"Six-style fusion technique·Five Finger Mountain!"

The palm that fell from the sky was a move developed by Zhan Guo by fusing the finger gun·five finger technique, iron block, and storm kick!

The size of the giant Buddha's palm increased again, and the Buddha's light on it became more and more dazzling!

Just as Katakuri reacted, he saw the golden and magnificent palm covering the sky, leaving him nowhere to hide!


The whole cake island seemed to shake, and Zhan Guo's Five Finger Mountain pressed down with amazing power!

Katakuri was blasted away again, and after finally recovering, he seemed to be sealed and could not move for a short time!

Struggling hard, trying to get up, but a pair of seastone handcuffs came over!

"Oops!" Katakuri was shocked.

Because his mind was shaking, his vision Haki that foresaw the future failed!

Successfully locking the seastone, Katakuri's body softened and entered a weak state, and Zhan Guo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The battle situation on his side was considered stable!

"You just trust yourself too much..." Sengoku said softly.

Katakuri clenched his teeth and said nothing.

In his heart, he was always thinking about Ling Bai!

However, Ling Bai had long disappeared, and I don't know where he went to find Homies!


Katakuri was defeated, and the morale of BIG MOM was reduced to the extreme!

Many ministers and pirates were captured and transported to various branches by the navy through the mirror world for detention.

"Have you done it?" Zephyr looked at Sengoku.

Sengoku was shocked when he saw Zephyr's face.

His nose and face were swollen, like a pig's head!

"This is not nonsense!"

Sengoku endured the pain in his body, held his head high, looked at Zephyr with an attitude of "I am purely a complete abuse of Katakuri", and then said:

"Did you catch Jin?"

"He ran away!"

"What did you say? You..."

Sengoku looked at Zephyr in shock.

"To be honest... I can't beat him..."

Zeff touched his face angrily, but he didn't lie, saying, "Fortunately Kaido is dead, otherwise I really don't know how long I can hold on. This old bone is almost broken... This time, you are awesome!"

After saying that, Zeeff smiled and patted Zhan Guo.

Zhan Guo's facial features twitched and twisted together, and he subconsciously shouted: "It hurts!"


Seeing this, Zeeff showed a playful smile.

"What are you looking at! Anyway, my people have been caught, but yours haven't!" Zhan Guo said toughly.

"I tried my best, too!" Zeeff spread his hands and said.

On the side, Gumier popped up from nowhere and said with a smile:

"Don't look at Mr. Zefa's indifferent look. In fact, when Jin escaped, he tried his best to chase him, but he couldn't catch up with the pterosaur with his moon steps, so he could only come back sulking. He really tried his best!"


Zeffer punched Gumier and said unhappily, "You are so talkative!"

"I'll testify for you..."

Gumier's fat body dodged flexibly, smiled, and continued to escort the captured pirates into the mirror world.

Hearing this, Sengoku actually admired Zefa's persistence in chasing pirates. He knew he couldn't beat them, but he still chased them. He was reckless, but he showed some navy spirit!

After all, what if Jin escaped to help Big Mom? There is such a possibility.

Speaking of Big Mom...

"How are Garp and Crane doing?" Sengoku asked.

"I don't know..."

Zeffer looked at the horizon.

There were thunder and lightning raging there, and the flames were raging. Occasionally, you could see the air ripples caused by the battle between Garp, Crane, and Big Mom, which was very terrifying!

"The pirates on this half of the island are almost cleared. You should rest first! I'll go help!"

Zengoku asked Zefa to rest and prepare to leave.

But Zefa took a step forward and walked in front of Sengoku, holding his head high and said, "I don't know who was screaming in pain just now? I can still fight, and I will never rest!"

After that, he led the way in front.

Zengoku glared at Zefa unhappily, but didn't say much.

The two of them quickly rushed to the other side of the island together! .

Chapter 197 You should be careful (please give me flowers!)

At the same time, Cracker had three mountains in his heart.

Facing the three major natural systems, his face was ashen.

"Sakaski, this is my opponent, why are you here!" Kuzan said coldly.

"Some people are too slow, I don't want to delay time to go home and sleep!" Sakaski was still in the mood to smoke a cigar.

As Ling Bai said, Owen's Heat-Hot Fruit was no match for the Magma Fruit. He crushed it throughout the whole process and had a comfortable fight.

On the other hand, when Kuzan fought against Cracker, both sides were purely competing in physical strength, and the battle turned into a war of attrition, which was really funny.


At this time, Borsalino also smacked his lips and explained, "If I don't come here, I will have to go over to help fight Big Mom. It's so scary over there. I don't want to go..."

In his words, he seemed to be passive.

But both Sakaski and Kuzan knew that Borsalino definitely wanted to come over to share a share of the credit!

"Aren't there other opponents?" Kuzan said in a deep voice.

"Katakuri was captured, Smoothie was beheaded, Owen's arm was broken, and Daifuku was unconscious. The rest are just remnants of the party. The only one who is slightly worthy of attention is this little cookie!"

Sakaski blew a smoke ring and showed a cruel smile to Cracker.

Hearing this, Cracker felt even more pressured.

Although his knowledge is not as good as Katakuri's, he is not weak either.

He probably still knew the situation on the island. The navy had won a great victory, the brothers and sisters had been defeated one after another, and the top navy's combat power was freed up to help others...


Cracker clenched his fist tightly.

If there is any hope in this world, it is only Auntie!

"Anyway, let's end the battle here!"

After Porusalino finished speaking, he took the lead and used the eight-foot mirror to get closer and swipe towards Cracker!

"Don't even think about eating alone! Porusalino!"

Sakaski followed immediately, turning his feet into lava and pushing forward in the opposite direction without any slowness!

"I told you this is my prey!"

Kuzan gritted his teeth and could only speed up his attack!


Among the ruins, Big Mom and Garp punched each other again, and suddenly pulled out a lot of life cards.

She felt that the voices of her children's lives were weakening rapidly, making her unable to calm down.

She wanted to confirm it through the life card, but only a little bit of each card was left, indicating that the main combat forces of BIG·MOM had really fallen!


Auntie screamed again, her eyes filled with red bloodshot eyes.

Damn the Navy!

The power of the strange sound this time was obviously different from before. It was mixed with overlord-like domineering energy. The earth with Auntie as the center was stirred up layer by layer, and a tsunami-like mudslide emerged from the ground!

"Garp! The next step is a tough battle!" He said softly.

Unlike her usual calm and calm self, a few strands of gray hair were scattered from her bun, and she looked a little embarrassed, indicating that it was not easy to help Garp deal with the aunt's attack.

"Come on!" Garp bared his teeth and smiled, showing no fear at all.

The Navy is clearly on the verge of victory, how could he lose the chance!

"Big mud wave!"

Aunt uses her soul fruit ability to inject her soul.

The body was lifted up by the mudslide and reached hundreds of meters in the air!

The mudslide seemed to be alive, with nose, eyes and mouth appearing, and said with a smile: "Mom!"

"Bury them!" Big Mom screamed and ordered.

Mudshiliu agreed, his innocent face suddenly changed, and he immediately smiled viciously.

More and more mud is being lifted up, and the size of the big mud wave is getting bigger and bigger!

In Garp and He's eyes, it was as if an island had turned upside down.

"This is too exaggerated..." Small beads of sweat appeared on Crane's forehead.

With such a range, her washing fruit cannot be washed at all!

But Auntie didn't stand in a daze on the mudslide, jumped from the sky, and punched Garp.

At the same time, Prometheus, who had been hung up by the crane before, also recovered and clung to the top of the aunt's head, burning with flames.

"Fire from heaven!"

Auntie's giant body was already huge, and now it was even more like a fallen meteorite. The soul of fire covered Auntie's whole body with high temperature!

"Garp, you shouldn't fight forcefully!" He said solemnly, "We must find a way to break up the mudslide!"

Garp frowned and understood that Big Mom wanted the newly created Homitz to attack the navy.

The two of them jumped to avoid the attack.


A large area of ​​ruins turned into a sea of ​​flames!

Auntie's astonishingly powerful flaming fist hit the ground, and the stirred up soil made the mudslide even bigger, making it even more powerful!

It can be seen that although the aunt is angry, she still has a brain when fighting!

The biggest advantage of the soul fruit is that it can continuously create living creatures with energy. The pirates and some of the cadres of BIG·MOM are all Homits!

And as long as one senior Homitz can get out, he can lead the remaining Homitz to launch a counterattack against the navy.

So Auntie will never let Garp destroy the mudslide!

"Emperor's Sword: Broken Blade!"

Pulling out a flaming sword again, the Prometheus above Auntie's head also burst into flames!

The giant flaming blade swung down and struck Garp directly!

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