While the frog seed usually walks on four legs, the frog seed can elevate its hind legs.

When it evolves into a frog grass, its seeds turn into a large bud, making it almost impossible to lift its hind legs.

“Yes, this is also a Pokémon from the Pokémon world, called Magic Frog Seed.” Mu Fan nodded.

“Sure enough, it’s so cute, let me hug.”

Tsunade also picked up the mysterious frog seed.

“Seed seed.” The Magic Frog Seed is also affectionately rubbing Tsunade.

“Hey, how come it has such a big onion on its back.”

Tsunade asked curiously.

“It is a symbiotic plant of the frog seed, which has grown with its body since birth.”

“Because of the seeds on the back of the seed, it can learn a lot of grass skills, whether it is spores or smells, petals or seeds, it can be released from the tip of the seed”

“The vine and the leaf come from the bottom of the seed, and after learning skills similar to parasitic seeds, vine whip, flying leaves, quick knife flower dance, storm energy, whipping seeds, machine guns, seed blasters, sweet gas poison powder, sleep powder, it can become a powerful attack type elf.”

“At the same time, because the seeds on its back can absorb sunlight, it can recover H by launching optical synthesis, and it can also emit solar flames.”

Mu Fan introduced and said.

“That’s how it is, it’s really magical.”

Tsunade didn’t understand everything Mu Fan said.

Photosynthesis, parasitic seeds, these things, Tsunade is not clear.

However, Tsunade also understood, because of this symbiotic seed, the Myo Frog Seed can learn a variety of abilities, and even use the ability of various plants.

Isn’t that a bit like Mu Duan?

Tsunade thought too.

Thinking of this, Tsunade was also a little surprised.

Mu Duan, but his grandfather’s unique ability, this little Pokémon, can really use similar abilities?

Probably not…

Tsunade also looked at the frog seed twice.

“Seed seed.” Hearing Mu Fan’s words, Miao Frog Seed also nodded obediently.

“Pickup Pickup!” (There’s a new partner.) )

Pikachu on Mu Fan’s shoulder also looked curiously at the little fire dragon in Tsunade’s arms, and Pika-Pickup called.

“Seed seed.” (Hello, I’m Magic Frog Seed.) )

The Frog Seed understood Pikachu’s words and responded.

“Pickup pickup.” (Hello, I’m Pikachu, nice to meet you.) )

“Seed seed.” (I’m also happy to meet.)

“Pickup pickup.” (Ah, I’ll take you to meet the Jeni Turtle and the Little Fire Dragon, they’re Pokémon just like us, and we’ll play together then.) )

Pikachu and Miao Frog Seed also came together and began to play.

“The magic frog seed is the same as the Jeni turtle, as you continue to cultivate, you can also comprehend a variety of skills, now, this magic frog seed should be able to whip.”

Mu Fan continued to introduce and said.

“Seed seed.” (Yes, yes. )

Hearing Mu Fan’s words, the Miao Frog Seed also used a vine whip.

Two slender whip-like vines stick out from the bottom of the seed behind the frog seed, and then wave like the arm of the frog seed.

“This is really ‘Mu Duan’.” Tsunade’s face showed a look of surprise: “Miao Frog Seed, you are really powerful. ”

“Seed seed.” (Thank you for the compliment, master, I will protect you later.) )

The Wonderful Frog Seed seemed to be a little embarrassed to be praised, and a shy look seemed to appear on his face.

“Hmm… This should not be considered a wooden dun, many grass Pokémon will have this skill. Mufana shook his head and said.

Well, it’s true that in the Pokémon world, the vine whip is not a special ability.

But in the Hokage World, this is probably a kind of Mu Duan.

“Of course I can see it.” Tsunade smiled and touched the Myo Frog seed: “But I’m going to the battlefield, I’m afraid it’s inconvenient to take the Myo Frog Seed, it’s better to temporarily reside the Myo Frog Seed with you.” ”

“Seed seed.” (No, master, do you dislike me?) )

“Seed seed.” (The Magic Frog Seed will work hard to grow and won’t hold you back.) )

“Seed seed.” (Just let the Magic Frog Seed follow you.) )

Myoji Frogseed understood Tsunade’s words, and a pitiful expression appeared on his face.

Tsunade was also a little unbearable.

“Well, if you can, Tsunade, you should bring the Magic Frog Seed over, it will only grow rapidly if it follows you.” Mu Fan also smiled and said.

“But it’s too dangerous.” Although Tsunade was a little unbearable, Tsunade was more worried about the safety of the Myofrog Seed than this.

On the battlefield, Tsunade can’t hold the Myo Frog Seed without being injured or even killed.

“Don’t be afraid, the Magic Frog Seed is a Pokémon, and when you go to battle, it will grow and even evolve rapidly. The seeds of the mysterious frogs that grow up will not even be weaker than the upper Shinobi. Mu Fan said.

“Haven’t the frog seeds grown up yet?” Tsunade retorted.

“Pokémon grow very quickly, especially if you follow the owner, it is estimated that it will not take long for it to grow to the extent that it can help you.”

Mu Fan touched the Miao Frog Seed and said, “You said yes, Miao Frog Seed.” ”

“Seed seed.” (Yes, yes, that’s it.) )

The Frog Seed nodded frantically.

“Okay, then I’ll take you to battle. But you have to be obedient, and be careful not to get hurt, otherwise, I will ask someone to send you back.” ”

Tsunade also knew that Myofrog Seed could understand his own words, and also said.

“Seed seed.” (Don’t worry, I’ll be obedient.) )

That is, the Miao frog seed will not walk on two feet, otherwise the Miao frog seed at this time must be patting his chest with both hands to make sure.

“So, apart from the Magic Frog Seed, what are the four things left?”

Now that he had made his decision, Tsunade didn’t continue to struggle and asked.

“These two cards are powerful, one is called the Yin Seal Change Card, and the other is called the Ninja Creation Regeneration Hundred Hao Art Card.”

Mu Fan picked up two cards and said.

“Yin Seal? It’s actually a Yin Seal! Tsunade’s face showed a look of surprise, obviously shocked.

You know, the Yin Seal is a very special sealing technique that only Grandma Mito can have, because it is very difficult to learn, it is listed as an S-class Shinobi.

Even the current Tsunade has not yet learned.

And this card is actually a Yin Seal card? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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