On the side, the criminals stared at Magellan with great resentment and shouted:

"What the hell are you talking about!!!!".

Chapter 257 Public opinion exploded (please give me flowers!)

The roar of the prisoners made Magellan react again.

In fear, he widened his eyes and quickly poisoned his neck to paralyze the hypoglossal nerve.

Until his tongue could not move at all, Magellan still moved his lips and said some confusing words, which frightened him to paralyze his facial nerve again.

After the complete facial paralysis, his mouth did not move, his expression was solemn, and he looked a lot more normal, and finally became a bit of the power of the prison director.

But as he said before, his personality completely collapsed.

"Remember what you said! Send me wine every day!"

Ling Bai picked up a pot of wine and walked leisurely towards the cell.

When he stepped into his cell again, all the criminals were dumbfounded.

"You're back like this?" Reid's expression became quite strange.

He never believed Ling Bai's words that he would come back.

But now, this guy has even been put in the cell, what on earth is he trying to do?

"It's just a matter of minutes to get out..."

Ling Bai grinned, which made Golden Lion and Lonely Red depressed.

It's true that a full man doesn't know the hunger of a hungry man, and a new prisoner doesn't know the suffering of an old criminal!

"Wait a few days in prison... you won't think so!"

Golden Lion closed his eyes and hid in the corner again.

Reid also nodded in agreement, carrying a heavy chain back to the depths to conserve his energy.

Doflamingo and Tesoro had many questions, but they also knew that the time was not right, so they also chose to be quiet.

Other guys who had a little long-term vision, such as the three generals of the dessert, the King of Evil Government, the huge battleship, the Crescent Hunter, etc., also noticed that this wave was just a wave before the climax.

Each of them gathered their minds and reduced their physical consumption.

"Magellan, the matter of seastone handcuffs..." Hannibal whispered, hesitating.

It's too dangerous if Ling Bai is not tortured!


Magellan's face was sluggish. He first took out a pair of extremely pure seastone handcuffs from his arms and locked them on Ling Bai's hands.

Then he went back and forth between the hot hell and the infinite hell, and took down hundreds of seastone chains.

"So many?"

The criminals' eyelids twitched wildly.

In this case, it would be strange if Ling Bai agreed!

But unexpectedly, Ling Bai did not resist the whole process, and even helped Magellan to see where he was not tortured.

"There is still a little finger here!"

Ling Bai was tied up like a dumpling, but he still spoke with full energy.

"He should be weak to death now, why does he act like nothing happened!"

"He is just pretending, after all, he has just pretended to be cool, and he has to follow through on what he said!"

"But I would have been soft with this amount of seastone, what a monster!"

The criminals were quite afraid.

Ling Bai refreshed their cognition again and again.

Being locked up with the three legendary pirates and a pirate emperor, besides being a well-connected person, he is also a real talent!

Infinite Hell ended the short-term turmoil in a weird way, and all the criminals were very quiet.

In contrast, the world was in uproar!


Holy Land, Marijoa.

The blond Five Elders were studying the "one-to-many" Den Den Mushi handed over by Sora in his laboratory.

His hands were shaking a little!

It took him a day and a night to repeatedly verify the function of the Den Den Mushi!

But a bad premonition made his face so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip out!

"This is definitely not a one-to-many Den Den Mushi! It's... a dedicated line to monitor the Den Den Mushi!"

What worried him even more was that when he disassembled the Den Den Mushi, he found that the signal was always in the sending state!

When did it start?

Who was it sent to?

He had no idea!

But once he recalled everything that had happened since he took over the Den Den Mushi, the blond Five Elders shuddered.

"No... Absolutely not..."

The blond Five Elders shook their heads frantically, but they were not sure at all.

He stood up with the Den Den Mushi, knowing that he had to let the other Five Elders know about this.

He had just arrived at his usual office, and before he issued an order to call the Five Elders to a meeting, several other Five Elders came in with terrified faces!

"Did you get the news too?"

"Damn! Where did the World Economic News Agency get the images from!"

"It's over! The Peace Building that has been stable for hundreds of years has an unstable foundation!"

The bald Five Elders were in charge of the CP organization and spread out all the intelligence on the table.

Among them, one newspaper after another, the headlines were particularly eye-catching!

"Equality among nations is a mere formality! The Void Throne actually has an owner!"

"Struggling for power and profit, ignorant rule! The world aristocracy is a joke!"

"The identity of the legendary lieutenant general is a mystery again! The ancient royal family of creation was wrongfully imprisoned!"

"Reveal! The true face of the world government! The World Economic News Agency is exclusive!"

In the past, the World Economic News Agency only published one newspaper every day, but today it was like a chicken blood injection!

Exhausting the power of the entire Dark News Empire, more than ten newspapers were published overnight!

All kinds of eye-catching headlines, now even more painful for the Five Elders!

One of the most unacceptable titles for them is——

"Do you think you are a royal family? No, you are just a dog of the government!"

Just revealing the truth can cause the world order to collapse, but the news newspapers are still fanning the flames and exaggerating everything!

Although the kings are indeed loyal dogs and pay generous heavenly gold every year, they also give enough respect to the royal families of various countries, which is not as disdainful as what is written in the newspapers!

"The fishing reel exploded..."

The curly-haired five elders clenched their fists tightly.

Everything in the underground world is under his jurisdiction. Now that the World Economic Newspaper has such a commotion, he cannot escape responsibility!

"Who spread the news? The newspaper even has a photo of Lord Yimu! There is no doubt that there is a traitor among us!"

The swordsman five elders stared at the other four five elders with an extremely unfriendly look.

He supports Yimu, but it is obvious that some people who are dissatisfied with Yimu have started to support Ling Bai!

"It's not us! It's Sora!"

The blond Five Elders slammed the Den Den Mushi heavily on the ground, shaking with anger, and said, "This is not a 'one-to-many' Den Den Mushi, this is a dedicated surveillance Den Den Mushi, all messages are sent from it!"


The other Five Elders were shocked!

"Why don't you check it!" The straight-haired Five Elders blamed.

"Lord Im is here, how can I have time to check! The army is under your control! You can't get away from this matter!" The blond Five Elders gritted their teeth.

Now that such a big thing has happened, they have been swept into the torrent, and no one can stay out of it!

At this moment, Sora didn't even knock on the door, but rushed in in a hurry, shouting:

"My Lords! Something bad is going to happen!".

Chapter 258 Im's True Identity (Please give me flowers!)

The sudden appearance of Sora immediately attracted the conflict between the Five Elders to him alone!

Everyone was showing murderous intent!

"Liberate your mind! Sora!"

The straight-haired Five Elders took the lead.

He was the direct superior of the commander-in-chief of the army, and he was furious when he saw Kong for the first time!

He immediately used the power of the thought fruit to infinitely magnify Kong's desire! .


The power wave came in an instant, and Kong's expression froze immediately. The thinking potential in his mind was stimulated and magnified, and under the guidance of the direct Five Elders, he blurted out his desire.

"I am not satisfied with the commander-in-chief of the army! With my qualifications, even if I am not a world noble, I should be a Five Elders!"

"And you? Five idiots! You don't protect such a stable and peaceful world structure, but you have to launch a dictator? Are you cheap?"

"The current world peace has collapsed! I will use you to rebuild peace, establish a real allied world government, and achieve true peace!"

When Kong exposed his ambitions that were deeply hidden in his heart, a cold light suddenly appeared!

"Power Flow·Desire Demon Slash!"

The swordsman Five Elders drew his sword instantly, and the armed color domineering covered the first generation of Kitetsu, and a black crescent moon slashed from Kong's side.


The first generation of Kitetsu paused when it touched Kong's steel skeleton!

However, the swordsman Wu Laoxing had expected it, and the sword energy turned into momentum in one go. The first generation of Kitetsu was like a living thing gnawing at Kong's armed color domineering forged into his bones!


Broken arm!

But this did not satisfy the swordsman Wu Laoxing. He touched the first generation of Kitetsu and wiped it outward. A lightsaber condensed with pure armed color domineering and ghost energy was peeled off from the blade!

"Power Flow·Two-faced Emperor·Moon Watching"

The swordsman Wu Laoxing did not even turn his head, but raised his hand upwards!

A very thin black sword arc cut through the sky!

In a flash, Kong's arms were broken!

The whole process was smooth and flowing. In the perception of the sight, the swordsman Wu Laoxing seemed to have only swung a sword, and then Kong's two arms were peeled off from his body.

"Ahhhh!!! You!!!!"

The piercing pain made Kong suddenly calm down from the excitement of the thought fruit.

He knelt down suddenly, his pupils shrank to a point, and he gritted his teeth to keep himself awake, but his consciousness was blurring little by little!

"Why did you betray us?"

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