It's really infuriating! .

Chapter 4 Shadow Realm, Ice Palace (Please give me flowers!)

Chun Shui walked towards Ling Bai angrily.

And Ling Bai was concentrating on drinking Dao Pin Wine, with a look of enjoyment on his face!

"You are drinking quite happily!"

Chun Shui gritted his teeth.

If it were him before, he might have killed Ling Bai directly!

But now the Gotei 13 has long been transformed from a killer organization, and his personality is also very different, and he doesn't kill people easily.

"How about me... I'm pretty good, right..."

Ling Bai drank all the Dao Pin Wine, and two lumps of red appeared on his face.

The aftereffects of Shen Pin Wine, Sheng Pin Wine, and Dao Pin Wine increased exponentially!

Even though Ling Bai could drink dozens of holy wines in the pirate world without falling, he was completely overwhelmed after taking a sip of this Dao Pin!

"How dare you say that!"

Originally, Chun Shui had been constantly hinting to himself to stay calm, but he still couldn't help but want to take action.

He never thought that Ling Bai was so worthy of a beating. He had offended so many people in his life!

"I can also take your other..."

As he said that, Ling Bai glanced at the flower on Chun Shui's waist again, and a malicious smile appeared on his lips.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, but his feet stumbled and fell to the ground.

He fluttered his feet a few times, but he couldn't stand up.


Seeing this, Chun Shui's mouth twitched wildly.

If other captains knew that he was defeated by such a drunk kid, they would definitely sneer at him!

On the side, Fuzhu stood up from his seat and sighed:

"You are too careless. People like Ling Bai who came from Rukongai are generally wild, but since he can make you lose the blade of your Zanpakuto, his ability is really good!"

As for repairing Zanpakuto, Fuzhu didn't think much of it.

It is easy to restore a Zanpakutō that has not even released its Shikai. As long as the holder's own spiritual power is restored, the Zanpakutō will be normal.


Now, Shunsui has no words to say.

It is easy to restore Kuangbone, but the key is the problem of the Eight Mirror Sword. He can only ask for help!

I don't know what kind of exchange conditions the crazy Kurotsuchi Mayuri will propose...

"Don't be depressed! Ling Bai is very young and has great potential. He may become an excellent vice-captain in the future!" Ukitake said pertinently.

As for why he can't become a captain, the reason is also very simple. The spiritual pressure is a hard flaw.

This is also the reason why there is such a big difference between those born in Rukongai and those born in aristocrats.

The innate spiritual pressure is not high, and it is difficult to improve it later. Most people's spiritual pressure stops here in their lifetime. Only a few gifted people can hone their spiritual body density in continuous practice and change.

"Then carry it back?" Shunsui whispered.

All the members of the Thirteenth Guardian Squadron have a common mission, which is to select those with excellent spiritual pressure from many souls to become the God of Death. Therefore, the strength shown by Ling Bai now is worthy of being recommended as the God of Death.

"Well, I will use 'Tian Ting Kong Luo' to notify Hai Yan to carry it! Do you want to take back your wine?"

Fuzhu pointed at the pots of Lingtao wine on the table.

"Not in the mood..." Chunshui said depressedly.

"I am in the mood! Give it to me!"

Who would have thought that although Ling Bai was very drunk, he had not fallen asleep. When he heard that someone couldn't drink the wine, he immediately helped to share it enthusiastically.

It didn't matter if he couldn't stand up. He used his hands and feet to pick up the Lingtao wine and drank it down.

"You are so shameless!"

The store owner has been running a wine shop for so many years, and he has never seen a drunkard like Ling Bai.

He even suspected that Ling Bai was born in the 80th district, otherwise how could the water and soil of Runlin'an in the first district produce such a stubborn person!

"You black-hearted store owner, you dare to say that to me?!"

Ling Bai looked at the store owner and was furious.

Actually, he added water to something as sacred as wine!

Before his consciousness was about to blur, Ling Bai slapped his hand on the ground!

"Ding--Transformation completed, Ling Table Wine, top grade, is obtained. After drinking, it will slightly increase the density of soul spirit particles and increase spiritual pressure, which can be superimposed; if it is poured on a person, it can increase the density of their spirit particles!"

"Ding--Transformation completed, Ling Bowl Wine, top grade!"

"Ding--Transformation completed, Lingtai Wine, top grade!"


In an instant, the remaining tables, chairs, benches and bar counters in the wine shop were all turned into wine!

The drinkers suddenly jumped up and looked at the empty shop, feeling extremely unreal!

As a result, in the prosperous and annoying Dongliu Soul Street District 1, there was an inexplicable piece of land without any space.

"Ahhhh! Stop it!"

The shopkeeper collapsed, covering his head and kneeling on the ground with a bang.

However, at this time, a shadow that should have disappeared with the wine shop and should not have existed was also turned into wine by Ling Bai!

The system's prompt sound suddenly changed!

"Ding - transformation completed, a pot of Shadow Domain Wine is obtained, a holy item, after drinking it, the skill 'Spiritual Concentration' is obtained, the skill 'Shadow Domain' is obtained, and the soul's affinity for shadow attributes is MAX! If poured into the shadow of the building, it can form a Shadow Domain!"

"Ding - Spiritual Concentration, a basic skill of the Quincy, which can package spirit particles through its own spiritual pressure to form a weapon, and the specific effect needs to be developed!"

"Ding - the Shadow Realm creates a shadow space by injecting souls into the shadows. You can also use this skill to travel back and forth between Soul Society and the Invisible Empire!"

At the same time, Ukitake and Chunshui suddenly detected an abnormal spiritual wave in their spiritual senses.

This wave of spiritual particles does not belong to the God of Death, but to a living race that should have been extinct 160 years ago - the Quincy!

The two of them immediately looked at the shadow that Ling Bai had turned into wine. A gap was being filled by the surrounding spirits.

At the other end of the gap, there was an ice palace that should not appear in Soul Society, which made Shunsui's pupils shrink suddenly!

"Ukitake!" Chun Shui shouted.

Ukitake had already understood, and the captain-level spiritual pressure was released. He clasped his hands together and changed his gestures, aiming at the gap and saying:

"Seventy-three of the Dao Bindings, Mountain Overturning Crystal!"

The Abandoned Chant is cast instantly, and a ghost path like a triangular cone-shaped defensive formation is formed!

And those with a little knowledge will find that the inside of the Shanshan Crystal has its own space, which separates the inside and outside of the Binding Dao!

But what Ukitake and Shunsui didn't expect was that Gap was able to absorb the souls from the Ice Palace, and soon returned to its original state, and the scenes in the Invisible Empire could no longer be seen from Soul Society.

But Ukitake's binding path is not useless.

Although the passage was closed, a black fragment of power was retained within the Shanshan Crystal.

Chapter 5: The Fragment of Yohabach’s Power (Please give me flowers!)

"What is this?"

Ukitake shrunk the Mountain Crystal to the size of the palm of his hand and sealed the black power fragments inside it.

Everything that happened just now was still vivid in his mind, making him unable to calm down for a long time!

"Perceptually, it looks like traces of a certain Quincy's spiritual pressure, but how could it be so strong..."

When Shunsui talks about being strong, he doesn't mean comparing with himself, but comparing with the Quincy who became extinct in this world 160 years ago.

Although he was not involved in that process, he knew when the Quincy's soul was finally transported back to Soul Society.

It can be said that from the traces of this spiritual pressure, its holder greatly exceeds the impression of the God of Death on the Quincy!

"Strange, how could it be a Quincy? And what is that ice palace? It can actually connect to Soul Society?"

Ukitake had a bad premonition in his heart and looked solemn.

Although it has not yet been determined whether it is within Soul Society or a different space similar to Hueco Mundo, it always shows that there is a possibility of Soul Society being invaded!

This alone is enough to attract the attention of the two captains!

"Teacher Genryusai must know about this!" Ukitake made a quick decision, knowing that this matter could not be delayed!

But Chun Shui looked at Ling Bai and said in a deep voice: "You should really tell Mr. Shan, but what happened just now was definitely not an accident. It should be that Ling Bai's Zanpakutō ability accidentally exposed something hidden under our sight. Come out!”

"Are you talking about turning something like a barrier into wine?" Ukitake understood what Shunsui meant.

"Well, it's just a guess. After all, the gap is repaired with spirit seeds, which is very similar to the barrier. I think if we need to see the ice palace again, we may need Ling Bai's power!"

Shunsui recalled the Zanpakutō abilities of all the current captains and vice-captains of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, and found that no one could achieve Ling Bai's level.

"Now there has been a commotion here. It seems that we can't wait for Haiyan..."

Ukitake originally planned to arrange for Haiyan to be carried, but due to the disappearance of the tavern and the appearance of the Ice Palace, a large number of civilians gathered in Higashi Rukong Street to watch the fun.

It is best to block the news until you know nothing about the specific situation.

Even if we avoid alerting others, we are also preventing unnecessary turmoil!


Chun Shui picked up Ling Bai, while Ukitake used the Mountain Crystal to seal the black power fragments.

A rich spiritual light gathered at the feet of the two of them, and they covered a considerable distance in an instant.

Not long after, they came to the side of a high mountain in the center of Seireitei.

The team house hanging on the mountain like a hanging temple belongs to the first team.

The captain of the First Division and the commander-in-chief of the Gotei 13 Corps, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, had already received the notice from Ukitake Tente Sora and was waiting in the conference room with a cane.

"Where have you two been fooling around! You smell like alcohol!"

Shunsui and Ukitake had just used Shunbu to enter the conference room when Captain Yamamoto sternly tapped his cane.

Then he found that Shunsui was wearing floral clothes, and even the captain Haori was not wearing one, and he was even more furious!

"Well, Old Man Shan, now is not the time to worry about my drinking. On the contrary, it was precisely because of the wine that we discovered something important!"

Shunsui knew that Yamamoto was very interested in the symbolism of captain Haori, so he told him everything about what happened in Rukongai.

When Ukitake finally handed over the fragment of black power sealed by the Mountain Crystal, Yamamoto's expression suddenly changed.

"It's actually him..."

Yamamoto handed the black power fragment to the vice-captain, Takuchojiro!

The expression on the bird's head also changed significantly, and he immediately sang:

"The heart of the south, the pupil of the north, the fingertips of the west, and the toes of the east gather together with the wind and disperse by driving away the rain! The Fifty-eight of the Binding Dao: 'Slap your toes to chase the sparrow'!"

During the entire ghost path, the bird's hand gestures changed four times, and the chanting text was very clear.

Behind it, substantial captain-level spiritual pressure rose at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the last word of the chant fell, an invisible wave covered the entire Soul Society!

"Report! No spiritual pressure fluctuations or even traces were found!"

After saying this, Suzube retreated to the back of Captain General Yamamoto, with his hands behind his back.

The Toe Chasing Sparrow is a ghost technique used to track spiritual pressure. With Suzube's strength, he could have easily broken the chant, but the reason why he carefully finished the chant was to ensure the accuracy of this spiritual pressure tracking!


Yamamoto nodded lightly, showing an expected expression.

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