But he found that even if his cookies were broken into powder, they were still frozen by ice, and there was no way to gather them together again.

Without soldiers, he could only fight on his own!

After several rounds of fighting, Kuzan used the same trick again, selling himself to Cracker to pierce him, and then freezing Cracker's cookie shell with the freezing moment!


Kuzan kicked the cookies again, and Cracker's true form was exposed!

"I heard that your true form is very afraid of pain? Don't cry later! Because tears... will freeze!"

After saying that, Kuzan directly detonated the surrounding ice, and countless ice fragments pierced Cracker like sharp iron thorns.

Cracker kept making cookies, but he was still scratched and bleeding, and the severe pain made him scream!


The three major natural systems instantly gained a huge advantage, and the admirals and navy officers deepened their confidence in Ling Bai's deployment!

The morale was high, and the sound of charging was deafening!

The BIG·MOM Pirates retreated step by step and were in disarray!

"Damn it! Where did these navy come from!"

"There are so many people lying in ambush! Why didn't we notice it before!"

"Their attacks are very purposeful. Where's Mom? Come and save us!"

The vice admiral and the ministers are fighting fiercely!

The morale is suppressed. Many ministers are fighting and have no confidence at all!

"The navy actually has the courage to attack!"

Katakuri looked at Sengoku with cold eyes.

"The era of beasts and BIG MOM is over! The era of pirates will soon be over! The future belongs to the navy!"

The King Kong Buddha kept pushing his palm, destroying a large area of ​​land with each push.

Katakuri tried to take it hard several times, and the parts of his body that were not covered with armed color were directly blasted into sticky rice.

He realized that there seemed to be a space under the giant palm, and the attacks in the space were all-round, all of which were high-intensity domineering.

I can't think of a good way for the time being, so I can only hide first!

"Can you predict the future?"

Sengoku was actually very nervous!

He knew something about Katakuri's strength.

The leader of the young generation, the head of the three generals, is dodging now, but he is actually looking for opportunities, waiting for him to have a flaw.

While thinking, the ground turned into sticky rice, and then spikes emerged, covered with super-high-intensity armed color domineering and stabbed suddenly.

"I saw it!"

Katakuri's face was cold, but he was confident that Sengoku would not be able to defend against this attack.

"Raining rice cake!"


However, he underestimated the hardness of the animal-type, mythical beast-human-human fruit, and the sticky rice spikes hit with a heavy sound like a bell, and were directly bounced off.

"It hurts..."

Sengoku felt pain, but on the surface, he was still majestic, as if he was completely unharmed and continued to bombard Katakuri.

Katakuri suddenly felt the pressure doubled, and he couldn't see through Sengoku's strength!

This side entered a protracted battle. Although Sengoku's giant Buddha was fierce, it was really a bit heavy. Katakuri relied on the observation color that could foresee the future and the softness of rice cakes and didn't get hit by Sengoku's attack at all.

In contrast, the fight between Zephyr and Jin was really a real fight!

Bang, bang, bang!

Every time you hear it, it hurts, and both of them feel like they are fighting for their lives!

It is obviously a protracted battle, and it depends on who can't hold on first!

"How could this happen!"

In the ruins, Big Mom's observation color swept thousands of navy, and her face was full of shock.

On the edge, the figures of Garp and Crane made her unbelievable.

"Long time no see... Charlotte Linlin!"

Garp broke his fist and grinned, "Time... is really a handful of pig feed!".

Chapter 193 Winged Dragon (Please give me flowers!)

Kaido was in the sky, and the blue dragon scales healed quickly.

But his expression was quite ugly.

"I actually chased him to Cake Island!"

After dominating the New World for so many years, I have never seen such a big move by the navy!

Looking down from thousands of meters high, the navy crushed BIG MOM with absolute force, and there were people specifically targeting the masters.

Just the few that he noticed with his observation Haki, none of them took advantage of the navy!

"Who is arranging the troops? Zephyr, Sengoku, Crane, and Garp are all here... Could it be Sora..."

Kaido was very confused.

He had fought with Sora a lot, and this war mode was definitely not Sora's style.

At this time, Garp and Crane had already fought with Big Mom!


Big Mom screamed, but the sound of deterrence had no effect on Garp and Crane.

Then she struck with lightning, but Garp blew it away with a punch, no room for negotiation!

She forced Prometheus with fire again, but Crane directly hung him up.

"So refreshing..."

Listening to Prometheus's comfortable voice, Big Mom frowned and was extremely afraid of Crane.

Garp came again, and the two punched each other, and the cloud layer Kaido was in was directly blasted away!

"We must help Lingling! Only by joining forces with her can we reverse the situation!"

Kaido snorted, but first looked at the densely packed navy, "But before that, kill a thousand navy to shock them!"

Since the navy shamelessly launched a surprise attack, don't blame him, the dignified pirate king, for attacking ordinary navy!

"Hot breath!"

The manic flame energy raged in Qinglong's mouth, aiming at the most densely packed part of the navy.

The terrifying energy fluctuations attracted the attention of many people, especially Warring States.

"What is that kid Ling Bai doing! If Kaido is allowed to vomit it out, the navy will suffer a large number of innocent casualties!"

"Do you dare to be distracted while fighting me?"

Katakuri seized the opportunity and gathered a large amount of glutinous rice in his hand.

There are also two huge rice cakes similar in size to the Warring States period sticking out from the ground.

"Weird Rice Cake!"

Two big fists almost the same size as the Giant Buddha of the Warring States Period struck the Warring States Period fiercely.

Every punch made an earth-shattering sound, even overshadowing Zefa and Jhin's punches.

Sengoku was at a disadvantage for a while and could only grit his teeth and wait for Katakuri to relax and wait for an opportunity to counterattack!

But his eyes still looked at Kaido in the sky from time to time!


After accumulating power, the heat breath was successfully released!

In an instant, Zhan Guo's heart froze.

At the critical moment, a dragon egg popped out of Kaido's body and blocked Rexi!


Because many people are paying attention to Kaido's movements, they are even more surprised as to why a dragon egg pops out of Kaido's body.

However, the next scene was confusing to everyone.

The hot breath sprayed on the dragon egg. It neither exploded nor pushed the dragon egg to fall to the ground. Instead, it absorbed all the energy of the hot breath like eating.

"How can this be!"

Kaido's eyes widened immediately.

Although the Heat Breath is not his strongest attack, it has a short charge and is very powerful. It can collapse mountains and rubble with ease. How can it not even destroy an egg?

At the moment of surprise, the dragon egg absorbed the energy of the heat breath, and the whole egg burst into bright light, like a sun high in the sky, shaking even Kaido so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

Zefa and Jhin were separated with one punch, but they did not fight again, but looked at the sky in unison.

"A dragon with the power of the Sun Fruit..."

Zefa recalled Ling Bai's introduction to the dragon egg in his mind.

At this time, the perception of sight, sound, and color is indeed the same as the real sun, with high temperature, high heat, and dazzling light!

Sakaski stepped on Irving, looking at the sky with a strange feeling.

An inexplicable coercion, as if the superior is absolutely suppressing the inferior!

But after this pressure, he felt inexplicably familiar, and he always felt that he was somehow connected to the egg.

Porusalino stared at the dragon egg, feeling the same as Sakaski, with very complicated emotions!


At this time, a crisp sound erupted from the surface of the dragon egg.

Then thousands of rays of light shine through the gaps, as if the real sun is about to break out of its shell!

Kaido was accidentally hit by one of the rays of light, and his scales were immediately scorched and pierced, so he quickly dodged sideways!

"What a terrifying sound of life! What kind of monster is inside this!"

At the same time, Ling Bai appeared out of nowhere, holding a wine flask, drinking while silently looking at the sky.

When the sound of life in the dragon egg reached its peak, a loud dragon roar streaked across the sky.

Countless flames and rays of light broke through the dragon egg, and a golden dragon whose whole body was burning flew out.

But what shocked everyone was that this dragon had no body, and its whole body was made of elements!


Zefa pursed her lips.

Maintaining the elemental form will consume a lot of physical strength, but because of this, after breaking the egg, you can directly skip the juvenile stage and appear as an adult!

On the side, behind Ling Bai.

After Xiu Zuo and Tina finished dealing with several pirates, they looked at the sky in trance.

"It really worked... Lieutenant General Ling Bai really made a dragon come out!"

"Dr. Vegapunk's dragon looks like a lizard in comparison!"

The two of them went through the entire process of Ling Bai's research on this dragon, and because they knew the inside story, they were even more horrified.

"Lieutenant General Ling Bai, does this dragon have a name?" Xiu Zuo asked.

"Yes, I have......"

Ling Bai murmured, "The guardian that symbolizes the almighty sun and sky appears from the ball of light. It is... the Winged Dragon!"

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