At the same time, he glanced at the other contestants.

Although he seemed gentle and low-key, young people all have tempers. Just now, the purebloods of the Invisible Empire were so rampant. He crushed them all and really fought for the present world and the Ishida family!

"Next! Katagiri Hakame!"

The host asked Ling Bai to go on stage.

"Is it my turn?"

Ling Bai drooped his eyelids and was still a little dazed after drinking a glass of wine.

He walked to the stage, glanced at the dense light targets in the sky, and asked the host: "Just shoot them down, right?"

Hearing this, many people had black lines on their faces.

Could it be that this guy didn't watch the game from the beginning?

"That's right! But you need to use the Holy Extermination Arrow!" The host said with a fake smile.

"Okay, then I'll start!"

Ling Bai stretched out his hand and waved.

Such a scene made Zong Xian, who was looking forward to Ling Bai's performance, a little stunned.

The other pureblooded Quincy also looked strange.

"What is this for?"

"Is it a unique action of condensing the spirit bow in the present world?"

"How is it possible? The time is only ten seconds. This complicated and fancy pose is for fun!"

Because of Zong Xian's excellent performance, the contestants treated Ling Bai, who "also came from the present world", with caution, which was obviously not their style!

But the next moment, all the people who were discussing choked up, as if a fishbone was stuck in their throats.

Even the holy word E stood up from his seat with a bang.

The spirit particles in the air within a radius of 100 miles gathered like Ling Bai's right shoulder, forming a light wing, and then as the light wing spread further, even part of the ice shelf square collapsed into the most basic spirit particles and merged into the light wing!

"Wait a minute! The opening of the complete holy body is not allowed in the Invisible Empire!" The host shouted in shock.

After hearing about the holy body, all the other Quincy, whether contestants or the holy soldiers responsible for maintaining order, stared with their eyes wide open.

"What? This guy can open the Complete Holy Body?"

"Why? On what basis? It's unscientific!"

"But what are those light wings? They are obviously not ordinary holy slaves!"

There are still a few contestants who can use holy slaves and can absolutely enslave spirit particles within a certain range.

But Ling Bai can enslave a large range of spirit particles and collapse the Ice Palace, which has a very stable spirit particle structure.

What's more, there are light wings formed, which is clearly a transformation, completely different from the ordinary Quincy form!

"No, it's not the Complete Holy Body..."

The Holy Word E spoke, "Only those who are given the Holy Word by His Majesty can open the Complete Holy Body, and the Shadow Realm is not destroyed. This is a form between the Holy Slave and the Complete Holy Body!"

Hearing this, Zong Xian gritted his teeth.

Others don't know, but he knows. This is exactly what Senior Ishida developed to imitate the Complete Holy Body because he didn't want to use the Complete Holy Body-

The final form of the Quincy!

Generally speaking, it needs the help of the Spirit Dispersion Gloves to achieve it, and it will lose the ability of the Quincy afterwards. It is a double-edged sword.

But none of this matters. The question is why this guy from Soul Society would use this move in the game.

"Are you ready to fight to the death?" Zong Xian guessed in his heart.

Chapter 81: The Great Saint Sword Shoots Through the Shadow Realm (Please give me flowers!)

Time passes by second by second.

At the fifth second, the final form of the Quincy appears in the center of the competition field.

This figure is reflected in the eyes of the Quincy, making everyone feel that they are not of the same level at all. The whole place is terribly quiet, and no one understands what Ling Bai wants to do.

At the sixth second, Ling Bai's hand moves and points to the sky!

"Holy Sword Bow!"

Spanning the entire Ice Palace, a huge spiritual bow descends into view.

And when the three words "Holy Sword Bow" are clearly heard by Saint Text E and others, another wave of waves is immediately set off.

"The highest level of spirit bow! Legend has it that only His Majesty can perform the spirit particle clustering!"

"Impossible! This guy who came to this world is so strong!"

"This can't be true, it must be an illusion! It's an illusion!"

Both the contestants and the holy soldiers looked up at the sky. The sacredness that spanned above all living beings made them forget to breathe. '

Seventh second!

A large sacred arrow of destruction condensed from the giant spirit bow. Its size was exaggerated and it was still growing!

Eighth second!

The size of the sacred arrow of destruction grew to the size of a palace!

Ninth second!

Ling Bai's right shoulder, "the final form of the annihilator" was released, because all the spirit particles gathered on the super-giant sacred arrow of destruction that was so huge that it was difficult to describe in words!

The annihilators were dumbfounded.

The host tried to describe it in words, but his lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

The ability of the holy text E was fully activated, Eyesight, and the fine vision could see clearly the ownership of every spirit particle in the air!

"What a terrifying holy sword!"

That's right, the Holy Sword Bow is famous for this because the Holy Arrow of Destruction condensed by this spiritual bow will appear in the form of a "holy sword"!

Its power is even greater than that of the Great Holy Bow. A thousand years ago, Yhwach used it to shoot and kill the captain of the first Gotei 13. It can be said to be the ultimate Holy Arrow of Destruction!

And at the edge of the Invisible Empire, the Holy Word S who was investigating the five infiltrating the interior with the Emperor's assistant also looked at the room in Silver Frame City with horror.

"What's wrong?" asked the Emperor's assistant.

"Someone used a very powerful spirit cluster. Could it be that His Majesty is awake?"

"Impossible! The time for prophecy has not come yet! Maybe you overused your abilities and spread your spiritual sense too much!" the emperor's assistant guessed.

But because of this, his mood was even more unable to calm down.

Even the spiritual power fluctuations in Yinjia City were sensed, but the traces of the five captains were still not detected, which was really disturbing.

Looking back at the center of the playing field.

At the moment when the tenth second was about to come, a sword intention appeared from the great holy sword, and then the super-giant sacred destroying arrow shot past like an entity!


There was an obviously super strong ejection trajectory, and there was a spiritual explosion behind the holy sword. Then a long and narrow crack was opened in the shadow realm above the sky, and the sky of Soul Society appeared in the invisible empire.

As for the spiritual target in the sky?

All gone!

Then the Great Holy Sword was projected into the distance. Although it did not continue to pierce the realm of shadow, it was shot towards an unknown point in the invisible empire.

"Stop joking! How could such an accident happen in a mere district selection!"

The sound of the Shadow Realm being torn apart alerted the Star Cross Knights stationed around the Ice Palace.

After a loud and revealing shout, a Quincy appeared from inside the palace!

He looked at the cracks in the sky, and countless spiritual threads burst out from his fingers, closing the Shadow Realm again.

"Holy text R, Repair, retroactive repair!"

Looking at the Quincy in the sky, Saint E's obviously panicked eyes gradually calmed down.

Nowadays, most of the Knights of the Star Cross are people who qualify as guardians. It is said that even if the Shadow Realm collapses, they have the ability to recover.

"Broken Dao No. 96: Cremation with One Sword!"

But at this moment, an old voice sounded from the void.

Then a huge flaming blade hung from the sky, directly cutting off the ability of Holy Monogram R with ultra-high temperature, and burning the head and shoulders of Holy Monument R!

In an instant, the realm of shadow that had been repaired expanded once again!

"Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni!"

Through the flames and the chaotic spirit storm, Holy Text E saw the strongest Death in a thousand years floating on the other side of the crack.

At the same time, several more members of the Knights appeared in the palace, including members of the Guards, Holy Text C!

As the name of Captain Death echoed in the world of the invisible empire, everyone felt indescribable oppression!

"Really! There are gaps everywhere! Gaps! Gaps!"

But suddenly, the angrier roar of Saint R, who was supposed to be dead, sounded.

Several Star Cross generals on the ground quickly opened the silver tubes and dripped the highly concentrated liquid spirit particles.

The holy body of the holy text R is opened, and the sacred posture is covered with dense stitches, which looks extremely penetrating!

The head has been restored, but it looks like a zombie that has been modified by the human body. Even the position of the eyes is asymmetrical!

Then he grabbed the sky, and the space crack itself gave birth to spirit sutures, closing the realm of shadow.

"Roar, damn it!"

It was the voice of Komamura Zuozhen.

Although I don’t know what happened within the Invisible Empire, the fluctuations of spiritual power released will not be fake!

The embodiment of his spiritual body ignored the space barrier and appeared directly in the invisible empire. The moment the super-large arm and giant Zanpakuto appeared, the sword pressure and spiritual pressure crushed large buildings on the ground!


It set off waves of hurricanes and slashed at the holy text R with a strike that was like collapsing mountains and filling seas!

Seimonji R activated his static blood suit, but the power coming from the giant Zanpakutō was exaggerated, and he was swatted away like a fly!

But that’s also because his focus is on repairs!

He only used the Static Blood Equipment to defend, but gave up everything else, just to successfully close the Shadow Realm.

In the complete state of the Holy Body, the effect of Repair and retroactive repair is maximized. There is no chance for the gods of death to invade the invisible empire, and the crack has been closed!

"It seems that the walls of this cell are getting weaker and weaker! You little babies! Be careful!"

Yamamoto did not attack alone. The spiritual pressure of the ninth level spiritual power at its peak pressed into the invisible empire through the last crack.

Appalling pressure came, and a large number of Quincy within the Invisible Empire fell, while the rest standing were wet with cold sweat.

The Shadow Realm was closed again, but Yamamoto's posture still appeared in everyone's eyes.

The brief contact turned out to be a life-and-death confrontation, and even the holy text E was almost dumbfounded!

At this time, a hand appeared in front of Holy Text E and shook it.

"Hello? Referee, score!".

Chapter 82: The poisonous chicken soup (please give me flowers!)

"Here, give me points?"

Shengwen E came back to his senses, only to find that Ling Bai had appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

Holding the wine in one hand, she seems to be waiting for his judgment! .

"What points do you get for this!"

Narrator: A Star Cross general wiped the sweat from his forehead and shouted.

The reason why he experienced the turmoil just now was not because Ling Bai's great holy bow fired a terrifying sword and cut through the realm of shadow.


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