The speed was so fast that it penetrated General Xingxiu's two major acupuncture points, namely Lock Knot and Po Sleep, in the blink of an eye.


General Star Cross never thought that this guy from this world would dare to attack him, so he used spirit seeds to seal the wound.

But once again recalling the perfect collection of spiritual beings just now, he was almost certain that the emperor's assistant would favor it!

The reason is very simple, these two people from this world are too young, they are both geniuses!

"What else do you want to say?" Ling Bai continued to drink.

General Star Cross stared at Ling Bai and said seriously: "The Invisible Empire is different from the real world. It has strict requirements for clothing. Both of you are unqualified! Someone will send clothes and food later, please don't run around randomly!"

After saying that, General Star Cross waved to his opponent and left.

But he didn't know that because the spiritual power circuit in his body was penetrated, his own spiritual power was dissipating little by little, showing an irreversible state.

After a group of holy soldiers left, the room became empty again.

Zong Xian was in a semi-petrified state, looking at Ling Bai in confusion, then hesitated for a while and said:

"Are you sure it's appropriate to be so arrogant?"

"Weren't you all keeping a low profile before?" Ling Bai said casually.

Hearing the sound, Zongxian fell silent.

Indeed, because the holy text M threatened the lives of the living clan members, he and Katagiri kept a low profile and restrained all the way. Who would have thought that this would only make the Quincy in the invisible empire bolder to bully them.

And when Ling Bai took action, the other party's tone changed drastically.

"Is it too soft?"

Zong Xian looked in the direction of Qu Guang, not knowing what he was thinking in his mind.

At this moment, Ling Bai fell down, and his deafening snoring made Zong Xian's expression become very strange.

"What does this mean?"

He thought that the other party was here to spy on the invisible empire's intelligence, but the spy could sleep like this.

But what Zong Xian didn't expect was that Ling Bai slept until the start of the competition and didn't wake up at all in the middle.

This saves food, after all, it is only for two people.

But Katagiri doesn't wake up much every day. Almost immediately after eating, his soul will be affected by Bai Fu and fall asleep again.

"Timed ghost path?"

In the first few times, Zong Xian was a little uncomfortable with it, but he soon discovered that this guy from the Soul Society had horrifyingly high levels of ghost skills, far exceeding the power of the Shinigami that his grandfather had described to him.

As time passed, Zongxian became bored being locked in a room alone, so he began to practice and make some props.

Slowly, he also discovered that the security of Yinjia City was extremely tight, and the possibility of letting Katagiri return to the world alone was almost zero. Instead, he might be suspected and fall into an unwarranted prison trial.

After all, the Invisible Empire had a huge prejudice against half-blood Quincy, and he could feel it these days.

"Ah...I've had enough sleep!"

Just when Zong Xian was getting used to the life of being imprisoned in a room alone, Ling Bai yawned and woke up.

After the system sobered up, the two looked at each other, and Ling Bai asked, "Who are you?"


Zong Xian almost spit out a mouthful of salt soda.

"You...didn't drink enough?"

Zong Xian also drank and got drunk, but he couldn't believe that a spy who went deep into the enemy's hinterland could actually drink to pieces!

Is it because the boss doesn’t stick to trivial matters? Or should I say that this kid neglected his duty!

"Oh! I remembered! Ishida Sogen!"

Fragments of memories appeared in Ling Bai's mind, and he came over in an instant to shake hands with Zong Xian in a friendly manner.

Seeing this, Zong Xian felt even worse.

Ling Bai smiled brightly, completely different from the decisive guy before.

"Eh? Are you studying something?" Ling Bai picked up a silver instrument next to Zong Xian and asked, "What is this?"

"Silver barrel! You know how to gather spirit children, don't you even know the commonly used props of the Quincy?" Zong Xian asked in return.

In fact, Ling Bai's gathering of spiritual beings has always been a hurdle in his heart.

"Oh oh oh, silver tube, I know..."

Ling Bai said and swallowed.

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a pot of silver tube wine, a holy product. After drinking it, the souls will be filled to MAX! The silver tube will make MAX! The Quincy formation will be MAX! If it is poured on a person, they will be burned by the soul flames. "

When the silver tube was turned into wine, the tragic fate of the Sun Key and the Soul-Scattered Glove suddenly appeared in front of Zong Xian.

He quickly put away all the other silver tubes, guarding Ling Bai as if he were guarding against thieves.

"Damn it! I was deceived!"

Zong Xian secretly thought that he was confused by the sunshine shown by Ling Bai just now, and he was careless!

This guy is the only one who can do such a thing!

At this moment, the house that had been sealed for a whole week was opened, and a new-faced Star Cross general arrived with the holy soldiers.

"Two living compatriots! Thank you for cooperating with the martial law during this period! Now the competition is about to start, please follow me to the Ice Shelf Square!"

Chapter 78 Another holy text e? (6/6, please give me flowers!)

This new-faced Star Cross General made Ishida Sogen look at Ling Bai with admiration again.

"You're so polite!" Zong Xian thought to himself.

In the past, Zong Xian would never have imagined that the Quincy of the Invisible Empire would refer to them in this world as "fellow citizens".

"Lead the way!"

Ling Bai drank the holy wine and said disapprovingly.

Upon hearing this, General Star Cross and all the holy soldiers did not feel anything was wrong.


General Xing Cross led the way, and a group of holy soldiers guarded Ling Bai and Zong Xian.

When the previous general lost all his spiritual power within a week, everyone knew that the Ishida family and the Katagiri family were extremely ruthless! .

Then the rumor came that Holy Monogram M had killed the Kurosaki family, who had a good relationship with the two families, and everything became excusable.

For this reason, the general who replaced him did not want to repeat the same mistakes and tried to avoid conflicts with the two men.

The Ice Shelf Square is located in front of Yhwach's palace. It was originally a place of pilgrimage and worship for Quincies. Now the place has been cleared to select outstanding Quincies.

Except for their two living Quincy, the rest are native to the Invisible Empire.

At the entrance of the palace, the emperor's assistant Saint B was sitting on a throne-type seat. Next to him was a newly promoted Star Cross Knight.

"I heard that this man was directly promoted to Star Cross Knight without any test. I'm really jealous!"

"Oh? Do you know any information about him? This knight looks very young. I wonder what his abilities are?"

"Hmph! He used to be blind, but he was given the holy text E, Eyesight, and fine vision by His Majesty. It is said that now he can see everything, even the spiritual circuits in your body!"

Ling Bai could clearly hear the whispers of the two Quincy next to them.

Ling Bai was quite speechless when he heard the sacred word E again.

From Exchange to Element, and now Eyesight, this is probably the fastest holy text in the Knights of the Star Cross that has changed places.

But then I thought about it, A represents the emperor, B represents the emperor's assistant, and E's position is still very high. I guess many people want to compete for it, hoping to become a member of the personal guard.

"Now that everyone is here! Let's start!" the emperor's assistant ordered.

Hearing the sound, the Quincy in charge began to introduce the competition to everyone.

“The ‘Supreme Quincy’ competition is a tradition of the Invisible Empire, and the winner will receive the ‘Cross of Quincy’ that symbolizes his or her technical prowess!

At the same time, under the witness of the emperor's assistant, those who perform well in this competition have the hope of being selected into the Knights of the Star and Cross and receiving the Holy Letters from His Majesty!

So, young people, show your talents without reservation! This is a great opportunity to get closer to His Majesty! "

Along with the host's words, the atmosphere in the venue was obviously warm.

And when the host showed the "Cross of Annihilation" in front of each contestant, you can see that the eyes of these young people are very fiery!


The emperor's assistant whispered.

"Ishida Sogenu showed his desire for the prize! As for Kaede Kaede... he was the one who wanted to get the Cross of Annihilation the most among everyone present. I saw in his eyes that he was bound to win!" Holy Text E said.

"The group of people in this world have a lot of criticisms about the imperial system, but they are very honest physically. The skills of Ishida's lineage are very good. Now Katagiri has been found to still be pure blood. Obviously, they will come back sooner or later!" Assistant Emperor road.

"Your Majesty's side is the destination for every Quincy. Since there is a generation that wants to leave, there will naturally be a generation that wants to come back!" Holy Text E murmured.

"That's right! When the two of them become members of the Knights, they will be one step closer to becoming a full knight!"

"Are you so optimistic about them? What if their abilities are not consistent with their status as guardians?" Holy Text E said respectfully.

"The living conditions in this world are different from those in the Invisible Empire. They are more relaxed and free. Only the Quincy who grew up in this environment will be able to more easily awaken the holy words of love and protection. This is the power your Majesty needs now!"

"No wonder..." Holy Text E finally understood.

Many people didn't understand before that the emperor assisted and sent members of the personal guard to come to the world in person. Now that I think about it, there is indeed a profound meaning in it.

At this moment, a knight of the Star Cross appeared from the shadow of the emperor's assistant, it was the Holy Word S, the presiding judge!

"What happened?"

The emperor's assistant had made a rule that in case of emergency, one could appear from his shadow.

"The God of Death successfully invaded the Invisible Empire from the 80th District of Rukongai!"

"What did you say?" The emperor's assistant's calm eyes had some waves.

"It was all my fault! There was a gap there before. I should have been more cautious! I am willing to accept the punishment!" Saint S regretted.

"Now is not the time to investigate the responsibility. Since the God of Death has infiltrated, it shows the possibility of cooperating inside and outside. The real punishment is to punish the three people who dared to open the Holy Body wantonly in the empire!"

The emperor's assistant said coldly.

The Shadow Realm was developed by the dying Yhwach himself. Although successive emperors and assistants maintained it, the invisible empire was too large, and it was inevitable that there would be places where the concentration of spirit cells was insufficient, especially in the most remote areas.

"Indeed, there is nothing abnormal in Yinjia City at all. The God of Death did not go into danger alone, but chose to open the passage!"

"There's no point thinking about this now! How many troops has the opponent assembled?" the emperor's assistant asked.

"This is the strangest thing. The Shinigami only dispatched one division of troops and only lingered near the entrance, but they checked the spiritual pressure of five captains!"

"It's normal for the gods of death to want to stabilize the passage!" the emperor's assistant said disapprovingly.

"No, only the ordinary team members are holding the passage, and the five captains all came in and rushed towards Yinjia City quickly!"

"Hmm? Did you see that ordinary players are useless? But sending only five people is too much of an underestimation of the empire's strength! Where are they?"

"Here, I lost them..." Saint Word S gritted his teeth.

The Emperor's assistant was startled at first, then calmed down and said, "Even you were lost? It seems that we need to be more serious! E, you will handle the things here, I will go to the front to see!"

"Yes!" Saint Word E said respectfully.

Then the Emperor's assistant and Saint Word S disappeared together.


At this moment, in the competition field, who had no idea of ​​the situation, the host showed the prize to Ling Bai and continued to stir up the competitive atmosphere.

But Ling Bai grabbed it directly.

"Ding - transformation completed, get a pot of Quincy Cross Wine, Dao Pin, after drinking it, Quincy skills reach the level of 'Supreme Quincy'! Spiritual particle clustering MAX! Holy annihilation arrow MAX! Fei Lian kick MAX! Blood moving equipment MAX! Static blood equipment MAX! Spirit formation MAX! Spiritual particle space construction MAX! If poured on the Quincy, it can make it the highest Quincy!"

Instantly, the scene was quiet.

Chapter 79 Zero points (ask for flowers!)

"What are you doing?"

The expressions of all the contestants changed, including Ishida Sogen.

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