Pirate: Role-Playing System

Chapter 144 Advance To The Four Emperors! (The Fourth Update Asks For Subscription!)

Chapter 144: Advancing Towards the Four Emperors! (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

"Four Emperors?" Gilgamesh looked at the newspaper, his eyebrows furrowing with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Ignoring me, daring to call themselves emperors?!"

Emperor, king, they are similar titles.

In some places, "emperor" is even more prestigious than "king"!

This is an offense!

The surrounding pirates were taken aback and exchanged glances.

The title of Four Emperors has long been recognized and hasn't changed for a long time.

Even before Kaido and the other Four Emperors came into power, the title of Four Emperors already existed.

However, you are angry now.

Shiryu's mouth twitched as he tried to say, "My lord, have you never heard of the Four Emperors before?"

"What, are they famous?" Gilgamesh coldly retorted.

Shiryu's lips moved, "No, it's nothing."

A hint of understanding flashed in the eyes of the others - so our lord doesn't know about the Four Emperors!

No wonder.

I felt something was off. After obtaining Dressrosa, our lord has been quiet for a long time, showing no intention of taking down the Four Emperors...

Now it seems that he simply doesn't know about the existence of the Four Emperors!


For a moment, everyone didn't know what to say.

Our lord doesn't even know about the Four Emperors...

"Prepare the ships!" Gilgamesh said coldly. "I want to see who these rats are that dare to call themselves emperors in front of me!"

"My lord, who is our target?" a subordinate curiously asked.

"Everyone! Let's start with that guy named Kaido!"

Gilgamesh gave the order in a cold voice and then turned and left.

Afterwards, everyone exchanged glances and burst into cheers!

A battle!

A long-awaited battle!

Shiryu touched his sword, and Vasco Shot let out a hearty laugh, excitement evident on their faces.

The eyes of the others also shimmered with excitement.

They are not unaware of the existence of the Four Emperors, nor are they unaware of their strength.

But this is the kind of opponent that these guys need!

And peaceful days...

Are not suitable for them!

"This is interesting!" Shiryu's eyes flickered with a fierce light. "A man like this is worth following!"

Then, everyone started to move!

During this long period of time, Gilgamesh had already permeated his prestige into every corner of Dressrosa.

Perhaps there are still some who are loyal to the Riku royal family, but even they would never disobey Gilgamesh's orders.

The entire country immediately sprang into action.

Supplies, ammunition, and powerful experts all gathered towards the ships, preparing to set sail!

"Finally, it has come to this!" Gilgamesh's clone sighed softly.

Actually, this operation was just an accident.

It really was just an accident.

Gilgamesh's clone happened to pass by where his subordinates were talking and happened to overhear their conversation.

If it were just that, he could have pretended not to hear and walked away.

But Gilgamesh's clone keenly noticed that one of his subordinates had spotted his presence.


There was no choice but to make a decision!

Just like how Saitama never allows evil to go unpunished, even if the opponent is a Celestial Dragon.

In Gilgamesh's character design, he also has his own principles!

When he heard the name Four Emperors, shouldn't he eliminate them?


They must be eliminated!

"So we can only act according to the plan left by the original body," Gilgamesh's clone sighed softly.

Zhao Xu had long been aware of the weaknesses of several character templates and had already made plans.

If nothing unexpected happened, these arrangements would not need to be considered.

But once a situation like the current one occurred, a choice had to be made—to go after the Four Emperors!

"Fortunately, the management of Dressrosa is almost complete, construction in various places is basically finished, and even schools have started enrolling... Otherwise, it would be a bit troublesome for me to leave," Gilgamesh's clone thought to himself.

In fact, the focus of Dressrosa is actually on the school that no one pays attention to!

...Flowers please...

That's right, there is also a student named Ito Makoto in this school!

Zhao Xu accidentally discovered that it is impossible for two world-renowned figures like Gilgamesh and Saitama to exist in the same world.

But that doesn't mean ordinary templates can't coexist!

Although Ito Makoto's name doesn't quite fit the standard naming conventions for pirates, the Ito Makoto in a school in Dressrosa and the Ito Makoto in a school in Goa Kingdom...

Who would pay attention to them?

If enough time passed, Zhao Xu might consider quietly modifying the student records, altering the memories of the teachers, and then adding ten more Ito Makotos in the next batch of students!

After all, this ordinary existence doesn't need fame and won't attract too much attention...


If everything goes smoothly, in the future, Zaraki Kenpachi will also arrange a school in Wano Country and insert an Ito Makoto there—It would be even better to hide Ito Makoto on this side of Wano Country, where he won't arouse suspicion at all.

Of course, famous figures like Gilgamesh and Saitama would never approach a school and give "Ito Makoto" the opportunity to interact with them.

Interacting with such celebrities would easily bring Ito Makoto into the spotlight, making it difficult to hide.

"It's better to disappear one clone first and inform the original body..." Gilgamesh's clone thought to himself, "In this situation, the original body needs to take control."

Wano Country.

"Hmm?" Zaraki Kenpachi paused, squinting his eyes.

Is Gilgamesh going to make a move against the Four Emperors...?

Gilgamesh's template is strong, but it's almost impossible for a clone that can only use a fraction of Zhao Xu's abilities to take down the Four Emperors.

It seems like he can't stay here for too long...

However, Zaraki Kenpachi's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't even have the intention to separate and go to the bathroom to create a clone.

Wano Country still needs Zhao Xu to continue playing his role for a while!

Because... today is the day the 11th Division of the Gotei 13 is established!

After a long period of time, Wano Country has finally selected the members to join the 11th Division!


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