After blaming himself hard in his heart, Ling Bai spread his domineering attitude.

Although there is no sound of life in the Soul Society, which greatly reduces the domineering power of seeing and hearing, Ling Bai can listen to the sounds of all things. Now with the entry-level MAX of spiritual sense, he can still hear many subtle sounds of spiritual power fluctuations.

The sight and smell covered the entire Zhibo family's house, and finally Ling Bai found a room where the spiritual power fluctuations were obviously stronger.

With a grin on his lips, Ling Bai's figure swayed and he touched it silently.

Chapter 20 The Last Crescent Moon Opposition (Please give me flowers!)

This room is located at the back of Shiba's house.

As soon as he walked to the door, the eye-catching red word "forbidden" seemed to remind Ling Bai of the red "MARINE" in the navy warehouse.

Familiar red, familiar warehouse.

"My conscience hurts..."

Ling Bai worriedly muttered, but stretched out his hand to touch the door of the room.

However, when he was about to touch it, a faint wave spread out, causing Ling Bai to stop his hand.


Although I'm not familiar with things like enchantment, I at least know something about it.

Suddenly, Ling Bai became more interested in the things in this warehouse.

The fingertips lightly touched the surface of the barrier, and the spiritual power of the barrier was quickly decomposed, as if it had touched a murderous stone.

Then the runes disappeared in a flash, and before they could light up and take effect, they disintegrated into the most basic spirit particles.

Ling Bai floated into it, and the room was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.


Ling Bai looked around and found round objects of various sizes placed in the room.

There were some words written on it, but Ling Bai couldn't understand the meaning.

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a pot of red jade wine, a divine product. After drinking it, fireworks will create MAX! It will turn your own spiritual power into red! If it is poured on a person, they will be hit by the fireworks."

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a pot of green jade wine, a divine product. After drinking it, fireworks will create MAX! It will turn your own spiritual power into green! If it is poured on a person, they will be hit by the fireworks."

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a pot of blue jasper wine, a divine product. After drinking it, fireworks will create MAX! It can turn your own spiritual power into blue! If it is poured on a person, they will be hit by the fireworks."


Ling Bai turned a large basket of spherical objects in front of him into wine, and his expression became quite exciting.

If you drink this, wouldn't your spiritual power turn into colorful colors?

"It turns out that the fireworks were made by Kong He..."

Ling Bai shook his head, then licked his lips and drank it.

When the wine enters the throat, it has a gorgeous taste. The explosion that occasionally bursts on the tip of the tongue makes the taste quite outstanding.

What made Ling Bai's eyes shine even more was that the flavors of different fireworks were completely different, and each pot of wine brought a new experience.

In a daze, he seemed to see a colorful world, and his eyes gradually became intoxicated.

When Ling Bai turned a large firework with a diameter of two meters deep in the room into wine, the first holy wine tasting appeared.

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get the super grand flourishing smoke jade wine, a holy product. After drinking it, you can create large-scale fireworks MAX! Firework launch skills MAX! Fireworks ghost way secret skills MAX! Entry-level enchantment MAX! If poured on a person, it will be comparable to thirty Bantai Fire Attribute Kidō Attack!"

Hearing the system beep, Ling Bai touched his chin.

Obviously, if you want to create such a big firework, you need to use the knowledge of enchantments and ghosts!

But what Ling Bai cared about more was obviously the taste of Shengpin wine.

After drinking it, Ling Bai's eyes suddenly popped up!

In a daze, he seemed to see this huge firework blooming in the dark night, lighting up the sky, and a scene like the prosperous Tang Dynasty came into view!

"The wine went into the intestines, seven parts turned into moonlight, the remaining three parts roared into sword energy, and when spit out, half of the prosperous Tang Dynasty..."

Ling Bai felt something in his heart and started to recite poems to himself.

I never thought that I could understand the charm of swordsmanship by drinking fireworks wine.

"Konghe's swordsmanship is not low..."

Ling Bai smiled slightly and drank the holy wine.

However, he staggered and accidentally bumped into an unattractive Shiba family crest.

At the same time, Haiyan, who was handling practical matters in the Thirteenth Division, suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of West Rukongai.

In a flash, he disappeared.

"What is this thing?"

Ling Bai touched the Shiba family crest and found that there was a barrier on the surface, and the strength was not low.

After decomposing the spiritual power of the barrier, the Shiba family crest disappeared like an illusion, and a hidden compartment appeared inside, containing several spiritual jade tablets.

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a pot of Lingyu brand wine, Taoist grade. After drinking it, you will get the skill 'Last Crescent Chong'. At the cost of losing the power of the God of Death, you can perform a blow that is several dimensions beyond the God of Death! If Po In humans, they can learn the 'Last Crescent Moon Opposition'!"

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a pot of Lingyu brand wine, a holy product. After drinking it, you will learn the earth secret technique passed down by the Shiba family. You can turn rocks, land, walls, etc. into gravel! If you pour it on rocks, you can Make it sandy!”

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a pot of Lingyu brand wine, a holy product. After drinking it, you will learn the fire secret technique passed down by the Shiba family. You can use the blood as a spiritual guide to release the powerful fire ghost! If it is poured on a person, If you put it on your body, it will burn!"

Ling Bai's eyes widened. He never expected to find a pot of Dao-grade wine from Zhibo's house.

The so-called spirit jade tablet is made from a kind of spirit jade that is a specialty of the Soul Society.

Death gods with strong spiritual pressure can carve information into it, and others can use special spiritual reading methods to obtain the information inside.

The secrets of the royal family and the four nobles are recorded through the spiritual jade tablets, not in books.

After all, if there is no family reading method, even if outsiders get the spiritual jade tablets, they don’t know what is inside.

Just as Ling Bai started to drink, the door of the house was slammed open!

"Water and sky reverse roll, twist the flower!"

Haiyan's Zanpakuto had already been unsheathed.

After the first words were read, the Zanpakuto turned into the shape of the sea god's trident, and one end of the turbulent flow pierced from the tip of the spear and rushed straight to Ling Bai!

"One tide·wave roll!"

With this sound, the turbulence was obviously enlarged, like a large whirlpool on the seabed, containing a terrifying strangling force.

Ling Bai was immersed in the deliciousness of the Tao product. Facing Haiyan's attack, he didn't even turn his head, but pointed a finger at the sky.

In an instant, the direction of the turbulent flow that was originally rushing towards Ling Bai changed, and it actually attacked upwards along the direction of Ling Bai's finger!


The roof of the house exploded directly, and a water tornado rushed into the sky, suddenly appearing in the eyes of Konghe and the two servants.


Konghe was shocked when he sensed the fluctuation of Haiyan's spiritual power.

She immediately used the instant step to come to the room where she stored the fireworks, but looking at the devastated surroundings, and looking at Haiyan who had even released the initial release, she was immediately stunned.

"Who are you? Ling Bai! Where is the Lingyu card? Hand it over!"

Haiyan looked at Ling Bai with great fear, and there was a trace of panic in the depths of his eyes!

In fact, when he saw that Ling Bai could control his water flow at will, his heart had sunk to the bottom of the valley.

However, he had a reason not to retreat!

When he heard about the Spirit Jade Plate, Konghe's eyes widened, as if he had heard some shocking news, and he shouted at Haiyan:

"Brother? You still keep that thing? How did the Shiba family fall? Have you forgotten?".

Chapter 21 The Secret of the Shiba Family's Fall (Please give me flowers!)

"Don't worry about this, Konghe!"

Haiyan stopped Konghe behind him, his eyes never leaving Lingbai.

The Spirit Jade Plate records the biggest secret of the Shiba family, and only he and Shiba Isshin know the contents.

Hundreds of years ago, for this jade plate, countless Shiba family members were imprisoned in the Maggot Nest on false charges!

Even the Shiba family was removed from the five great nobles and could only live in Rukongai.

If the things recorded in it were exposed again, even Isshin would be implicated.

"How can we ignore it!"

Konghe grabbed Haiyan's collar and shouted, "The royal family came to the Shiba family to question them and took away the three generations of the family head. They all said that the things were destroyed. I didn't expect you to keep them and hide them under my nose?!"

In Konghe's eyes, the things recorded in the Lingyu tablet were not power, but disaster!

"I seem to understand something..."

At this time, Ling Bai stood up staggeringly, and drank more than half of the wine. He stared at Haiyan and said, "You said... What would happen if Captain Fuzhu knew the things recorded in the Lingyu tablet..."

"Absolutely not!"

Haiyan's face changed immediately!

Raised the trident high, and launched a turbulent attack again!

"Second Tide·Vortex Collapse!"

He stabbed the trident to the ground, and the originally flat floor of the room turned into water waves, sucking everything in the room in.

The three of them seemed to be in a turbulent whirlpool, and even the walls of the house turned into water waves!

And when all the objects were sucked into the center of the whirlpool, whether it was fireworks or something else, they all collapsed into spirit particles and disappeared!

"Then I understand..." Ling Bai touched his chin, and a meaningful arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. He slapped his hand on the vortex, and the water that was originally rotating towards the center surged in the opposite direction, and countless shredded wood chips spewed out towards the walls of the room. "How is this possible!" Haiyan was once again shocked that Ling Bai could control his tidal turbulence! However, the facts were in front of him. Ling Bai didn't even move, just sat on the ground and drank, and easily resolved his attack! Suddenly, Haiyan's hand holding the trident trembled a little. "Are you afraid?" Ling Bai took another sip, and then said seriously, "But I think you haven't learned the last crescent moon sky rush that can defeat me..." Hearing Ling Bai say the words "the last crescent moon sky rush", Haiyan's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhole. There is no doubt that Ling Bai really knows the content of the Lingyu card. Haiyan has no idea how the other party successfully interpreted the information, and he doesn't care! But he knew that to read the information, at least the eighth-level spiritual pressure strength was needed!

His spiritual pressure was higher than his, and his Zanpakuto and Kidō were terrifyingly strong. Now he showed that he could control his Zanpakuto's ability at will.

Haiyan's legs softened and she knelt on the ground, not seeing any chance of winning.


Konghe supported Haiyan and originally blamed Haiyan for not destroying the spiritual jade tablet.

But in this situation, she really couldn't speak.

As the current head of the Shiba family, Haiyan had too many things on her shoulders, and they were too heavy.

"Ling Bai! Please... don't tell me what's inside!"

Haiyan said this word by word through her teeth.

Although he knew that his attitude was very humble, and even though he knew that he didn't believe it, this was the only solution he could think of now!


Ling Bai said casually.

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