Pirate Steel Frame

Chapter 191 Fisher Tiger's Approval

What Fisher Tiger did is not as difficult as imagined, and there are not many people who can do it, but there are not many people who have the perseverance and dare to take action like him. Well, so far And there is only him.

Therefore, Fisher Tiger's behavior is very historic.

He is the first person in history to make a big fuss about "Mary Gioia" and the first person who dares to challenge the "world government". Shit on the head of the World Government".

Villian has some respect for this "ruthless man". He is a brave rebel and a rational murloc. He knows that murlocs must live in peace with humans, otherwise they will eventually be wiped out by humans.

Of course, this is on the premise that he does not know the existence of "Sea King".

"Brother Tiger! The navy is catching up! You can go now! Leave us alone!"

The murloc slaves who escaped were quickly caught up by Villian. Fisher Tiger could have escaped alone, and the murloc slaves all told him to go first, but for the sake of these compatriots, they Didn't do that.

"Don't worry! Do as I said before! Believe in yourself! You can definitely do it! Breaking the wall is not scary! Believe in the power of our murlocs! I will buy you time!"

Looking at Villian who was approaching rapidly, Fisher Tiger gritted his teeth, and he decisively made his own decision, because he was the only one who could stop the navy.

Even if the others stay, they will just die in vain. I'm afraid they won't even be able to gain some time.

"Brother Tiger! What are you going to do?! You can't stop! You can't cut off the queen! How can we let you cut off the queen for us?!"

Fisher Tiger's choice to leave behind is obviously not accepted by everyone. The murloc slaves are very grateful to him, and they don't want to see him just sacrifice here.

"Trust me, I will join you!"

Fisher Tiger is grateful that his fellow brothers can think so, but this is the only way for them to survive now.

Fisher Tiger still thought it was best for him to stay behind, although he was not sure he would be able to leave because he recognized Villian who had come after them.

As a well-known adventurer and traveler, he certainly knows Villian, who often appears in newspapers, very well.

After all, Villian had a sharp conflict with Edward Newgate, the protector of their "Murloc Island", "Whitebeard", and they made a "five-year agreement".

Speaking of the "five-year agreement", it can still be seen in newspapers, because newspapers will record the countdown in a corner every day, and almost every newspaper office is like this.

The "five-year agreement" between Willian and "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate can be said to be the focus of public attention.

Everyone wants to see who the winner will be five years from now.


Here, the murloc slaves were extremely ashamed. Fisher Tiger's words made them feel very powerless, because even if they wanted to help, they couldn't help much.

"Don't you guys believe me?"

Fisher Tiger gave his countrymen no more time to think, as Villian drew closer.

"we believe!"

The murloc slaves spoke in unison, of course they trusted Fisher Tiger, this was the prestige of "slave liberator".

"Why don't you go now!?"

Fisher Tiger roared, and then pushed a murloc brother beside him, telling them to leave quickly.


Seeing that Fisher Tiger was so determined, the murloc slaves dared not stay any longer. They ran towards the broken wall with tears in their eyes, and looked back from time to time.

"It's like I'm some terrible villain."

Seeing this scene, Villian was speechless, but he soon realized that in the eyes of the other party, his current identity was really the running dog of the biggest villain in the world, the "World Government", and he could also be said to be a real villain up.

"Don't try to catch us again, the murlocs are free! You won't be put in chains again! You humans, don't go too far!"

In the shadow of a famous tree, Villian has a bad reputation, and even Edward Newgate, the protector of "Mishman Island" "Whitebeard" suffered a disadvantage, and made a "five-year agreement" in desperation. Fisher Tiger didn't think he could be compared to Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate.

"Take it easy, Mr. Fisher Tiger."

For Fisher Tiger, who was facing an enemy, Villian was very kind, this time he was really kind, and the kindness made Fisher Tiger feel very unreal.


Fisher Tiger remained vigilant. Although Villian showed kindness, he was not sure what medicine was sold in Villian's gourd. Maybe it was to make him relax his vigilance on purpose?

"I appreciate you, you did a good job, but not good enough."

Villian continued to speak, which confused Fisher Tiger even more. What is going on with Villian?

"Where is it not good enough?"

Fisher Tiger couldn't help answering, he didn't understand what Villian meant, why did he say that he didn't do well enough?

"You have the guts to make a big fuss about Marie Gioia. Now that the slaves have been liberated, why don't you kill some Celestial Dragons to vent your anger?"

Villian asked with a smile, it is certain that Fisher Tiger didn't kill anyone, because he did such a big event, and the final bounty was "only" 230 million Baileys, This price is not low, but it obviously does not meet the value of this kind of thing he has done.

If any "Dragon Man" really died, Fisher Tiger's bounty would definitely be higher than this figure.

"I don't kill people, that will only intensify the conflict."

Fisher Tiger's face was serious, and he gave his reasons, but it didn't exceed Villian's expectation.

"You are very smart, but not very smart. What you do will indeed delay the intensification of the conflict, but it is only a delay. The Tianlong people will not thank you for your mercy."

Villian commented that being kind to the enemy is being cruel to oneself. It is not surprising that the protagonist will die because of the illness without the life of the protagonist.

"That's my business, don't worry about it, but you, obviously the navy, why do you want me to kill the Tianlong people?"

Fisher Tiger didn't explain, he started to ask Villian back.

"The purpose of my joining the navy is to uphold justice, not to protect the Tianlong people. Do you think I think the actions of the Tianlong people are just?"

Villian gave an answer, he trusted this kind "idealist", this kind of person was too pure.

"But your justice is only about human justice, isn't it?"

Fisher Tiger was silent for a while, and then asked back, with some helplessness in his tone, his view of Villian has changed, from vigilance and hostility to appreciation and admiration, this is a rare true and sensible navy .


This sentence made Villian speechless for a while, and he had to admit that although his body has been "improperly humanized", his soul and self-identified identity are still human beings, and he thinks more about human problems.

"I don't deny it, but that's because you are not a whole with us. You are protected by Whitebeard, aren't you? If you are also under the jurisdiction of our navy, then I will treat you equally, whether it is a human or a murloc. They are all protected people.”

At this point, Villian still has enough awareness. After all, before he came to the world of "One Piece", he once lived in a multi-ethnic united country.

In his concept, as long as he is honest and responsible and useful to the country and society, he is a good person, so what does it matter what nationality he belongs to? No one's contributions are erased because of ethnicity.

It's the same in this world, even murlocs and giants, as long as they live a good life in accordance with the law, Villian will treat them equally. He has no prejudice against alien races, and he believes that personality is influenced by the acquired environment.

For example, Delinger will definitely not become like the original book, including Buffalo and Baby-5, two human children, will also change because of their growth environment, and even include Sabo, Ace, and Luffy. personal.

Villian's words and the thoughts in it made Fisher Tiger smile. This dark pink snapper murloc smiled very sincerely, obviously agreeing with Villian.

"You see, even in the navy, there are sensible men like you, so in my opinion, the peaceful coexistence of murlocs and humans is entirely possible.

It's just that I'm afraid I won't be able to help if I do this kind of thing, but there are people in the upper echelons of my family who will do these things well. "

Fisher Tiger was very emotional, and at the same time he was very contradictory. He knew the evil of human beings and felt desperate for human beings, but he also realized that if the murlocs want to survive, they must compromise and coexist with humans.

"You think too simply."

Villian sighed. If it weren't for the existence of "Sea King", what kind of bullshit murlocs and mermaids would have disappeared in the long river of history long ago.

Even if individuals have an advantage, compared to the numerical advantage of humans, the murlocs simply have no ability to fight.

"You go, I won't arrest you, I hope you can live longer, if you can't get along, you can go to the New World G-5 branch to find me."

Villian waved his hand and signaled Fisher Tiger to leave on his own. He originally wanted to dig a corner and take Fisher Tiger and his murlocs for his own use. Aaron and the like left Not to mention, Jinbei is a good fighter, and he is also a loyal guy.

However, looking at Fisher Tiger like this, he would not choose to serve under a vice admiral, even if the vice admiral disliked the "Dragon Man" as much as he did.

Fisher Tiger wants to become the leader of the "Slave Emancipation Movement". He will continue to inspire people and lead people to bravely rise up against the enslavement of the "Dragon People", just like the legendary Joey Boy, even if he dies because of it. die.


Fisher Tiger bowed his head to thank Villian. He could feel Villian's kindness and regret. He knew that what he did was no different from "ants shaking a big tree", but he did not regret it. He had to bravely start the first round. One shot!

"Come on, remember my words, if the situation is bad, go to the G-5 branch, I can provide you with shelter."

Villian reiterated that he really admired the bravery of this snapper murloc, and his death was a pity.

If there were no accidents, Fisher Tiger would die in a surprise attack by Major General Stoloberg three years later, but no one could guarantee what would happen in three years.

Fisher Tiger left silently, and the conversation with Villian made him recognize Villian as the Vice Admiral.

Although he used to be hostile to Villian because of the matter of "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, but now it is different. Villian made him feel "enemy and friend". Being able to understand each other is the rarest thing.

Unlike Fisher Tiger, Villian's thinking is relatively simple, and anyone who opposes the "Dragon Man" and does not harm innocent people can get his approval.

If Fisher Tiger had not been so "idealistic" but engaged in violence, Villian would have arrested him immediately.

But like Fisher Tiger, who never kills, even the navy who comes to hunt them down, the pirates and hunters who want to take their bounty, the pure "idealist", Villian can't find it Reason for arresting him.

Freed the slaves because of "Mary Gioia"?

If it wasn't for the conditions, Villian himself would have wanted to make a fuss, but he had long thought of coming to help.

Seeing the disappearance of Fisher Tiger and his group, Villian returned to "Marie Gioia". It takes great effort to put out the fire.

"How many slaves were captured?"

Villiam asked, and let go of the murloc slaves. Naturally, he would treat these human slaves equally.

"Not many, twenty or thirty, not many left. Many slaves disappeared immediately. The Red Earth Continent is huge, so it's hard to say where they went."

Major General Stoloberg replied solemnly.

"Didn't you catch the main culprit?"

Noticing that Villian came back empty-handed, Major General Stoloberg couldn't help asking, he found it very incredible, what did Lieutenant General Villian do?

He certainly didn't expect that Villian went there with the idea of ​​"receiving new people", and he didn't want to arrest people at all from the beginning.

"Those guys are very slippery. Once the murlocs enter the sea, it will be too difficult for us to catch them."

Villian was perfunctory, and he didn't need to explain to Major General Stoloberg. He asked Major General Stoloberg to take him to the temporary detention place for the slaves, and then called the "driver" Bruno and asked him to take the slaves Pressed to the G-5 branch, he will arrange jobs for these slaves.

"Lieutenant General Villian?! What are you doing?!"

Now Major General Stoloberg is in a hurry, but what's the matter if Willy is taken away safely with this little result? !

"Don't worry, I will explain to Marshal Kong."

Villian reassured Major General Stoloberg that he would be responsible for all the results, and he would definitely not implicate the people below.


Major General Stolberg was dumbfounded.

Although he had heard about Villian's reputation a long time ago, he didn't feel that Villian was unreliable and reckless when they met before. It was only now that he finally felt that Villian really deserved his reputation!

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