Pirate of Darkness

Chapter 613: The Fall of Wano Country

"Is this a rat infestation? Why are there so many rats!"

Countless rats are frightening. They are densely packed and launch crazy attacks on people. Even a powerful warrior cannot resist the attacks of so many ferocious rats.

Moreover, the number of samurai in Wano Country is only a few tenths, and most of them are ordinary residents.

The entire country of Wano was completely plunged into riots. For a time, the entire Shogun Mansion and all the famous mansions were in a state of panic.

Rat infestation is very scary.

But on the sea, in such a unique environment, although there are rat problems, they are relatively rare.

Even if a rat infestation occurs, it is small and can be easily dealt with.

As for the rat infestation in Wano Country, secretly cultivated by the World Government, and with strong reproductive capabilities, the entire Wano Country has accumulated a huge number of rats.

It is a huge number that has never been seen in hundreds of years.

Everything happened too suddenly. Crazy rats broke into the area where the residents of Wano Country lived, attacked the people of Wano Country, biting their bodies, and the blood stimulated them even more.

The terrifying rats came like a river, and their "squeaking" sounds were as harsh as the chirping of insects.

The entire country of Wano fell to the terrifying rat tide. In a short period of time, countless people sacrificed their lives and were devoured by rats.

The number of hundreds of thousands is relatively small.

Villages and small towns on the edge were swallowed up immediately, leaving behind bones everywhere.

Some swordsmen fell to the crazy attacks of rats.

Even if powerful warriors took action, it was still difficult to contain the attack of the rat tide.

How many rats can be killed with one slash?

Just a drop in the ocean of rats.

Instead, his own physical strength was exhausted first.

Moreover, rats have strong reproductive capabilities and can continue to invade. After the outbreak of the rat tide, they plundered a large amount of resources and their reproductive capabilities were further enhanced.

We must find a way to contain it,

Otherwise, the rat tide will only get stronger and stronger until it destroys the entire Wano Country.

The effects of the chemicals sprayed by the World Government will remain.

If there was no rat infestation, where did the plague come from?

There is no such thing as a city wall in the towns of Wano. Facing the endless rats, the towns are basically undefended, allowing rats to invade.

At this time, even if you wanted to build a wall, it was too late. The Flower Capital was invaded at the first opportunity.

The samurai were constantly moving, walking through the streets and killing rats they saw.

In the streets, rats and even inside houses, rats are more at home than they are.

It is too difficult for samurai to deal with rats. It is okay to let them fight head-on, but such work only consumes energy.

Tens of thousands of warriors acted together. Some protected the Flower City and cleaned up the incoming rats. Others, led by strong men, went to some fallen villages and towns to see if they could rescue some people.


The powerful Overlord Color was released, and within a huge range, all the rats were knocked unconscious for the first time.

The terrifying aura made these mice feel scared and fled away. Even if they became violent, they still had the instinct to survive.

That is the terror of the strong.

They may not be afraid of ordinary strong men, but in front of Kozuki Oden, everything is meaningless.

At the moment when the soul was suppressed, countless slashes struck directly, and a large number of rats were killed.

After a period of killing, these warriors also mastered some skills.

The leader, Kozuki Oden, and all the warriors were in a very embarrassed state, their eyes were bloodshot, and they had not had a good rest for several days and nights.

Whether it's physical fatigue or mental fatigue.

Facing these rats, Wano has no better way than violence.

"How are the residents?" After dealing with a group of rats, Kozuki Oden turned his head and asked the samurai on the side.

"There are countless casualties." The warrior on the side looked a little bitter. "The threat of rats is difficult to eliminate. We reacted too late. Except for Linghou, which is relatively safe due to the severe cold weather, the rest of the places have been invaded by these rats."

"Most areas in Wano are not concerned at all. In the Flower Capital alone, rough statistics show that the number of people who died is as high as 50,000."

"The most important thing to do now is to move the residents to Linghou. Linghou can avoid the attacks of rats and we can free up our hands to clean up these rats."

"The important thing is, why did the rat infestation break out? It has never happened before, and it was so sudden. It must have been planned by someone with good intentions."

As soon as he said this, the warriors around him could guess what he was talking about. The only one who could do such a thing unknowingly was the World Government.

"Damn it!" Kozuki Oden was angry.

As a general of Wano, he knew how bad the current situation in Wano was.

It is basically impossible to connect to various areas, and the only way to understand the situation is through phone bugs.

With less than 200,000 warriors, it was difficult to solve the rat problem, let alone provide timely support to other places. They did not complete the cleanup of major towns.

It is estimated that the entire Wano Kingdom has suffered more than one million casualties in just one week. Many villages and small towns have lost contact and look completely destroyed. Even with some powerful samurai, apart from dying in battle, At most, they can only take a few people to escape.

Such casualties are simply unimaginable for Wano.

Fortunately, due to the popularity of telephone bugs, timely communication was possible, and the residents of Wano Country in various regions were evacuated uniformly to the areas where the Daming Mansion and General Mansion were located, which were protected by strong force.

Reihou and Nozomi evacuated to where the rat infestation was less severe. Wano Country is an island with four seasons, and Reihou represents winter, covered with ice and snow all year round.

Nozomi, on the other hand, is the most desolate place in Wano Country.

What makes the situation even worse is that there are still casualties. A large number of rats have eaten up all the food in Wano. The farmland has turned into wasteland, and even the fruit trees have not been spared.

The beasts disappeared, slain by rats.

The entire country of Wano has fallen into a famine due to food shortage. Without a large amount of food, more people will starve to death.

As for rat meat, it is inedible at all. It is one thing to be unpalatable. Ordinary people will suffer from diarrhea and discomfort after eating rat meat, unless they are very strong.

In order to solve the problem, Wano Country began to purchase food from the outside world, using samurai swords and seastones, hoping to use food to solve Wano Country's current food shortage problem.

How big is the demand for food for millions of people? There are simply not a few forces that can bear it.

It can be said that in the New World, apart from a few major countries, the only ones who can do this are the Night Pirates.

It was the Night Pirates who contacted Wano, and the Night Pirates agreed, and naturally many agreements were signed.

The amount of food that can support the entire country of Wano is not a small amount, but the country of Wano has sufficient supplies. It was once called the country of gold, and its treasure reserves are very considerable.

At this time, Wano Country could only use these instead, as well as the Sea Tower Stone.

However, the delivery of food takes a while, and more people will die every night.

I don’t know how long this rat infestation will last? Don't know how to solve it.

Baiwu, a port town, has now become an important place in the country of Wano. A food crisis has emerged. Before the food from the Night Pirates is delivered, it can only be barely supported through some transactions.

A large number of Wano residents gathered here. On the streets, many people fell to the ground due to hunger, and they kept wailing.

Some residents also had rat bites on their bodies.

Wano's agricultural system has completely collapsed. Several ships have been sent out to fish, but how many people can the fish caught support their survival?

There was no way, the dilemma could not be solved for the time being, so the ships carrying the residents of Wano Country left Wano Country one after another and went outside to settle on some islands in the outside world.

After all, staying in Wano Country is no different from waiting to die.

Earlier, many residents of Wano Country had taken the initiative to escape from Wano Country. It was easier to survive outside.

Ships are constantly coming and going, transporting goods and transferring residents of Wano.

Now, the strategy for the top leaders of Wano Country is to first transfer the people of Wano Country to reduce casualties, and then transfer these Wano Country people back after the rat problem is completely solved.

Otherwise, as the rat plague continues, the casualties in Wano will only increase.

This was also to reduce casualties. After all, in just a few days, the total casualties reached appalling levels.

Even the transfer is very slow. Wano Country has six ports. Even if there are leased ships, if 10,000 people can be transferred to one port at a time, Wano Country can only transfer 60,000 people at most at one time.

And sailing on the sea, a round trip can take several days.

In this way, it will take at least several months to transfer all of Wano.

With the help of the Night Pirates, the transfer speed will definitely be much faster.

The Dark Night Pirates promised to provide food to Wano Country. In order to better provide food and reduce costs, the area where these residents of Wano Country live is the Dark Night Sea.

For the Night Pirates, settling millions of people is no problem for them, but it also brings a lot of pressure.

Today, there are only close to three million people left in Wano Country, and it is possible that there will eventually be only two million people left.

When the country of Wano thought about asking for help from the outside world, it was already a little late. It only tried to solve the problem when it discovered it, and did not anticipate what might happen in advance.

If it had been a few days earlier, the situation in Wano would probably have been better.

Ledyard personally took action and brought a batch of food, which could not solve the urgent need. Through Bai Wu's transactions with outside forces, only Bai Wu could get the food.

The various regions were basically cut off from each other. At this time, they regretted why they only opened Bai Wu so that other regions could not receive effective support.

The Night Pirates acted very efficiently. As soon as the agreement was reached, they dispatched a huge fleet and two island battleships.

In this way, in a few round trips, all the residents of Wano Country can be transferred. Of course, it depends on whether some residents can persist until that time.

The people inside the country of Wano are panicking, life is threatened, and the ugliness of human nature begins to show in despair. A little bit of food will cause everyone to fight for it.

Many people even died at the hands of their own people.

Food was given priority to high-status samurai and nobles, which also aroused internal conflicts in Wano, but they were basically suppressed by strong force.

Due to the long distance, a large amount of food was transported to supply the residents of Wano who left. Food was also needed to sustain them during the days on the ship, and it was impossible to rely solely on seafood.

"The world government takes action."

"Definitely." The Night Pirates, Mastima nodded, there was no need to doubt this.

"I didn't expect that such a method would be used. It seems that the country of Wano will not be able to recover in a few decades, and it may be possible in a hundred years."

As he said this, Mostima couldn't help but sigh, this kind of operation was really too cruel.

Man-made to create a terrible rat infestation.

If the rat infestation occurs in the outside world, it is easier to solve, and it can even be eliminated before it is born.

This rat infestation is due to various reasons. To reach this level, it can be said that the right time, place and people are right.

"How was the rescue work done?" Teach tapped his fingers on the armrest.

"We're almost there. We're bringing a lot of food with us. We can bring back at least half a million Wano residents at once."

"We don't need to worry about the rest, as long as they are in place. The resettlement of these Wano residents has been planned, right?"

"Well, we will disperse them across the islands in the dark night sea to replenish the population in some places with fewer people."

Frankly speaking, Teach and the others hope that Wano Country will be hit hard. If Wano Country just solves the current situation and wants to recover, I don't know how long it will take, or at least the ecosystem will completely collapse.

In this way, they accepted the population of Wano.

Later, the country of Wano could not support so many people, and rebuilding homes and reclaiming wasteland was also a troublesome task.

After these Wano residents have settled down, how can they be willing to return to the messy Wano Country? This is a real conspiracy.

In addition to food, there is also population migration. The Night Pirates will not give Wano too much help. If possible, they also want to annex Wano and become the territory of the Dark Night Pirates.

Let the Night Pirates deal with the plague. Naturally, there are efficient methods, targeted poisons, and various methods. Unfortunately, Wano Country itself is the target that the Night Pirates want to suppress.

"This is just the beginning. The actions of the World Government have not really started yet. Just keep waiting. There will definitely be other actions next."

"Then Captain, shall we intervene?" Mostima asked.

"No need, Wano Country cannot be defeated so easily, and there are many strong men such as Kozuki Oden." Teach clearly knows how strong Wano Country is, and the number of high-end combat forces is huge. Even the navy Don't mess with anyone easily.

Even if Kozuki Oden dies, Wano Country still exists, and it is not so easy to destroy Wano Country with just a rat plague.

"Wait and see what the World Government is going to do. It must be related to the Signpost Stone. No matter what happens in the end, it won't have much impact on us."

Although it takes time to mine the Sea Tower Stones, the Night Pirates have already made enough profits.

Most of the gold and treasures accumulated by Wano over the years have fallen into the hands of the Night Pirates. The value of these treasures is at least tens of billions.

Compared with the food they paid, the Night Pirates made a lot of money. Many of the agreements they signed with Wano were unequal treaties. The Night Pirates were not philanthropic in the first place. They spent money on Wano when it was in crisis. , Wano Country will be grateful to them.

"Also, be careful of the plague. It should be said that it is the plague. It is likely to break out in Wano." Thinking of this, Teach reminded Mostima.


Hearing these two words, Mostema's expression condensed.

How terrible this thing is! Once it spreads, the number of deaths will further expand, making the situation in Wano even worse.

"Want to remind?"

"No need, it doesn't make any difference whether you say it or not. Wano Country does not have the means to deal with the plague now."

Teach said ruthlessly, his words decided the lives of many residents of Wano Country.

If reminded, Wano Country will definitely make some preparations. Even if Wano Country collapses in all aspects now, most of the medicinal materials will be eaten by rats.

Without warning, Wano Country did not realize that once an outbreak broke out, many residents would die.

"You can prepare in advance."

It would do them no harm to gain the gratitude of the residents of Wano.

If the Night Pirates did not take action, in order to prevent the spread of the plague, most of those lives and residents of Wano who developed symptoms of the plague would die, be manually destroyed, and buried.

"What about the signpost stone? Do you want Redyard to bring it back?"

"No need, it doesn't matter if you give this kind of thing to the World Government, but you can make a rubbing."

The historical text of Wano is the most critical one. If it falls into the hands of the World Government, there will be opportunities to use it to deal with the World Government in the future.

Whitebeard also has the historical text from Fish-Man Island, Tobentic. The remaining two pieces are in the hands of the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates. It only takes a little effort for Tic to get them.

It can be said that if Tikki wants to, he will soon become the Pirate King.

Unfortunately he didn't want to.

The news of the rat plague in Wano spread throughout the world in a short period of time. It was targeted at a giant like Wano. This news shocked the world.

The outbreak of rat infestation was too sudden and unreasonable.

For a time, all kinds of blame turned to the World Government. They believed that the rat plague was caused by the World Government.

After all, many people are aware of the conflict between the World Government and Wano, and Wano has openly opposed it. Even ordinary residents will understand something after understanding it.

The photos of the overrun rat population in Wano are frightening images.

Well-known zoologists have publicly stated that such mice exist in nature, but they have obvious traces of genetic modification. They do not exist in Wano and are alien species.

The rats were obviously stimulated by their violent behavior. This outbreak of rat infestation was definitely man-made.

The authoritative statement caused fierce opposition to the World Government around the world. Basically everyone believed that this was done by the World Government.

The World Government unilaterally denied such rumors because there was no evidence.

During this period, some news also popped up that the rat infestation may be caused by the Night Pirates, the Beast Pirates who have enmity with Wano Country, and even a certain mad scientist.

But not many people believe these news at all, so don’t treat people as fools.

The Night Pirates are not hostile to Wano, and the Beast Pirates have not sneaked into Wano and developed the ability to infest rats. The most likely possibility is the World Government.

A tacit understanding has been formed against the World Government. Once there is negative news about the World Government, it will quickly spread all over the world.

The World Government didn't care at all, pretending not to know anything and looking like it was being slandered.

The destruction and damage caused by the rodent outbreak is frightening, especially the picture of cultivated land being eaten clean, which is even more alarming.

The scene of a person being wrapped up and eaten by countless rats makes people want to vomit after watching it, and no one wants to bear it.

Those kingdoms were even more unwilling to see a rat infestation break out on their own territory.

This has caused a sharp decline in the influence of the World Government around the world.

Wano Country not only notified the Night Pirates, but also the Whitebeard Pirates, but the Night Pirates were a force capable of providing such a large amount of food.

In this critical moment, it is natural to resort to all available forces.

Faced with Kozuki Oden's request for help, how could Whitebeard remain indifferent? He took action immediately after the Night Pirates took action, collecting food and preparing to support Wano.

They even sent the team leader, Marco the Phoenix. Like the Night Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates had already anticipated the plague that might happen next.

Marco can bring a lot of help to Wano today.


Suddenly, the originally peaceful Wano Country turned into a hell on earth. Countless residents of Wano Country were devastated and their families were destroyed. The air was filled with a desolate atmosphere.

Baiwu Daimyo Shigetsuki Ieyasu was waiting at the port. He was under great pressure. Baiwu himself was in short supply of supplies, especially food, and the food he received had to be used to aid other places.

Even so, it's still far from enough.

It will take some time for the Whitebeard Pirates to provide material support. After all, they are separated by a long distance. Moreover, they cannot match the efficiency of collecting food compared to the Night Pirates.

Now, all they can do is wait for the help from the Night Pirates to arrive.

According to the news, it is almost here and two island warships will arrive early.

Those ships after that will arrive over the next two days.

The news that the Night Pirates will arrive has already spread, bringing some hope to the desperate people of Wano.

Prior to this, a group of people from the Kingdom of Wano had been sent out of the Kingdom of Wano and placed on islands in the sea around the Kingdom of Wano.

A large number of people of Wano are waiting to leave Wano and escape from this sea of ​​misery.


A black spot appeared in the sky, approaching quickly. Soon, a floating island appeared above everyone's heads, slowly descending, and finally arrived at the edge of Wuren Port, tens of meters above the ground.

"Welcome to you, thank you very much." Ieyasu Shigetsuki looked happy, looking at the flag of the Night Pirates flying on the island battleship, and clasped his fists at the leader, Wallace.

In order to prevent accidents, Teach is still very concerned about assistance.

An island battleship was sent to guard by a demon king. This time he sent Wallace and Garr respectively.

Of the two island battleships, one will land in Baiwu, and the other will land in Reihou. These two areas are the two gathering places for the population of Wano Country today.

Baiwu has 800,000 people, Linghou has 1.5 million people, and the remaining hundreds of thousands are gathered in other areas.

In the future, Wano residents from other areas will gradually be transferred to Bai Wu and Rei.

Although there are fewer people in Baiwu than Linghou, the pressure is greater. Linghou is less affected by the rat infestation and still has some production, but the pressure on food is greater, and she can persist for a short period of time.

Bai Wu was in a very chaotic situation, and Ieyasu Shigetsuki had no choice but to use violent methods to maintain order. People starved to death every day, and even faced attacks by rats.

Compared with Bai Wu in the past, it is like a sky and a place.

With the material support from the Night Pirates, his pressure can be much less.

"Well, pay attention to maintaining order. Supplies will continue to be transferred to the port, and people will be sent to the island. This island can carry almost 200,000 people. It is okay to squeeze in 250,000 people."

Wallace looked at Shigetsuki Ieyasu and reminded.

"Okay." Shigetsuki Ieyasu couldn't wait any longer.

It was even prepared long ago, and soon, under the order maintenance of the samurai, many women and children took the lead in landing on the island.

It is normal to protect women and children first. They have already learned about the possible outbreak of the plague from the Whitebeard Pirates.

Naturally, those with weaker health will be placed first.

Nowadays, they do not have the conditions to control the plague, so they can only save the seeds as much as possible.

Young men with strong bodies were more likely to survive the plague and last longer.

As for the old people, a large number of them have died from the rat infestation. The rest, for the sake of the survival of Wano Country, are temporarily unable to land on the island and can only wait in line.

Residents of Wano Country continued to land on the island. Someone on the island had prepared food and distributed it to them. Many people shed tears of excitement when they received the food.

At the same time, large amounts of food were shipped down from the island and placed in the port.

These are foods that can be eaten directly, packaged or canned.

If it is rice or noodles, it is likely to attract rats, and a large part of it will be wasted and eaten by rats.

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