Pirate of Darkness

Five Hundred and Eighty: The Battle of the 5th Emperor

The red-haired pirates want to continue to grow, but the devil Caesar doesn't want to fulfill the red-haired wish.

When the new world becomes slightly more stable, disputes will arise again.

There have been five sea emperors in total, but now there are only four, which means there is still a vacancy for the emperor's position. How can the new world be truly peaceful before the fifth sea emperor is born?

Just like the original Night Pirates, Red Hair is also called the next Emperor of the Sea. Although that time has not yet arrived, isn't it a matter of time for Red Hair?

With greater potential, even if an arm is broken, it will still not affect the decline in his strength.

Precisely because this is what many people think, the current red-haired pirates have become a thorn in the side of many aspiring to be the emperor.

Moria didn’t want it, Caesar didn’t want it, and there were even other newly rising overlords.

Although they are not strong enough, they hope that this position will be empty until they grow up and can occupy that position.

Once the position of the fifth Sea Emperor is occupied, their path to ascent is blocked.

After becoming an emperor, there will be a period of rapid expansion of power. This is true for the four current sea emperors, even the Whitebeard Pirates who are keen on having sons and the Big Mom Pirates who are women and believe in blood ties.

Although the affiliated forces of the Big Mom Pirates are few, they are only compared to other pirate groups. For other overlords, it is a very shocking number.

At that time, it was even more difficult to become an emperor, and the only way was to defeat one of the sea emperors.

There can only be a maximum of five sea emperors in the new world. This is the default rule of the new world. The news came from the Dark Night Pirates and came from the mouth of Dark Emperor Tiki.

It directly sets a limit on the number of thrones at the top of the New World. No matter how many maritime overlords there are, there can only be five sea emperors.

Only in this way will the position of the emperor appear precious, rather than belonging to the sixth emperor or the seventh emperor. The emperor's strength will be uneven. This is what Tiqi does not want to see, nor does he want some "weak" Juxtapose yourself.

At the same time, Teach's words were also recognized by the other three sea emperors and spread throughout the new world and sea.


The spot for the last Sea Emperor is even more precious, and the competition will be fiercer than ever before.

It is very difficult to defeat the current Emperor of the Sea. In this case, it is better to deal with the competitor first and eliminate him before he grows to that extent.

There are only interests among pirates, and the position of emperor is the greatest interest.

The fight around it has begun, and it also surrounds the three pirate groups: the Red Hair Pirates, the Moonlight Pirates, and the Devil Pirates.

Is that all? This is a big wave, and there are also new forces and some old forces that are peeping at the throne of the emperor.

Those who know they have no hope will also place bets between them and increase their bets.

"World Destroyer" Bundy Wald openly competed for the throne, causing an uproar in the sea, and this veteran strongman was not to be outdone.

Although he is sixty-six years old, he has been frozen in Impel Down City for many years. When he left Impel Down City, his body functions were still as young as when he was young. Today, his overall physical condition is actually only fifty-five years old, which can be said to be at its peak. .

After being frozen for many years, Bundy's strength improved further after his body recovered.

During the freezing process, Bundy's consciousness has been active. During this period, his domineering power has been significantly improved. At the same time, the development of Momo's fruit ability has been further developed and has reached the level of awakening.

During the war between the Sky Pirates and the World Government, he used his ability to triple the power of the King's bombardment.

Three times is already a terrifying number, for the king of terrifying energy.

In the final analysis, Bundy is the main reason why the power of the King is so terrifying. If it were not for the awakening of his abilities, he would not have been able to double the power. At most, he could only enhance the power of the King a little.

Bundy is powerful and is undoubtedly the top among the overlords. With Momo's fruit ability combined with powerful physical skills and domineering, even Garp dare not say that he can suppress Bundy who is full of firepower.

His participation will undoubtedly make this battle for the emperor more intense.

Over the years, in addition to participating in the war with the World Government, in the process of restoring strength, Bundy rebuilt the Bundy Pirates. After the destruction of the Sky Pirates, on the territory that originally belonged to the Sky Pirates, Strongly occupying a large territory.

The title of "Destroyer of Worlds" attracted many pirates to join him. In terms of power, the Bondi Pirates are not weaker than the Moonlight Pirates.

Moreover, many people know that Bundy Wald's goal is to overthrow the rule of the World Government. As for establishing a new world, let's just talk about it.

It was originally impossible to overthrow the World Government, but now with the power of the World Government, it is really possible for him.

If there is another weapon similar to the Heavenly King, when the World Government is not prepared, if it fires so many cannons on the Holy Land, the Heavenly Dragons will become extinct.

Although he was said to be an emperor, he was actually trying to expand his power against the World Government. He was a mortal enemy of the World Government, not to mention that he planted spies in his pirate group and betrayed him at a critical moment.

Bundy Wold was not discouraged by the defeat of the Golden Lion Shiki, nor was his goal affected.

Now he is actively seeking powerful weapons and looking for traces of ancient weapons. Having seen the terrifying power of the King of Heaven, he naturally has no interest in those artillery pieces.

His own strength has reached its peak. He needs more powerful destructive power and more powerful weapons. Through money, he orders powerful weapons from the Beast Pirates and the Night Pirates.

Then rely on his own abilities to cause serious damage to the navy and the world government.

Bondi Wold's orders are worth hundreds of millions, billions of Baileys, and neither the Night Pirates nor the Beasts Pirates will refuse.

They can make some things, but it's just a question of whether they want to or not. After all, the price/performance ratio is not high, and Bundy only has one requirement, which is to have huge destructive power. He doesn't care about the size at all.

Start manufacturing early, and the results can be handed over to Bundy Wald quickly.

They are the same weapons, but they are made differently by both sides.

The Beasts Pirates create the virus they are best at, spreading plague and causing terrible casualties. It can quickly spread to cover an island. When combined with Bundy's ability, the power will only be greater.

The most important thing is that the cost of the virus is very low, and they control the core technology. This is equivalent to taking it for free, just like Bundy gave the money.

The only flaw is that the plague bomb is a bit large, but Bundy doesn't care about this problem.

What the Night Pirates took out was the dynamite rock, and then replaced it with a piece of skin. After a slight transformation, it became a terrifyingly powerful bomb.

At the same time, the Night Pirates also secretly obtained information about Explosive Rock and the location of the Navy's Explosive Rock through secret means.

Explosive rocks are what the Night Pirates must deal with, and the large number of dynamite rocks is a huge threat.

The Night Pirates have obtained the technology for mining dynamite rock, but mining dynamite rock is extremely difficult. The most important thing is the choice of mining location.

The Navy only has one place to mine dynamite rocks, which is the secret island where dynamite rocks are stored.

Not only does the dynamite rock need to be disposed of, but the island where the dynamite rock is mined must also be destroyed. Once this kind of thing appears on one's own territory, it will be difficult to react to the explosion unless it is in front of Teach.

So there is no need to exist at all, how about always being buried in the depths of the sea?

It is not convenient for the Night Pirates to take action on this kind of thing, so standing behind the scenes is their style.

Since Bundy Wold wants a powerful weapon, let him get the dynamite rock! Let him face off against the World Government and the Navy.

In addition, Teach is also a little curious. What will be the reaction when the world knows that the navy and the world government have always possessed terrifying weapons comparable to ancient weapons?

Do ancient weapons threaten the world? Indeed, the power of the King of Heaven has fully demonstrated the terrifying power of ancient weapons and the threat to the world.

But what about O'Hara? They were destroyed just because they studied ancient weapons, but the World Government and the Navy really have power that is not weaker than the ancient weapons.

It is not easy for the Navy and the World Government to regain their strength. The World Government will eventually become a thing of the past.

With such a madman whose heart is staring at you and biting you, how can the World Government and the Navy possibly feel at ease? And the strength and ability are very powerful.

Bundy Walder is also the target of their surveillance. The Bundy Pirates also have intelligence agents from the World Government hiding. Compared with those Sea Emperors, it is not too easy to infiltrate the Bundy Pirates.

But now they don't know what Bundy Wold's secret plan is. After experiencing betrayal, Bundy Wold no longer trusts other people.

Except for a few who found him immediately after he escaped from Impel Down.

In fact, there are not many people who originally belonged to the Bondi Pirates. After all, so many years have passed. They were not buried in the sea, but they are also very old. They have begun to live in seclusion and no longer roam the sea.

In the re-established Bondi Pirates, most of the crew members were just tools in his eyes, and he didn't need to care about them at all, even if they died a lot, it didn't matter.

It can be said that those pirates who wanted to follow this veteran and become famous all over the world had made a wrong calculation.

But wandering in the sea is a big gamble, putting one's own life and death at risk. Everyone must be responsible for their own choices, no matter whether the results are good or bad.

In addition to the Bondi Pirates, there is also an overlord pirate group that has officially risen in the new world, and there is a high probability of competing for the position of emperor.

This is a young pirate group that has been established for a relatively short period of time, only six or seven years ago, which is when the Red Haired Pirates and the Clown Pirates officially entered the new world.

Rising rapidly in the past two years, "Evil" Wendigo is the captain of the Evil Spirit Pirates and a user of the Superman-type Evil Fruit ability. This is a strange and powerful Devil Fruit ability that is even a little evil.

In addition to possessing great power himself, he can grant abilities to others like the Soul Fruit, an ability called evil spirits.

People who are endowed with evil spirits can transform into evil spirits with holes all over their bodies and strange blue flames burning on their bodies.

Although it looks a little scary, it can enhance a person's strength to a certain extent and speed up recovery from injuries.

This is equivalent to superpowers per capita.

At the same time, similar to Moonlight Moria's Shadow Fruit ability, it can turn a corpse into an evil spirit that a person can control, and will not die, possessing an undead army.

The difference is that the resurrected evil spirit is a puppet controlled by the Wendigo and has no consciousness.

The powerful undead army and the ability to transform into evil spirits per capita allowed the Evil Spirit Pirates to expand extremely quickly in a short period of time, coupled with the powerful strength of the Wendigo.

The evil spirit Wendigo also aspires to be the emperor, but his growth time is too short. Although he is the overlord of the sea, he cannot compare with the red hair and others in terms of strength.

But he has never been afraid of war. War will only make him stronger. Whether a member of his own ship dies or an enemy dies, the final corpse will turn into an evil spirit under his blue flame, a member of the undead army. .

Of course, this situation also makes many people unwilling to join the Evil Spirit Pirates. No one wants to be driven by others after their death.

But this doesn't change the fact that the Evil Spirit Pirates continue to expand.

More importantly, as they kill, evil spirits can become stronger and strengthen by absorbing the resentment of others. Although they become stronger slowly, they can indeed become stronger.

Therefore, as long as there is a war, the Wendigo's Evil Spirit Legion will continue to expand. Now the Evil Spirit Pirates already have 30,000 Evil Spirit Legions. This number can be said to be terrifying for those overlord forces. It is difficult to compare, so it is just a subsidiary. The red-haired pirate group has many forces.

Moreover, the Evil Spirit Fruit can be said to be a growth ability. As the strength increases, the number of evil spirits sheltered expands and continues to absorb negative energy.

The power of evil spirits in Wendigo's body can continue to increase. I don't know if there is a limit, but the Wendigo that has grown up has already shown the potential to reach the top, plus he has the potential to be very powerful.

Moreover, just like Moonlight Moria can absorb shadows and become stronger, Wendigo has a similar method and can absorb evil spirits to enhance its strength in a short period of time.

With similar ability effects, the two pirate groups also had a lot of friction in the new world, and small battles continued.

The main reason is that the evil spirit fruit suppresses the ability of the shadow fruit. Moria's zombies have no ability to resist when faced with the evil fire of the Wendigo, and will be easily transformed into evil spirits.

Wendigo's purpose can be guessed. He is targeting the three veteran overlord zombies under the protection of Moria, in order to enhance the high-end combat power of the evil spirit army.

But no matter what, Moria's zombies and Wendigo's evil spirits have the ability to disgust the sea. Both of them are driving the corpses of others.

The difference is that Moria looks down on weak pirates and only stares at the corpses of powerful pirates.

The Wendigo didn't mind, but he also exercised some restraint and maintained his rationality. Those who turned into evil spirits were basically his dead subordinates or enemies who died on the battlefield. He did not attack ordinary people at will, or Other ordinary pirates.

It is precisely in this way that he can survive until now. Otherwise, if he were unscrupulous, he would have been killed by a righteous man or other pirates.

It is also his reason that gives him the potential to reach the top, but it just takes time to grow. His current combat power is still far behind compared to others.

The Evil Spirit Pirates are located in the north between the Moonlight Pirates and the Devil Pirates. They only need to expand southward without provoking the Big Mom Pirates.

In this way, it is interesting that there are now five clear contenders for the throne of emperor.

The veteran monster "World Destroyer" Bundy Walder, who lived in the same era as Whitebeard.

Today's veteran overlord of the New World, "Devil" Caesar.

"Moonlight" Moria rose in the early days of the new era.

"Red-haired" Shanks who emerged during the golden naval battle era.

The "Evil Spirit" Wendigo emerged during the reign of the Night Pirates.

There is only one person in the final throne, who will it belong to?

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