Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 138 Kaido Returns! (The Fifth Update Asks For Subscription!)

Chapter 138: Kaido's Return! (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Next, it's time to slowly rule over the entire Wano Country.

In reality, Zaraki Kenpachi and the others only relied on a surprise attack to kill the leaders Kurozumi Orochi and the plague disaster Queen, and took control of the capital of Wano Country, Flower Capital.

But the general's rule is not limited to just the Flower Capital, there are also several other prosperous towns with soldiers deployed in various locations.

Kaido also has factories in various places, and likewise, many crew members.

At the same time, it should be noted that the general has been ruling over Wano Country for over a decade.

In these ten plus years, he has already gathered a group of samurais who have gained wealth and power through him, forming his foundation.

However, it is obvious that Kozuki Hiyori cannot gain the recognition of these people.

But at least these people are often the minority. The legacy left by the Kozuki clan has not completely faded, and there are even some places where the old retainers of the Kozuki still live.

These people, along with the general's oppressed commoners, form the foundation for Kozuki Hiyori.

That's right!

Kozuki Hiyori has now declared herself as the general of Wano Country, becoming one of the few female generals in Wano Country!

In reality, there is no other choice. The support of the Sakebi Maru is for the Kozuki, and the Kozuki now only has this bloodline.

Although Momonosuke is a male, he was sent twenty years into the future by his mother, so it will be several more years until Momonosuke and the others from the Kozuki Family appear.

Moreover, Sakebi Maru doesn't even know if their time travel was successful or not...

Making Kozuki Hiyori the general is also his wish!

Of course, there will definitely be some people who oppose Kozuki Hiyori's "female" identity, but at the moment, there is no need to worry about them.


When the samurais patrolling the Flower Capital passed by the ruins of the castle tower, admiration flashed in their eyes.

They instinctively paused, slightly bowed their heads, and then continued on.

Similar situations are happening not just here.

Around Kenpachi's "barracks".

The legendary forest where Zaraki Kenpachi and Kozuki Hiyori met.

A mountain seat that directly impacts the front of the farm...

"Kenpachi-dono is really strong...."

"Yes, look at the ground, such large cracks, I wonder how he made them."

"He truly lives up to his title as the 'demonic Kenpachi'..."

The warriors sighed, their eyes filled with excitement.

This unbelievably powerful existence is the object of their utmost admiration!

"I heard that Kenpachi-dono is going to form the Eleventh Division and become its captain!"

"Why the Eleventh Division... what about the previous divisions?"

"Don't worry about those small details, I've already decided to sign up for the assessment, what about you guys?"

"Me? Of course, I'm going too!"

Wanokuni worships power, worships the strong.

Kurozumi Orochi has been able to reign over Wanokuni for such a long time, it can also be said that his power has subdued the people.

Otherwise, if all the people rebelled, he wouldn't be able to maintain his rule.

However, Sakegamaru occasionally hears the words of those warriors and can't help but sigh inwardly, "Kenpachi's prestige seems to be a bit too great...."

On the day he led the team, the figure of this man was imprinted on almost every soldier who charged in.

Now, those soldiers have become his loyal supporters!

Sakegamaru even suspects that if Zaraki Kenpachi wanted to rebel, there would immediately be a large number of warriors following him.

There's no way around it, Wanokuni's obsession with the strong is too severe.

As long as you're strong enough, you can attract enough support!

Moreover, Zaraki Kenpachi indeed has a unique charm...

Of course, in addition to the rumors about Zaraki Kenpachi's strength, there are also some romantic rumors.

"I heard that our new general has fallen in love at first sight with the demon god Kenpachi?"

"No no no, I heard that Kenpachi was captivated by the general, so he drew his sword to protect the general and slayed the giant snake!"

"I heard that after the battle between Kenpachi and Kurozumi Orochi, Kenpachi fell into a coma for three days and three nights, and the general took care of him without even taking off her clothes..."

"Idiot, it was clearly the demon god Kenpachi who easily killed Kurozumi Orochi with one sword! And he got the girl!"

Although most of these are made up, these things spread the fastest.

Of course, whether there are any secret methods among the Kozuki retainers... no one knows.

There are still Kaido's crew members and the general's forces in various parts of Wano Country, and the new general needs to eliminate them little by little.

Fortunately, Wano Country's naturally harsh environment and its geographical feature of having only one absolutely safe entrance and exit allow Kozuki Hiyori to slowly close the door and deal with the enemies.

Zaraki Kenpachi is not polite either. Although he has defeated the strongest people, there are still a few who can truly fight him.

Sakazuki sits in the Flower Capital, blocking the entrance and exit, and he, along with Kozuki Hiyori and some samurai, hunts down Kaido's crew members nationwide.

While killing, they can also bring back the former retainers who were once loyal to the Kozuki family.

For example, there is Yokozuna Kawamatsu, who became thin and weak due to giving all the food to Kozuki Hiyori, causing her to feel sorry for him and secretly escape to wander. He was discovered by Kurozumi Orochi and imprisoned in the prisoners' quarry.

This time, Zaraki Kenpachi led the army to liberate the entire country and rescued him.

There are many similar existences, such as the swordsmith Tengu Yama Fei Che, who hides in the mountains, and Tsuru, the unmarried fiancée of the Jinbei Gate...

However, while Wano Country can block the entrance and exit, it cannot block the Den Den Mushi...

New World, Marine G1 Branch.

A rugged-looking ship is about to sail past!

And standing at the forefront of the ship is a tall man!

He bears scars all over his body, has two ivory-like long horns on his head, and long black hair...

Kaido, the Governor-General of the Beasts Pirates, known as the "strongest creature on land, sea, and air"!

The crew members beside him twitched at the corners of their mouths, but they didn't know what to say.

Their captain is about to do something reckless again.

Kaido's interest is in suicide. He likes to run around the world alone to commit suicide, sometimes without even bringing his subordinates, directly challenging the Marines.

He has endured more than a thousand severe tortures. He has been sentenced to death 40 times, but even when subjected to hanging, he can break the chains, and even when taken to the guillotine, he can shatter the blade.

Even when faced with a long spear, it ends with the spear breaking (like the case of King Zhao's spear breaking).

In other words, no one can kill him, including himself!

This time, his target is the Marine G1 Branch!

The G1 Branch is the place that will later be relocated by Akainu to become the Naval Headquarters. It is also the only Marine Base in the New World, backed by the Red Line, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and can quickly receive support from Marine experts.

This time, this place has become his new place for suicide.

The crew members have helpless expressions, but they can't say anything.

Their governor-general will not listen to their advice.


The Den Den Mushi rang, and Kaido picked it up.

Then... he read.

His expression instantly twisted.


He turned around abruptly. "Set sail! Return to Wano!"

Kaido's eyes flickered with burning anger.

"I want to see who dares to provoke me like this!"

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