Suddenly, he said abruptly:

"Am I being promoted to captain so quickly?".

Chapter 23 I need some status (please give me flowers!)

As soon as these words came out, the captains had different expressions.

The expressions of Zuihou, Komamura, Byakuya, and Tosen Kaname showed a trace of disgust.

But spring water, floating bamboo, and one heart are speechless.

Uozhihualie covered her mouth slightly, as if she was amused, and returned to her seat with a smile.

"What a funny kid."

Ichimaru Gin squinted his eyes and heard the information about Ling Bai from Aizen.

Although Aizen's purpose of sharing information with him was unclear, there was no doubt that he wanted him to pay attention to Ling Bai.

"Boy, if you want to be the captain, you have to kill one of the existing captains! Otherwise, you can pick me! How about it?"

Captain Zaraki Kenpachi of the 11th Division grinned widely, feeling the strong spiritual pressure fluctuations on Ling Bai's body, as if he had found a prey that could be slashed a few more times.

At this moment, Captain Yamamoto hit his cane hard again, and a terrifying aura suddenly emerged from his body, sweeping over everyone present.

"Quiet! This is a meeting!" Yamamoto said solemnly.

The captains stood up one after another, and even Zaraki spat softly and stood back to his original position honestly.

Ling Bai carefully savored the atmosphere, scratched his face, glanced at Ukitake, then at Nirvana, then swayed and stood next to Ukitake.

Such a scene greatly exceeded the expectations of all the captains.

"Why are you standing here?" Ukitake whispered.

Ordinary students who participate in the team leader meeting will definitely be overwhelmed by the momentum of the captains, and may even be walking on thin ice and dare not move.

Who would have thought that Ling Bai didn't feel any pressure at all and still stood shamelessly among the captains.

Do you really consider yourself the captain?

"If I stood in the middle, wouldn't you all stare at me? That would be so embarrassing..." Ling Bai whispered.


At this time, Yamamoto coughed hard.

Ukitake followed the sound and found that the captain was staring at this place with extremely sharp eyes.

Although it hasn't exploded yet, everyone present knows that Captain Yamamoto's fiery temper is almost on fire.

"You are an important person, so hurry up and get in the middle!"

Ukitake patted Ling Bai's back gently with his hand and said helplessly.

Ling Bai reluctantly stood in the middle of the queue, his eyelids drooping, and he met Yamamoto's eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

When Quebu saw this, he sighed softly in his heart, quickly brought the situation into order, and said loudly:

"This first meeting of the team is a research report on the traces of the spiritual pressure of the Quincy ancestor Yhwach in the Seireitei. First of all, I would like to ask Captain Nirvana to explain the current results to you!"

I have to say that Quebu is very discerning in timing.

Getting straight to the point, all the captains looked away from Ling Bai and looked at Nirvana, ready to hear the latest research progress.

"We have held several meetings before, and everyone knows what Yhwach is, so I will keep the story short!

Obviously, the war nearly a thousand years ago has not ended. Our enemies have been plotting. In addition to Yhwach, this trace of spiritual pressure also has another Quincy...

But these are not important. What is important is that they are hiding in the Seireitei! "

Nirvana gave an answer that made many captains' pupils shrink.

"Inside the Seireitei?"

The reactions of Isshin and Zaihou were even greater.

Covert mobile and patrol teams monitor the Seireitei overtly and covertly every day, and find nothing unusual about the Quincy at all.

"That's right! Based on the anatomy of the spiritual pressure traces and the joint research of the current Great Ghost Daoist Master, we determine that the passage leading to the Ice Palace is a barrier gate!"


Now, most of the captains understood.

"Have you found the root of the barrier?" Broken Bee asked.

If you want to cast a enchantment, you need a root. For example, the root of a murderous stone enchantment is a murderous stone. At the very least, the root is a rune.


But with runes as the root, the fluctuations in spiritual power cannot be hidden, so it is obviously not the Quincy's first choice as the foundation for the barrier. There must be something else.

"Smart question!"

Nirvana grinned sharply and suddenly said meaningfully, "We have found the root, but don't be surprised! The root is the shadow of the Seireitei!"


Hearing this, the captains immediately thought of a lot.

Can shadow serve as root guidance? It was also the first time they had heard of it.

But if shadow is really used as the basis of the barrier, then the shadows of Seireitei or the entire Soul Society are everywhere, so how can this barrier be broken?

Suddenly, all the captains looked at Ling Bai again.

No wonder this brat is asked to attend the team leader meeting. Obviously, currently, he is the only one who has the means to break through the shadow barrier.

"Judging from the current situation, the most likely possibility is that there is another space in the shadow of Seireitei. The Quincy have lived in it for a long time, and even built an ice palace, just waiting for the opportunity!" Nirvana Leigh continued.

"Space enchantment?"

Captains who are accomplished in enchantment all find it very difficult.

If it is someone else's space barrier, entering it is about as difficult as breaking through the space wall. If the Quincy inside is aware of it and takes measures to strengthen the barrier, there will be many uncertain variables.

"Have you determined how big the space is?" Komamura asked.

"It's still being measured, but special spiritual pressure fluctuations have been captured in the entire Seireitei area. The Technology Development Bureau is detecting the shadow in the Rukongai area." Nirvana replied.

"Is there a way to detect the situation in the shadow space?" Byakuya asked.

"There's nothing we can do for the time being."

"How many of the shadows can fight?" Zaraki rarely spoke.

"I don't know about this," Nie Shuli said.

Ling Bai couldn't help but smile as he listened.

In other words, after one month of research, the Technology Development Bureau has only confirmed the fact that the Shadow Realm exists, and no other countermeasures have yet been developed.

And his expression was noticed by many captains, especially Nirvana.

"Kid! What do you mean?" Nie Yuli glared.

He studied it for a whole month without closing his eyes, and it took a lot of foreign aid to come to this conclusion.

When I reported to Captain Yamamoto before, I was praised for being of great significance to the safety of Soul Society, but this kid was so disdainful.

"It's no fun, you're awesome!"

Ling Bai said extremely seriously.

Then, he yawned.

The obvious perfunctory tone made many captains laugh.

"Don't be too arrogant! You brat!" Nie Yuli threatened fiercely, "You'd better find a way to open the channel again, otherwise you'll be waiting to go to the dissecting table!"

"It should be possible to open it, needs a little state...".

Chapter 24 Captain Yamamoto can’t be pressed down (6/6, please give me flowers!)

After hearing Ling Bai say that he could open the barrier channel again, the eyes of many captains changed.

Most of the people present had never seen the Ice Palace, and only confirmed the potential threat of the Quincy from the team leader's report.

Most people have no idea what they have never seen with their own eyes.

If Ling Bai could open the barrier gate to the shadow space in front of them, it would undoubtedly increase the confidence of many people.

Even Aizen and Ichimaru Gin were looking at Ling Bai without saying a word, no one could understand their thoughts.

However, Chun Shui noticed that Ling Bai said he needed some energy, narrowed his eyes and said softly:

"Don't tell me that you were almost drunk..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Bai looked at Chun Shui with his eyes wide open, with an expression of regret for meeting him so late, and exclaimed:

"Mountains and rivers are not important, what is important is meeting a confidant! The leader of the Beijing Orchestra is worthy of being a wine connoisseur. He speaks the true meaning with one word!"

Hearing Ling Bai's nonsense, the captains' eyes widened.

Zhifeng muttered to Uzhihua Lie beside him:

"Captain Unohana, did you not finish drinking him?"

"You should be completely awake now..."

Mao Zhihuapi said with a smile but not a smile.

Obviously, she was also a little depressed by Ling Bai.

"Then why does he look like he's drunk..."

Broken Bee looked at it coldly, speechless.

When all the captains wanted to ignore Ling Bai, Captain Yamamoto finally couldn't stand it anymore, stared and said:

"I don't have time to waste time with a little baby like you! Can you do it?!"

With the tone full of power, the captains all shrank their necks, retracted their gazes, and looked straight ahead.

"Didn't I express it accurately enough?" Ling Bai said with a distressed look on his face, "You can do it with wine, but without wine... you can't do it..."

As soon as these words came out, the captains thought they had heard wrongly.

Each and every one of them had wonderful expressions on their faces.

"You are very courageous." Aizen thought.

"Interesting kid." Gin Ichimaru thought to himself.

"Do you think your life is too long?" Broken Bee said disdainfully.

"The captain must be angry..." Unohana Retsu smiled without expression.

"Damn it, Ling Bai dared to offend Old Man Shan." Chun Shui had a headache.

"What should I do?" Ukitake was confused.

The other captains had their own ideas, but Captain Yamamoto was very direct.

Under the white eyebrows, the energetic eyes suddenly stared, and in an instant, the pressure of the peak level of ninth-level spiritual power descended on the room.

Broken Bee, Dong Xian Yao and Ni Yuli were obviously a little stiffer.

The expressions of Komamura, Ichimaru Gin and Kuchiki Byakuya changed next.

However, Takube, Ukitake, Shunsui, Isshin, Unohana, Zaragi, Aizen and others stood on their own, but they all behaved honestly.

"It's no use even if you glare at me. Do I still understand space enchantment? Without some wine to increase my status, this channel...can't be opened..."

Ling Bai waved his hands, as if he didn't want to talk without drinking.

But when he heard that Ling Bai's speech rate did not even change, Captain Yamamoto's expression visibly stiffened, which was a bit unexpected, and then all the spiritual pressure receded like a tide.

The pressure in the room relaxed, but the way the other captains looked at Ling Bai changed drastically.

"How could it be...that this kid's spiritual pressure is above mine?" Broken Bee was shocked.

She is an eighth-level spiritual power senior, but she is still under tremendous pressure facing Captain Yamamoto.

Dongxian wants the eighth-level high-level spiritual power, and Nirvana is the eighth-level high-level spiritual power!

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