Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and sixty An accident that can be easily solved

An hour before the wedding started, the number of residents, pirates, and reporters gathered in front of the gates of Hera Palace, Purple Water Palace, and Battle Pyramid greatly increased.

Because, the grapevine spreads, one hour before the wedding starts, these big shots from all over the world will leave and go to the wedding venue, Neverland.

The flow of people is terrible, and the road is very crowded on both sides, leaving a relatively wide road in the middle.

At the end of the road, there is a cloud road made of island clouds, almost forty meters above the ground.

There is also a cable car on the cloud road, which can move on the cloud road. You can pass this mid-air road all the way to the entrance of Neverland without affecting the normal order of the street.

Such roads are now gradually spreading in the dark sea. Compared with sea trains and land trains, which are expensive to fake, air islands are the most convenient and cost-effective on these small islands, and can also relieve traffic pressure.

It is very useful as a temporary means of transportation. Just like this time, it can be produced in a short time whenever you want to build it.

Remove it when not in use.

"Baboons, baboons! It's so lively." Doflamingo looked down through the glass wall of Hera's palace and couldn't help laughing.

In addition to being as luxurious as a palace, the most distinctive feature of the Hera Palace is the glass wall. It is different from other buildings. It is the only one in the sea, just like a marine-style Purple Water Palace.

In addition, the outside scene can be seen through the glass wall, but the inside cannot be seen from the outside. This peculiar manufacturing process makes people curious.

Royal families, nobles, and wealthy people from all over the world are very interested in this material and want to use this glass to build their own houses.

Compared to Hera's palace, the palace they were proud of looked a little different.

If there is such a building, the temperament and quality will be immediately improved.

The worst thing among nobles and rich people is comparison, just like buying airships before.

Nowadays, the Night Pirates already have a large number of orders in hand. Mastering technology means mastering money.

"Hoho! On this island,

anything could happen. "Morgans, wearing a formal dress, came to Doflamingo's side, and the camera looked down and took two photos.

"It's a pity that this wedding cannot be broadcast live."

Morgans' words made Doflamingo twitch the corner of his mouth, and also made some other big figures around him speechless.

I really think too much, why do I want to live video broadcast of everything?

But we have to admit that the extraordinary influence brought by images has increased Morgance's status tenfold.

The birth of the video directly gave Morgans the power to broadcast live broadcasts to the world at any time. Originally, only the World Government and the Navy could do this.

Now it has affected all aspects of the world, and has become an important economic pillar of the World Economic News Agency, and an important way of exporting influence.

More importantly, the image projection page is constantly being updated, with more optimized images, more detailed classifications, and richer content.

The largest super giant company recognized in the world today is not the World Economic News Service, but the World Telephone Bug Group.

Although the World Economic News has mastered the world's only image node that connects the world, generates huge profits, and can earn a large amount of money every day, the main part of it must be distributed to the group of people who create the value of images. .

And the cost of viewing images is not high, many images are not even the price of a newspaper.

Small profits but quick turnover, large volume and high sales are the business strategies of the World Economic News Agency, and many images can be viewed repeatedly to obtain benefits repeatedly.

But the World Phone Bug Group is also a huge force that monopolizes the cultivation and production of phone bugs. It is a collection of a large number of forces and has a huge background.

The World Economic News Agency, the franchised countries, the Four Seas Kingdom, various forces, and even the underground dark forces are all part of it.

The most common video phone bug costs 100,000 Baileys, not to mention those phone bugs that are more expensive and have more functions.

The video phone bug will be updated and upgraded every once in a while, with better functions. Countless people will pay to buy it every time it appears.

You can imagine how huge the benefits are.

Precisely because of its huge background, even the world government does not dare to take action against or occupy the World Phone Bug Group.

Not to mention that the headquarters of the World Phone Bug Group is all over the world, and the various forces involved in it instinctively reject the World Government, and the World Government also missed the best opportunity to intervene in the World Phone Bug Group.

The period of rapid expansion of the World Telephone Bug Group was the few years before and after the Golden Battle.

At that time, the sea was very chaotic, and the world government could not spare the energy to deal with the World Telephone Bug Group, and it was even more difficult to protect itself after the Golden Sea Battle.

"Let's go, baboon, don't keep them waiting." Brother Ming showed his evil smile, put his hands in his pockets, and walked down the spiral staircase with his signature steps.

The others listened and followed in an orderly manner. Although they were all forces invited by the Night Pirates and Big Mom Pirates, the new world is a world where strength is respected, and those who walk in the front are naturally the strong and powerful ones. The more powerful and highest-status group of people, Doflamingo and Morgance.

The weaker ones can only follow behind.

This is the law of survival in the underground world, and the people who are arranged to live in Hera's palace basically belong to the dark world, that is, the underworld.

On the Baidao side, similar to Fish-Man Island, the kingdom's important ministers, businessmen, or some well-known forces are all placed in Zishui Palace.

Finally, the giants and some pirates were placed in the battle pyramid.

This division is orderly and can avoid conflicts.

The closed door of Hera's palace opened, and important figures walked out.

In an instant, there was a constant "click-click" sound all around, and reporters kept taking pictures of them with their phone bugs in their hands, finding the best angle and taking what they thought was the most perfect photo.

"It's Tenyaksha!"

"Big news Morgans!"

"Stephanie, Queen of the Brilliant Casino, and Stussy, Queen of Fun Street, are two sisters."

"Du Felder, the king of loan sharks!"

"Ocean King Umit!"

“And the warehousing industry boss Ji Boson!”


"It's great. They are all big names that are rarely seen in ordinary times. All the dark kings of the New World Underground World are here. Is this the power map of the Dark Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates?" someone said in surprise.

Big figures from all the new worlds gathered together, and the quality was even better than the Night Pirates' serial battles.

There were so many big names appearing, and this was the first time they were so close to these big names.

Compared with these big figures in the dark world who look indifferent or fierce, or have a slight smile.

Morgans happily waved around and blew a few kisses from time to time, triggering loud cheers.

The distance from Hera's Palace to the Cloud Road is only two hundred meters, but it feels very long.

The members of the Night Pirates maintained order on both sides, and no one could rush in looking for death.

Will someone take action? Doflamingo's eyes under his sunglasses flashed with excitement, and there was a hint of anticipation.

At this time, there are many people and it is a good opportunity to take action.

These big figures from the dark forces have appeared, but they have been hiding deeply in normal times. To reach this point, which one of them has not stained their hands with countless blood?

There are countless people who offend and want them to die.

There must be someone who will not let go of this opportunity to kill his competitor.

"Touch!" A gunshot sounded.

Like a signal, the crowd suddenly surged, and hundreds of figures jumped up high, holding various weapons in their hands and rushing towards the leaders of these underground forces.

"Ah! There is a killer!" The whole crowd was silent. The next moment, ordinary people screamed loudly, and the crowd became turbulent and chaotic.

here we go! Doflamingo smiled and instinctively stretched out his fingers, preparing to use his ability.

Because he was not sure whether the Night Pirates would take action, although it was a provocation for those forces to send people to assassinate their guests on the Night Pirates' territory.

With the attitude of respecting the strength of the Night Pirates, if he accidentally dies in an assassination, it will only represent his own incompetence and lack of strength to follow them.

The moment these killers took action, the members of the Night Pirates on both sides quickly reacted and took action. Facing the incoming bullets, the members who were close raised their weapons to resist.

Seeing the Dark Night Pirates taking action, Brother Ming put down his hand. Since the Dark Night Pirates were planning to take action, there would be no problem. He didn't think these mere killers could withstand the power of the Dark Night Pirates. If they didn't take action, If anything unexpected happens, there must be members of the Night Pirates hiding around.

This attack was actually expected. After all, leaders of underground forces are generally very difficult to kill. If they fail in one hit, they will be more careful next time.

For these adults, many people only know their names but not what they look like.

The long-range bullets were easily blocked by the members of the Night Pirates.

"what is that?"

In the distance, huge transparent bubbles appeared, flying quickly, directly hitting the body and staying in the air. The expressions of some of the killers who had not yet reacted changed, and their bodies were directly wrapped in it.

He was countered as soon as he took action. The timing of the capture was very good. It seemed that he was prepared in advance.

These killers resisted desperately and tried to pop the bubbles, but it was of no use. They could not puncture the bubbles even with sharp blades.

Most of them are trapped, as if trapped in a cage, unable to break free, with bubbles floating in the air.

Here it was, and it was Annie who took action. She was sitting on a throne-shaped bubble on the roof not far away.

"Haha! How dare such a small number of people come to make trouble!" Annie looked at these killers and couldn't help but chuckle.

The ability of Bubble Fruit has been developed to an extremely strong level by Annie. The external defense is very strong, but there is always a limit, and the inside is more fragile than the outside.

A small number of powerful and well-known killers burst the bubble and broke free from it.

At this time, how can they think about the mission? Their first thought is to escape. What they want is just money, but how can it be compared to their own lives.


When the leaders of the Night Pirates appeared, their operation failed.

The success of their operation was based on the fact that the Night Pirates were very confident and undefended, but this was an ideal situation. The Night Pirates were more rigorous than imagined.

Moreover, although the forces that sent these killers were not within his territory and did not obtain much information, after entering the dark night sea, their every move was basically watched. Compared with those professional agents, they had some hidden skills. gap.

The killers began to escape one by one. These desperadoes showed their special abilities.

Anne's expression did not change regarding these escaped killers, and she did not seem to take them to heart.

Suddenly, as if he felt something, Doflamingo's pupils shrank.

A flash of light flashed in Morgans's eyes. He instinctively raised the camera and pointed it at the positions of the killers. He already felt that a wonderful scene was happening.

The next moment, huge bone spurs stretched out from the ground, more than ten meters, from bottom to top, piercing the bodies of these killers accurately at extremely fast speeds.

The speed is so fast that even if the brain reacts, the body has no time to act.

The hard bone spurs are both the strongest shield and the strongest spear. Even if the body is covered with armed color, it is difficult to resist. Most people can only cover part of the body. It takes time to mobilize the domineering energy to cover the body after reacting.

Therefore, everything was too sudden, or the gap in strength was too big. These killers did not even play the role of their weapons and were easily killed by Kaguya.

Almost everyone looked at this scene in horror, with Kaguya's figure appearing in their minds.

With crisp footsteps, Kaguya walked quietly, with shoulder-length hair and calm eyes, as if she didn't care about anything.

Ignoring the crowd around him, he controlled the bone spurs to shrink, and the bones flowed on the ground like liquid, and then returned to his body. As for the killers who wanted to escape, they were all dead.

He raised his head and looked at the frightened killers trapped in the bubble in the sky. He waved slightly, "Catch them all, lock them up first, and add them to the list of the bloody escape competition."

"Yes! Kaguya-sama."

The members of the Night Pirates behind him said respectfully, each wearing handcuffs and chains. After Annie controlled the bubbles to land from the air, they caught all the killers who were causing trouble.

The Bloody Escape Game is a very famous game in the Dark Night Sea. The cruel and novel competition system alone has attracted the attention of countless people.

This bloody escape race is also called the "Journey of Atonement" because the contestants are all pirates and criminals who have made huge mistakes in the dark night sea.

Even with the deterrence of the Dark Night Pirates, it is difficult for some foreign pirates to completely control themselves when they come to the Dark Night Sea. Therefore, many pirates were captured by the Dark Night Pirates, including naval intelligence personnel. World government spies or something.

For them, the Night Pirates will not kill them directly.

Instead, he atoned for his sins through a bloody escape race.

As for how to atone for sins, it is natural to use killing and blood.

A thousand people were imprisoned on a blood-colored island called Bloody Island. Within a month, no matter what method was used, the last three remaining people within the specified time could complete the redemption and leave the island, completely. Leaving the Dark Night Sea, you can still take away 100 million Baileys.

As for why it's called an escape race, that's because the island is completely enclosed, and even the sky is blocked. It's like a cage with no way to escape. The only way is to survive until the end.

Every ten days, the Night Pirates will release a poisonous gas on this island that spreads from the surroundings to the center. Once poisoned for a long time, they will die. They need to continue to escape. As the scope of the poisonous gas expands, it finally gathers in A small area in the center of the island.

Now the Bloody Escape Tournament has been held for eight times, almost once every six months. For many people, this is a very grand event and very interesting. Every time you watch the game, the Night Pirates can get a lot of Baileys. .

Such competitions can make use of these sinners who should have died, which can increase the majesty of the Night Pirates, deter the pirates within, and prevent bad things from happening in their own territory.

This is the main purpose.

"Baboons, baboons! The Bloody Escape Race will begin in two months. You should be able to see them on Bloody Island by then. I wonder if the three people who survived in the end will be among them." Brother Ming Smiling and talking to yourself, maybe to other people around you.

But in his heart, he was thinking about Kaguya's terrifying strength and lamented the power of the Night Pirates.

From the beginning to the end of the accident, not even a minute passed. It was so easy that it was scary.

The matter was resolved, and order was quickly restored under the protection of the Night Pirates. However, due to this incident, Doflamingo and the others lost their limelight to the Night Pirates.

After walking through this section of the road, passing through the cloud road, one by one got on the ornately decorated cable car and approached the entrance of Neverland along the cloud road.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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