The Den Den Mushi hung up, but it was like a bolt from the blue.

Even Sakaski, who had just landed back on the Yunbian, was shocked.

"You even thought of a code name?"

Although they were in two different places, the shock on He and Zefa's faces was exactly the same.

Appointing a general, deciding a code name, the most terrifying thing is that even the format is correct!

Ling Bai must have planned this for a long time!

"It's just a formality anyway..." Ling Bai took out a pot of wine and drank it down with a smile.

"You know it all!" Zefa gritted his teeth.

But it's not difficult to understand if you think about it carefully. Since you can make a 3D projection, making a Den Den Mushi recording is not a problem at all!


Ling Bai glared at Zefa unhappily and complained, "'White Cloud' 'White Cloud', you don't even blush..."

Although he was drunk at the time, the format was wrong!

Can clouds be considered animals?

Then he went back and listened, and almost spit out the wine.

Kong Ye is really a genius, he actually called him Cang Gou!

"The code name can be discussed..."

Zeff had a vague feeling that Ling Bai seemed to want to refuse the rank of general and push Gion to the top!

And this feeling became stronger and stronger!

With Ling Bai's personality, he could be a vice admiral in the navy comfortably, and then the admiral and marshal could not do anything to him. In the future, who in the entire navy could stop him from drinking?

For a moment, Zefa even felt that Ling Bai was controlling the entire navy in disguise!

"I am not interested in power, not to mention that there are too many constraints on the admiral..."

Ling Bai took out another stack of documents and unfolded them. It was several meters long, all of which were things that the admiral needed to pay attention to.

There were hundreds of obligations related to the world nobles that needed to be fulfilled, and they were required to memorize them and swear allegiance to the world government.

Memorize them!

Wouldn't it be nice to drink a few more pots if you have that time?

On the side, Zefa touched his body again!

This is a document that can only be shown to the admirals after the battle. How could it be stolen by Ling Bai again?

Suddenly, Sakaski said angrily:

"You want this woman to be the admiral, have you asked me?".

Chapter 213: Quit the Navy and Establish the Liquor Army (Please give me flowers!)

Sakaski is so angry now.

He can only swallow his anger after being manipulated by Kong and the World Government.

But now Ling Bai doesn't want to be the admiral, but he pushes a woman out again, still trying to steal his position.

"Do you think she can beat me?" Sakaski felt a great shame.

"The chances of winning are slim..."

Ling Bai also admitted it, and took Minghong from Gion, and smiled, "But after Borsalino and Kuzan fight, it's my turn to fight you! So Gion's opponent is me!"

When they heard that Ling Bai was still going to follow Kong's battle arrangement, Borsalino and Kuzan's expressions eased a lot.

In fact, they did not believe that Ling Bai would give up the rank of general at the beginning, and there were only three positions. If they wanted to push Zhiyuan to the top, they could only force one of them out.

Zhiyuan's sword just now even made Sakaski bleed. His strength is not weak. If there is any backhand, the outcome is hard to say.

After all, the two of them are 100% generals. At this time, even a slight threat is not allowed.

"Really? Do you think you can win?" Sakaski sneered.

"It's still okay to beat you. Don't worry, I won't use the sword and save your life!" Ling Bai smiled easily.

His tone was calm and normal, as if he was saying that beating Sakaski was as simple as eating and drinking water, and he could do it at will.

"Hmph! Don't cry when the time comes!"

Sakaski snorted coldly, but did not continue to argue with Ling Bai verbally. He turned around and left, simulating a battle in his mind.

Since he is so arrogant, let's see who can laugh last!

Zefa sighed in his heart, but he had no choice but to walk to Zhiyuan.

"Do you really want to be an admiral?" Zephyr asked.

He knew that Gion had the potential, but the timing was not right.

"I... I haven't thought about this question yet..." Gion bit her silver teeth.

To say that she didn't want to, that would be a lie.

Who in the entire navy doesn't want to be an admiral?

But the problem is that this is too sudden, and she is not prepared at all.

"Momoto Rabbit..." Gion murmured, "The name sounds nice, I like it..."

"You are too real!"

Zephyr pointed at Gion speechlessly.

Obviously, the only two people in the entire navy who can really refuse the rank of admiral are Garp and Ling Bai.

He walked to Ling Bai and sat down helplessly, explaining:

"Since you have heard the content of the meeting, you should know that the higher-ups have nominated you to be an admiral, and you can't refuse!"

"But I can't beat Gion, so what can I do?" Ling Bai pouted.

"Do you think the higher-ups will believe it?" Zephyr glared.

"Don't believe it! Garp can refuse to be promoted to admiral, why can't I?" Ling Bai yawned.

"What can you compare with Garp? Garp is..."

Zefa said, hesitant to speak.

It is a secret that Garp and Pirate King Roger joined forces to destroy the Rocks Pirates to protect the Celestial Dragons.

It is precisely because of this achievement that the higher-ups will tolerate Garp staying in the navy as a vice admiral.

Besides, one such person is already a special case, and the higher-ups will definitely not allow another person to refuse the admiral!

"I've made up my mind! Besides, once I become a general, how can I go to the Peach Blossom Island G-9 branch and become the branch chief?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zefa suddenly understood.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that this was the real reason why Ling Bai refused to become a general.

Because each branch chief has the rank of lieutenant general, being the branch chief of G-5 during the Warring States Period was actually a demotion!

If Ling Bai really becomes a general, he will have to be on call at the Navy Headquarters at all times, and he will definitely not be able to become the branch chief of G-9.

"Actually, there is something I haven't told you yet..." Zefa said in a deep voice, "Because the Navy has suspended all operations in the New World, the matter of the G-9 branch..."

"Isn't it going to be built?" Ling Bai's eyes widened!

"Well, it's possible..."

After all, the G-9 branch is just Zefa's strategy to compete for the position of marshal. Now that he is the marshal of the navy, and Sora has requested to suspend the New World activities, the G-9 branch has become dispensable.

"No! Absolutely not!" Ling Bai stood up abruptly, then flexed his hands and roared, "If you don't build a G-9 branch, I will quit the navy!"


Zefa immediately spit out a mouthful of salt soda water.

Porusalino and Kuzan also had their mouths twitching wildly.

I'll wipe it!

Such a familiar feeling!

"Don't imitate me!"

Zefa was extremely crazy inside.

When Kong was still the marshal, he used this trick to threaten him many times. Now the way of heaven is reincarnated, and he finally suffered retribution when he was the marshal!

"I'm serious! I'm serious! If you don't agree, I will quit the navy and go to Peach Blossom Island to form a wine army!" Ling Bai raised his head and said.

"I told you not to imitate me!"

And the wine army is here?

Zefa once again admired Ling Bai's imagination, he could really say anything.

"The navy is the army that protects the sea! Our wine army is the army that protects good wine!" Ling Bai said with great determination.

Hearing the sound, the entire Yunbian navy couldn't help but smile.

What kind of army is this?


Zefa secretly thought that Ling Bai was acting drunk again, and then said, "The suspension of New World activities is the order of Marshal Kong, and I can't disobey it!"

"What do you care about him? Who is the marshal of the navy? Now that the navy is in your hands, you are the boss!"

Ling Bai stabbed Zefa with one hand.

The words were so precise that they seemed to be inciting rebellion.

Zefa immediately wanted to refute, but a thunderous flash occurred in his mind and he was stunned...

"Yes...I am the boss from now on..."

It is really a word that wakes up the dreamer.

Zefa has been suppressed by Kong for a long time. He has no real power in his hands and his judgment on many things is still from the previous perspective!

But now that he is the marshal of the navy, why should he listen to empty words?

Even though he is the commander-in-chief of the entire army, in fact everyone knows that that is an official position of the World Government, and the real power of the navy lies in the hands of the marshal!

"So you should be the one to decide on the general choice!" Ling Bai said earnestly.

And just after saying this, Zefa suddenly felt that the eyes of the three natural systems were on him.


Zefa secretly thought it was not good.

When Ling Bai said this, didn't he pull all the hatred onto him?

But can it be changed now?

Porusalino was applied to the World Government by Vegapunk, and it was Sora who snatched an important chess piece of the Science Force from him!

Kuzan is also a close confidant of Karp, a representative of the doves, and a symbol of checks and balances!

Gion is even more supportive of Ling Bai, which may be an opportunity to win over Tsuru in the future.

All three are difficult!

In contrast, Sakaski, who has no background and is targeted by all forces, is the only one who can be given up.

"Well, I can build the G-9 branch, but I can't disobey the fatal orders given by the commander-in-chief of the entire army..."

Zefa made a choice.

In an instant, two eyes looked away, and one looked even more resentful.

Chapter 214 Collapse of Confidence (Please give me flowers!)

"Yes! That's right!"

Ling Bai chuckled, stood up unsteadily, and ordered, "Xiu Zuo! Activate the acceleration device and head to Punk Hassad at full speed!"

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