"However, we must not tell him personally about our secret protection of him. Otherwise, with that kid's character, he will definitely get worse!" Yamamoto said coldly.

Hearing this, the captains all nodded in agreement.

An alcoholic is already difficult to control. If he knew that he had such a high strategic position, wouldn't his tail be raised in the sky?

"Then let's take turns! This month, you will continue to be in charge of Ukitake. I will ask Chongya to send Ling Bai to each team for internship in the name of learning! It is tentatively scheduled to launch a general offensive in one year!"

Yamamoto's eyes stared with authority, showing his determination to solve the invisible empire.

And all the captains also understood that except for the first team, Ling Bai had to go around all the other teams.

Many captains feel a headache when they think of taking over this kid in the future.

At the same time, the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 12th divisions responsible for patrol, protection, intelligence, and scientific research have very heavy tasks.

"Is this brat now a national treasure?"

Chun Shui's mouth twitched.

Since the establishment of Soul Society, even the royal family may not have received such treatment!

It's really disappointing...

So envious!

The team leaders will disband and the captains will go their separate ways.

Ichimaru Gin noticed that Aizen had sneaked back into Hueco Mundo alone, perhaps because he wanted to check if there was any trace of the Quincy in Hueco Mundo's shadow.

Everyone had their own thoughts, and Nirvana looked very excited.

"After thirteen, it will be twelve. That boy is finally coming to the Technology Development Bureau!"

Even if dissection is not possible, it is still within reason to do a little research.

After all, he did all this for Soul Society!

"Hehehahaha..." Nirvana was in a good mood.

The entire Soul Society does not know that this is an ordinary day, but from today onwards it has entered the highest state of combat readiness, and even the inspection of souls entering and leaving Soul Society has become stricter.

Of course, this information was quickly informed to the vice-captains by the Quebu the next day.

During the team vice-captains meeting, the vice-captains almost never closed their mouths from beginning to end.


West Rukong Street District 3, Lifu.

The Shiba family.

Ling Bai woke up from his sleep, feeling refreshed.

After stretching, he looked stunned and touched his head.

"Eh? Why doesn't my head hurt when I wake up this time?" Ling Bai asked in surprise.

He had clearly drank two bottles of Tasting Wine, so logically he should have had a splitting headache after waking up.

"Are you awake?"

The door was pushed open, and Ukitake, Haiyan and Shiba were all there.

"Huh? Are the Thirteenth Division so idle? The captain, vice-captain, and three seats are waiting for me to wake up?" Ling Bai touched his chin.

There is weirdness.


Haiyan's heart skipped a beat.

What a keen intuition, just because the three of them appeared at the same time, it seemed like he could see through a lot of things.

"You drank Guliu, right?"

Ukitake Feng Qingyun said calmly, "Don't drink that kind of stuff indiscriminately. Captain Unohana has treated you and said you will wake up today, so I am waiting for you!"

"It turns out that I have been treated..." Ling Bai nodded suddenly, but then asked: "What do you want from me?"

"I want to take you to see a god!".

Chapter 34: Everyone is superficially loyal (please give me flowers!)

When the word "god" came out of Ukitake's mouth, the one who had the biggest reaction was not Ling Bai, but Haiyan and Du.

Although the two of them were waiting for Ling Bai to wake up with Ukitake, they didn't know Ukitake's purpose of looking for Lingbai.

But when talking about God, of course I don’t mean the gods of death like them, but the one who truly sits on the throne of the sky!

Only when he is related to the Spiritual King can he be called a true god!

"Is there wine at God's house?".

Who would have thought that once Ling Bai opened his mouth, he still couldn't do without wine.

"If you are willing to go, I can personally give you a few bottles of wine." Ukitake said with a smile.

"It seems like there's no way to escape?"

Ling Bai shrugged, but stood up quickly and said casually: "Lead the way!"

From this tone, Haiyan felt one thing.

That is, it is not Ukitake who wants to take Ling Bai to see God, but God who wants to see Ling Bai on his own initiative!


Ukitake's expression remained unchanged and he stood up to leave.

However, at this moment, Haiyan suddenly grabbed Ukitake's hand.

Ukitake's body visibly stiffened, as if he knew what Haiyan wanted to ask, he said softly:

"Haiyan, please believe me. I have never done anything to regret you or the Zhibo family, and I am not your enemy..."

Hearing this, Haiyan gritted her teeth.

There is no doubt that all his thoughts, stance, etc. are seen by Ukitake, even the Shiba family's suspicion of Ukitake!

But now, because God wanted to see Ling Bai, Ukitake didn't even avoid him and let him know about it, and his intention was obvious.


Ukitake gently put his hand on Haiyan's head and said gently: "There are some things that we don't know so that the Shiba family can survive better. The truth is far from what everyone sees..."

"the truth?!"

Haiyan raised her head absentmindedly.

However, both Ukitake and Ling Bai had disappeared from his sight.

What is the truth behind the decline of the Shiba family? Isn't it because it threatens the Spirit King?

Could it be that the culprit is not the Spirit King? Could it be that you were not sent by the Soul King’s right arm to monitor the Shiba family?

Haiyan wanted to roar out loud and force Ukitake to answer her doubts one by one.

But he knew that once the showdown was complete, the gentle and amiable captain might become a piece of history!

Zhibo was hugging her husband, but even her heart was in chaos now.


Ukitake took Ling Bai across an extremely long distance.

Leave all the way from West Rukongai District 3 and run eastward.

After half a day, when the two stopped, they were far away from the bustling city and entered a remote countryside.

"District 76 of Dongliuhun Street, Nigu?" Ling Bai said softly.

"Do you know this place?" Ukitake looked slightly sideways.

"Isn't there a sign there?"

Ling Bai pointed far away.

Not far away, there is a dilapidated partition wooden sign marking this place.

"Uh...so that's it..." Ukitake shook his head in amusement.

Every answer Ling Bai gave always went in an unexpected direction.

Immediately, Ukitake said softly:

"Then have you ever heard of an indigenous god named the 'One-Eyed God' who is rumored to be in Nigu in District 76?"

"You mean...Ling Wang's right arm?" Ling Bai looked at Ukitake and said.

"How do you know this?" Ukitake said meaningfully.

"Didn't you meet the Soul King's left arm? He said personally that you are the body of the right arm..."

"So you haven't left yet?" Ukitake asked with a half-smile.

At this time, Chun Shui's voice suddenly came, saying:

"I have said before that this boy has a strong ability to capture details. I am afraid that many captains in the team have also noticed your identity, but they just did not ask you."

"Like Aizen?"

Ukitake seemed to have known that Chunshui was here for a long time, and spoke softly without even turning his head.

"It seems that you are hiding something from me... Aizen and you are the same person, right?"

Shunsui walked up to Ukitake with a smile and put an arm around Ukitake's shoulders.

"You've been staying behind closed doors these past few days. Have you found any clues?" Ukitake asked.

"Not yet, but Urahara Kisuke came back to see you once twenty years ago. Did he say anything?"

Chun Shui said that he had not found any clues, but in fact, he still found some clues.

"Don't you have the answer?"

Ukitake looked at the sky and didn't say any useful information, but in fact he gave him all the information Shunsui wanted.

"It's all related to the Spirit King, right? What do you guys want to do?" Chun Shui curled his lips.

About fifty years ago, there were a large number of soul disappearance cases in the Seireitei. He was also actively collecting information at that time, but he was far from knowing the truth.

The final result of the case was a major change of captains of the Gotei 13 Team!

With the conclusion that "Kisuke Urahara conducted a virtualization experiment", together with the then Great Ghost Priest Tetsusai Gabashi and the captain of the second division, Shihoin Yoruichi, they were all exiled and expelled from Soul Society!

During this period, Urahara Kisuke sneaked back to Soul Society to find Ukitake once.

At that time, Shunsui didn't figure out why Urahara Kisuke didn't look for anyone after he came back, but why did he look for Ukitake?

And Ukitake didn't show any hostility towards Urahara Kisuke, because he was clearly a figure who made several captains virtual.

However, Chun Shui firmly believes that all contradictions can be explained in the face of the truth!

Beneath the surface, there must be more shocking facts!

So Shunsui has been collecting information, until this time, both Ukitake and Aizen showed clues that were inconsistent with common sense.

It's very subtle, but the finger points are all pointed at the Spirit King!

After carefully sorting out all the clues, Chun Shui realized that the virtualization experiment back then might have developed in this direction!

In the final analysis, it's all about gaining powerful power that shouldn't belong to the God of Death!

"Then come with me. Since everything has been traced to me, I should let you know some secrets..." Ukitake looked at Shunshui with a smile.

"Are you still embarrassed?!" Chunshui tightened his arms around Ukitake's neck and said angrily, "I treat you as a brother, but you hide it from me?"

"Who asked you to be in charge of the intelligence team?"

"It's not the same now! What? Are you afraid that I will tell Old Man Shan?"

"If only you were so loyal... Teacher Genryusai would definitely wake up from his dreams with a smile!"

"Ukitake...you've changed!" Shunshui said.

This teasing tone was nothing like the usual Ukitake Jushiro.

"Of course, this is also what I know. You will definitely stand in the same position as me after knowing the truth. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been followed all the way here by you!" Ukitake suddenly said seriously.

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