Zhan Guo grabbed Garp's collar fiercely, his eyes were red!

He had expected that Long and Garp would have a fight, but he didn't expect that the justice and evil of the past would be reversed today, and it was Garp who was going to go against the trend of the times!

"We need to know the reason! Otherwise, you can't leave this door today! Don't forget, I can call Ling Bai over!"

Zeffa blocked the door in an instant, and he and Zhan Guo attacked Garp from front and back.

Obviously, if Garp didn't make it clear today, they would never give up.

"Because Im can't die!" Garp said calmly, "I won't help him do anything, but I must protect his life!"

"You still haven't made the reason clear!" He whispered.

Zeffa and Zhan Guo also nodded seriously.

Why can't Im die?

"Since you insist on knowing, then I'll say it clearly! Im masters the ancient weapon 'King of Heaven' Uranus, which is the real power that can destroy the world!" Garp said.

"Even if you master one of the three ancient weapons, destroying the world is just a description of its terrifying power, and it can't really destroy the world in an instant!" Zephyr said subconsciously.

However, after he finished speaking, Garp just looked at him calmly without saying much.

"Can the Uranus destroy the whole world in an instant?" Sengoku stared at Garp in disbelief.

Although he knew nothing about the form and nature of the Uranus, is there really a power in the world that can do this?

"At the cost of destroying the Uranus, the world can be destroyed in an instant! And even if the Uranus is not destroyed, its own power is enough to cause a global disaster!" Garp said firmly.

"So what is the Uranus?!"

Zephyr was eager to know the answer.

He could feel that Garp was not lying, but like Sengoku, he had no idea what in the world could do this.

But Garp shook his head and said, "Actually, I don't know what the Uranus is..."

"You don't know?"

Who would have thought that Garp said this, and Zephyr and Sengoku were even more surprised.

"You don't even know what the Uranus is, but you dare to be so sure of the power of ancient weapons?" Crane was also puzzled.

"That's right!" Garp said seriously.

"Why do you say that?" Zephyr asked.

"Just because of my name, Monkey D. Garp!"

"Monkey? No, it's D?!" Sengoku exclaimed, "But isn't the D family a continuation of a spirit? That's just a rumor from the outside world!"

"The D family does exist, and it is a bloodline inheritance! Regarding the power of the king, our Monkey family has passed it down in the form of ancestral teachings. In fact, I am a member of the D family who gave up becoming the natural enemy of God!"


Garp's words made Zephyr and Sengoku unacceptable!

Finally, the two of them asked a question in unison!

"So, Garp, the hidden name 'D', what exactly is it!".

Chapter 273 The Secret of the D Family (6/6, please give me flowers!)

This question can be said to be a century-old mystery.

No one knows what happened in the blank hundred years!

No one knows why the D family exists!

And the most puzzling thing is what the D means! .


Garp sighed in his heart, but did not hide it, saying, "Actually, D has various meanings, but it has no meaning at all. The root of its existence is indeed the natural enemy of God!"

"What do you mean by that?"

Zeff, Sengoku and Crane did not understand.

So confusing!

"D gives us unlimited possibilities, allowing us to find ways to fight against God!

For me, I once chose Defense, so I joined the Navy, but the truth told me Death, so I gave up becoming the natural enemy of God!

For Rocks, he chose Damage, trying to destroy everything with violence, so as to achieve the destiny of the natural enemy of God!

For Roger, he chose Dream, opening the Great Pirate Era, allowing people to understand the future in the pursuit of dreams!

And when it comes to Dragon's generation, he chose Development, so he created the Revolutionary Army, hoping to develop enough power to fight against the World Government!

In addition, there is the Dark Clan, who is obsessed with finding the strongest devil fruit!

Every descendant of the D Clan has his own understanding of D, but they are all Destiny, destiny!"

When Garp finished the last word, the hearts of the three senior navy officials could not calm down for a long time.

In other words, D is just a beginning, the beginning of a destiny. The real meaning of the hidden name depends on what methods the people of this clan think of to complete the mission.

"What about your grandson?" Zephyr asked subconsciously.

"Luffy?" Garp sighed, "I discussed with Dragon and didn't tell Luffy any secrets of the D family..."

"Just because you gave up?" Zephyr shook his head.

He had never seen Garp so helpless.

But he didn't even think of passing on the inheritance of the D family to his grandson. I'm afraid he was really afraid of the power of the king.

"I have said everything I should say! In the battle of God Valley, Roger and I made the same choice! Now Roger is gone, I must protect this world!"

Garp looked at the three people seriously, as if he wanted to keep their faces in his heart.

Then he walked to the door, gently put his hand on Zephyr's shoulder, patted him twice, and left.

No one stopped Garp, because Zephyr and Sengoku could feel that Garp had made a huge sacrifice for this world!

He even went from being the natural enemy of God to being the guardian of God.

"What should I do?"

He collapsed in his seat powerlessly.

Obviously, Garp was not working for Im, but just played a role in easing the situation when Im was at his wit's end and was about to perish with the world.

But even so, Garp was under considerable pressure!

"Damn it! Why does such a thing as an ancient weapon exist!"

Zeffer scratched his head in annoyance.

If what Garp said about the power of the Heavenly King was true, then wouldn't Im be invincible?

Now, even Sengoku was curious about what happened eight hundred years ago. How did Pluto and the Sea King fight against the Heavenly King at that time?

This incident suddenly happened again, which disrupted the mood of the three people, and they didn't even have the mind to hold a meeting to study the fight against the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although Whitebeard also has the power to destroy the world, it is definitely not like the Heavenly King to destroy the world instantly.

Although Garp was always calm, the more he was like this, the more the three of them felt Garp's inner powerlessness.

"That's it for today, I'm a little tired!"

Zefa said goodbye to Zhan Guo and He and wandered around Peach Blossom Island alone.

To be honest, he had never felt that the world was as fragile as it was now, nor had he felt that the fate of human beings was so severely bound.

Unconsciously, Zefa thought a lot, and when he came to his senses, he found himself outside Ling Bai's branch director's office.

"You actually walked here?"

Zefa felt a little relieved.

I don't know since when, the first thing he thought of when he encountered a problem was Ling Bai.

It seemed that there was no problem in the world that Ling Bai couldn't solve!

Gently pushing open the door, Zefa found Ling Bai sitting in a pile of wine.

"Ding--Identification completed, eye-brightening wine, top grade, drinking it will enhance vision, improve observation, and become sharp to the details! If poured on a person, it can cure myopia."

"Ding--Identification completed, eye-brightening wine, top grade!"

"Ding--Identification completed, eye-brightening wine, top grade!"


"Ding--Synthesis completed, Vision-seeing wine, divine product, drinking it will increase vision and weakness perception ability to MAX! If poured on a person, it can cure myopia and expose their shortcomings."

Compared to Zefa's depressed mood, Ling Bai always had a smile on his face.

Synthesize various divine wines, all sent by Morgans, each with its own flavor, and it's so exciting!

After gulping it down, Ling Bai shook his head and chanted:

"Drunk today, worry tomorrow..."

Hearing this, Zefa didn't know that this was the poem of the sword that illuminated the world, but smiled bitterly with admiration: "You are in a good mood!"

Ling Bai didn't comment, drank the wine, and said softly: "Actually, I heard it all..."

"Really? It works even from such a distance?"

Zefa was slightly surprised, but he didn't doubt it at all.

He sat down next to Ling Bai, picked up a pot of wine and looked at it, saying, "Then tell me, what method does the D clan have to find to defeat such an enemy? If you are a D clan, what is the meaning of your anonymity?"

"Do you need to ask this?"

What Zefa didn't expect was that Ling Bai didn't think about it, as if he already had the answer in his mind.

"Oh? Tell me!" Zefa asked curiously.

Ling Bai stood up drunkenly, pointed his finger boldly, and said loudly: "Of course it's Drink! Drink!"

When these words came out, Zefa was petrified immediately.

He is really a member of the D clan...

"Still can't live without wine?" Zefa held his forehead and said, "Even if the world is destroyed, can you still face it with a smile while holding the wine pot?"

"Of course!"

Ling Bai shook his head and said, "Singing to the wine, how long is life! Like the morning dew, the past days are full of suffering. I should be generous, and I can't forget my worries. How to relieve my worries? Only Du Kang. So, drink, all problems will be solved!"


Zefal almost believed it.

Staring at the wine pot in his hand, he gulped down a few mouthfuls.

"Hey hey hey! This is the wine that Morgans gave me!"

Ling Bai immediately snatched the wine pot, but when he looked at it, it was all clean.

"Drink your pot! Wait until Whitebeard is killed! The wine is all yours!"

Zefal wiped his mouth and seemed to have found what he should do.

Anyway, I can't figure it out, just follow my heart like Ling Bai!

Zefa left with an indomitable momentum.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed, and the day of the decisive battle has come! .

Chapter 274 Airborne Plan (Please give me flowers!)

On this day, the wind on Taohua Island was particularly noisy.

The sea was full of waves, and the waves rose and fell, beating out broken silver light.

The clouds in the sky were also visible to the naked eye, just like the current world situation.


The whistling sea breeze blew in the face, blowing Zefa and Zhan Guo's clothes.

Because there was a plan against Kaido, the beast, before, the periphery of Taohua Island was equipped with extremely thick sea tower stone walls!

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