Pirate Steel Frame

Chapter 265 Kibutsuji's tragic end

"What's going on?! Why is this happening?!"

Guiwu Tsuji was dumbfounded, he had never encountered such a thing before, so he was at a loss for a moment.

"Is it the medicine?!"

The only reason Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi can think of now is the "human-changing potion" that he just decomposed.

"But, I've clearly finished dismantling it!?"

Guiwu Tsuji had no doubts about this. He had indeed finished dismantling, otherwise he would not have discovered that he could not split until now. If he hadn't finished disassembling, he would have chosen to split and escape instead of staying and fighting with Villian and the others.

"Maybe it's because you decompose it so well. After all, there are three other medicines hidden in the medicine. If you don't decompose it thoroughly, the medicine's effect may not be so good."

Villian smiled and explained Gui Wu Tsuji's confusion. This kind of statement is simply murderous, and Gui Wu Tsuji's blood surged immediately. This is not an easy thing for him, and it seems to be true Was pissed off to the extreme.

"Despicable and shameless!"

Guiwu Tsuji was so angry that he realized that he had been tricked and calculated, and all of this was a conspiracy by Villian!

Oni Wu Tsuji stared at Villian, his eyes were full of hatred and malice, without any other distracting thoughts, his eyes just wanted to eat Villian's skin and bones.

"Tsk, it's really strange to be told by a guy like you, and I don't know whether to be praised or insulted."

Villian didn't care about Guiwu Tsuji's cruel insults. The enemy's insult is the best medal, and they are not mean and shameless, they are called flexible tactics.

"Bastard bastard bastard!"

Guiwu Tsuji Wucan kept cursing, and he was thinking quickly in his heart, thinking about what he should do next.

After thinking for a while, Guiwu Tsuji chose to run without hesitation. There was no way, if it was not dawn, he could continue to fight, but when the sun came out, he had to leave. No hit.

However, Villian has long been on guard against his move. Of course, Villian knows what kind of character Gui Wu Tsuji has. For Tsuji, survival is the most important thing.

Villian immediately began to block the actions of Oni Wu Tsuji. Not only Villian, but also the other "pillars" also began to stop Oni Wu Tsuji. This is not an easy task.

Because once Guiwu Tsuji realized that he had nowhere to go, there was no guarantee that he wouldn't want to drag a few more backs to die together.

Sometimes, the most dangerous people are those who are in a desperate situation, have no way out, and have no hope of life.

The Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi at this time undoubtedly fits this point.

"Black blood trifoliate thorn!"

Groups of black thorn "thorn whips" burst out from Guiwu Tsuji Wuyan's body, forcing back the "pillars" who dared to approach.

Although his attack is not very dangerous to Villian, it still poses a strong threat to the "pillars", so no one dares to resist this kind of attack.

The "pillars" dodged one after another, making way for Guiwu Tsuji Wumi.

However, Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou stopped to attack, and his escape was already delayed. He was chopped to the ground by Villian, and then quickly recovered.

Villian and the "pillars" don't need to do anything about Ghost Dance Tsuji, as long as he can't escape to a place away from light.

At this time, the place they were in was a large barren field, which was the battlefield specially chosen by Villian.

Villian even felt that even if they let Gui Wu Tsuji run away, Gui Wu Tsuji would not necessarily be able to find a place to hide from the light, and there was an endless wilderness around here.

Of course, with Oni Wu Tsuji's ability, it is still possible to dig a hole in the ground and bury himself, so no matter what, he cannot be allowed to leave.

Villian rushed forward and stood in front of Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou forcefully. With him here, Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou couldn't get away. If he wanted to leave, he had to defeat him first.

"Why?! As long as I can live well in a place where I can't see it! Why do you have to keep coming to die!"

The expression on Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou's face was extremely ferocious. He stared at Villian, his eyes bulged outwards, and the appearance of an evil spirit was undoubtedly revealed. This guy has no restraint anymore, and the desire to survive has completely occupied his reason .

"I said, it's because of faith, because of inheritance, we are not fighting by ourselves, the ancestors of countless Ghost Killing Squads support us, let us complete the goal of destroying you."

Villian is a chicken thief, and he doesn't miss any opportunity to instill ideas related to "inheritance" to Onimai Tsuji.

"Faith. Inheritance"

Oni Wu Tsuji repeated in his mouth that these things are very idealistic. Those who believe in them will naturally believe in them, while those who don't believe in them will only find it completely incomprehensible.

Obviously, the current Ghost Mai Tsuji is still incomprehensible.

"We will create a world without ghosts."

Villian's righteous words continue to impress Kiwu Tsuji.

"There is no ghost in the world. Go to your world and there is no ghost!"

Oni Wu Tsuji broke out, he opened his hands and screamed to the sky, this is his hole card and the strongest attack method.

Centered on Oni Wu Tsuji Mucan, a powerful shock wave exploded and spread out.

Villian was the first to bear the brunt of the attack, and the shock wave swept across him in an instant.

Villian snorted. This attack not only stimulated the body's resonance through the sound waves, but also caused terrifying physical damage. Villian felt as if he had been hit head-on by a large truck driving at high speed.

Of course, this level is still within the acceptable range for him.

However, for the other "pillars", this kind of attack is obviously beyond their tolerance.

At this moment, after the shock wave spread, the "pillars" were all knocked into the air, and then collapsed powerlessly on the ground.

The impact of this terrifying sound wave caused confusion in their nervous systems. Their bodies began to convulse, unable to move at all, and could only twitch non-stop on the ground.

If it wasn't for the strengthening of their bodies and the activation of the "three-piece suit", they would not be able to withstand this kind of attack at all.

After all, in the original book, even Teriyaki Teriya, who was not at the scene but watched the battle through the "crow", was affected by this move, and the abnormality of this move can be seen from this.

The move of Ghost Dance Tsuji Wu Mi is impossible to guard against, and it will be affected as long as it is heard, it is very terrifying.

Of course, after releasing this move, Guiwu Tsuji Wucan also felt uncomfortable, he took a breath and felt a little tired.

This kind of thing is obviously rare for him, and he has almost completely forgotten the feeling of exhaustion.

"Bastard Zhushi!"

Gui Wu Tsuji was extremely resentful, wishing to tear Zhu Shi into pieces, that guy actually researched this kind of potion, it really made him miserable.

Although Villian's strength is very strong, so strong that he thinks of Ji Guo Yuan Yi, but if it wasn't for Zhu Shi's potion, he would not be forced to this point at all.

What I have to say is that Villian's "breath of the sun" is really impossible to be more proficient than Ji Guoyuan Yi.

After all, he has only just learned it for a short time, so it is naturally incomparable with Ji Guoyuan Yi, the creator of "Breath of the Sun".

Therefore, the oppression and deterrence that Villian gave Gui Wu Tsuji was not as powerful as Ji Guoyuan Yi. At least it didn't make Gui Wu Tsuji feel like "I will definitely die". Tow until dawn.

He was not so much afraid of Villian as he was afraid of the sun.

"It's a good trick, but you don't seem to be able to use it all the time."

Villian, who resisted Oni Wu Tsuji's big move, stepped in front of Oni Wu Tsuji, and took the move at close range. He was still intact and even maintained a relaxed appearance, which made Oni Wu Tsuji Direct "pupil earthquake".

"You?! Why aren't you affected?!"

Oni Wu Tsuji exclaimed in shock. This move of his is a special "kill to people"! This is outrageous!

The frequency of that sound wave is specially designed for the sensitive points of human beings. Hearing this sound, the human nervous system will be directly paralyzed, and then he will die due to the body strike soon. This is his bottom-line killing move.

No matter how strong the body is, no matter how powerful the exercise is, the influence of this ability cannot be easily avoided.

It's still the same reason, most people "train the muscles, bones and skin outside", and the things below are not so easy to practice, and the move of Guiwu Tsuji Wumi attacks the things inside, who can normal people Trained to the nervous system?

That is to say, abilities such as various "strengthening potions" and "mutation" can bring people such an all-round improvement.

"Actually, the trick just now was mediocre. I don't know why you are so confident."

Villian shook his finger. It's a pity that he is not afraid of this kind of control skills. For him, all control skills are just useless work.

Glancing at the "pillars" who were lying on the ground and struggling, Oni Wu Tsuji almost believed in Villian's evil!

It's not a problem with his tricks at all, but a problem with Villian, and the problem is very big!

"Catch it with nothing, Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi, this is your fate."

Villian smiled, and directly chopped off Gui Wu Tsuji's head and limbs with a single knife, but Gui Wu Tsuji recovered instantly. Although his energy was a little lacking, it was obvious that he had not been exhausted to the point where he ran out of ammunition and food. .


For Villian's habit of starting to do things as soon as he talked, Guiwu Tsuji was very upset. He fought back angrily, and then returned without success, without causing any harm to Villian, which made Guiwu Tsuji feel frustrated. .

One day tonight, Guiwu Tsuji experienced many magical feelings that he hadn't experienced for a long time.

"Don't give up, Ghost Mai Tsuji, maybe you're about to succeed.

Even if you can't succeed today, you can pass on the idea of ​​defeating me like the Ghost Slayer Squad.

Maybe it won't be long before your successors can defeat me, and it is not impossible to even solve the problem of the sun. "

Villian didn't miss any chance, and without hesitation, he began to export the importance of "inheritance" to Gui Wu Tsuji again.


Guiwu Tsuji struggled a bit. This time, Villian talked him into moving him, and finally made him have a glimmer of expectation for the so-called "inheritance". Even if he will die today, his successors may really be able to Defeating Villian can really find a way to overcome the sun.

However, it is a pity that he has no other "successors", and everyone is waiting for his death.

Oni Wu Tsuji is still a bit self-aware. He knows his situation and knows that his subordinates are dead. He is not like the people in the "Ghost Killing Team". There are so many people who will seriously pass on the "faith" .

Villian squinted his eyes, he saw the reaction of Oni Wu Tsuji, and it was obvious that Oni Wu Tsuji was moved.

However, he gave up immediately after his heartbeat, which made Villian a little puzzled. What he didn't expect was that because he had always been too tough, Guiwu Tsuji didn't even think about being able to pass on his power to him.

After all, "inheriting power" requires relatively close contact, and Oni Wu Tsuji doesn't think he can hurt Villian at all.

This time, he was immediately embarrassed. Seeing that the sky was about to dawn, there was not much time left for Villian to think.

Villian made an attempt. He disarmed the "armed color domineering" and removed the outermost layer of defense measures.

This is a dangerous move, because Onimai Tsuji's attack ability should not be underestimated, especially once he is injected with "blood", no one knows what will happen.

However, Villian is also confident. First, he can be released from control, and second, he has "Jenova cells". He can totally get rid of it.

However, Guiwu Tsuji really did not shed tears when he saw the coffin. Even though Villian had deliberately exposed his flaws, he still persisted until the sun really climbed to the horizon, until the first ray of sunlight shone, and he could no longer escape. .


Gui Wu Tsuji screamed again, and the "pillars" who had just adjusted were hit again, but this time they got used to it and were not as embarrassed as they were hit again.

Facing the sun, Oni Wu Tsuji continued to add value to his body and turned into his own "giant baby", a guy who was born stillborn and was able to survive tenaciously. His will to survive is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Mumai Tsuji, who turned into a "giant baby", tried to go underground to avoid the sun, just as Villian thought.

Naturally, Villian would not let him do what he wanted, and so did the "Pillars".

Villian gritted his teeth, and decisively inserted his hand into the meat ball, trying to pull Kimai Tsujimu out.

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