Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and sixty-six Saga

Two months have passed since the wedding between the Dark Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates ended.

During this period, the marriage between the Big Mom Pirates and the Elbafu Giants attracted much attention.

A month ago, the wedding was officially held in Elbaf. It did not invite as many guests as the Night Pirates. Only the Night Pirates were invited as witnesses.

But the news also caused an earthquake in the sea.

This marriage has made the relationship between the three parties even closer.

Some people even envy big moms, who have greatly increased their power through two marriages.

After getting the enlargement potion, Big Mom is not that pursuing the giant bloodline.

But it is a fact that all nations lack giants. After the marriage, BigMom successfully obtained an important piece of the puzzle to realize her dream.

The Titans arranged for four Titan warriors to join the Big Mom Pirates, allowing Big Mom to successfully obtain the power of the Titans.

Relying on the relationship between in-laws, the Big Mom Pirates are likely to continue to gain Elbaf's power, but there is a limit, and it won't be too strong.

The Giants are not stupid. Even if there is a blood marriage, in comparison, the Giants are still closer to the Night Pirates. After all, they have many years of friendship.

To truly gain recognition from the giants, the Big Mom Pirates still need to work hard.

Their original plan has not changed. The situation in the sea is almost stable. After a while, Big Mom will send his children who have taken the giant potion to Elbaf for training.

In the past, Elbaf prohibited members of the Big Mom Pirates from entering, but now this ban has been lifted.

After all, idleness is idleness. It can not only strengthen the relationship with the giants, but also improve the strength.

As for the defense of the territory, most of the Big Mom Pirates' strength is still there, including Clark, Perospero, Katakuri, Smoothie, etc. Katakuri alone is enough to sweep across the sea. The vast majority of forces.

In addition, a not-so-small thing also happened in the new world.

That is the country of Wano.

Wano hung the bodies of three people on a pole, and although Wano did not say their identities, the news was revealed.

These three are agents of the World Government. They wear Wano's unique hair accessories and kimonos, which shows that the power of the World Government is deeply hidden in Wano.

The anger of Wano Country can be imagined, and there are unknown forces hidden in the secret that want to murder them. Everyone always wants to be stared at by a poisonous snake.

The Wano General's Palace has become much more strict about the guarding of the signpost stone.

But the exposure of the World Government's intelligence officers is really surprising.

After all, the World Government's intelligence can be said to be all-pervasive. Even though it has suffered major blows, it is still the strongest intelligence force in the world.

Because there are not only samurai in Wano, but also another profession, that is, ninja. Ninja also has a very long history in Wano.

In Wano, not everyone has the talent to become a samurai. The samurai has a high status and is a symbol of force.

Ninjas are more in the dark, gathering information and assassinating.

After the founding of Wano, Oden also realized that Wano needed secret power and external intelligence. It was at this time that ninjas were taken seriously by Wano and became an important force under Oden.

The training of ninjas also has its own unique features, and there are even some methods that World Government agents do not have.

The identities of these three World Government agents were discovered by the ninjas of Wano Country.

This behavior is undoubtedly a provocation to the world government.

The Wano Country even knew that the World Government was still evil and had been spying on them. The power of ninjas began to show. Centered on the Flower Capital, the capital of the Wano Country, they secretly searched for traces of World Government agents throughout the Wano Country.

Next year, the General Office will also conduct investigations on Wano personnel.

It would be too difficult for the samurai to leave such a task to them, so they should be left to specialized people to deal with it.

Wano may not be comparable to the World Government in terms of foreign intelligence power, but in Wano, they have a huge advantage.

The two forces in the dark used the country of Wano as the battlefield, and started a fierce secret fight, arresting and hiding.

What cp0 has to face is not just the ninjas of Wano, but the entire Wano.

Teach, who considers himself a third party, is also stepping up his investigation into the country of Wano.

Not only using technology, but also intelligence personnel.

Strive to know what is happening within the country of Wano as soon as possible.

The Dark Night Palace, the Lord's Palace, welcomed a unique little guest on this ordinary day.

A young child took a deep breath to calm down his somewhat nervous heart. He stood in front of the Lord's Palace and walked in under the curious eyes of the elite soldiers of the Night Pirates.

The light in the Lord's Hall is a little dark, and it looks a little solemn and solemn.

At first glance, he saw the familiar yet unfamiliar figure on the high throne, exuding a unique aura that brought a sense of pressure to people.

What did the World Network say? The spirit of a king.

Then, a bunch of eyes fell on him, curious, scrutinizing, and interesting, these are what he could feel.

He was nervous, but restrained himself and asked himself to stay calm.

Today, the highest order from the Lord's Palace caused various cadres of the Dark Night Pirates to gather in the Lord's Palace. They were a little curious about what big event caused their Lord to call them here.

This is the second time that the Night Pirates have gathered in the Lord's Palace after the series battle. No, it should be the first time. The previous one was just a banquet to celebrate.

Today's Lord's Palace is fully equipped as Teach envisioned many years ago, with seventy-two demon pillars, thirteen demon generals, seven demon kings, and members of the Night Pirates who are qualified to sit here, including Teach. , Redeat, and Ares are the three masters.

Some core members didn't know it at first, but the moment they saw the person coming, they realized who it was. Their captain successfully fulfilled his promise and actually brought his child here. .

That was a year ago. If they didn't mention it, they would almost forget it.

"Boss, this is your son, what's his name?" Mobius looked at the child below and asked Teach with a smile.

"Na Ni!"

As soon as these words came out, unlike the members who attended the meeting a year ago and learned that Tiqi had a son, there were many new faces present. This was their first time attending a meeting in the Lord's Hall.

I didn't expect to learn such exciting news as soon as I arrived.

Each one of them stared at the seven or eight-year-old child below with wide eyes, and then looked at their master.

It's hard to believe that the master of his family gave birth to such a big child in such a silent manner.

If you take a closer look, you can see that this child is somewhat similar to Teach, with his naturally slightly curly hair and his eyes.

This is indeed great news.

As pirates, most of them have trouble hiding themselves, so the entire Lord Hall was in a bit of a commotion because of this news.

"Dong dong." Tiqi tapped the armrest, and the entire Lord Hall fell silent for an instant, showing Tiqi's supreme majesty.

After almost three seconds of silence, Tiqi looked at his son below with a smile in his eyes, "Please tell them your name, my son."

Hearing his father's voice, Saga calmed down, raised his head slightly, and looked at the powerful man who was famous in the new world. They were all his father's men.

He didn't have stage fright, he was more nervous about meeting his biological father, and now, Teach's voice seemed to give him strength.

"Marshall D. Saga, I've met you all!" Saga said seriously.

Saga’s voice echoed in the Lord’s Palace.

"It's so cute. He is much more handsome than Teach. His mother must be very beautiful." Baccarat touched her face and looked at the child and smiled.

At this time, more crew members like Lafitte and Xiliu looked at Saga with approval in their eyes.

They actually don't care about Saga's identity, because they surrender to Tiqi, not Saga.

The performance of Saga, the captain's child, was undoubtedly recognized by them.

Even if they did not release their breath deliberately, the oppression on Saga was always there, and Saga endured it without any fear in his heart.

Such courage is rare on the sea. The children of their captain are not ordinary people.

For example, Lafitte and Shiliu can "see" Saga's vitality due to their abilities. At such a young age, Saga already possesses considerable strength.

Although this strength is insignificant in their eyes, it can represent the terrifying potential that Saga possesses.

"As expected of the captain's child." Lafitte admired in his heart.

"Inherited the captain's bloodline."

"Come up, Saga." Tiqi slightly invited.

Hearing his father say his name, Saga couldn't help but feel a little moved. This was what he had longed for.

Looking at the figure on the throne, Saga walked up the steps and approached his father.

Ridyat, who was sitting on the side, felt Saga's mood and couldn't help but smile interestingly.

But he is about the same. He has a son named Ignis who was sent back to Xihai early. He is now almost five years old. When he has time, he will go back to Xihai to visit.

So he was surprised to learn that Tiqi had a child before. He thought he was fast enough, but he didn't expect that Tiqi was two years ahead of him.

As for his wife, Christie Na, the princess of the Kingdom of Christie, a beautiful encounter gave birth to this child, and now she is also sent to the Kingdom of Tirisfal to stay with his mother.

Moreover, as his brother is a king, after so many years, he now has more children, four already.

Thinking of Teach's invitation to him, he felt a little emotional. Ten years had passed in the blink of an eye.

Soon, Saga came to Tiqi.

"Are you ready? Saga." Tiqi's voice contained a sense of majesty, which passed into Saga's heart, seeming to be asking, are you really ready?

When he embarked on this path, he had the mark of Teach on his body. As the son of the Dark Emperor, he enjoyed the benefits it brought, and he would also bear the pressure it brought.

"I'm ready, father." Saga said seriously.

He had said this in his heart countless times, but he had never been so firm as now.

Hearing this, Tiqi couldn't help but smile, and was very satisfied with Saga's words, or in other words, he would be very satisfied no matter what Saga chose.

Even if Marshall's surname is hidden and he ventures into the sea with another identity, no matter which choice he makes, it will be difficult.

"As a father, I will prepare the best for you, but if you want to prove yourself and gain recognition from others, you need to rely on your own efforts."

Tikki said, raising his hand, and the whole hand turned black in an instant, looking extremely weird, and the power of darkness was flowing.

The Dark Fruit is of the natural type, and nature can also be elementalized. However, due to the gravity of darkness, it cannot be dispersed and combined like other natural types, and it cannot be immune to other people's physical attacks.

Otherwise, Teach could completely transform into a humanoid black hole, making him directly invincible.

Immediately after the black air circulated, a table appeared in front of Saga. There were some beautifully decorated boxes on it, all with small words engraved on them. Only the main members who were close could see it.

Seeing the words engraved on it, not only Saga but also several other members were stunned. They didn't expect that their captain actually had so many devil fruits with terrifying abilities.

There are eight Devil Fruits in total, some are familiar and some are unfamiliar, and others feel a little numb just looking at them.

Natural-type Thunder Fruit, Superman-type Crush Fruit, Superman-type Control Fruit, Superman-type Floating Fruit, Phantasmal Beast-Titan Fruit, Natural-type Shadow Fruit, Superman-type Mumu Fruit, Superman-type Death Fruit .

They all have their own origins. The first three have been in Tikki's hands for a long time, and the Piao Piao Fruit and Titan Fruit were plundered from Shiki and Cronus.

The last three are the top three devil fruits collected by the Celestial Dragons that were harvested from the Marie Joa incident.

Seeing this, Saga did not hesitate and directly chose the Thunder Fruit, which is known as the strongest devil fruit.

Regarding the particularity of his body, Saga knew that the natural system was the best choice. In addition to its strong potential, the natural system took longer to awaken.

Saga endured the disgusting taste and ate the thunder fruit. After a while, feeling the power in his body, he instinctively stretched out his hand, and a blue thunder and lightning appeared, surrounding his fingertips.

The person who is most sensitive to thunder and lightning is Eniru, who immediately knew and saw what the devil fruit Saga ate was.

The difference between the Plasma Fruit and the Thunder Fruit is not that big. Each has its own advantages. The Plasma Fruit is more maneuverable, but it lacks the nearly infinite thunder and lightning power of the Thunder Fruit and the borrowing of the power of nature's thunder and lightning.

"It's a good choice." Saga's choice was not beyond Tiqi's expectation. If it were him, he would also choose the Thunder Fruit.

"As a father, I haven't given you any gifts in these years." Looking at Saga who had eaten the Thunder Fruit, Tiqi smiled, stretched out his hand, and small black balls appeared in his palm.

I saw this small black ball slowly getting bigger, and soon it turned into a terrifying black hole with a height of three meters. It seemed to be sleeping before, unconsciously exuding a terrifying dark gravity, but it shrank in the first place. power, otherwise it will definitely cause a terrible disaster.

"Lord Teach, is there anything you need me to do?" Hades reduced his body to a diameter of one meter and said respectfully to Teach.

Hades was a little excited. Tikki finally released it. Due to Tikki's strength, it was useless at all. He almost thought that he had been forgotten by Tikki.

This year it has been sleeping in the dark space, or absorbing the endless dark power in the dark space.

Homiz can grow. After absorbing a large amount of dark power, Hades' energy and strength have been further improved.

Most of the cadres present felt terrible pressure when Hades appeared.

"Hades, this is my son Saga. From now on, you will follow him and don't expose yourself until necessary." Hades was completely useless to Teach, and Hades was not prepared for him.

"Oh, I understand, Lord Saga, please take care of me in the future." Hades flew in front of Saga and smiled.

Saga looked at Hades and was slightly startled. He knew Homiz, but this was the first time he had seen such a strange creature with his own eyes.

Before he could react, Hades flew directly into his body.

"Let's talk about familiar things later. Hades has many functions, which is equivalent to a small dark fruit. It releases gravity to exercise and helps you absorb damage. You can test the others yourself. The only flaw is that you cannot elementalize unless it leaves you. body." Having said this, Tiqi smiled.

Hades is Homitz. As a black hole, when he enters Saga's body, even if he controls his own power, it will have some impact, that is, the dark gravity emitted. While Hades is in Saga's body, he cannot element. ation, just like Teach.

"Saga, next, I only have one request for you. As long as you complete it, you will be able to act as you wish and have enough strength."

"As for how to manifest it, I ask you to reach the top of the combat pyramid on your own without using your abilities before you are seventeen years old. That means you only have ten years."

"At that time, I will not stop you from doing anything." Tiqi looked at Saga and smiled.

"Hiss." Someone took a deep breath and climbed to the top of the battle pyramid at the age of seventeen. He did not expect the captain to be so cruel to his son.

Everyone present knew how strong the person who could reach the top of the battle pyramid was, and this was especially true for Hirsch who came out of the top of the battle pyramid.

Two years later, due to the stimulation brought by the Temperature Fruit, the average strength of the upper levels of the combat pyramid has improved significantly.

It was a difficult task, but Teach wouldn't let Saga do something he couldn't do.

Teach believed in Saga's potential, his expectations for him, and thought he could do it.

At the same time, this also includes Tikki's love for Saga, but it is reflected in another way. Tikki is considering Saga's safety, so he hopes that he will have enough strength before going out.

But in the Battle Pyramid, under the care of the Night Pirates, nothing could happen to Saga.

Some members had already seen Teach's thoughts.

This is a very difficult task. Getting to the top of the combat pyramid is not just the top, but also the strongest.

But Saga, who inherited Tiqi's bloodline, can definitely do it.

Compared with Teach, Saga's conditions are much better. At least Teach at the same time cannot be compared with Saga today.

The Thunder Fruit's lightning training, gravity training, the Night Pirates' powerful medical capabilities, and the best teachings were all things Teach had never had before.

"I will do it." Saga nodded firmly. Even if the identity of the Dark Emperor's son was deliberately hidden, it could not be hidden for long. He also knew how dangerous it was. He would not run around until he had enough strength.

In the end, strength is everything.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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