Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and forty-five discussion

Attracting worldwide attention, due to the lack of live video broadcasts, news agencies around the world ushered in a prosperous period. Reporters from various newspapers began to compile reports on the Night Pirates' serial battles as soon as they returned.

Before that, the news of the birth of the Seven Demon Kings and the establishment of the Thirteen Demon Generals spread throughout the world during these two periods.

Although there is no video, there are still many people expressing their opinions on the final sequence of the Night Pirates through the influence. The strength analysis is very popular.

"Shocking the sea, seven demon kings, thirteen demon generals, and seventy-two demon pillars are born!"

"The era belongs to the dark night!"

The terrifying lineup shocked the whole world after its birth.

Many reporters gathered on Pagira Island to interview some well-known figures who were watching the battle, asking them to evaluate the final members of the Night Pirates' serial battle.

After collecting a lot of information, we finally came to the conclusion that the weakest of the Seventy-two Demonic Pillars of the Night Pirates is eligible for a bounty of 400 million beli.

This is definitely a terrifying conclusion, which can make people clearly feel the power of the Night Pirates.

And below, there are many members close to the Seventy-Two Demonic Pillars. This is clear to viewers who have watched the serial battle.

In the final analysis, the gap between the weakest of the Thirteen Demon Generals and the top ones of the Seventy-Two Demonic Pillars is not big, just a little bit behind. Among them, there are several pirates with bounties close to 500 million beli.

The overall combat power of the seventy-two magic pillars is very balanced, and the level of strength cannot be seen with the naked eye.

This influence is still spreading.

"How about it?"

The Beast Pirates, King Barbarossa's Royal City, the residence of the Beast Pirates, and the Palace of Oni.

Kaido was wearing a fur coat, sitting on the throne, looking down at Krel and Lemo who had returned from the dark night sea.

He had previously sent the two of them to watch the ranking of the Dark Night Pirates, and they stayed in the Dark Night Sea for a full month.

For such a big event as the Night Pirates, Kaido will naturally pay attention to it. This month, he has been waiting very patiently at his base camp.

And the information revealed by the Night Pirates and the power displayed forced him to pay attention to it.

"How should I put it? The gap is huge." Claire frowned and then said seriously.

"How big is it?" Kaido asked. He had no expectations of surpassing the Night Pirates, but he was also working hard in this direction.

Artificial Devil Fruits and the Beastman Project derived from the study of werewolf corpses have greatly helped to improve the strength of the Beast Pirates.

But the gap in top-level combat power cannot be caught up solely by relying on technology.

Everyone knows that the Night Pirates have three of the world's top powerhouses, Dark Emperor, Shadow Dragon, and Ares.

Even though Shadow Dragon and Ares may be a little bit behind his level, they're not far behind, it's just a matter of time.

In a previous battle, Kaido could clearly feel the terrifying strength of Ares, which had improved a lot for some reason, especially in terms of strength. Even he could not compare with it. In his perception, such strange power was... No one can compare.

Similarly, Ares also has the same powerful physique as a half-demon, that is, a ghost.

The last Shadow Dragon, just killing Army General White Ghost is enough to show his terrifying strength.

The power of the White Ghost was demonstrated in the Battle of God's Island many years ago. With bug-level abilities, Ghost Drive is completely immune to physical attacks, and is even more perverted than the elementalization of the natural system.

Also present were other cadres of the Beast Pirates, Kaido's important confidants, "Warhammer" Omen, "Fire Calamity" Jhin, "Plague" Quinn, etc., all well-known strong men in the new world.

"If you don't count the top combat power like the Governor, the gap in overall combat power between us and the Night Pirates is at least four times." Krell analyzed.

"The main reason is that the Night Pirates have many powerful people. Although we also have many, we have some gaps in terms of mid-to-high-end combat power."

"The number of members with a bounty of between 200 and 400 million Baileys is about the same. There is a gap of dozens of times between us and the Night Pirates. This is without counting the affiliated pirate groups."

"And in terms of the quality of our members, the gap between us is not small. I found that most of the members of the Night Pirates have mastered Haki, and the rest are not much different. Combined with the terrifying number of the Night Pirates, this kind of power is enough Sweeping all the forces in the new world."

There was silence. I didn't expect the power of the Night Pirates to be so terrifying.

"Is there any way we can catch up as much as possible." Kaido is rational. It is unrealistic to surpass the Night Pirates, so he is thinking about how to narrow the gap.

The existence of the Night Pirates made him feel tremendous pressure. This was the first time he had seen such a pirate group in so many years of traveling across the sea. The chaotic Rocks could not compare with it, and the already destroyed Flying Pirates group , has long been surpassed by the Night Pirates, but they have been dormant before.

Maybe the Night Pirates know all the information about the Sky Pirates.

Because the timing was so good, and they had plans to take action in advance, if the Sky Pirates finally defeated the World Government, the final result would still not change, and Shiji would still die in Teach's hands.

It's a bit scary to think about it this way. There are many such comments on the forum, and many people firmly believe this.

But it's useless. The Sky Pirates are a thing of the past. It's enough to know that the Night Pirates dominate the sea now.

"Well, during this time I have been thinking about how we can quickly increase our combat power. Our total number of members is now 70,000, but most of them are cannon fodder. They are considered elites. Even 10,000 members can master domineering Not even." Krel said, somewhat helplessly.

Others heard the same thing. In the past, they felt that the Beasts Pirates were already very strong, but compared with the Night Pirates, the gap was too big.

"The number of members of the Big Mom Pirates is only 20,000, but their power is not weaker than ours, and even vaguely surpasses us. The connections with various forces, various in-law forces, cannot just be seen on the surface, and besides, they truly rule the Big Mom sea area. The ones are actually Homitz made by Big Mom, and the number of Homitz exceeds one hundred thousand, and many of them have astonishing destructive power."

"In addition, due to the changes in the Big Mom Pirates some time ago, the size and strength of many of the children have improved a lot. Such technology cannot be developed by the Big Mom Pirates. I think such changes are probably related to the Night Pirates. ." Speaking of this, Claire looked a little serious.

"The biggest force that has the technology to make people bigger is the Night Pirates. Moreover, during this period, the scale of cooperation between the Big Mom Pirates and the Night Pirates has expanded tenfold compared to half a year ago. The two forces have formed an alliance. The possibility is extremely high, if the Night Pirates really have what Big Mom wants."

"Well, that old woman has always longed for gigantic technology. This is very likely." Kaido knows very well about Big Mom's wish, and the Night Pirates have done in-depth research on blood factors.

Then, Krell continued to analyze the comparison between the Beasts Pirates and other forces today, "The Whitebeard Pirates, including affiliated pirate groups, have a total number of more than 100,000."

"Although the force is large, most of the members are ordinary members, similar to us. After the battle with the Night Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates suffered heavy losses, and many elites died."

"It can be said that, except for Whitebeard, who is the strongest in the world, our strength is not weaker than the Whitebeard Pirates. It is safe to surpass the Whitebeard Pirates in a few years."

"Besides, Whitebeard is getting old and starting to decline. He may no longer be qualified as the strongest in the world, but he still has the strongest destructive power."

"The overall strength of the Night Pirates has drawn a line with us. The Emperor of the Sea alone is no longer enough to express his current status. I think he should be called the Emperor." Krell said with emotion.

"Next, there should be one more sea emperor in the new world. In addition to the Night Pirates, the first one to have trouble among the four sea emperors is likely to be the Whitebeard Pirates, because Whitebeard himself is the biggest flaw. We can prepare in advance."

Krell analyzed the current situation of various sea emperors and top forces, and the others nodded after listening.

Kaido was also thinking about it. He hadn't noticed it when he fought Whitebeard before. Now that he said this, if he thought about it carefully, Whitebeard was indeed a little old, his hair had begun to fall, and his physical strength had also declined.

It's just that Whitebeard's powerful combat power makes people ignore this.

"Next, I will talk about the methods for the next expansion of the beasts." Krell took his note, took a look at it and said, "Continue to recruit members, this point remains unchanged, we cannot be so laissez-faire towards the pirates under our protection. Go down, we need to urge them to become stronger."

"In addition, the atmosphere within the pirate group remains unchanged, but internal strife must be prevented and internal disputes need to be contained. Killing each other will be very detrimental to us. If there is really hatred, we can go to the arena to fight to the death. This rule must be followed It is so stupid that more than a thousand people will die at the hands of our own people every year."

The environment within the Beast Pirates is also relatively cruel. Kaido wouldn't even care if there were disputes and fights. After all, the weak will eat the strong.

But now, in order to preserve their own strength, this situation needs to be taken seriously, and it will not do them any good.

"At the same time, similar to the establishment of military academies in the kingdoms around the world, we can also recruit some orphans to cultivate reserve forces. I think the Night Pirates are doing such a thing, and we can definitely do it with our background."

"These effects are relatively slow, and now is not a period of rapid expansion, so improving the strength of the members under the protection is the most important. Now that the six-style cultivation method has spread throughout the sea, there will be more pirates with good strength. If the subordinates are too useless, then throw them away It’s also our face.”

"These are the general guidelines, and the truly effective method of improving strength still needs to rely on Mr. Quinn's research."

Yes, artificial devil fruits and orc experiments are the top priority. Either one can greatly improve the strength and does not require long-term training.

If everyone in the Beast Pirates can be equipped with these things, their overall strength will definitely skyrocket.

Of course, they dare not say that they are better than the Night Pirates. After all, who knows what the Night Pirates are secretly researching? They can research artificial devil fruits, but the Night Pirates can't? It is the most foolish thing to put your hope in others.

"That's it, increase investment." Kaido decided decisively.

"It can't be increased any more. This puts a lot of pressure on our funds. Taxes, various islands, money handed over by forces, arms trade, profits from the arena, and profits from the Golden Island. Although we have a lot of profits, the pirate group It requires a lot of funds to maintain, and there are many projects in the research base, all of which are money-absorbing machines that can only swallow up nothing."

"Today's investment is enough. The research base has never stopped. No matter how much investment there is, it doesn't mean much. The progress is already very fast. This does not mean that the more money invested, the faster it will be completed."

Krell gave a rare refusal, shook his head, and persuaded Kaido.

"We still have some funds left as backup, and we still need to purchase supplies, Devil Fruits, etc. Rather than investing in funds, it is better to find more scientists. In order to avoid increasing the burden, it would be great if we can obtain additional sources of income. "

"No matter how many Baileys we have, to be honest, we can't withstand such lavish spending. Now we have almost reached the limit."

"Is that so?" Kaido's eyes fell on Quinn.

"That's right." Quinn nodded, "Every laboratory is running. What we are doing now is the accumulation of data. It has indeed reached its limit. Just wait and see. The current research funds are very sufficient."

"If you want to speed up the process, you can stop several weapons research bases and study orcs instead."

"Of course, if you invest more money, you can build more laboratories, and the data accumulation will be faster."

Quinn would definitely be willing to increase research funds, but he also needs to consider the overall interests of the Beast Pirates.

"Does that mean we need additional sources of income?" Kaido had a firm idea to speed up research. He was thinking about where he could get a big fortune.

The first thought in my mind was to rob, it would make money fast.

"Gold in the sky." Seeing his governor like this, he knew that he wanted to increase investment. According to the governor's wishes, he immediately thought of gold in the sky.

"Oh, hey, hey, hey! Then grab the gold from the sky." Kaido's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he laughed. He didn't care at all about the majesty of the World Government. Now that all the details of the World Government are revealed, he also Not so afraid.

Although today's world government and navy are powerful, they dare not come to the New World to cause trouble for them.

The world government and navy need heavenly gold to recover, and grabbing some heavenly gold will also weaken the world government, and he has no psychological burden at all.

"The transportation of Heavenly Gold is divided into three batches. The last batch of Heavenly Gold on the Great Route will be transported to the Red Earth Continent in a few days. Every warship transporting Heavenly Gold is guarded by powerful navy and World Government agents, and is heavily guarded. We are not worried about our strength, but we don’t know the transportation route of the gold in the sky. If we don’t know the route, it will be difficult to plan in advance.”

It is not difficult to grab the gold in the sky, but the confidentiality of the gold in the sky is very good, and the transportation route is unknown. If you don't even know where the target is, how can you be strong?

"Look for JOKER. He should know the transportation route of Tianshangjin. If you really can't ask the Dark Night Pirates, no matter what, I will take care of this Tianshangjin."

The exposure of the World Government's background also revealed some things, including the surname of Doflamingo Don Quixote. Ming Ge must have relevant connections and know the route of the Sky Gold. After all, he used to snatch the Sky Gold in the first place. feat to become the Shichibukai.

What's more, he now has huge power.

Nowadays, development is the last word, and the peak period of competition for hegemony has passed.

On the other side, the Big Mom Pirates said, "Mom Mama! That's great. The wedding will be held next. It is said that Tikki invited all the giants from Elbaf."

The happiest person to receive the news from the Night Pirates is undoubtedly Big Mom. This shows that the original decision was correct. In the cake castle, looking at the tall children, they are on an equal footing with her. The dream has come true, but It's just that the quantity of the enlargement potion is a bit small and relatively precious.

The Elbaf giants agreed to attend the wedding of the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates as guests, which undoubtedly gave them enough face and the idea of ​​reconciliation. Nothing could make Big Mom happier than this.

She naturally has her own pride. The power displayed by the Night Pirates is scary, but the huge gap makes Big Mom lose the mentality to compete with the Night Pirates.

Bigmom is a pragmatic person. Now that the two parties are getting married, they will soon become a family. Instead, she hopes that the Night Pirates will become stronger as possible, so that the two parties will gain greater benefits from joining forces.

Although the five daughters are gone, they will play a role in connecting the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates.

At the same time, the enlargement potion has greatly improved the high-end combat power of the Big Mom Pirates. Many of Big Mom's children whose size does not affect their strength have already taken it.

Among them are Katakuri's two younger brothers, Charlotte Daifuku and Charlotte Owen, important combat forces of the Big Mom Pirates. They got used to their enlarged bodies in the shortest time and became more powerful. His physique, strength, and strength have improved a lot.

Moreover, during this period of time, I have been training under the strong pressure of Big Mom, and I have also been tempered even more.

After all, the combat power of the Big Mom Pirates is really insufficient. Although the strength is huge, there are not many affiliated pirate groups. The growth of relying on children is inherently slow. It can be said that the strength of the Big Mom Pirates is relatively weak. A large part of them are On bigmom, especially on homize.

Bigmom has supported a huge force by herself.

The only way to quickly increase strength is to increase the strength of one's own children, apart from making Homitz. The destruction of the Sky Pirates and the powerful power of the Night Pirates have all sounded the alarm for Big Mom.

After all, on the surface, the Big Mom Pirates are the weakest pirate group among the Sea Emperors, with only a few members. If someone wants to target them, they will definitely target them first.

After all, Katakuri seems to be the only one in the Big Mom Pirates. Although there are more powerful ones among the other children, their power is undoubtedly much smaller, and the bounty cannot be compared with Katakuri.

Not to mention the Whitebeard Pirates, there are sixteen division captains, and the Beast Pirates also have various disasters. Omen, Jhin, and Quinn each have bounties of more than one billion Baileys, and Lemo is also close to ten. Yi Bailey, and behind him there are young monsters like Krell, who are phantom beast type users.

From this point of view, the Big Mom Pirates seem to be easier to bully. She thinks so herself, so she always takes some time to exercise and train her children during this period.

Bigmom has never practiced well, and her physique has not been well developed. Even if she masters the Overlord Color Coil, she relies more on her own talent. This kind of technical application is not skillful, and the power is not strong.

After a period of training, even if it was only for one hour a day, BigMom has experienced an amazing transformation. She has become more proficient in the overlord color winding, and the use of the knowledge color and the armed color has also become much stronger.

More importantly, her steel body seems to have been further enhanced.

Bigmom's accumulated potential is further released through training, and his strength has improved a lot. This kind of progress is much faster than Kaido.

Facing my own children, I feel even more oppressive.

Although bigmom's figure is a bit fat, she has maintained it now. What makes her children happy is that through exercise, her food disorder seems to be suppressed, and she will not break out without warning and will want to eat certain foods. , but won’t lose your mind.

But if there is no waiting for a long time, bigmom will lose patience, then lose his mind and wreak havoc.

Her children's strength has improved a lot. They have inherited Big Mom's bloodline. Even if they are just a little bit, they still have the potential to become strong, and Big Mom is now developing them.

Pressure and war are all nutrients for improving strength.

Today, after the battle with Whitebeard, Tikki is no longer a young brat in her eyes.

"We can start sending invitations. One month is enough time. In order to avoid accidents, unimportant forces do not need to notify." Katakuri said. His current power is also very terrifying. He has not taken the giant potion, but Under the pressure of bigmom, the strength increased rapidly.

There has been sufficient progress in both physical fitness and the three colors of Haki. His next goals are the internal destruction skills of Haki, as well as mastering the techniques of Bawang color entanglement.

Nowadays, he is undoubtedly the top combat power in the sea. Even if Bigmom's siphoria breaks out, he can hold Bigmom back to avoid causing greater damage. Moreover, he also has the power of Homiz to flexibly fight against him. system combined.

"Then let's get started, I can't wait, Mama Mama!"

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