Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and fifty-seven conversations

"What happened during this period?" Teach sat on the high dark throne and looked at Mostima in the image with interest.

Tiqi still has confidence that there will be no surprises at the wedding.

"There is no problem. All the intelligence personnel of the Navy and the agents of the World Government have been exposed. Based on various aspects of memory, we have selected half of the suitable candidates for transformation." Mostima sat at a desk. Go up and look through the information.

The so-called transformation is naturally the transformation of memory. He is loyal to the Night Pirates and serves as an intelligence officer for the Night Pirates in the Navy and the World Government.

Regarding memory tampering, after a lot of experiments, the Night Pirates now have a complete charter.

From capture, drug coma assistance, Redeat's memory exploration, Lafitte's hypnosis, and then the memory fruit ability user's modification, deletion and addition of memory.

Then send him back to his original place.

Various measures have been taken very proficiently.

The actions of the World Government and the Navy are expected. These are just a group of people who have been exposed. There is no telling how many unexposed intelligence officers and agents are hidden in the secret.

Since Dark Night reached the top, even if it has not been exposed, it can be clearly felt that the number of intelligence personnel of the World Government and Navy in the Dark Night Sea is constantly increasing.

According to calculations, it accounts for at least one-fifth of the intelligence force of the Navy and the World Government, which is enough to show that they attach great importance to the World Government.

Although the Dark Night Sea is relatively open, there are also many forbidden areas that other forces cannot contact or enter. These are what the world government and the navy especially want to know.

In particular, the location of the Night Pirates' secret research institute is the focus of the Navy and the World Government.

You know, the remains of the King of Heaven have fallen into the hands of the Night Pirates. God knows with the scientific research power of the Night Pirates, they can research dangerous weapons.

The World Government does not want the threat of the Heavenly King to reappear. The same Heavenly King is ten times more threatening in the hands of the Night Pirates than the Sky Pirates.

For this reason, if you can get information, it will be worth paying any price.

Based on the ideas of the Navy and the World Government, Teach and the others are also thinking about whether to take advantage of it and set up a cage to attract the high-end combat power of the Navy and the World Government to carry out planned killings in order to weaken their combat power. .

Of course, this is just a plan, and the implementation time has not been established. It will take at least a few years.

Other forces in the new world also have to thank the Night Pirates. The Night Pirates alone have contained most of the intelligence power of the world government and navy in the new world.

However, for the Dark Night Pirates, the more intelligence personnel sent by the Navy and the World Government, the more beneficial it is to them, and the faster the implementation of the plan to infiltrate the Navy and the World Government will progress.

Therefore, compared to the Navy and the World Government, the Night Pirates are not in a hurry at all. The strength of the Night Pirates will continue to grow, and whether the Navy and the World Government can recover is a question.

The loss of foundation, those strong men who took many years to cultivate cannot be recovered in just a few years, this time will take at least tens to hundreds of years.

The Night Pirates will not watch the world government and navy recover and grow.

Of course, it would be a different matter if the World Government took out its treasured Devil Fruit.

For eight hundred years, the World Government has been recycling Devil Fruits to cultivate its own power. It is difficult to predict how many Devil Fruits the World Government still has.

The Devil Fruits that the Night Pirates brought from the Holy Land were only Devil Fruits that belonged to the Celestial Dragons, and did not belong to the World Government's treasury.

Over the years, Stephanie has provided Teach with more than thirty Devil Fruits, almost three a year, sometimes four.

These are the numbers of Devil Fruits that the World Government easily takes out and are controlled by the CP0 Vice-President.

Therefore, Stephanie's relationship with the Night Pirates became visibly closer, and some important information was also passed back to the World Government through Stephanie's mouth.

It also made the World Government pay more attention to Stephanie, especially in the past six months, the World Government's investment in Stephanie has increased a lot.

This information is naturally true, and Stephanie can understand it. It sounds important, but in fact it is not very useful.

The only way Stephanie can obtain information is through talking to others or visiting the Night Pirates' places.

The acquisition of information also needs to be rational. If the very secret information of the Night Pirates is really obtained, the World Government will doubt how Stephanie obtained it. It can further be inferred that Stephanie has a connection with the Night Pirates. Betrayed the world government.

And the more important Stephanie is, the tighter the world government will keep an eye on her.

Once the Night Pirates use Stephanie's information to set a trap for the World Government and cause heavy damage to the World Government, the outcome for Stephanie will not be good, and there is a high probability that she will be directly exposed.

Even if the Night Pirates obtain Stephanie's identity in advance and indirectly use Stephanie's information, the World Government will not forgive Stephanie and needs to pay the price for the World Government's losses.

With her identity exposed, Stephanie is naturally not that important, and the ending is predictable.

In order to prevent this from happening, this information is left to the World Government and the Navy for their own exploration.

It’s unclear how many Devil Fruits and precious and powerful abilities there are left in the World Government’s inventory, but there are definitely many. Once taken out, strong people can be quickly cultivated and their strength restored.

These are things that Tiqi dare not underestimate. The birth of a top powerhouse may not be that easy. Potential, long-term training, and the tempering of battles are all indispensable.

But it is easy to build high-end combat power at the Lieutenant General level. For many people, just one Devil Fruit can reach that level.

Compared with years of training, Devil Fruit is undoubtedly the best way to achieve success in one step.

At the same time, the navy after internal reform will be more cohesive and more powerful.

After all, the overall structure of the navy was originally deformed. Under the suppression of the world government, the navy has now begun to become more complete, especially with the power of judiciary and internal rules. At least more than 90% of things like moths have disappeared. .

This is still the Supervision Department under the control of Sakaski. Under his iron-blooded hand, it has already passed the most difficult beginning.

"Where are Mobius and the others?" At this point, Teach had a smile on his face.

"Already prepared, they are today's protagonists." Mastema was also interested. Although they had been together for nearly a year, for Mobius and the others, this was a once-in-a-lifetime event.

They get along very well, after all, he chose his wife himself.

Things like escaping from marriage are impossible. Not to mention that Big Mom has already confiscated the life card that can restrain Homiz and contains the power of Big Mom's soul. The possibility of escaping from marriage has already appeared from the beginning.

As far as Teach knew, within a month of getting together, all five pairs had already had intimate relationships. Mobius and the others were already on the stronger side, and for the pirates, there were not so many twists and turns.

By now, they are all considered members of the Night Pirates and have been together for a long time. Now they are just going through a process.

But what surprised Tiqi and the others was that according to the news.

Moebius's wife, Big Mom's third daughter Armand.

Nelson's wife, Big Mom's sixth daughter, Custad, and Wallace's wife, Big Mom's sixteenth daughter, Snamon, are now pregnant, with the earliest one already four months pregnant.

Because of the wedding to be held, they were a little restrained, but when the wedding was about to come, there was no need for them to restrain themselves. It was not obvious how many months they were pregnant.

Monsters of their level have a good mentality, but when it comes to this time, they will also be mentally nervous. People will grow up, especially when they are going to be fathers.

"Yes." Tiqi nodded slightly, with some expectation in his heart. After all, he had made an agreement with his companions a year ago, and it seemed that it was almost time.

Unexpectedly, they were just joking, and now Mobius and the others are about to have a child.

Saga, his eldest son, inherited his physique perfectly. Soon, he would be seven years old, and it was time for the appointment.

Although they have never met each other in person or spoken a word to each other since birth, they both know each other's existence.

A trace of warmth flashed in his eyes. As a father, Teach was unqualified. Although he wanted to protect them, he had a lot of time to see them, but he didn't.

Protection is no excuse.

However, he will leave the best things to his children.

As the son of the Dark Emperor, there are some things he must bear and need to be prepared for. In this world, no one can ignore this identity after inheriting the bloodline of Teach, especially now that Teach is truly standing on the top of the sea. The Dark Emperor.

"Are you ready? Saga." Tiqi murmured in his heart, looking into the distance, looking through the dark night palace to the new world, the edge of the dark night sea, a small island close to the windless zone. It's his hometown where he doesn't have much emotion.

On Arcas Island, a young child with short, naturally curly golden hair and a small body as strong as a cheetah shuttles through the jungle and fights with the beasts in the mountains.

One after another, ferocious beasts fell under his hands, just like Teach before.

That young and resolute look exudes vitality and indomitable momentum.

"I'm ready, Father!"

What he held in his hand was a photo of Tikki. At some point, he developed the habit of carrying Tikki's photo with him and would look at it during breaks.

The son of the Dark Emperor, this puts a kind of pressure on him. How outstanding Tiqi is, and how much others will expect from him. It seems that he can see such a scene.

His mother had no such idea and wanted him to live a good life, but she inherited Tiqi's bloodline and knew how vast the world was, so how could she be content with being ordinary? Like Tiqi, he yearned for the sea.

The vastness of the sea attracts countless people to rush towards it.

The huge pressure will not knock him down, it will only make him work harder. The son of the Dark Emperor, this is not an honor for him, an honor that needs to be protected. He cannot let this "honor" be shamed.

In a month, he would be on his way to the island of Pajra alone.

It was a different, new environment, and he was looking forward to it.

Mostima saw that Tiqi was thinking about something and did not speak. After a while, when Tiqi came back to his senses, he looked at the information in his hand.

"Everything is ready. The wedding will officially start in two hours. Everything on Pajira Island is under control. Everyone is under surveillance. If anyone makes any move, we will kill it in advance."

As he said this, a trace of cruelty flashed in Mostema's eyes.

This marriage is the first time for the Night Pirates to hold a large-scale wedding. As a pirate, there was no need to hold a wedding with her in the past.

This wedding is of great significance. Although it will not affect the alliance between the Big Mom Pirates and the Night Pirates, if something goes wrong, it will have a great impact on their faces.

The more powerful a force is, the more they care about their own face, especially now that the Night Pirates are such a huge force.

Even if Teach doesn't care, the cadres under his protection, the hundreds of thousands of members of the Dark Night Pirates, and even the residents of the Dark Night Sea will care.

This marriage had been decided a year ago, and preparations for the wedding began half a year ago. Mostima would not allow any accidents to happen.

The Night Pirates' ranking battle a month ago represented that the Night Pirates had truly reached the top of the new world, shocking the entire world with their terrifying power and surpassing the original Sky Pirates in all aspects.

And this marriage will establish the Night Pirates' unshakable supremacy in the new world and its true dominance.

Combined with the Big Mom Pirates and the terrifying power of the Giants, the combined power of the two top forces, affiliated forces, and close forces is equivalent to half of the new world.

It is enough to suppress everything. After this, there will definitely be a large number of forces that want to have a relationship with the Dark Night Pirates and become attached to the Dark Night Pirates.

Just like the former Flying Pirates, they were the strongest in terms of momentum, power, and overall strength. The Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates were not comparable.

A large number of pirate groups take a fancy to the potential of the Flying Pirates, the ambition of the Golden Lion Shiji, and the future, and continue to gather around the Flying Pirates.

At its peak, the Sky Pirates had more than 150 affiliated pirate groups.

With strong appeal, the number of pirate groups willing to follow Shiji exceeds 500.

The number of idle pirates is even greater. Altogether, the number of the Sky Pirates increased by more than 200,000, leading to a huge number of 500,000 at their peak.

In the next few years, just like the growth of the Sky Pirates, the Night Pirates will also expand like a snowball.

The number of affiliated pirate groups will continue to increase.

Those with a bounty of over 100 million are not qualified to become a pirate group affiliated with the Dark Night Pirates. The number of pirate groups remaining in the Dark Night Sea and attached to the Dark Night Pirates will continue to increase.

There are more than 100,000 fish-man warriors in the Night Pirates, close to 150,000, which is a huge number, and this number will increase at an extremely fast rate. They were recruited and trained from the Fish-Man Island. They are now It has become a sharp blade for the Night Pirates.

The system of the Night Pirates is not suitable for everyone. Some members of the Night Pirates will also establish their own pirate groups, and they will also be marked as the Night Pirates.

These are the hidden powers of the Night Pirates, and they are not as simple as they appear.

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