Whitebeard’s words made Bista quite dumbfounded, and for a moment felt that what his father said could actually be said to be very reasonable, because the story of Goth Roa defeating Hawkeye Mihawk without injury was really a little too exaggerated to be true.

But considering that the headquarters of the Navy stands to reason that it is impossible to fool others with such fake news.

In other words, the authenticity of the news is absolutely very high!

Bista was suddenly a little shocked and inexplicable…

The man named “Goth Roya” …

Isn’t it a little too strong?

Bista muttered, and then… He nodded heavily, and said with a serious expression: “Dad, you are right! To beat this man, with my current strength, it is too reluctant, although I have not fought it, but the subconscious tells me the chance of winning… Definitely not more than five percent! ”

He touched the two famous knives on both sides of his waist, took a deep breath, and said, “Next, I will launch a series of devil training!” The affairs of the fifth team are temporarily handed over to the deputy captain. ”

Listening to this, Whitebeard smiled gratifyingly: “Goo la la la la, this is my Whitebeard son!!” ”

On the side, Marko asked in surprise: “Bista, do you really want to defeat that person so much?” ”

Bista nodded and replied: “Goth Roa, who defeated Hawkeye, is already the new world’s number one swordsman, in this world… No swordsman… I don’t want to compete with the world’s number one sword hao. ”

Marko didn’t understand a little, these swordsmen, did they have a string in their brains that was wrong?

But he doesn’t question his family.

Bista is not related to him by blood.

But both are now the sons of Whitebeard …

In a way, two people are family.

Shaking his head and shaking off the thoughts in his mind, Marko laughed, “In that case… As long as you are injured during the special training, you can call me directly, I promise that you will become lively in less than half a day. ”

The atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates is still very good, after all, the relationship between the big guys is very good.

It’s just that after the incident of “Blackbeard Tichy”.

The Whitebeard Pirates seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze.

Turning his head to look at the family members around him, Marko sighed softly in his heart.

I don’t know, Ace, that hairy brat…

Can you get that bastard Tiki back…

There is always a bad premonition!

Marko gritted his teeth, he was naturally very angry with Tichy’s behavior, for the sake of a devil fruit, he actually killed his family! Bastard, if you really want fruit so much, can’t you tell your daddy? With the character of a daddy, it will definitely be given!

Isaacchi’s character will definitely give up the Devil Fruit too! Outcome…… Tichy, that bastard, chose such a line of thought!

More extremely, even if Tiqi wants to become the Four Emperors, as long as he works hard to improve his strength.

As long as the strength and ability surpass him Marko, in the future, the Whitebeard Pirates, isn’t it yours?

For why Titch defected from the Whitebeard Pirates…

And also killed the captain of the fourth team, Saatchi…

Marko is still full of confusion.

He felt water in Tichy’s head.


In the Kingdom of Alabastan, in a secret base, Shah Klockdar frowned, suddenly grinned, and a look of interest flashed in his crocodile-like eyes.

“Goohahaha, that guy from Hawkeye actually lost to an old man from the old times…”

Klockdar tilted his head and said, “It’s really a little unexpected!” ”

Also one of the members of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai, Klockdar is very conceited…

But he also had to admit that Mihawk’s strength was strong!

That guy is as powerful as a monster…

If you really give His Majesty the Seven Wuhai and draw up a strength ranking… The others Klockdar were not convinced.

But only Hawkeye Mihawk, this man …

In the group of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai…

It can definitely be ranked first!

The first thing to say here is combat power!

Outcome…… Such a powerful man was actually defeated by Goethe Roya, and… Goth Roya, that guy, after defeating Hawkeye Mihawk, actually came unscathed!

This makes people think deeply, no one doubts that Hawkeye will release water, and Klockdar is no exception.

He didn’t think that a man like Hawkeye Mihawk would release water in a battle between swordsmen.

That is to say, Goethe Roya is more than everyone imagined…

More powerful, but also more terrifying!

“But… How awesome is it? Even if you are equal to that old thing with Whitebeard, or even more powerful than that old guy? Goohahahah, as long as I Klockdar finds the legendary ancient weapon Hades, then whether it is Goth Roya, or Whitebeard, or the Navy headquarters, or the World Government…”

The corners of Klockdar’s mouth rose upward, and endless ambition and ambition flashed in his crocodile-like dark eyes.

“At that time, I, Klockdar, will be a new generation of One Piece who is more powerful than One Piece Roger! Even, I want to stand above One Piece! Become an existence above One Piece! ”

Give up further improvement of your own strength, and instead go to find an ancient weapon Hades that has disappeared…

For many people, this is absolutely incomprehensible.

Klockdar’s strength has been stagnant for many years.

The reason is because he put all his energy into everything…

All on ancient weapons!

But for Klockdar, all this sacrifice was worth it!

Sacrificing strength for ancient weapons…

It’s worth it for him!

The power of ancient weapons…

It’s so addictive!

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