Pirate Steel Frame

Chapter 138 Doctor Trafalgar (please subscribe~)

Under the influence of Villian's words and title bonuses, the elite sailors of the G-3 branch finally chose to follow the justice in their hearts. They decided to trust Commodore Villian and decided to help this miserable country.

Villian's fame and the morale boost brought by the title made these sailors instinctively more willing to believe in his judgment.

Although Colonel Burjan had a lot of questions, he also respected Villian, and it was his duty to ask questions.

The title of Villian has no intellectual effect. Everyone respects him and is inspired by him, just because everyone has a heart of justice and is also angry about this incident.

But they also have their own thoughts. It is impossible for Villian to be shocked, and then the sea soldiers will "rebel" with him.

It is undeniable that most of the time those who oppose the "world government" will end up miserable. This is a deep-rooted impression in the hearts of the general public, and it is normal for sailors to hesitate because of this.

"Where's the royal family of Frevans?"

Tina stood beside Villian with a serious expression on her face. This matter is very important. They want to help the people of Frevans, not the royal family of Frevans.

"If I'm not wrong, I should have left this country long ago."

Villian remembered that when the Kingdom of Frevans was massacred by a neighboring country a year later, the royal family of Frevans was not in the kingdom.

They have already made a lot of money by cooperating with the "Tianlong people". Seeing that the Kingdom of Frevans is completely hopeless, the king's family ran away without hesitation. The kingdom should be in a state of disarray. state of confusion.

After all, the original government was a feudal dynastic ruling structure centered on the Frevans royal family, and once the Frevans royal family as the ruling center ran away, it is estimated that the government structure would directly fall apart and collapse.

"If there is no government, how can we rule ordinary people?"

Tina is a little troubled. If the royal family of Frevans is there, she will feel conflicted in her heart, but if the royal family of Frevans is not there, will the country still be able to operate effectively? Who should they contact?

"If no leader can be found here, then we will take over here directly as a navy."

What Villian said was concise and to the point, at worst, it would be directly controlled by the military. It would be more convenient without the royal family of Frevans.

Although the number of elite sailors under his command is not too large, there are only more than a thousand soldiers, the strength of a regiment, but the advantage is that they are all veterans of many battles.

If there is a real battle, this ship of sailors will definitely be able to exert a strong combat effectiveness. It is no problem to have one sailor equal to five ordinary sailors. It is enough to defend the small kingdom of Frevans from invasion.

And once the problem here is resolved, it will not be that simple for the Frevans royal family to come back.

Villian will not allow those guys to regain power, and I believe ordinary people in Frevans will not be willing either.

At that time, if they really dare to come back, they must be prepared to face death. This is the real hatred of "subjugation of the country and species", and the people of Frevans will not forget it easily.

"Colonel Burjan, take your brothers and set off."

Villian greeted Colonel Burjan, who nodded, and followed Villian with the elite navy.

Except for leaving some sailors to guard the battleship and provide fire support when necessary, all the sailors were dispatched.

With a large army, Villian went straight to the capital of Frevans.

The entire "Kingdom of Frevans" is not large, and it is still a coastal country, so after disembarking at the coastal port, Villian and the others quickly reached their destination.

And things turned out as Villian had imagined. The entire Frevans kingdom had completely lost effective management and fell into chaos. It was all supported by some people who still had hope, and most of them were confused and lost their way. .

Facing the powerful intruding naval forces, most of the people in Frevans did not respond. Many people have been completely ruined and lost hope in this world.

In fact, this is normal, so what if the navy comes? They can't be saved anyway, their disease is incurable, and most people have already realized this.

Even, many people are still wary of the arrival of the navy.

What are these outlanders, these people from the "World Government", coming to Frevans? What ulterior purpose?

Walking on the streets of the capital, Villian had to admit that the scenery here was pretty good. Frevans was called the "Ice and Snow Fairy Tale Kingdom". The scene here can indeed bring people a sensory shock.

Of course, those human beings with snow-white hair and stiff skin, those human beings with slack eyes and walking corpses on the street can bring more sensory shock to people.

However, in fact, not all the Frevans have suffered from "Perbone Disease", and there are still some normal-looking humans, but they are not in better condition than others, because they also have "Perbone Toxin" lurking in their bodies. "It's only a matter of time before the onset of "Po lead disease".

"We should cheer up. There is no complete despair in the world. The light of salvation full of compassion will surely come to us. Poison disease is not the end of everything. We will definitely have a bright future."

On the street, a woman dressed as a nun is preaching, spreading hope, but not many people pay attention to her. After all, in the face of constant death, the light of salvation that has never come is meaningless.


The sailors were silent all the way. The atmosphere in this city made them feel very depressed. They had seen too much despair, but the desperate atmosphere in Frevans still made people feel tense.

"Brigadier General Villian, where are we going?"

Colonel Burjan asked Villian, he thought that after they entered the city, they would immediately gather the Frefans in the city and then announce their plan to those Frefans, but Brigadier General Villian didn't seem to think so .

"It is impossible for us to guard them here all the time, so what we have to do is to let their neighbors understand that the Pb disease is not an infectious disease, and no matter what pain the Frefans suffer, it will not hinder them .”

Villian opened his mouth to explain, he could see very clearly that it was impossible for them to guard here until they found the "fruit of surgery", and X Drake's father, Dies Barreiros, probably hadn't found it yet. "Surgery fruit", even if you go directly to that guy, it's useless.

Finding the "fruit of surgery" will take time, so it's better to start with the most immediate crisis at Frevans.

And the best way to solve the crisis of Frevans being massacred and exterminated is to let the neighboring countries of the Frevans Kingdom understand that "Perbone Disease" will not be "transmitted from person to person", it is a genetic disease, and isolation Yes, but there is no need for mass murder.

In fact, to a certain extent, Villian can understand the fear of Frevans' neighboring countries. If this disease is contagious, everyone will be afraid of it, just like the raccoon city of the zombie tide. Drop a few nukes?

So it's not the neighbors of Frevans that are the problem, it's the guys who spread the "Perb lead disease" as a contagious disease.

"I see."

Hearing Villian's explanation, Colonel Burjan suddenly realized.

At first, he thought that they wanted to frighten those who dared to invade, so that those Xiao Xiaoxiao would not dare to go one step further. This can be said to be a standard thinking of a navy veteran.

Villian led the people to the hospital in the capital, which is still in operation, because the doctors in the hospital are a very responsible couple, although they can't cure the "Perb lead disease", even they themselves suffer from it. "Po lead disease", but they are still trying their best to take care of the patients.

"You wait outside. I'll go in and talk to the doctor to see if I can get them to cooperate with our work."

Villian said to Colonel Bouryan, who nodded and accepted the order, and then Villian took Tina into the hospital.

This hospital is not too small, but there are not many medical staff who are still working hard in the hospital. The two went straight into the relatively spacious hall of the hospital.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Seeing Villian coming in, a young girl in a nurse uniform came over and asked Villian and Tina.

She kept a certain distance from Villian and Tina, because she could tell that they were two foreigners. She didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles, and she could tell that there was something hidden in her eyes. Some alert.

"Do you have a doctor named Trafalgar here?"

Villian asked gently, his gaze swept over the young nurse's cheek. On the left cheek of the little nurse, there was a large area of ​​pale skin that was obviously strange.

"Doctor Trafalgar? Yes."

The little nurse nodded. She looked at Villian and Tina strangely. These two foreigners were not afraid of her.

Moreover, for some reason, she felt that the young man in front of her looked very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

"I want to meet him. My name is Villian and I am a navy."

Villian briefly introduced himself. Since winning the "Golden Lion" Shiji, he rarely introduced himself when he was out, but he could see that this little nurse didn't know him very well. The situation in this country Putting it here, it is understandable not to know about him.


The little nurse nodded, and immediately turned to look for Dr. Trafalgar. For some reason, she had an inexplicable trust in the man in front of her. From the bottom of her heart, she felt that he was a good man and a trustworthy man.

Villian didn't expect that the effect of the title of "Naval Hero" could even affect people who didn't know him. Just a few words, the other party's guard was removed.

"Brigadier General Villian, you are still very charming."

Naturally, Tina didn't know the inside story, she only saw that the little nurse was put off guard by a few words from Villian, and honestly went to call the person Villian wanted to see.

"Hmph, what do you think?"

Villian didn't explain, and Tina rolled her eyes at his words.

But before Tina could say anything, a doctor in a white coat ran down in a hurry.

It was a black-haired adult man with a square face, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and the stubble on his chin had grown.

"Hi! I'm Trafalgar, and I'm actually Brigadier General Villian?!"

Seeing Villian, the adult man immediately came to Villian excitedly, but he also kept his distance.

Although they were excited, they had already formed the habit of keeping a distance from foreigners because of the "Po lead disease".

This is caused by the segregation policy of the neighboring countries. The idea that people who are close to foreigners may be killed by each other has formed in the hearts of the Frevans, because this is what will happen. They are being feared and feared by foreigners. Repelled.

"You know me?"

Villian was a little surprised. He didn't expect this Trafalgar doctor to know him. He thought he was not well-known here.

"I saw your report in the newspaper before, but that newspaper stopped delivering to Frevans two months ago."

Dr. Trafalgar sighed, obviously feeling very sad, and he was not even allowed to send letters with the mail bird, which only showed that the situation of Frevans was getting worse and worse.

Those newspapers must want to make money, and there is no danger in using the mail bird to deliver letters. The reason why they no longer deliver must be due to some external factors. Doctor Trafalgar did not dare to think deeply. no use

"How did you come here? And, how do you know me?"

However, the arrival of Villian gave Dr. Trafalgar a little hope. Why did this representative of the new generation of navy come to Frevans? Why did you come to him? Did things turn around for Frevans?

Villian's title of "Naval Hero" came into play again, and Dr. Trafalgar couldn't help fantasizing about him. Of course, it wasn't that kind of fantasy, but a "life-saving straw" fantasy.

"If you want to cure the disease, you can only use the fruits of surgery. I will look for the fruits of the surgery, but it will take time, and the biggest threat in front of you now is those neighbors who think that the disease is an infectious disease." In China, no one knows when fear will completely distort their minds."

Villian succinctly explained the crisis Frevans was facing now.

"The fruit of the operation?"

Doctor Trafalgar was in a trance for a while, is that a kind of "devil fruit"? Listening to the name seems to be very healing.

As a doctor, Dr. Trafalgar never thought that "Perbone Disease" could be solved with "Devil Fruit". Not bad?

"Ahem, let's put aside the matter of the fruit of the surgery. Let's talk about the affairs of the neighboring country first. If you don't solve the hidden dangers of the neighboring country, there is a high probability that you will not be able to find the fruit of the surgery."

Villian coughed and reminded Dr. Trafalgar that the "fruit of the operation" is still unknown.

"Is it that serious?"

Dr. Trafalgar was actually a little puzzled about what Villian said about the neighboring countries. Although they have been ostracized and isolated, and the situation is getting worse, it is not to the point where they cannot be tolerated at all, right? As long as they don't leave Frevans, won't it be all right?

"You think it is very simple, but for the neighboring countries around you, each of you is an extremely dangerous source of infection. If one of you escapes, it will cause a terrible disaster. Do you think that under such high pressure, Surely they won't do anything extreme?"

Villian shook his head. Driven by fear, it is not surprising that human beings do anything.

"Then what do we do? They won't believe what we say, they won't even talk to us"

Dr. Trafalgar is horrified by the future that Villian paints, and he is a little anxious, because there seems to be nothing they can do but let everything just happen.

"That's what I'm here for, and I need some brave patients to accompany me to prove to them that Pb is not contagious."

Villian spoke seriously, but Dr. Trafalgar hesitated.

"Is that kind of thing really possible? Pollen's disease is not a disease that shows symptoms in a short period of time."

Dr. Trafalgar's statement is very realistic. "Popper lead disease" will not show symptoms in a short period of time, so even if the patient is brought into contact with others, there is no way to prove whether there is direct infection.

"Isn't it possible to detect lead poison?"

Willian frowned and asked.

"Perb lead toxin is not something that can be contracted after a short-term exposure."

Dr. Trafalgar went on to explain patiently.

"Isn't that right? Even if there is no way to prove that it will not be contagious in a short time, as long as it is proved that the lead disease will not spread quickly, the goal has been achieved, at least it can reduce their massacre of cities and countries due to fear." possible."

Villian came to the conclusion that with the characteristics of "Perb lead disease", it is really impossible to prove to others that "Pepper lead disease" is not contagious in a short period of time.

But as long as it is proved that the "Poly lead disease" is not contagious by just saying a word, the hostility of neighboring countries can be greatly reduced.

Now the "Perbone Disease" is spreading too evil in the neighboring countries around Frevans, and it is unbelievable that no one will trouble Villian.

Moreover, Villian reckoned that the troublemaker might find him soon, so he had to start acting as soon as possible.

"It makes sense."

Dr. Trafalgar nodded, agreeing with Villian's statement. People in those neighboring countries are indeed demonizing them too much, and it is indeed easy to cause extreme incidents.

Moreover, the Frefans who suffer from "Perbone Disease" are already very sensitive and desperate, and if they are so extremely targeted by the surrounding countries, they themselves may do something first.

"I will implement military control in Frevans for a short time. If there is anything special that needs attention, I hope Dr. Trafalgar can remind me in time."

After reaching a consensus, Villian also relaxed a little. Fortunately, there are still some sensible people in the country of Frevans, and not all of them have fallen into despair.

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