Mecha is a man's romance.

There are people on Earth who like, such as Gundam Warriors, Transformers, Iron Man, and many more.

In the world of One Piece, naturally there are people who like it.

Vegapunk was undoubtedly one of them, and he rushed to the mecha with his legs pulled out excitedly, reaching out to touch the shell of the mech, his eyes shining.

"This material... It's so special, it's never been seen, it's a very hard material, I don't know if the heat resistance and corrosion resistance are good. He

has been studying "living human weapons" for many years, and now he is about to complete his evolution, relying on intelligence to fight.

There is also a lack of brain research by Nanabukai Bassolomi Xiong.

For mechanical combat weapons, he really loves them.

Circling this mobile armor, Vegapunk had a hot excitement in his eyes, "I'm going to try it myself!!" The

appearance of this mobile armor completely conquered him, so that he could not fault anything, and now he wanted to experiment with the control of this mobile armor himself.

"This mobile armor needs a key to open the hatch, and the only key in the factory besides Hill is Orochimaru." The soldier said helplessly.

This was also added at the request of the Navy, which is considered to be an additional insurance measure, and the key also corresponds to different mobile armor.

There is also a numbered ML-3 on the chest of the mobile armor, which means that the mech in front of you is the Molong 3.

Vegapunk urged impatiently: "Then you hurry up and find Zhan Peach Pill!"

He himself continued to inspect the mobile armor, and if it weren't for the lack of tools around, he really wanted to remove the shell of this mobile armor.

See what material it is.

The curiosity in my heart intensified, as if someone scratched the heart of his feet with a feather, itching not to want.

Vegapunk was also like an ant on a hot pot, turning round and round at Molong 3.

Not often.

Zhan Taomaru, who was carrying a giant axe on his shoulder, walked in, he was sweating profusely, and he saw that he was doing strenuous exercise, and the purpose was naturally to "lose weight"!

He tried.

The control compartment of the mobile armor really can't accommodate his size unless he can reduce the flesh on his body.

"Dr. Vegapunk." Orochimaru greeted after approaching.

He and Vegapunk are old acquaintances, and his previous mission was to protect Vegapunk, but now he has become Hill.


Vegapunk looked anxious, "Give me the key, I'm going to try this mobile armor."

Orochimaru took out a bunch of keys, there were only three or four keys, he flipped through it, found the key of Molong No. 3 and handed it to Vegapunk, and instructed: "Doctor, the weapon of this thing is very powerful, if you want to try, it is best to find an open field." At

this time, Vegapunk could manage so much, and inserted the key into the calf of the mecha, and the back of the Moron 3 suddenly opened a hatch and lowered a ladder.

He immediately followed the ladder and walked in.

The sight was not the mixed situation of various wires as he imagined, but an incomparably simple and clean platform, only about forty or fifty centimeters.

Enough to stand for a person, and in front of him is a control console more than 3 meters high and about a meter wide.

Say it's the console.

Vegapunk saw at a glance, and it clearly marked a figure of humanoid combat power.

Immediately walked up.

Stand on it.

This is a circular cylinder, and when he walks in, adjusts the direction, and the cylinder automatically closes.

At the same time, there were tracks to hold his limbs and torso in place.


A head-mounted virtual control helmet fell, completely covering his head and leaving a lot of space.

Sensors stick out from the helmet, both on the top of the head and on the temples.

He was a little shocked, and couldn't help but exclaim: "You actually use the brain perception system?!" Originally

, he thought it was just joysticks, buttons, and other control systems.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an advanced perception control system.

Before the shock of Vegapunk subsided, his brain received the image from the transmission of Molong 3, as if to immerse him in the scene.


Even larger than the range of human vision!

If the human perspective is an ordinary perspective, then the perspective of this Molong 3 is like opening a wide-angle lens.

The line of sight can accommodate more things and the angle is wider.

At this moment, Vegapunk felt like this robot, and when he wanted to look to the left, Molong 3 turned his head sideways to the left, and the picture was like his own vision.

"This... How did that guy do it?! He bit his lip, and although he didn't want to admit it, he was told everything in front of him.

Such a level of science and technology, such a control system.

He can't do it.

Virtual panels also appear in the line of sight, which do not have much impact on the line of sight, energy tips, weapon hints, and so on.

Vegapunk controlled the Moron 3 and began to take steps, walking back and forth in the factory foot by foot, and the transmission system was perfect!

Ten minutes later.

The energy system is perfect!

He was completely shocked, what kind of technology level is this?!

"Hill, that guy... Actually got ahead of me in mechanical control?! "Vegapunk was a little hit in his heart.

The project itself has been studied for many years, but the "pacifist" is still slow to act, compared with the mobile armor in front of him.

Dwarfed by.

"That guy... Really a genius. Vegapunk said to himself a little dejectedly, he had the courage to admit the excellence of others.

At the same time, there is also the courage to fight.

I secretly cheered myself up in my heart, "I Vegapunk will definitely do better than him!!"

"I will definitely create a mech that is more powerful than his mobile armor."


He looked at Zhan Taomaru and said, "I want to requisition this mobile armor, you go and talk to the yellow ape general!" He

wanted to completely disassemble the mobile armor and study the various systems of the mobile armor.

Again on top of it.

Create brilliance again!

Reach a higher pinnacle of technology.

At this time, instead of being hit by Hill's mobile armor, he became more and more excited in his heart, "After so many years, I Vegapunk finally have an opponent who can compete in technology!" "

Not only is the brain mentally abnormal, mentally active and active, but even the body has begun to boil hot.

This is a scientific battle.

This is the awakening of the soul of the second in his second dimension!

Orochimaru scratched his head and said after hesitating for a while, "Okay. "

Vegapunk's identity and power are very large, and a mobile armor worth hundreds of millions is not a matter at all.

He then steered the mobile armor and left with a big grin.

Leaving behind the scientist who had followed him to the factory with a helpless face.

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