Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and fifty, the battle begins

"Asshole! What does that guy Kaido want to do? Provoke the World Government?" Sengoku yelled at the Marine Headquarters, clenching his fists and pressing them against the table. The table made of special materials was under his terrifying power. "Sound", and cracks appeared faintly.

The Warring States Period was very angry, but also tired, with endless things to do.

The Beast Pirates are really eyeing the Sky Gold. Just now, news came that Kaido, the Emperor of the Sea, appeared on the Great Line and is robbing the Sky Gold.

As soon as possible, Warring States contacted various troops transporting heavenly gold, and found that four warships, including the warship that passed the news, had lost contact.

What does losing contact mean?

Not only was the heavenly gold worth a full 20 billion beli plundered, but the troops guarding the heavenly gold were also completely wiped out. There was an important combat force of the navy on it. To sacrifice like this was a considerable loss to the navy's strength.

After confirming that Tianshangjin was targeted, the Warring States Period notified all troops transporting Tianshangjin to change their routes.

Four pieces of heavenly gold were plundered in a row, which shows that the secret route of the navy to transport heavenly gold has long been exposed. If you are not aware of this, you can take off the name of the "wise general" of the Warring States Period.

While notifying the World Government of the news, General Kizaru was also sent to support him.

But it was already too late, Kaido of the Hundred Beasts ran away without knowing where he was going, and he also snatched the fifth piece of heavenly gold.

They also knew that their actions had been discovered and their route had been changed. Although they did not meet the requirement of 30 billion beli, they were very satisfied with the five pieces of heavenly gold.

What exactly does Kaido want to do? Climbing to the top in the dark night, isn't he willing to be alone? What is the plan to provoke the world government like this?

Sengoku only feels that he has nothing to do. Kaido has run away, the gold in the sky has been plundered, and the losses are even more difficult to make up for, not only the world government but also the navy.

He did not move or give orders, but waited.

Not long after, the phone bug symbolizing the world government rang. Sengoku turned on the phone bug and asked seriously, "What are your orders?"

"Get ready for war. Don't open your head randomly. It will damage the interests and prestige of the world government.

This is a profound lesson for the Beasts Pirates. We cannot become a stepping stone for the Beasts to increase their prestige. "Wulao Xing said seriously, "CP0 will also cooperate with you. "

In their view, the Beast Pirates turned them into targets to enhance their reputation.

What they couldn't imagine was that Kaido had no such plan and simply wanted to rob a batch of treasures to obtain more sufficient research and development funds.

Nowadays, cp0 is well known to everyone. Except for a few people, most members do not need to hide their identities and stand in the sun as a fighting force.

We must teach the Beast Pirates a lesson, at the same time shock the sea, and tell the world that the gold in the sky is a taboo of the world government, and no one is allowed to touch it.

Otherwise, if it happens once a year, the world government will not know how much loss it will suffer, and its prestige will continue to be lost.

"Yes!" Warring States nodded, and immediately prepared to start a naval meeting, and at the same time began to mobilize troops.

This is a war with the Beast Pirates. Although it cannot be compared with the battle with the Sky Pirates, in order to teach the Beast Pirates a lesson, at least 20,000 to 30,000 troops are needed, as well as leaders.

This is not a fight to the death. It is impossible to eliminate the Beasts Pirates. It is just to teach the Beasts Pirates a lesson. It is destined to be a war that ends in an anticlimax.

But it still takes quite a while from start to finish.

In addition, there is too much news about pirates in the world now, which is very detrimental to the navy. It is also time to make a voice about the navy and the world government.

"It seems we won't have to wait that long." In the G8 branch, Novoa sat on a chair, looked at the news, and smiled at Lieutenant General Prodi on the side.

"Well, after this battle you will almost become a lieutenant general." Lieutenant General Prodi nodded.

After this battle, Novoa's military prowess was almost gone and he couldn't suppress him even if he wanted to.

Taking a few months is equivalent to a year before he becomes a lieutenant general. The sooner he becomes a lieutenant general, the more beneficial it will be for him.

"Seize this opportunity and become a vice-admiral in one fell swoop." On the other side, Doflamingo naturally got the news and ordered Vergo.

"Yes, young master."

Today, Vergo, like Novoa, has already possessed a lieutenant-admiral-level combat power. Coupled with the ancient devil fruit he obtained a month ago, his strength is considered strong among navy lieutenants.

After hanging up the phone bug, Brother Ming got through the phone bug of the Beasts Pirates in the blink of an eye.

"What's the matter? JOKER." On the way back to the new world, high in the sky, Kaido transformed into the form of a dragon, holding a battleship in each claw. The interior of the battleship was filled with treasures.

In order to prevent the treasure from falling, Krell specially froze the surroundings of the battleship.

The person who answered the phone was Jhin.

"Baboons, baboons, your harvest is good." Brother Ming's iconic laughter came.

This made Jhin and the others frown. How long had they been gone? Doflamingo had already obtained the information, and it seemed that he knew how much treasure they had obtained.

This makes people feel very uncomfortable. At the same time, they still underestimated JOKER's power. There are probably people from Brother Ming in the navy.

"Is this what you came here to talk about?" Jhin was very rude.

"Baboons, baboons! In addition to congratulations, I also have additional information for you. The navy plans to go to war with you, so be prepared." After saying that, Brother Ming hung up the phone.

As soon as he said this, Jhin and Krel's expressions became serious, and Kaido also heard Ming Ge's voice.

"We have to get ready when we go back."

"It seems that this time it has really touched the nerves of the World Government."

That being said, they didn't mean to panic and had already been mentally prepared.

"Oh, hey, hey, hey! Then let's start the war." Kaido, who transformed into a dragon, laughed, and his voice echoed throughout the world.

The Beast Pirates need elites, war, and their numbers need to be expanded, but their average strength needs to be enhanced.

To increase strength, war is the best catalyst. As long as there is war, a group of elites can be trained.

As for the lost members, their prestige will greatly increase during the war with the navy, and more pirates will be attracted to join them.

In addition, only the elites who have escaped are worthy of training by the Beast Pirates. In the future, they believe that artificial devil fruits and orc experiments will be successful.

And this, only a small number of people can enjoy this qualification, that's for sure, whether it's artificial devil fruits or orc experiments.

It’s hard to predict the orc experiment. Once the research is successful, the manufacturing cost will be very low.

But for artificial devil fruits, Quinn predicts that even with this technology, the cost will be horribly high. One fruit will not be less than five million, which is still an ideal price.

The most important thing is that animal devil fruits have their own consciousness.

How to make the Devil Fruit they created have consciousness is the most difficult problem, which is equivalent to making a fruit have life.

It is extremely difficult, otherwise, the artificial devil fruit produced will be just a defective product with great flaws, and may not be as good as the orc manufacturing plan.

The consciousness of animals is the main goal they need to conquer. If they can get the help of the Night Pirates, their progress can definitely be greatly improved, but this is impossible.

The life machine technology of the Night Pirates has been watched by many people. It not only brings huge benefits to the Night Pirates and benefits mankind, but also enhances the overall strength of the Night Pirates.

The bodies of some members of the Night Pirates have been modified. Some have had their bodies modified incompletely, while others have actively modified their bodies, making subtle modifications to their bodies without affecting their body movements.

Such as modifying eyes to gain stronger vision and analytical abilities.

Or directly install a robotic arm on the back. Eight powerful and freely controllable robotic arms are as handsome as an octopus and can also greatly enhance combat power.

Today, the number of people in the Night Pirates who are equipped with mechanical arms has exceeded 3,000. This is a huge number, and they can all form a legion.

In terms of scientific research, robotic arms can also play an auxiliary role, completing experiments more accurately and giving scientists greater power.

Moreover, there are many functions of life machine technology. The masterpiece "Shar", as well as the countless mechanical beasts and mechanical eyes surrounding Shar, cover all aspects of the Dark Night Pirates and the Dark Night Sea.

How could they hand over such technology?

The Beast Pirates don't dare to hope, so they can only do their own research. Besides, as the top scientist, Quinn also has his own pride. He is confident that this is an insurmountable problem. There is nothing like creating an invention that shocks the world. Want something more pleasing.

The creator of life machine technology, Otto, who invented the robotic arm, the robotic arm, the robotic arm, as a scientist of the Night Pirates, although he has never been seen, he is now a figure that can be recorded in history.

I don’t know how many people the robot has benefited.

It's like Vinsmoke Gaji's clone, human body modification technology, which he created based on blood factors.

Quinn's current goal is to develop the orc experiments belonging to the Beast Pirates, as well as artificial devil fruit technology.

The orc experiment can study the blood genes of animal devil fruit users. After all, the werewolf of "Werewolf" Mutu was developed based on his own blood.

And the method is very barbaric. In comparison, Quinn's technique is much superior.

The research on artificial devil fruits has not yet begun. In a short period of time, the orc experiments have produced some results.

Before returning to the Sea of ​​Beasts, Krell began remote control and conveyed orders to the base camp.

Gather troops and build defense facilities, war fortresses, steel walls, and cost-effective mines.

The defense line was built outside the Sea of ​​Beasts, just like the previous war with Wano.

They already have experience in large-scale wars. As defenders, they have a great advantage. They also want to avoid wars happening on their own soil and the damage caused will be their own losses.

The war is about to begin, less than half a year has passed since the battle with the Sky Pirates, and the scene of that battle still appears in the minds of many people.

Now we have to fight against the Sea Emperor Beast Pirates again.

The news spread quickly, and the important event of the marriage between the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates was brewing.

The cause of the incident was that the Beast Pirates robbed the World Government's heavenly gold.

This news instantly attracted the attention of the world, and various comments were spread. Many people were analyzing why the Beasts Pirates did this.

Prepare to challenge the status of the Night Pirates and use the Navy World Government as a stepping stone. Is there any secret plan or a need for a lot of money?

Various ideas continue, but the war has begun, and in just two days, the smoke can be felt.

The navy has been dispatched, with dozens of warships and 30,000 troops, headed by Admiral Sakaski.

Including the Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral Garp, there are six Vice Admirals.

In addition, there are powerful navies such as Novoa and Vergo.

In addition, the World Government also sent over 300 agents, plus two CP0 members, equivalent to the combat power of an elite lieutenant general.

The hidden lineup is very luxurious, because there is only one enemy, the Beast Pirates.

Two top-level combatants, more powerful than nine lieutenant generals.

As for the Beasts Pirates, Kaido the Beasts, Fire Calamity Ember, Cold Calamity Krell, Krell has already received the name of Disaster.

Plague Quin, Violent Lemer, Beast Gates, and Earth Disaster Omen.

Nowadays, there are six disasters in the Beast Pirates, and each disaster's strength is very terrifying, which is not comparable to that of ordinary lieutenant generals.

Like Gates and Jhin, both of them are almost general-level combatants. Even if they are a little worse, they are not much different.

In addition, there is Jack, a young monster of the Beasts Pirates and an ancient species with the Mammoth Fruit ability.

Black Maria, who has the blood of the ghost clan and is a user of the ancient species Gel's Rose Ancient Wolf Spider Fruit, is now seventeen years old and has grown up.

Foz Fu, who has been joining the Beasts Pirates for more than a year, is one of the former CP9's strongest agents and a user with the ancient saber-toothed tiger fruit ability.

A sieve full of wood, an ancient species with the ability to form a triceratops.

Kaido's daughter Yamato now has very strong combat power.

They also have the blood of the ghost clan and are the children of Kaido's friends. Although Runti and Peggy Wan have not grown up yet, their combat power is not weak when combined with the ancient abilities.

After all, they all grew up under Jhin's training.

It can be said that the power of the Beasts Pirates is not weak at all, but it is more powerful in terms of number. The navy's intelligence on the Beasts Pirates is not perfect.

They even underestimated the power of the Beasts Pirates. Compared with the war with Wano, the Beasts Pirates were much stronger, at least the number of strong men was no longer that few.

In addition, the Beast Pirates are on the defensive. If they cannot break through the Beast Pirates' defense, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

Even if the navy enters the new world, it can only face the defense lines built by the Beast Pirates and cannot detour because those places are the territory of other pirate forces.

Moreover, compared to the navy, the Beast Pirates are more adequate and comfortable in transporting supplies.

The navy's logistics routes are too long and once they are cut off, there will be a shortage of supplies.

And they also have their own little idea. The supply line happens to be on the island that originally belonged to the navy's G2 branch, G3 branch, G4 branch, and G5 branch.

For this war that will not be too fierce, the Navy is already preparing for its return to the new world. These bases must be rebuilt, and this is also one of the main plans.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to spend a lot of materials and end up with no results for this war that is just to deter the sea.

After getting the news, Wano Country was a little bit ready to take back the signpost stone.

The World Government is also secretly watching Wano, looking for opportunities to take away the Signpost Stone.

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