Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 107 Trade With Uchiha Madara! (The Fifth Update Asks For Subscription!)

Chapter 107: Trading with Uchiha Madara! (Fifth update, please subscribe!)

Saitama didn't stay at the Naval Headquarters for too long after all.

Perhaps Sengoku was worried that Saitama would accidentally encounter the Celestial Dragons and cause some disputes he didn't want, or maybe Saitama had stayed long enough as the Vice Admiral promotion ceremony had already taken place and his subordinates had been assigned...

In any case, Saitama set sail again with new orders.

But this time, the order was...

"To negotiate with Uchiha Madara and return the prisoners?" Saitama said in a dazed and cute manner.

"Yes," Sengoku nodded and glanced at Saitama. "Don't you know? Akainu Admiral..."

After a moment of silence, he ultimately didn't say those words.

Akainu Admiral had been captured by Uchiha Madara!

This was an indelible shame for the Marines!

But there was nothing they could do. Although the Marines were not afraid of sacrifice, they had a long history of not caring about the consequences. The strength of an Admiral level was not something that could be easily abandoned, let alone the fact that neither the Naval Headquarters nor the World Government could organize another team to attack Uchiha Madara in a short period of time.

There were hardly any Warlords willing to help. The previous World Destroyer Byrnndi Valdo incident had given them enough excuses.

And without the Warlords, it was extremely difficult for the Marines alone to besiege such a powerful opponent as Uchiha Madara.

"I want you to go and help bring back Akainu Admiral," Sengoku said in a low voice, sighing. "The world's forces of justice are dwindling, and we can't afford to lose Akainu."

Hmm, a reasonable reason.

After all, Saitama was one of the few in the Marines who hadn't fought against Uchiha Madara.

"Again, you want me to go and 'negotiate'?" Saitama said, his mouth twitching. "Sengoku, your tricky operations just keep coming one after another..."

Although Sengoku's reasons were very normal and flawless, how am I supposed to handle this kind of work?

I'm just an actor who has been practicing for a year and a half, skilled in pretending, deceiving, performing, and being cunning!

"Alright, I understand, I'll go right away," Saitama sighed softly.

The Marine's technology had always been quite good, and they had developed a non-mass-produced version of the seastone ship, which was specifically assigned to Saitama.

As a Marine Vice Admiral, he was entitled to such a high-quality ship!

At the same time, although he couldn't be promoted to Admiral because the quota was full, he had no problem receiving such a ship.

This high-quality ship not only meant the ability to traverse the Calm Belt with seastone, but also represented more firepower, larger tonnage, and faster speed...

As soon as Tashigi boarded the ship, she couldn't contain her excitement - this ship was much better than the previous one!

It was big and spacious!

Even the soldiers' dormitories were much larger!

On the other hand, Hina's expression was calm as she took over Tashigi's duties as the vice-captain and calmly commanded the soldiers to operate the ship, steadily moving forward.

As Zephyr's disciple, although Hina's position was not high, her knowledge as a Marine was quite extensive.

Arranging soldiers and organizing navigation were her basic abilities!

Well, it should have been Saitama's responsibility as the commanding officer, but...

Looking at Saitama's dumbfounded face as he looked at the scenery by the sea, Hina's mouth twitched, and she lightly hummed, going a bit overboard.

"Hmph, although you have the most basic sense of justice as a Marine and your strength is quite good, you are completely unfit to be an officer!"

"And there's the insubordination... Hmph!"

Although Hina apologized to Saitama after the meteorite incident, her apology was only for her attitude, not because she thought her initial accusation was wrong.

As a Marine, insubordination was not allowed under any circumstances!

Wait, hold on, it seems like I also disobeyed orders that day when the meteorite fell...

Hina's face was filled with a conflicted expression.

East Blue, Goa Kingdom.

Actually, it can no longer be called the Kingdom of Goa, because the king and nobles have completely disappeared.

But whether it's the residents here or the people of other countries, they are not used to changing their names for the time being. In addition, the revolutionary army is busy and doesn't bother to change the name of the country, so they continue to call it that for now.

"Did Marine attack again today?" Robin walked lightly and approached Uchiha Madara.

"No," Uchiha Madara calmly replied, "We haven't been attacked today."

Although Marine, including Sengoku, was repelled by Uchiha Madara, it doesn't mean that Marine has been inactive.

In fact, they have always been active!

Their action is the warships!

After Uchiha Madara repelled Sengoku and others, although they retreated to the Naval Headquarters, the blockade that once surrounded the entire Kingdom of Goa was not lifted.

Instead, it continued to surround the entire island!

Of course, the blockade was extensive, even utilizing some nearby reefs and Marine Bases.

Marine warships have always been patrolling, attempting to block the surrounding waters. Even the revolutionary army's ships can only sneak onto the island under the cover of darkness.

Marine not only maintains the blockade, but occasionally one or two ships come towards the Kingdom of Goa, approaching and directly firing, as if it were a Buster Call.

At most, there were five warships that came directly, not aiming, and fired near the maximum range.

Fortunately, Uchiha Madara's clones are distributed along all the coastlines, and whenever Marine approaches, he chooses to counterattack without hesitation.

Marine has suffered losses, but they persist in harassing, making people annoyed.

At the beginning, Robin was worried and even thought of the Buster Call she experienced in her childhood, fearing that Marine would bomb the entire Kingdom of Goa.

B... [(065507313033493531)]

Well, she got used to it.

"Marine still hasn't come?" Robin muttered to herself in surprise. "This is strange. Could it be that Marine is afraid to move forward because of the sacrifices?"

But soon, she shook her head.

Marine has sacrificed a lot, but this kind of sacrifice of warships and ordinary soldiers is not something that the wealthy Marine cares about.

They can easily pull out hundreds of warships and even more.

With the World Government, they can easily be replenished.

Robin even considered whether Marine intended to use these sacrifices to exhaust the only person they feared, Uchiha Madara...

"Is everything okay with the civilians?" Uchiha Madara calmly asked.

"No, 490," Robin shrugged. "Under our coordination, the supply of various goods is still sufficient, and the revolutionary ships that smuggle in are enough to meet the needs of the people for a short time."

"But there may be some trouble in the future. I don't know when this Marine blockade will be broken..."

Uchiha Madara nodded. He is only responsible for the battle, while the other matters are all entrusted to the revolutionary officers led by Nico Robin.

They do have some abilities. As far as he can observe, the living standards of the people have greatly improved, and there are more smiles, even under the current blockade.

Speaking of the blockade, Uchiha Madara squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

In fact, the Marine blockade can be broken, and Uchiha Madara has this ability.

But after discussing with Dragon and others, they unanimously decided not to break through the Marine blockade for the time being.

The World Government is not powerless. The Five Elders have not made a move yet, but no one believes they are incapable.

The goal of the revolution is grand, but the road is rough. It is not a good thing to take too much risk without sufficient strength.

Slowly boiling the frog in warm water is the simplest way.

First, turn the Kingdom of Goa into the most reliable base for the revolution, and then slowly develop and infiltrate...

"It seems that Marine won't come today," Robin observed the coast and came to a conclusion.

But shortly after she reached this conclusion, she suddenly saw a ship appearing in the distance.

"Huh... Marine?" Robin was stunned.

Uchiha Madara was also stunned and added in his heart.

"Is the main body here?"

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