difference in strength is not big, Xiliu can be said to be invincible. Even Gar, with Xiliu now dominant, he simply cannot use his strongest move to deal with Xiliu.

If facing Teach, this second is fatal enough, because it is difficult for Shiliu's body to resist during this period, unless the elementalization is ended, which can directly interrupt and force Shiliu to fight him.

The ability of the Dark Fruit alone can easily suppress Shiliu and swallow up all the blood mist he created.

He believes that Xiliu himself is aware of this flaw and will not rely too much on this ability or find a way to solve this problem. If the enemy seizes the opportunity, he will fall into a situation of no return.

But now, Gal can't solve it yet, or it takes time to get used to it, and find opportunities to seize Shiliu's flaws.

But is there enough time?

In the end, Garr was defeated and exhausted, Shiliu won the final victory and had no idea of ​​continuing to challenge.

So far, the seven demon kings of the dark night have been successfully born. From front to back, they are "Emperor Crocodile" Slarda, "Snake King" Mobius, and Shiliu of the Rain.

"Steel" Wallace, "Stalker" Rengar.

"Mosasaurus" Mog Raton, "Thor" Enel.

This exciting battle lasted for several days, and amid endless cheers, the seven people sat on the throne that belonged to them and were crowned together.

After a day's rest, the next step is the battle for the Thirteen Demon Generals.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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