“One person can only buy one?” Hinata and Hiashi looked at each other, and some didn’t understand what Mufan meant.

After all, they all said that they would buy twenty lottery tickets, and if Mu Fan was really the kind of person who was greedy for money, he would have agreed.

And this can only buy one, what is the saying?

“Yes, each person can only buy one per day, and with each purchase, the price doubles.” Mu Fan nodded and said, “Do you still want it?” ”

Mu Fan can naturally see the mind of the good relationship between the sun foot and the day difference, but the rules set by the system cannot be changed.

“Then give each of us a lottery ticket.” Hiashi and Hinata looked at each other and said.

“Good.” Mu Fan nodded, took the money handed over by Hiashi and Hinata, and then gave the lottery ticket to the two.

“How do you use this lottery ticket?”

After taking the lottery ticket, he found that it was different from the sealing technique he imagined, and Hiashi also asked curiously.

“This is very simple, isn’t there a covering film on the lottery? Just scrape the covering film off. Mu Fan explained.

“Is that so?” Hiashi understood Mu Fan’s words, and also put his hand on the covering film and began to scrape it.

Soon, the covering film was scraped open, and the lottery flickered with dazzling light, and then gradually turned into golden light and scattered.

At the same time, five items appeared in front of Hiashi.

A suit in pitch black, a pump, a card, and two thousand books.

At the same time, the information of the five items appeared in Mu Fan’s mind.

Accepting the information transmitted by the system, Mu Fan’s face was also a little strange.

That suit of pitch-black is an item from the Invincible Lucky Star World (a movie of Star Zhou), called the rubber superman suit.

Actually a wetsuit.

But this is not an ordinary wetsuit, wearing a rubber superman suit, after inflating it, it can reduce the damage of all blunt object blows, and because of the elasticity of the clothes, the strength of the physical attack also has a bonus.

Of course, the resistance of this rubber superman suit also has a certain limit, and once that limit is exceeded, the suit will be damaged.

After all, this rubber superman suit can’t always withstand the attack of a shadow-level powerhouse, right?

Not to mention the shadow-level powerhouse, it may be enough to feel that the attack of special patience may be enough.

However, the attack of middle or lower patience should be able to withstand it.

Moreover, it cannot be a sharp attack, it must be a blunt blow.

After all, once this dress is pierced by a sharp attack, it will leak air and then become an ordinary clothing.

The pump is an ordinary pump, specially for this rubber superman to pump up.

That card, called the Taijiquan Sutra Xiao Youcheng Card, is a Taijiquan Sutra card from the Xiaoao World, and after learning it, you can master the Taijiquan Sutra of the Xiaoao World to the extent of small achievements.

“Taijiquan Sutra”, this exercise was created by Zhang Sanfeng, this exercise emphasizes overcoming rigidity with softness, four or two thousand catties.

The Taijiquan Sutra, a total of forty-two styles, but when it was transmitted to the Xiaoao world, only twenty-four styles remained.

Although it was transmitted to the era of the Xiaoao world, this martial arts secret book has been missing a lot, and its power has been greatly reduced, but it cannot be denied that this is a very good set of boxing techniques.

If Hiashi learns and combines with the unique white eyes of the Hinata clan, I am afraid that Hinata’s strength will increase greatly.

However, the Taijiquan Sutra is not so easy to cultivate, and the cards can only make the day a little successful.

And the cultivation speed of the Taijiquan Sutra is completely related to the understanding of the sun.

This is not a martial art that can be practiced quickly, and it may be that in the Naruto era, Hiashi may not be able to practice the Taijiquan Sutra to Dacheng.

As for the last two thousand books, they are ordinary thousand books.

Senbon is a dark weapon similar to silver needles, which has low lethality and difficulty in recognizing acupuncture, so not many people use it.

In the original work, only the white and red sand scorpions, and the unknown fire genma have been used.

Although the people of the Hyuga clan have white eyes and are good at recognizing caves, they have soft fists.

The Hyuga clan’s soft fist has a method that specifically matches the white eye, and it does not use a thousand books.

“This is…” Seeing the five items that suddenly appeared, Hiashi was also taken aback.

This lottery is not the same as the sealing technique, but it is similar to the sealing technique.

There is no need for troublesome sealing, just scrape off the covering film to be able to take out the things sealed inside.

“These things are all good things.” Mu Fan pointed to these five items and said.

“I want to hear about it.” Hiashi also nodded and said.

“This thing, it’s called Eraser Superman.” Mu Fan pointed to the rubber superman suit and said.

“Rubber Superman? This name is a bit weird…”

Hiashi also picked up the rubber superman suit and put it in his hand to watch.

Hearing this strange name, Hiashi had a bad premonition.

“That’s right, this dress is a rubber superman suit from the Invincible Lucky Star World.” Mu Fan nodded and said, “This dress is not simple. ”

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