Pirate Sequence: Start with Outlaws

Chapter 94 Desperate Escape

Luen heard Hill's fear from his slightly trembling voice.

But no wonder Hill.

This guy comes from the Beloberg mage family and knows more about the existence of Sequence 6 and the "story" behind it than he does.

The horror of a character that can make Hill appear scared can be imagined.

From the hive at the rear of the Plague Queen, poisonous bees gradually crawled out one by one, in alarming numbers.

The sky was full of poisonous bees, tightly surrounding everyone.

They are all Sequence 8 egg-laying poisonous wasps.

Even Lu En couldn't help but feel a little numb when he saw the scene in front of him.

But that's not all.

The second and third queen bees appeared quietly.

The poisonous bees in the sky even formed a formation.

The yellow-green mucus dripping from their bodies soon changed the color of the entire sea.

"Captain, these guys are not easy to deal with." Little Carter escorted Lu En, "But they don't seem to have any intention of attacking us."

"He wants to trap us here." Lu En saw the intention of these swarms at a glance.

The current bee swarm is like a huge cage, trapping everyone inside, unable to move forward or retreat.

Just waiting for the final "judgment".

Lu En narrowed his eyes, "Kill! We can't sit still and wait for death!"

At this moment, "Judge" Vadim was riding on the back of a "Black Bee", heading quickly towards the sea area where Rune was.

There was uncontrollable excitement on his face!

When he first arrived at Hongwan, he felt slightly disappointed.

The Bonefish Box is no longer in the sea and has just been stolen!

To this end, he sent out all the poisonous bees to pursue and intercept them.

Now the bugs in front have surrounded the thief, waiting for him to go.

Once there, the Bone Fish Box is at hand. After obtaining the secret of alchemy, you may be able to take a further step towards Sequence 5.

But that’s not the real reason for his excitement!

The most exciting thing in his heart at the moment was that he seemed to smell a hint of the "Source of the World" among the previous group of people.

The origin of the world is recorded in the materials of the Fruit Fly Cult.

The promotion sequence of extraordinary people is nothing more than fulfilling their destiny.

On the road of destiny, whoever goes further and accumulates more will be more extraordinary.

The source of the world is something that can directly help extraordinary people to greatly improve their lives.

Ordinary extraordinary beings can only detect its clues unless they have entered some mysterious state or have practiced extremely special abilities.

It just so happened that Vadim, who controlled poisonous insects and even transformed his body into a hive, was able to detect the existence of the source of the world through the "mutated tentacles" that he accidentally cultivated.

If Vadim could get that bit of the Source of the World, he would save a thousand times more time and become stronger!

The black bee flapped its wings at its fastest speed, leaving an afterimage on the sea.

Vadim's figure became a little blurry. Looking at Rune and others surrounded by bees in front of him, his eyes became bright and he couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"I don't know what the source of the world will be."

"A strange object? Or the remains of some demon god?"

Rune is currently fighting with poisonous bees!

All the navy soldiers never stopped working.

But the reproductive ability of the queen bee is too abnormal, and the speed at which they kill her is completely inferior to the speed at which the queen bee can give birth to heirs.

Little Carter's "Prayer Stone Thunder" has also been used before, knocking down a swarm of poisonous bees and seriously injuring a queen bee.

Combined with the flapping of the bone fish armor, he finally managed to break out of the swarm.

But the swarm was still hot on his heels.

Rune fired two shots, knocking down two egg-laying poisonous wasps, and immediately frowned.

He heard the sound of flying in the distance with an obviously different frequency.

That voice is getting closer and closer

At the same time, a huge sense of oppression coming from the difference in spiritual values ​​fell in my heart.

This has never happened before.

Even when Lu En faced those spirits, he had never felt such a clear and direct sense of oppression.

It's like a tiny human being standing under a thousand-meter-high mountain, looking up and unable to see the mountain peak.

Lu En knew without too much guessing that the bishop had already caught up, right behind everyone!

The bee swarms also sensed their master's aura, became particularly active, and pursued them a little faster.

Above the sea, Lu En and his party were chased by a swarm of bees.

The simple lifeboat swayed slightly at extremely fast speeds and was about to capsize.

The soldiers' strength had been exhausted long ago, and they only relied on the desire to survive to wave their weapons.

Those inferior weapons had long been worn out.

They had already reached the limit of their physical strength.

But no one dared to stop.

Even if Rune and Hill didn't say it, these soldiers could feel it.

There was a terrifying existence staring at them from behind.

To stop is to die!

Can't stop!

Under Rune's urging, the bone fish armor became faster.

The speed of the lifeboat is now only slightly slower than that of the Black Bee.

For a moment, the crowd and Vadim actually maintained a delicate balance.

But as time goes by, the distance between them is still getting closer.

Two hours later, the lifeboat was almost sailing out of the limits of Rainbow Bay, and the distance between Vadim behind them and them was less than 500 meters.

Almost within a stone's throw.


Vadim gave the order with a smile on his face.

The swarm in the sky immediately accelerated, and at the same time, clusters of insect eggs fell from the sky.

Some fell on the sea, and some fell on the soldiers.

These insect eggs quickly hatched, and then drilled into all the living organisms around them that could live!

Fortunately, the soldiers still had the alchemical armor that Rune had constructed earlier, which saved most of the soldiers.

However, there were also some unlucky soldiers, and the insect eggs fell into the small gap between their mouths and noses, and the whole person became a hotbed for the insects to hatch.

For these soldiers, Rune had no mercy and could only quickly end their lives and give them a quick death.

Most of the insect eggs that fell into the sea sank in it.

A very small part found the fish swimming in the sea.

A mutant fish with wings flew up from both sides of the lifeboat and attacked the lifeboat.

The corrosive venom was sprayed onto the lifeboat, and all the airbags of the lifeboat exploded at once, and it was about to sink into the sea.

Everyone fell into the water, and the escape plan came to an abrupt end.

"Bonefish Armor, take everyone with you, don't worry about that!"

At this time, Rune had to use the last plan.

Let the bonefish armor take everyone forward.

At this moment, this choice was just a last resort.

The bonefish armor was covered with bone spurs all over its body.

The creatures hit by the bone spurs will have many negative states, including bleeding and disability.

Even if it can control the large bone spurs not to pierce these soldiers, the small bone spurs on its body are destined not to be something that ordinary soldiers can touch.

Except for Rune, Hill, Little Carter, and Lisa, who are above the extraordinary people of sequence 8, other soldiers of sequence 9 and below will suffer from the torture of bone spurs even if they can be taken away by the bonefish armor.

The alchemical armor that Rune made casually can't protect them for long.

This is also a bad plan.

But it's better than dying here now!

After riding on the bone fish armor, without the restriction of the lifeboat, the speed was obviously much faster!

A tug-of-war unfolded on the sea.

For Bishop Vadim, this was a cat-and-mouse game.

For Rune and others, this was a life-and-death escape!

"In another half an hour, we will be able to reach Red Shark Island." Rune secretly estimated the corresponding itinerary in his heart.

It took more than three hours to get from Red Shark Island to Rainbow Bay on a warship. Now it is not too difficult to calculate the time for the return trip.

However, Rune was still a little worried. Even if he arrived at Red Shark Island, would there be a force to compete with Vadim?

After all, there was only one lieutenant colonel there!

"Can't go there." Rune made a decision immediately.

After all, the combat power of Red Shark Island was too weak. If he fled there, he would not be able to divert the disaster except for the death of more people!

When necessary, Rune had no mercy and could sacrifice others to save himself.

But it was unnecessary sacrifice. Forget it.

"Bonefish Armor, turn around!"

According to Rune's words, Bonefish Armor immediately adjusted its direction slightly and bypassed the range of Red Shark Island.

Behind him, Vadim was chasing closely.

When he found that he could not get close to Rune, he became a little anxious.

The Beloberg Navy has tightened its defense range, so there are not many Beloberg Navy in this sea area, at most some spies.

But if Rune and others run forward again, it will attract the attention of the Beloberg people.

He cast his eyes on the Bonefish Armor under Rune and others, and he had already made some calculations in his mind.

It's all because of those beasts of the Hydra Church who didn't take his words seriously at all, allowing the other party to get the Bonefish Box first.

If I had done it earlier, there wouldn't be so many troubles!

Damn it!

Vadim immediately opened his palm, and his right palm was like a honeycomb.

A uniquely shaped poisonous bee tail stinger was taken out of his palm.

He gently stroked the black bee on his body, "Although it takes a lot of time to cultivate a black bee, now is not the time to hesitate!"

The tail stinger slowly pierced into the body of the black bee, and it trembled obviously.

Then it seemed to be injected with some stimulants, and its speed suddenly increased!

Not only it, but also the surrounding bee swarms, the speed was faster!

The distance between him and Rune was shortened again.

At this time, Rune and others had completely entered the attack range of the bee swarm.

The stinger, venom, and white eggs.

Almost covered them.

"Captain Xiao Gududu."

Before Little Carter shouted the word "heart", the bone fish armor dived deep into the water, leaving only a series of bubbles.

Under water, the bone fish armor was faster.

After avoiding the attack, it surfaced again, and had already distanced itself from the bee swarm behind it.

And after chasing for a distance, those bee swarms seemed to be overdrawn or exhausted, and they fell down in groups and died.

At the same time, the queen bee continued to breed new bee swarms.

"This thing is too scary."

Looking at the swarm of bees behind him, Rune could fully imagine that they could slaughter a village or occupy an area in a blink of an eye.

And this is not the full power of the bishop behind him.

Faced with such an enemy, you can only flee.

Only flee!

Another two hours passed, and the sky became slightly brighter.

The chase isn't over yet.

At this moment, of the navy soldiers on the back of the bone fish, only a dozen or so were dying.

Vadim behind him was completely worried!

The second black bee appears, faster!

At the same time, several heart-like objects appeared in his hands and were thrown violently.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the water in front of Lu En and others turned into dark green.

In front of Lu En, relevant information suddenly appeared: [Seawater: Plague]

All these seawaters are polluted!

All the red sharks inside were quickly corroded, green and black spots appeared on their bodies, and then died.

Even the Plague Sea Shark was unable to withstand the power of these plagues. It became manic and died suddenly after struggling.

The water in these areas suddenly became a place of death.


The bone fish armor quickly changed direction and swam towards the other side.

And this also gives Vadim a perfect opportunity to close the distance!

The backs of Lu En and others were clearly visible in his eyes, and the next moment, the distance between them was no more than a hundred meters.

The eyes of Vadim and Luen met for the first time.

The killing intent in each other's eyes was clearly visible.

One hundred meters, already within Vadim's attack range.

He patted the black bee beneath him.

The next moment, the frequency of the black bee's wings suddenly changed.

Suddenly disappeared from Lu En's sight.

It appeared again and had reached the top of Rune's head!

Little Carter reacted first, threw a dagger, and cut off one of the black bee's front legs.


Rune also pulled the trigger, and Destiny opened fire without hesitation.

The bullet hit the black bee and directly penetrated the black bee's wing.

But at the same time, two flying venomous thorns, one pierced Luen's chest and the other pierced Luen's arm!

The poisonous sting on the chest was blocked by the scales of the white snake, but the poisonous sting on the hand passed through the body.

The right half of Rune's body turned green in an instant, and slowly spread towards his head and chest.

Only then did Hill activate the lightning in his hand and strike at the black bee.

The black bee flapped its wings and disappeared a hundred meters away.

"Captain! What's wrong with you!" Little Carter looked at Lu En, anxious.

The healing scroll in his hand was torn into pieces, but it had no effect.

"Let me do it!" Hill immediately rubbed a purification magic in his hand, but it could only temporarily delay the green venom on Rune's body.

"Don't worry, stay away from me first. I'm fine for now." Lu En glanced at his panel.

On the status bar is [Zombie Plague: Infection].

The parts infected by the plague become visibly stiff and numb, making it impossible to move.

Lu En immediately understood in his heart that that guy wanted to capture him alive!

Vadim looked at the people of Rune from a distance with a weird expression.

This group of Sequence 7.8s still has something, at least it is a little stronger than I expected.

A little girl with extremely quick reactions can see through the "rapid movement" of the black bee and counterattack immediately.

An alchemist with good physical strength was able to hold his own for the time being after being hit by his own poisonous sting.

There was also a mage who looked average, but at least I saw five spell attacks with different attributes in his hands, and he was proficient in various auxiliary magics.

However, being strong is not enough.

He just gave a tentative attack, but the opponent couldn't support it.

Then do it again!

The wings of the black bee vibrate again!

Little Carter keenly caught this and took action with the black knife in his hand in advance.

Rune and Hill were no exception and immediately attacked in advance.

But the figure of Vadim did not appear in his imagination.

When their attacks failed and they were between attacks, Vadim's figure appeared.

This time it’s ten poisonous stings!

There was a weird smile on Vadim's face.

"You're too young and you can cheat by just fluttering your wings. It's time for the game to end."

Ten poisonous stingers fell, and little Carter dodged and turned into a black shadow to quickly dodge.

Hill chanted a spell quickly, and formed two or three defensive shields towards everyone.

Rune just glanced at it and realized that these shields were completely unable to withstand the sting.

He sighed, grabbed Hill with one of his movable arms, and then stood in front!

One person blocked the stinger!

Then, before the sting had taken effect, he shot himself in the head!

"Lieutenant Colonel!" Hill's eyes were splitting with anger.

In his hand, a piece of purple lightning took shape and struck towards Vadim.

However, they only forced the opponent back and failed to gain any benefit.

Hill's eyes filled with tears at this time, and his heart was filled with self-blame and sadness.

But Lu En's figure quickly took shape in front of him.

He was stunned.

Little Carter stood next to Lu En and shook his head.

She had certainly seen Rune's resurrection ability before, more than once.

But she was also trying her best to consider Lu En's safety.

After all, it doesn’t take a fool to know what price must be paid to be resurrected.

In the distance, Vadim raised his eyebrows with even greater interest.

"Is it some kind of surrogate prop? Or maybe it has a lot of resurrection ability cards."

"But it's no use!"

The black bee flaps its wings again!

Before Lu En and the others could speak, they felt wary again.

This time, the black bee didn't come.

It's really a complete disaster.

But there is nothing they can do!

This is the crushing sequence!

It was also the first time that Rune had a real life-and-death battle with Sequence 6, a Sequence Transcendent with a huge gap.

He also discovered that whether it was spirituality, means, or combat experience, he was too far behind!

If you fight against this kind of enemy, even if you can be resurrected a hundred or a thousand times, you will only be beaten to death.

There is still a long way to go.

Sequence 6?

Rune looked at Vadim, with endless fighting intent in his eyes.

I'll deal with you when I've grown up a bit, and come back next time.

As for this time, not far away, the lights of several ships broke through the darkness of the night.

Vadim also discovered this and felt a little regretful.

It really made these boys wait for the response, but the ship was still five or six hundred meters away, so if we took the risk.

The other party has a lot of secrets, not only the alchemy related to his needs, but also the precious props for death, not to mention the aura of the source of the world floating in front of him!

The black bee flapped its wings, this time it was a real attack!

A large number of stamen-like tentacles and stingers sprouted from his body, covering Lu En and others below.

It was like a blooming flower that wanted to swallow them all up.

At this moment, spiritual turbulence surged in the air, and strong winds blew!

Vadim's arms, shoulders, and the lower half of his body, along with the black bee sitting beneath him, turned into scum in an instant.

His expression became extremely panicked, and a yellow, beeswax-like substance surged out of his body and quickly repaired the wound.

Another black bee immediately appeared at his feet, and then fled quickly!

Behind him, another strong wind blew by!

Vadim was chased by the strong wind, and in a flash, he was hit again by the strong wind, and hurriedly ran away and disappeared.

Two attacks severely injured the Sequence 6 bishop!

Little Carter and Lysa were both extremely surprised!

They looked at the ship not far away, wondering who was here.

However, Lu En and Hill already knew the identity of the visitor.

Among the Belobergs, he is the only one who controls the "wind" attribute to this extent.

A tall figure jumped from the ship and landed lightly on the back of the bone fish.

He was wearing a white navy uniform and had a cold face.

"Major General Ores!"

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