"Is it safe?" Zefa expressed doubt.

"If you sign a contract, you have to fight for your life! Besides, Hawkeye has no reason to help BIG·MOM!" Ling Bai said.


He didn't expect Ling Bai to even consider the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

In such a short time, he has taken everything into consideration, and his layout ability is really terrifying!

"Is Hawkeye still in G-1?" Ghost Spider asked Zefa quietly.

"After the battle with Ling Bai, he rested for more than a month, and just recovered to normal, and he hasn't left yet!" Zefa replied.

"Is he injured so badly?" Ghost Spider was shocked.

I didn't expect Hawkeye to lose so badly in the battle of the world's number one swordsman.

"It is said that it is mainly a heart injury, after all, Ye is gone..." Zefa shook his head.

Ghost Spider quickly touched his eight swords.

He finally got them together, and he must not let Ling Bai have the opportunity to touch them!

At this time, Crane finally gave his answer! .

Chapter 190 If you don't believe it, try it (please give me flowers!)

"Okay! I agree!"

He returned the bounty order of Smoothie to Gion.

And he quickly sent someone back to G-1 to invite Hawkeye.

Hawkeye was originally planning to leave the navy and go to various places to find some good embryos to forge black swords. Now he was inexplicably called to the mirror world for a meeting, and he was also stunned.

Afterwards, when he learned that this was a war against the beasts and Big Mom, even if he was indifferent, there was a trace of emotion in the depths of his eyes.

"It's really a big deal!"

Hawkeye said coldly, "But I can only stop it when necessary. If you want me to fight the Pirate Emperor, I won't do it!"

Hearing this, many generals subconsciously re-examined Hawkeye's strength.

It seems that this King Shichibukai can fight the Pirate Emperor?

"It's just a simple task! We have someone to deal with the enemy. You just need to make sure that the battle here will not affect the rest of the battle!"

Tsuru naturally wouldn't say that Hawkeye would supervise the battle and act as a nanny, but cleverly changed the way he said it.

Hawkeye saw that it was Gion vs. Smoothie, and after a moment's hesitation, he agreed: "Okay! Then this is the full content of this contract! I will abide by it!"

After that, Hawkeye left the mirror world and went back to G-1 to find a weapon that was still handy.

Seeing that everything was ready, Zefa stood up and said:

"Okay! In that case, let's do it! Quickly gather the troops! When Kaido and Big Mom are tired! It's our turn to go on the field!"

"Wait a minute!" Sengoku spoke again.

"What else do you worry about?! Say it!" Zefa said unhappily.

Even after all the arrangements have been made to this point, Sengoku is still not at ease!

"Big Mom's eldest son, Charlotte Perospero, a pirate of the 700 million level, why is there no arrangement?" Sengoku said.


Zefar inexplicably admired Sengoku.

There are so many bounties here that it's dizzying, but Sengoku can still remember that someone in BIG·MOM was missed.

"Perospero is responsible for guarding Candy Island, and it will take at least three days to get to Cake Island! Even if he comes to support, we will have enough combat power to deal with him by then!" Crane explained.

"But I remember that BIG·MOM has the fruit ability to quickly gather combat power! What if he has a way to reach Cake Island immediately?" Sengoku said conservatively.

"Isn't the ability here?" Zefa picked up Brulee.

Obviously, the means by which BIG·MOM gathers combat power is the Mirror Mirror Fruit, but it has been controlled by the navy.

"What if there are other abilities?"

"Where do so many "what ifs" come from!"

Zefa couldn't stand it anymore and shouted, "Zhan Guo! Since it's a war, how can you plan everything in advance! How can you fight this war if you have to defend everything? If you object again! Then I will take full responsibility for this battle, and I will take it all on myself if something goes wrong!"

"You are just too reckless!"

Zhan Guo couldn't listen at all, and said, "Then I will take a step back. If you have a way to reduce the combat effectiveness of Kaido and Big Mom, I will agree to go to war!"

"How can there be such a method!" Zefa glared.

"That won't work! Do you think the Pirate Emperor is tired after fighting for a day? There is no difference from the heyday! I don't care whether you instigate Big Mom's children to stab you in the back or attack you by surprise! At least let me see a greater chance of winning!" Zhan Guo was unyielding.


Zefa gritted his teeth.

In fact, he actually had such a method, that is DYNA rock!

But that thing was brewed into wine by Ling Bai, and it was really difficult to shut Zhan Guo's mouth.

But Sengoku disagreed. Katakuri had no one to fight against, and the remaining navy really couldn't stand up.

"Damn it!"

Zeff was very helpless, picked up Ling Bai and said angrily, "You quickly find a way for me! There are mountains of good things on Cake Island. If you don't fight this battle, you will lose a lot of wine!"

When he heard about good wine, Ling Bai, who was dozing off again, woke up immediately.

"I... have a way!"

Ling Bai moved Zefa's hand away, pointed to a mirror and said, "I installed self-destruct devices in Jack and Seastone's arms. The power should be about the same as that of Marinford. Do you want to try it?"

"What did you say!!!"

Not just one person, but a group of people shouted in fear.

The explosion in Marinford was caused by the detonation of the demon-killing bomb, and one-fifth of the huge island was destroyed.

Although the area of ​​Cake Island is larger than that of Marineland, if it exploded like that, the earthquake alone would be enough to destroy the entire Cake Island building.

"You...are you serious?" Zefa swallowed.

Although not as good as DYNA Rock, it is still terrifying.

If it can detonate in the center of Kaido and Big Mom, even the two pirate emperors will definitely be injured!

"Don't believe it? Then let me demonstrate it to you!"

Ling Bai said and took out the remote control device!

"Wait a moment!"

Zefa stopped him immediately.

But in his heart, he was horrified as to what the hell Ling Bai had cooked up in Punk Hassad to transform Jack into something so terrifying.

"Warring States? What do you say now?" He looked at Warring States again.

Among the admirals, many doves are also waiting for the Warring States Period to express its stance.

"I... don't really believe it..." Sengoku whispered.

"Then give it a try! It's still going to explode for a while!"

With that said, Ling Bai pressed down the remote control device!


Through a broken mirror in the collection room, you can see that Jack's eyes, which had been suppressed by his aunt, lit up red again!

Then, with the help of the propeller, Hailoushi's arm flew out of the ruins and was firmly welded to Jack's broken arm!


Zefa, He and Warring States all knew that Ling Bai was serious about it.

But the problem is that Kaido is still fighting with Big Mom, wouldn't Jack just get involved?

"It's too late! The self-destruct device has been activated!"

Ling Bai released the remote control device and said that he was not controlling Jack now, but the self-destruction program.

In the collection room, Jack opened his mouth and released ultrasonic waves, using echolocation to quickly locate Kaido and Big Mom in the fierce battle!


After saying something mechanically, Jack rushed directly into the battle between Kaido and Big Mom.

And the two of them discovered Jack immediately.

"You can still move it after it's been torn apart? Ha! Look, I've melted you! Let Kaido give up completely!"

"You're a crazy, violent woman with a weird temper! Get out of here!"

Kaido and Big Mom cursed at each other, and then slashed together again.

Terrifying black lightning spread all around, and no one dared to get close.

However, Jack's speed did not slow down, and a manic power accumulated in his body. He allowed the emperor-level battle to destroy his body and rushed to the vicinity of the two of them.


Kaido and Big Mom also noticed something was wrong with Jack.

What he saw and heard was that the condensed energy was about to explode!

I haven’t reacted yet!


A huge mushroom cloud steamed over the island. Heat waves and mudslides mixed together, destroying everything. Even Jhin and several generals were immediately blown away.

In the mirror world, countless mirrors were shattered at the same time, and fierce vibrations seemed to burst in from the mirrors, so terrifying! .

Chapter 191 Cake Island exploded (please give me flowers!)

Cake Island exploded.

In the mirror world, no one can sit still.

How many mirrors were destroyed here shows how much area of ​​Cake Island was affected!

Ling Bai didn't lie, he was serious!

"Warring States!!!"

Zefa rushed directly in front of Warring States and punched out.


Warring States was blasted against the wall, but he didn't fight back!

"Now is not the time to be impulsive! The signal to start the war has been sounded! Hurry up and mobilize the troops!" Crane said anxiously.

Everyone knows time is running out.

"I'll notify G-8!"

"I'll notify G-2!"

"I'll notify G-5!"

The lieutenants dispersed in a hurry.

The Mole came out of the ice mirror and mobilized the army of Peach Blossom Island.

“I’m going to check what other mirrors are available!”

"I'm going to check out the situation on Cake Island!"

"I'm going to patrol the sea!"

Sakaski, Kuzan and Porusalino also left the Mirror World.

Kuzan came out of the mirror of a pirate ship. It was far away from Cake Island, but a huge mushroom cloud turned the sky red and black, like the end of the world.

The place where Sakaski came out was a port on Cake Island. The island was shaking violently, the earth was torn apart, the waves on the sea surface were rolling, and the air was filled with manic energy.

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